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Mike Schepers

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Artiest^ Album^ Ts^ Jaar/Nr^ Verm^

# 2 meter sessies : volume 10 Muz 2001 / 40
21st century doo wop Alo 2002 / 24
40 jaar Pinkpop Muz 2009 / 21
40 jaar Pinkpop : live NL Muz 2009 / 21
40 jaar Top 40 : 40 legendarische hits u... Muz 2006 / 10
50 jaar Nederpop Muz 2008 / 40
50 jaar Nederpop : rare & obscure Muz 2008 / 40
6T's rhythm 'n' soul society : in the be... Alo 2005 / 4
A celebration of New Orleans music Rev 2006 / 2
A change is gonna come : 40 songs of fre... Muz 2009 / 5
#trib A tribute to Fats Domino Muz 2007 / 40
# Ace 30th birthday celebration : Rock 'n'... Rev 2006 / 1
Aida (Nederlandse versie) Muz 2001 / 50
All you need is love Muz 2009 / 3
America : a tribute to heroes Alo 2002 / 23
America : a tribute to heroes Muz 2001 / 50
Atlantic gold : 100 soul classics Muz 2009 / 21
Atlantic unearthed : soul brothers Rev 2006 / 5
Atlantic unearthed : soul sisters Rev 2006 / 5
Back to mine : Liam Prodigy Muz 2006 / 8
Basement tracks : soul ballads from the ... Alo 2002 / 27
Beat, bluf & branie : Nederbeat '63-'69 Muz 2001 / 48
#trib Beautiful dreamer : the songs of Stephen... Muz 2004 / 52
# Beginner's guide to Gospel Alo 2005 / 4
Blame it on the Dogg : the Swamp Dogg an... Rev 2008 / 4
Blues & soul sessions Alo 2002 / 26
#trib Brand Neu! Muz 2009 / 29
Butchering the Beatles : a headbashing t... Muz 2006 / 51
# Can't be satisfied : the XL and sounds o... Rev 2007 / 6
Celtic : the essential album Alo 2003 / 33
Clap your hands and stamp your feet : 24... Muz 2009 / 17
Classic Motown performances 1963-1987 (d... Muz 2007 / 45
#s Cold mountain (soundtrack) Muz 2004 / 9
# Come on daddy Alo 2003 / 36
#trib Conception : an interpretation of Stevie... Alo 2003 / 36
Crayon angels : a tribute to the music o... Muz 2010 / 6
# Creative outlaws : US underground 1962-1... Muz 2006 / 7
Datcha studios Muz 2003 / 2
De 3 biggetjes : de musical Muz 2003 / 15
De Nederlandstalige cover-top 100 van Vi... Muz 2001 / 51
De wereld draait (dvd) Muz 2009 / 22
De wereld draait door #2 (dvd) Muz 2010 / 21
#trib Different strokes by different folks (tr... Muz 2006 / 10
Different strokes by different folks (tr... Rev 2006 / 3
# Divas Las Vegas Alo 2003 / 32
Doe maar! : de popmusical (dvd) Muz 2008 / 9
Dutch rare folk : 43 lost classics from ... Rev 2008 / 1
Dutch rare folk : 43 lost classics from ... Muz 2007 / 47
Eccentric soul : the outskirts of deep c... Rev 2008 / 3
Eccentric soul : twinight's lunar rotati... Rev 2008 / 3
Ed Sullivan's rock 'n' roll classics : F... Muz 2006 / 9
Ed Sullivan's rock 'n' roll classics : G... Muz 2006 / 9
Ed Sullivan's rock 'n' roll classics : L... Muz 2006 / 9
Ed Sullivan's rock 'n' roll classics : W... Muz 2006 / 9
#trib Enjoy every sandwich : the songs of Warr... Muz 2004 / 45
# Ferry Maat's soulshow Alo 2005 / 2
Filles fragiles : pop gems from French d... Muz 2007 / 48
Folk & proud Muz 2008 / 29
#trib Get happy : the Harold Arlen centennial ... Muz 2005 / 6
# Good for what ails you : music of the Me... Muz 2006 / 10
#trib Hearing is believing : the Jack Nitzsche... Muz 2005 / 16
# Het grote concert des levens 2 (dvd) Muz 2006 / 4
#s Hitch (soundtrack) Alo 2005 / 5
# Hollywood maverick : the Gary & Paxton s... Rev 2006 / 5
Home schooled : the ABCs of kid soul Rev 2008 / 3
#trib Hommage aan Bram Vermeulen Muz 2006 / 8
How many roads : black America sings Bob... Muz 2010 / 41
#s I am Sam (soundtrack) Muz 2002 / 5
# It's the same old song : more songs of t... Alo 2003 / 40
Jazz in the city : a beautiful day in th... Muz 2007 / 50
Joseph and the amazing technicolor dream... Muz 2009 / 9
#trib Just because I'm a woman : songs of Doll... Muz 2003 / 45
# Larry Banks' soul family album Rev 2007 / 6
#s Leonard Cohen : I'm your man (soundtrack... Muz 2006 / 32
# Live at Knebworth 1990 (dvd) Muz 2010 / 39
#trib Livin' lovin' losin' : the songs of the ... Muz 2004 / 7
#s Lord of the rings : the fellowship of th... Muz 2001 / 51
#trib Mavis Muz 2010 / 8
#s Mega Mindy (soundtrack) Muz 2008 / 8
# Mooi Volendam : de geschiedenis van de P... Muz 2009 / 22
More rocking on Broadway Alo 2002 / 30
Motown : the dvd - definitive performanc... Muz 2009 / 52
New Orleans funk : the original sound of... Rev 2008 / 5
Nicky Siano's the gallery : the original... Alo 2004 / 1
Nieuw Nederlands Peil : Engelstalig Alo 2002 / 26
Nieuw Nederlands Peil : volume 7 Alo 2002 / 31
Ongehoord : 't oproer kraait Muz 2007 / 3
Our New Orleans 2005 : a benefit album Rev 2006 / 2
Paper of pins Muz 2010 / 4
#trib Pet projects : the Brian Wilson producti... Muz 2003 / 10
# Playing for change : peace through music... Muz 2009 / 52
Pop TV 1960-1975 (dvd) Muz 2009 / 49
Produced by George Martin Muz 2006 / 46
R&B on Lakewood boulevard Rev 2007 / 6
Reggae love songs : 50 Jamaican lovers c... Alo 2003 / 35
Respect yourself : the Stax records stor... Rev 2007 / 5
Respect yourself : the Stax story/Stax V... Muz 2007 / 39
Riff ridin Alo 2003 / 36
Rocksteady : the roots of regage Muz 2009 / 48
Sesame street playground Muz 2008 / 44
Seventies top 100 : volume 2 Muz 2008 / 17
Sleeping beauties : songs we shouldn't f... Muz 2009 / 10
Songbirds : the essential album : volume... Alo 2003 / 36
Songs 2 Alo 2002 / 28
#trib Songs to remember : tribute to the Cats ... Muz 2007 / 36
# Soul lounge : volume 4 40 soulful groove... Rev 2007 / 5
Soulsville Alo 2003 / 38
Soultown : a walk through the Capitol of... Alo 2004 / 43
#trib Stars salute Joni Mitchell (dvd) Muz 2010 / 39
# Studio 100 : tv hits 2 (dvd) Muz 2010 / 37
Studio One women Rev 2006 / 2
#trib Substitute : the songs of the Who Muz 2001 / 29
# t Vrije schaep : de originele soundtrack Muz 2009 / 10
Take me to the river : a Southern soul s... Muz 2008 / 51
The concert for New York city Muz 2001 / 50
The godfather's r&b : James Brown's prod... Rev 2008 / 8
The grandfather of paradox : an impruden... Muz 2009 / 13
#trib The Harry Smith project : live (dvd) Muz 2006 / 51
# The imagined village Muz 2007 / 48
#trib The pilgrim : a celebration of Kris Kris... Muz 2006 / 34
#s The rocky horror picture show (soundtrac... Alo 2002 / 26
# The Rolling stones beginnings : from blu... Muz 2010 / 8
The Rough guide to Americana Muz 2001 / 36
The UK Sue story! : vol. 4 Rev 2006 / 5
The Woodstock years Muz 2009 / 34
Theme time radio hour with your host Bob... Muz 2008 / 11
#trib Timeless : tribute to Hank Williams Muz 2001 / 42
# Top pop : legendarische televisie, onver... Muz 2007 / 50
Top pop : legendarische televisie, onver... Muz 2007 / 50
Toppop : legendarische/onvergetelijke mu... Muz 2008 / 41
Toppop : legendarische/onvergetelijke mu... Muz 2008 / 41
Total funk! (the ultimate collection) Alo 2002 / 27
#trib Total Lee! : the songs of Lee Hazlewood Alo 2002 / 26
# Troubadours : the essential album Alo 2002 / 26
Van Brooklyn naar Breukelen : 20 jaar hi... Muz 2002 / 33
#s Vanilla sky (soundtrack) Muz 2002 / 9
# Veronica top 40 : 1965-1974 Rev 2008 / 5
Vic van de Reijt presenteert van Du tot ... Muz 2006 / 19
Vic van der Reijt presenteert Ik voel mi... Muz 2009 / 47
#s Walk the line (soundtrack) Muz 2006 / 6
# Walking in Memphis Muz 2002 / 7
You heard them here first : rock's icons... Muz 2009 / 26
A-Teens New arrival Muz 2003 / 12
A.R.E. Weapons A.R.E. Weapons Muz 2003 / 16
A1 Make it good Muz 2003 / 3
Aaliyah Aaliyah Muz 2001 / 31
I care 4 U Muz 2003 / 9
Abba Abba in Japan (dvd) Muz 2009 / 44
The definitive collection Alo 2003 / 34
Abel Doen & laten Muz 2002 / 45
John Abercrombie Alone together Muz 2005 / 25
Aberfeldy Do whatever turns you on Muz 2006 / 26
Young forever Alo 2005 / 4
About Bongo Muz 2006 / 12
Absent minded The color between black and white Muz 2006 / 31
Acda en de Munnik Jouw leven lang bij mij Muz 2009 / 42
Ace of base Da capo Muz 2002 / 47
Bryan Adams Spirit (soundtrack) Muz 2002 / 21
Ryan Adams 29 Muz 2005 / 51
Cold roses Muz 2005 / 18
Easy tiger Muz 2007 / 26
Love is hell Muz 2004 / 52
Rock n roll Muz 2003 / 46
Adele 19 Muz 2008 / 8
Adem Homesongs Muz 2004 / 17
Adam Takes Muz 2008 / 22
Admiral Freebee Songs Muz 2005 / 14
Wild dreams of new beginnings Muz 2006 / 44
Aerosmith Honkin' on bobo Muz 2004 / 16
Afu-ra Life force radio Muz 2002 / 39
Gigi d'Agostini L'amour toujours Muz 2001 / 51
Christina Aguilera Stripped Alo 2003 / 32
Stripped Muz 2002 / 45
Priscilla Ahn A good day Muz 2009 / 12
Air 10.000 Hz. legend Muz 2001 / 24
Everybody Hertz Muz 2002 / 9
Moon safari Rev 2008 / 4
Pocket symphony Muz 2007 / 10
Talkie walkie Muz 2004 / 6
Airborne toxic event The Airborne toxic event Muz 2009 / 34
Jan Akkerman A touch of class (dvd) Muz 2006 / 2
C.U. Muz 2003 / 48
Live in concert : the Hague 2007 Muz 2008 / 26
Akron/Family Akron/Family & Angels of light Muz 2005 / 47
Set 'em wild, set 'em free Muz 2009 / 23
Alamo race track Black cat John Brown Muz 2006 / 43
Willeke Alberti Alle mensen willen liefde Muz 2009 / 48
t komt allemaal goed Muz 2001 / 48
Koos Alberts Een rondje Hollands Muz 2001 / 36
Rondje Hollands : deel 2 Muz 2002 / 32
Vechten voor geluk (dvd) Muz 2008 / 39
Alcazar Casino Muz 2002 / 10
Alderliefste Je maintiendrai Muz 2004 / 51
Alfie A word in your ear Alo 2002 / 26
Gary Allen See if I care Muz 2004 / 2
Jon Allen Dead mans suit Muz 2009 / 44
Allman brothers band Hittin' the note Muz 2003 / 20
Alphabeat This is Alphabeat Muz 2008 / 23
Alquin Sailors and sinners Muz 2009 / 39
Amazing stroopwafels Strooptocht Muz 2007 / 5
American hi-fi American hi-fi Muz 2001 / 38
Tori Amos Abnormally attracted to sin Muz 2009 / 21
American doll posse Muz 2007 / 18
Live in Montreux 1991/1992 (dvd) Muz 2008 / 39
Scarlet's walk Muz 2002 / 45
Strange little girls Muz 2001 / 39
The beekeeper Muz 2005 / 8
Amsterdam The journey Muz 2005 / 49
Anastacia Freak of nature Alo 2002 / 22
Freak of nature Muz 2001 / 48
And you will know us by the trail of dea... Source tags & codes Muz 2002 / 12
Anderson It runs in the family Muz 2008 / 43
Brett Anderson Wilderness Muz 2008 / 41
Laurie Anderson Homeland Muz 2010 / 27
Life on a string Muz 2001 / 39
Sunshine Anderson Your woman Muz 2001 / 31
Andrew W.K. I get wet Muz 2002 / 7
Animal collective Merriweather post pavilion Muz 2009 / 4
Strawberry jam Muz 2007 / 39
Animal liberation orchestra Fly between falls Muz 2006 / 10
Anouk Graduated fool Muz 2002 / 48
Hotel New York Muz 2004 / 50
Live at Gelredome (dvd) Muz 2008 / 28
Update Muz 2004 / 3
Marc Anthony Mended Alo 2002 / 28
Valio la pena Muz 2004 / 32
Anti-pop consortium Arrhythmia Muz 2002 / 17
Antony & the Johnsons The crying light Muz 2009 / 5
Anvil The story of Anvil (dvd) Muz 2009 / 30
Fiona Apple Extraordinary machine Muz 2005 / 42
Apples in stereo Velocity of sound Alo 2002 / 31
Velocity of sound Muz 2002 / 43
Appleton Everything's eventual Alo 2003 / 36
Aqualung Aqualung Muz 2003 / 14
Arcade fire Funeral Muz 2004 / 51
Miroir noir (dvd) Muz 2009 / 15
Neon bible Muz 2007 / 10
Architecture in Helsinki In case we die Muz 2006 / 4
Places like this Muz 2007 / 33
Arctic monkeys At the Apollo (dvd) Muz 2008 / 46
Arid All things come in waves Muz 2008 / 7
Nic Armstrong The greatest white liar Alo 2005 / 2
Artefact Addicted to your goodies Muz 2004 / 44
Addicted to your goodies Alo 2004 / 50
Joseph Arthur Our shadows will remain Muz 2005 / 9
Temporary people Muz 2008 / 42
Arts the beatdoctor Transitions Muz 2007 / 30
Ash Meltdown Muz 2004 / 22
Ashanti Ashanti Muz 2002 / 17
Ashanti Alo 2002 / 26
Chapter II Muz 2003 / 28
Concrete rose Alo 2005 / 2
Richard Ashcroft Keys to the world Rev 2006 / 3
Keys to the world Muz 2006 / 5
At the close of every day Troostprijs Rev 2008 / 3
Nicole Atkins Neptune city Muz 2008 / 17
Attic lights Friday night lights Muz 2008 / 49
August 75 August 75 Muz 2006 / 5
Autechre Move of ten Muz 2010 / 28
Automato Automato Muz 2004 / 17
Avani The real thing Muz 2005 / 6
Avett brothers I and love and you Muz 2009 / 43
Avi Buffalo Avi Buffalo Muz 2010 / 21
Awkward I I really should whisper Muz 2009 / 39
Ayreon The human equation Muz 2004 / 23
Azure Ray Drawing down the moon Muz 2010 / 40
BJ Baartmans F-hole acoustics Muz 2001 / 46
Burt Bacharach At this time Muz 2005 / 45
Backstreet boys Never gone Muz 2005 / 24
This is us Muz 2009 / 42
Badly Drawn boy About a boy (soundtrack) Muz 2002 / 16
Born in the UK Muz 2006 / 43
Is there nothing we could do? Muz 2010 / 5
It's what I'm thinking Muz 2010 / 41
Erykah Badu World wide underground Muz 2003 / 40
Joan Baez How sweet the sound (dvd) Muz 2009 / 52
Corinne Bailey Rae The sea Muz 2010 / 5
Cor Bakker Warm feelings Muz 2006 / 7
A Balladeer Where are you, Bambi woods? Muz 2008 / 36
Bangles Doll revolution Muz 2003 / 14
Devendra Banhart Cripple crow Muz 2005 / 39
Smokey rolls down thunder canyon Muz 2007 / 39
Sara Bareilles Little voice Muz 2008 / 8
Lou Barlow Goodnight unknown Muz 2009 / 42
Basement jaxx Rooty Muz 2001 / 28
Dame Shirley Bassey The performance Muz 2009 / 46
Bat for lashes Two suns Muz 2009 / 38
Joe Bataan Call my name Muz 2005 / 15
Call my name Alo 2005 / 4
Mike Batt A songwriter's tale Muz 2008 / 17
Bauer Baueresque Muz 2004 / 10
Bauer & the Metropole orchestra The Bauer melody of 2006 Muz 2006 / 46
Frans Bauer Daar heb je vrienden voor Muz 2004 / 42
Dicht bij jou Muz 2002 / 44
Frans Bauer & Marianne Weber In Venetië (dvd) Muz 2008 / 49
Frans Bauer Live in Ahoy' 2006 (dvd) Muz 2007 / 47
N ons geluk Muz 2003 / 41
Be good Tanyas Hello love Muz 2006 / 44
Be your own pet Be your own pet Muz 2006 / 13
Beach boys Hawthorne, CA : birthplace of a musical ... Muz 2001 / 49
Beach house Teen dream Muz 2010 / 4
Beak> Recordings 05 01 09 > 17 01 09 Muz 2009 / 44
Beam Full dimensional stereo Muz 2002 / 10
Full dimensional stereo Alo 2002 / 23
Beatbusters New deal Muz 2008 / 17
Beatles Anthology (dvd) Alo 2003 / 34
Let it be ... naked Muz 2003 / 48
Love Muz 2006 / 47
Love/All together now (dvd) Muz 2008 / 46
The Beatles (= the white album) Muz 2018 / 46
The Beatles in mono Muz 2009 / 38
The Beatles in stereo Muz 2009 / 38
Da Beatminerz Brace 4 impak Muz 2001 / 35
Beautiful South Carry on up the charts : the best of (dv... Muz 2008 / 36
Beauty room The Beauty room Muz 2006 / 37
Beck Modern guilt Muz 2008 / 28
Odelay Muz 2008 / 14
Sea change Muz 2002 / 40
The information Muz 2006 / 40
Howie Beck Howie Beck Muz 2006 / 8
Daniel Bedingfield Gotta get through this Alo 2003 / 36
Bee gees One night only (dvd) Muz 2010 / 38
Beef Beef Muz 2002 / 28
Bees Octopus Muz 2007 / 14
Behave On air Muz 2006 / 3
Belle and Sebastian Dear catastrophe waitress Muz 2003 / 42
The life pursuit Muz 2006 / 7
Ben l'oncle soul Ben l'oncle soul Muz 2010 / 33
Eric Benét Hurricane Muz 2005 / 34
Benjamin B. Tired of the moon Muz 2004 / 44
Benny sings Benny … at home Muz 2007 / 19
Eeu Muz 2006 / 22
I love you : live at the Bimhuis Alo 2005 / 3
I love you : live at the Bimhuis Muz 2005 / 8
Brendan Benson My old, familiar friend Muz 2009 / 36
The alternative to love Muz 2005 / 14
Petra Berger Mistress Muz 2003 / 41
Dan Bern Fleeting days Muz 2003 / 15
Jody Bernal Mi mundo Muz 2001 / 46
Chuck Berry Hail! Hail! Rock 'n roll (dvd) Muz 2007 / 50
Bertolf For life Muz 2009 / 3
Sarah Bettens Never say goodbye Muz 2009 / 17
John de Bever Kom eens dicht bij mij Muz 2008 / 5
Beyoncé Dangerously in love Muz 2003 / 26
Eric Bibb A ship called Love Muz 2005 / 43
Eric Bibb, Rory Block & Maria Muldaur Sisters & brothers Muz 2004 / 19
Bibio Vignetting the compost Muz 2009 / 25
Big blind Circus left town Muz 2009 / 26
Big brovaz Nu-flow Muz 2003 / 8
Big pink A brief history of love Muz 2009 / 39
Big star In space Muz 2005 / 40
Bigger lovers Honey in the hive Muz 2002 / 44
This affair never happened ... and here ... Muz 2004 / 12
This affair never happened ... and here ... Alo 2004 / 44
Ryan Bingham & the Dead horses Junky star Muz 2010 / 38
Bintangs La femme sans tête Muz 2002 / 10
Diane Birch Bible belt Muz 2009 / 28
Bird and the bee Ray guns are not just the future Muz 2009 / 7
Andrew Bird Armchair apocrypha Muz 2007 / 14
Noble beast Muz 2009 / 6
Björk Voltaïc Muz 2009 / 18
Black eyed peas Elephunk Muz 2003 / 31
Monkey business Muz 2005 / 23
Black keys Brothers Muz 2010 / 20
Black kids Partie traumatic Muz 2008 / 31
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Baby 81 Muz 2007 / 19
Howl Muz 2005 / 34
Take them on, on your own Muz 2003 / 35
Blackmore's Night Ghost of a rose Muz 2003 / 29
James Blackshaw All is falling Muz 2010 / 38
Brian Blade Mama Rosa Muz 2009 / 18
Mary J. Blige Live from Los Angeles (dvd) Alo 2005 / 3
Love & life Alo 2003 / 41
Blind boys of Alabama Down in New Orleans Rev 2008 / 2
Higher ground Muz 2002 / 41
Bloc party Intimacy Muz 2008 / 45
Rory Block Blues walkin' like a man : a tribute to ... Muz 2008 / 41
Last fair deal Muz 2003 / 47
Karin Bloemen & Cor Bakker Het zou toch moeten … Muz 2002 / 45
Blonde redhead 23 Muz 2007 / 17
Blondie The curse of Blondie Muz 2003 / 42
Luka Bloom Amsterdam Muz 2003 / 18
Between the mountain and the moon Muz 2001 / 40
Eleven songs Muz 2008 / 45
The man is alive (dvd) Muz 2008 / 29
Blue Guilty Muz 2003 / 47
Blue man group How to be a megastar live! Muz 2008 / 21
How to be a megastar live! (dvd) Muz 2008 / 20
Bluetones The singles 1995-2002 Alo 2002 / 26
Colin Blunstone Echo bridge Alo 2004 / 44
Colin Blunstone & Rod Argent Out of the shadows Muz 2001 / 51
Colin Blunstone The ghost of you and me Muz 2009 / 12
Blur Think tank Muz 2003 / 19
Bløf Omarm Muz 2003 / 25
Eddie Bo In the pocket with Bo : New Orleans rock... Rev 2008 / 4
Boards of Canada Geogaddi Muz 2002 / 10
The campfire headphase Muz 2005 / 43
Frank Boeijen Camera Muz 2009 / 46
Heden Muz 2001 / 41
Marc Bolan The beginning of doves Alo 2002 / 27
Bomfunk MC's Burnin' sneakers Muz 2002 / 42
Bon iver For Emma, forever ago Rev 2008 / 5
Joe Bonamassa Live at Rockpalast (dvd) Muz 2006 / 6
Bond Shine Muz 2002 / 43
Tracy Bonham Blink the brightest Muz 2005 / 20
Hans de Booij Emocratie Muz 2007 / 38
Booker T and the MG's Stax instrumentals Alo 2003 / 38
Jeroen van der Boom Jij bent zo Muz 2008 / 16
Boris Holy pleasure Muz 2006 / 44
Rely on me Muz 2004 / 27
Born ruffians Red, yellow & blue Muz 2008 / 26
Marco Borsato Marco Borsato box set Muz 2007 / 46
Onderweg Muz 2002 / 11
David Bowie Heathen Muz 2002 / 24
Reality Muz 2003 / 39
VH1 storytellers Muz 2009 / 29
Boy George U van never B 2 straight Muz 2002 / 34
Boyzone Back again no matter what : live 2008 (d... Muz 2008 / 43
BR5-49 Tangled in the pines Muz 2004 / 16
Brad Welcome to Discovery park Muz 2003 / 17
Billy Bragg England, half English Muz 2002 / 12
Mr Love & Justice Muz 2008 / 11
Bran van 3000 Discosis Muz 2001 / 23
Michelle Branch Hotel paper Alo 2003 / 39
Brandy Full moon Muz 2002 / 11
Human Muz 2009 / 6
Toni Braxton More than a woman Alo 2003 / 33
More than a woman Muz 2002 / 48
Breeders Mountain battles Muz 2008 / 15
Bright eyes Digital ash in a digital urn Muz 2005 / 5
I'm wide awake it's morning Muz 2005 / 5
Tina Britt Blue all the way Rev 2006 / 5
Broadcast Tender buttons Muz 2005 / 41
Peter Broderick Home Muz 2009 / 3
Brooks & Dunn Hillbilly deluxe Muz 2005 / 39
Meredith Brooks Bad bad one Muz 2003 / 16
Bad bad one Alo 2003 / 35
Marc Broussard Keep coming back Muz 2009 / 17
Arthur Brown Fire! the story of Arthur Brown Alo 2003 / 40
Divine Brown Divine Brown Rev 2007 / 2
Findlay Brown Seperated by the sea Muz 2007 / 16
James Brown Live at Montreux 1981 (dvd) Muz 2006 / 9
Peter Brown Get funky with me Alo 2004 / 1
Jackson Browne Solo acoustic : vol. 1 Muz 2005 / 45
Solo acoustic : vol. 2 Muz 2008 / 12
Time the conqueror Muz 2008 / 41
Jack Bruce More Jack than god Muz 2003 / 39
Shadows in the air Muz 2001 / 31
Ane Brun A temporary dive Muz 2005 / 7
Changing of the seasons Muz 2008 / 12
Bubbles Rock the world Muz 2001 / 28
Lindsey Buckingham Live at the Bass performance hall (dvd) Muz 2008 / 29
Jeff Buckley Grace around the world (dvd) Muz 2009 / 24
Buffalo daughter I Muz 2002 / 16
Jimmy Buffett License to chill Muz 2004 / 34
License to chill Alo 2004 / 51
Buffseeds The picture show Muz 2003 / 29
Xander de Buisonjé Hemelsbreed Muz 2003 / 18
Hemelsbreed Alo 2003 / 36
Succes Muz 2005 / 49
Vashti Bunyan Lookaftering Muz 2005 / 46
Robert Burger City of strangers Muz 2009 / 24
Chris de Burgh The road to freedom Muz 2004 / 11
The storyman Muz 2006 / 42
Solomon Burke Don't give up on me Muz 2002 / 31
Like a fire Rev 2008 / 6
Live in Nashville (dvd) Muz 2007 / 43
Live in Nashville (dvd) Rev 2007 / 5
Make do with what you got Alo 2005 / 2
Make do with what you got Muz 2005 / 9
Nashville Muz 2006 / 40
Nashville Rev 2006 / 6
Nothing's impossible Muz 2010 / 25
Origins of soul Muz 2008 / 35
The king of rock 'n' soul (dvd) Muz 2008 / 15
T-Bone Burnett The true false identity Muz 2006 / 21
R.L. Burnside A bothered mind Muz 2004 / 36
Burnside on Burnside Muz 2001 / 46
Kate Bush Aerial Muz 2005 / 45
Busted A present for everyone Muz 2003 / 49
We want more Muz 2004 / 11
Byrds The Preflyte sessions Muz 2002 / 10
BZN BZN top 100 Muz 2008 / 31
Die mooie tijd Muz 2005 / 9
Leef je leven Muz 2003 / 40
Caesar Caesar Muz 2003 / 9
Caesars palace Love for the streets Muz 2002 / 29
Colbie Caillat Breakthrough Muz 2009 / 35
Cake Comfort eagle Muz 2001 / 31
Pressure chief Muz 2004 / 42
J.J. Cale To Tulsa and back Muz 2004 / 25
John Cale Hobosapiens Muz 2003 / 43
Calexico Feast of wire Muz 2003 / 7
Camera obscura My Maudlin career Muz 2009 / 17
Richard Cameron Back Muz 2004 / 43
Ali Campbell Flying high Muz 2009 / 29
Running free Muz 2007 / 47
Blu Cantrell Bitter sweet Muz 2003 / 33
Laura Cantrell Humming by the flowered vine Muz 2005 / 26
Jim Capaldi Living on the outside Muz 2001 / 47
Cardigans Long gone before daylight Muz 2003 / 14
Long gone before daylight Alo 2003 / 35
Super extra gravity Rev 2006 / 1
Mariah Carey Charmbracelet Alo 2003 / 33
Charmbracelet Muz 2002 / 50
Glitter (soundtrack) Muz 2001 / 38
Greatest hits Alo 2002 / 23
Memoirs of an imperfect angel Muz 2009 / 41
Tokyo concert (dvd) Muz 2009 / 14
Caribou Andorra Muz 2007 / 35
Vanessa Carlton Be not nobody Muz 2002 / 26
Harmonium Muz 2004 / 46
Carmona Nu Muz 2003 / 13
James Carr A man needs a woman Alo 2003 / 36
A man worth knowing Muz 2006 / 34
Paul Carrack Old, new, borrowed and blue Muz 2008 / 3
June Carter Cash Wildwood flower Muz 2003 / 46
Neko Case Fox confessor brings the flood Muz 2006 / 11
Middle cyclone Muz 2009 / 13
Johnny Cash Cash for Kenia / Live in Johnstown, PA (... Muz 2008 / 47
Casiokids Topp stemming pa lokal bar Muz 2010 / 36
Eva Cassidy Somewhere Muz 2008 / 37
Cassie Cassie Muz 2006 / 39
Cat Power The greatest Muz 2006 / 4
Nick Cave and the Bad seeds Abattoir blues/The lyre of Orpheus Muz 2004 / 39
Nocturama Muz 2003 / 6
Centro-matic Love you just the same Muz 2003 / 39
Ch!pz CDX : Ch!pz dance exper!enz Muz 2008 / 40
Dennis Chambers Outbreak Muz 2003 / 5
Kasey Chambers Barricades & brickwalls Muz 2001 / 49
Tracy Chapman Let it rain Muz 2002 / 42
Our bright future Muz 2008 / 46
Where you live Muz 2005 / 38
Charlène Charlène Muz 2002 / 23
Ray Charles Genius & friends Rev 2006 / 1
Genius & friends Muz 2005 / 41
Genius loves company Muz 2004 / 37
Ray Charles & the Count Basie band Ray sings, Basie swings Muz 2006 / 41
David Charvet Leap of faith Muz 2002 / 26
Chatham county line Wildwood Muz 2010 / 29
Cheap trick At Budokan Muz 2009 / 9
The essential Cheap trick Alo 2004 / 45
Cherry ghost Thirst for romance Muz 2007 / 31
Eagle-Eye Cherry Sub rosa Muz 2003 / 42
Cody Chesnutt The headphone masterpiece Muz 2003 / 6
Vic Chesnutt Ghetto bells Muz 2005 / 15
Chieftains Down the old plank road : the Nashville ... Muz 2003 / 2
Toni Childs Keep the faith Muz 2008 / 40
Tim Christensen Honeyburst Muz 2004 / 2
Superior Muz 2010 / 4
Neil Christian & the Crusaders That's nice : the anthology Alo 2004 / 44
Tony Christie Made in Sheffield Muz 2008 / 52
Ben Christophers Spoonface Muz 2001 / 45
Popa Chubby Popa Chubby & friends play Muddy, Willie... Muz 2003 / 46
Chumbawamba Readymades Muz 2002 / 41
Cinematic orchestra Live at the Royal Albert hall 02.11.2007 Muz 2008 / 17
Soesja Citroen Soesja sings Citroen Muz 2001 / 40
Chiara Civello Last quarter moon Muz 2005 / 6
Clap your hands say yeah Clap your hands say yeah Muz 2005 / 44
Eric Clapton At Budokan (dvd) Muz 2008 / 37
Clapton Muz 2010 / 39
Complete Clapton Muz 2007 / 42
Eric Clapton & Stevie Winwood Live from Madison square garden (dvd) Muz 2009 / 21
Clare & the Reasons Arrow Muz 2010 / 5
The movie Muz 2008 / 42
Alain Clark Colorblind Muz 2010 / 22
Live it out Rev 2008 / 1
Live it out Muz 2007 / 45
Guy Clark The dark Muz 2002 / 42
Kelly Clarkson All I ever wanted Muz 2009 / 13
Thankful Muz 2003 / 26
Slaid Cleaves Unsung Muz 2006 / 21
Clem snide Hungry bird Muz 2009 / 12
Jimmy Cliff Fantastic plastic people Muz 2003 / 6
Clinic Do it! Rev 2008 / 4
George Clinton How late do you have 2BB4ur absent? Rev 2006 / 2
Club Diana Grill Alo 2004 / 1
Bruce Cockburn Speechless Muz 2006 / 2
You've never seen everything Muz 2003 / 25
Jarvis Cocker Further complications Muz 2009 / 21
Joe Cocker Hymn for my soul Muz 2007 / 14
Mad dogs & Englishmen Muz 2006 / 2
CocoRosie The adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillbo... Muz 2007 / 16
Annemarieke Coenders & Wim Sebo Go Muz 2010 / 39
Coheed and Cambria The color before the sun Muz 2015 / 43
Leonard Cohen Bird on a wire (dvd) Muz 2010 / 42
Dear Heather Muz 2004 / 44
Live at the Isle of Wight 1970 Muz 2009 / 44
Live in London (dvd) Muz 2009 / 14
Ten new songs Muz 2001 / 42
Marc Cohn Join the parade Muz 2008 / 20
Vinnie Colaiuta, Robben Ford & Jimmy Has... Jing chi Muz 2002 / 21
Cold war kids Loyalty to loyalty Muz 2008 / 39
Coldplay A rush of blood to the head Muz 2002 / 36
Viva la vida (or death and all his frien... Muz 2008 / 25
X&Y Muz 2005 / 23
Colleen Postcards from Atlantis Muz 2009 / 38
Bootsy Collins Live in Oklahoma 1976 Alo 2002 / 30
Edwyn Collins & Orange juice A casual introduction : 1981-2001 Alo 2003 / 36
Judy Collins Paradise Muz 2010 / 30
Lyn Collins Mama Feelgood : the best of Lyn Collins Rev 2007 / 2
Phil Collins Going back Muz 2010 / 37
Testify Muz 2002 / 47
John Coltrane 75th birthday celebration Muz 2001 / 42
Common Electric circus Muz 2002 / 52
Concretes In colour Muz 2006 / 13
The Concretes Muz 2004 / 42
Sarah Connor Green eyed soul Muz 2002 / 10
Green eyed soul Alo 2002 / 24
Unbelievable Muz 2002 / 42
Continental drifters Better day Muz 2001 / 32
Sam Cooke One night stand! : live at the Harlem Sq... Muz 2005 / 43
Coolio El cool magnifico Muz 2002 / 44
Coparck The 3rd album Muz 2007 / 3
Coral Butterfly house Muz 2010 / 28
Magic and medicine Muz 2003 / 32
Singles collection Muz 2008 / 39
Chick Corea Rendezvous in New York Muz 2004 / 5
Corey Movin' on Muz 2006 / 9
Cornershop Handcream for a generation Muz 2002 / 15
Judy sucks a lemon for breakfast Muz 2009 / 33
Corrs The best of the Corrs Muz 2001 / 44
Matt Costa Songs we sing Muz 2006 / 9
Unfamiliar faces Muz 2008 / 5
Nikka Costa Can't never did nothin' Muz 2005 / 24
Nikki Costa Everybody's got their something Muz 2001 / 23
Elvis Costello Live at Hollywood high Muz 2010 / 8
Elvis Costello and Allen Toussaint The river in reverse Muz 2006 / 22
Elvis Costello This year's model Muz 2008 / 16
When I was cruel Muz 2002 / 17
Sean Costello Sean Costello Muz 2005 / 17
Cotton mather The big picture Alo 2002 / 22
Counting crows Hard candy Muz 2002 / 28
New Amsterdam : live at Heineken music h... Muz 2006 / 28
Saturday night and sunday mornings Muz 2008 / 14
CPR Just like gravity Muz 2001 / 28
Cracker Countrysides Muz 2003 / 32
Cramps Fiends of Dope island Muz 2003 / 20
Crash test dummies Ooh la la Muz 2010 / 23
Billy Crawford Ride Muz 2002 / 21
Robert Cray band In Europe (dvd) Muz 2009 / 29
Shoulda been home Muz 2001 / 27
This time Muz 2009 / 34
Time will tell Muz 2003 / 31
Twenty Muz 2005 / 21
Crazy town Darkhorse Muz 2002 / 49
Creedence Clearwater Revival The singles collection Muz 2010 / 3
Steve Cropper & Felix Cavaliere Nudge it up a notch Muz 2008 / 51
David Crosby and Graham Nash Crosby & Nash Muz 2004 / 34
Sheryl Crow 100 miles from Memphis Muz 2010 / 29
C'mon, c'mon Muz 2002 / 16
Detours Muz 2008 / 6
Hits & rarities Muz 2007 / 47
In concert (dvd) Muz 2007 / 47
The very best of Sheryl Crow Muz 2008 / 41
Wildflower Muz 2005 / 39
Crowded house Intriguer Muz 2010 / 24
Crox The Crox Muz 2003 / 12
Cuby and the Blizzards Cats lost Muz 2009 / 20
Cult Beyond good and evil Muz 2001 / 25
Culture club Colour by numbers Alo 2003 / 33
John Cunningham Happy-go-unlucky Muz 2003 / 17
Cure The Cure Muz 2004 / 27
Billy Currington Doin' somethin' right Muz 2005 / 46
Custom Fast Muz 2002 / 33
D'Angelo The best so far Rev 2008 / 7
Terence Trent D'Arby In concert (dvd) Alo 2004 / 46
Wild card! Muz 2002 / 50
Da Brat Limelite, luv & niteclubz Muz 2003 / 31
Daan Victory Alo 2005 / 4
Daddy For a second time Muz 2009 / 34
Daddy DJ Let your body talk Muz 2001 / 49
Ellen ten Damme Durf jij? Muz 2009 / 49
Impossible girl Muz 2007 / 14
Damnations Where it lands Muz 2002 / 32
Evan Dando Baby I'm bored Muz 2003 / 13
Dandy Warhols Earth to the Dandy Warhols Muz 2008 / 35
Odditorium or warlords of Mars Muz 2005 / 38
Welcome to the monkey house Muz 2003 / 22
Darkness One way ticket to hell ... and back Muz 2005 / 48
Permission to land Muz 2003 / 33
Das Pop The human thing Muz 2003 / 10
Daughtry Daughtry Muz 2007 / 37
Craig David Slicker than your average Muz 2002 / 48
The story goes ... Muz 2005 / 35
Ray Davies Other people's lives Muz 2006 / 8
Dax riders Back in town Muz 2002 / 11
Bobby Day Rockin' Robin : the very best of Bobby D... Alo 2002 / 25
De la soul Aoi: bionix Alo 2002 / 23
The grind date Alo 2004 / 51
Grey De Lisle Homewrecker Muz 2003 / 6
Dead 60s The Dead 60s Muz 2006 / 9
Death cab for cutie Narrow stairs Muz 2008 / 22
Plans Muz 2005 / 40
Death vessel Nothing is precious enough for us Muz 2008 / 36
Deathray Davies The day of the Ray Alo 2002 / 27
Kristina DeBarge Exposed Muz 2009 / 35
Decemberists The hazards of love Muz 2009 / 14
Dee rangers So far out so good Alo 2002 / 24
So far out so good Alo 2002 / 25
So far out so good Muz 2002 / 8
Charlie Dée A tribute to Joni Mitchell : live at Kri... Muz 2009 / 38
A tribute to Joni Mitchell : live at Kri... Muz 2009 / 44
Husbands and wives Muz 2010 / 37
Love your life Muz 2007 / 20
Where do girls come from Muz 2006 / 5
Def Rhymz Hoorgasme Muz 2002 / 15
Hoorgasme Alo 2002 / 26
Gavin Degraw Free Muz 2009 / 15
Ilse DeLange Clean up Muz 2003 / 17
Incredible Muz 2008 / 43
Live in Ahoy (dvd) Muz 2009 / 35
The great escape Muz 2006 / 25
Delavega Falling into place Rev 2006 / 2
Delays Everything's the rush Muz 2008 / 27
Faded seaside glamour Muz 2004 / 18
You see colours Muz 2006 / 12
Delfonics La la means I love you Rev 2008 / 1
Sound of sexy soul Rev 2008 / 1
Brett Dennen Hope for the hopeless Muz 2009 / 23
Sandy Denny The best of the BBC recordings Muz 2008 / 15
Esmée Denters Outta here Muz 2009 / 23
John Denver The Dutch collection Muz 2008 / 4
Des'ree Dream soldier Muz 2003 / 11
Destiny's child Destiny fulfilled Muz 2004 / 48
This is the remix Alo 2002 / 25
Dewi Know me Muz 2003 / 43
Di-rect All systems go! Muz 2005 / 8
Di-rect Muz 2007 / 11
Live & acoustic Muz 2008 / 25
Live & acoustic (dvd) Muz 2008 / 24
Jim Diamond Souled & healed Muz 2005 / 16
Souled & healed Alo 2005 / 5
Neil Diamond Hot august night/NYC (dvd) Muz 2009 / 35
Alela Diane To be still Muz 2009 / 9
Dido Safe trip home Muz 2008 / 47
Dierenpark Slip-tong Muz 2002 / 29
Ani DiFranco Educated guess Muz 2004 / 6
Evolve Muz 2003 / 12
Live at Babeville (dvd) Muz 2008 / 22
De Dijk Muzikanten dansen niet Muz 2002 / 35
Niemand in de stad Muz 2009 / 15
Cara Dillon Hill of thieves Muz 2009 / 11
Céline Dion A new day has come Muz 2002 / 14
Discovery LP Muz 2009 / 29
Divine comedy Bang goes the knighthood Muz 2010 / 22
Dixie chicks Home Muz 2002 / 40
Taking the long way Muz 2006 / 25
DJ Boozywoozy Booze it up! Muz 2002 / 30
DJ Jazzy Jeff The magnificent Muz 2002 / 35
DJ Muggs Dust Muz 2003 / 12
Djumbo Jump Muz 2005 / 21
Magic Muz 2008 / 49
Dntel Dumb luck Muz 2007 / 25
Do Follow me Muz 2006 / 26
Do the undo Do the undo Muz 2007 / 4
Joost Dobbe Treat you Rev 2006 / 6
Dodos Visiter Muz 2008 / 24
Dogs die in hot cars Please describe yourself Muz 2004 / 32
Donovan Beat café Muz 2004 / 37
Sunshine superman : the journey of Donov... Muz 2008 / 41
Doors Classic albums (dvd) Muz 2009 / 38
Jerry Douglas Glide Muz 2008 / 46
The best kept secret Muz 2005 / 41
The best kept secret Muz 2006 / 41
Johnny Dowd A drunkard's masterpiece Muz 2008 / 14
Cemetery shoes Muz 2004 / 16
The pawnbroker's wife Muz 2002 / 10
Gordon Downie Battle of the nudes Muz 2003 / 28
Dr. John All by hisself : live at the Lone Star Alo 2005 / 2
Creole moon Muz 2001 / 41
Live at Montreux : 1995 Rev 2006 / 1
N'awlinz dis dat od d'udda Muz 2004 / 26
Sippiana hurricane Rev 2006 / 2
Nick Drake Fruit tree Muz 2007 / 48
Dream theater Six degrees of inner turbulence Muz 2002 / 5
Train of thought Muz 2003 / 47
3Js Akoesteren : theatertour 2009 (dvd) Muz 2009 / 46
Kamers van m'n hart Muz 2008 / 42
Pete Droge Skywatching Muz 2003 / 32
Dropkick Murphys Live on St. Patricks day Alo 2002 / 31
Dru hill Dru world order Muz 2002 / 49
Duckworth Lewis method The Duckworth Lewis method Muz 2009 / 36
Stephen Duffy featuring Nigel Kennedy Music in colors Alo 2004 / 51
Frans Duijts Leef je droom Muz 2010 / 8
Doris Duke I'm a loser : the Swamp Dogg sessions ..... Alo 2005 / 5
Duran duran Astronaut Muz 2004 / 43
Seven and the ragged tiger Alo 2003 / 33
Thomas Dybdahl Science Muz 2007 / 9
Bob Dylan Bob Dylan live 1975 : The rolling thunde... Muz 2002 / 49
Christmas in the heart Muz 2009 / 43
Dylan (2007) Muz 2007 / 40
Live 1961-2000 : thirty-nine years of gr... Muz 2001 / 32
Love and theft Muz 2001 / 38
Jakob Dylan Seeing things Muz 2008 / 27
E-life E=Mc2 Muz 2002 / 36
Eagles Long road out of Eden Muz 2007 / 45
New Zealand concert (dvd) Muz 2009 / 7
Ronnie Earl and the Broadcasters Now my soul Muz 2004 / 25
Spread the love Muz 2010 / 34
Ronnie Earl and Duke Robillard The Duke meets the Earl Muz 2005 / 22
Steve Earle The revolution starts ... now Muz 2004 / 35
Earth, Wind & Fire Illumination Rev 2006 / 1
Live at Montreux 1997 (dvd) Alo 2005 / 3
The promise Muz 2004 / 20
Easy star all-stars Easy star's Lonely hearts dub band Muz 2009 / 18
Echobrain Echobrain Muz 2002 / 11
Eden Hotel Alo 2002 / 23
The Edge, Jimmy Page & Jack White It might get loud (dvd) Muz 2010 / 4
Editors An end has a start Muz 2007 / 26
Kathleen Edwards Back to me Muz 2005 / 12
Eek-a-mouse Mouse gone wild Muz 2004 / 13
eels End times Muz 2010 / 3
Stef Ekkel Dit ben ik (dvd) Muz 2010 / 33
Lekker gezellig Muz 2009 / 10
El-P Fantastic damage Muz 2002 / 23
Elbow Cast of thousands Muz 2003 / 35
Leaders of the free world Muz 2005 / 37
Electric Light Orchestra Live : the early years (dvd) Muz 2010 / 33
Electric six Fire Muz 2003 / 29
Elephant man Good 2 go Muz 2004 / 4
Elisa Elisa Muz 2002 / 41
Elizabeth & the Catapult Taller children Muz 2009 / 28
Elize More than meets the eye Muz 2009 / 29
Missy Elliott This is not a test! Muz 2003 / 49
Under construction Muz 2002 / 48
Ramblin' Jack Elliott A stranger here Muz 2009 / 18
Sophie Ellis-Bextor Read my lips Muz 2002 / 26
Elly & Rikkert Springen met kinderen : een gat in de lu... Muz 2009 / 3
Embrace Out of nothing Muz 2004 / 40
Out of nothing Alo 2004 / 50
This new day Muz 2006 / 39
EMF The best of EMF Alo 2003 / 36
Eminem Encore Muz 2004 / 47
The Eminem show Muz 2002 / 23
End of april If I had a bullet for every one ... Muz 2004 / 8
Enigma Seven lives many faces Muz 2008 / 39
Brian Eno & David Byrne Everything that happens will happen toda... Muz 2008 / 47
Epica Consign to oblivion Muz 2005 / 17
Erika Jo Erika Jo Muz 2005 / 26
Alejandro Escovedo By the hand of the father Muz 2002 / 30
Street songs of love Muz 2010 / 26
Espers Espers II Muz 2006 / 31
Espers III Muz 2009 / 51
Estelle The 18th day Alo 2005 / 2
Melissa Etheridge Lucky Muz 2004 / 8
Eva Jane Queen of bees Muz 2002 / 12
Eve Eve-olution Muz 2002 / 36
Everest Ghost notes Rev 2008 / 7
Lee Everton Inner exile Rev 2008 / 4
Exit Home from an island Muz 2006 / 24
Extince 2e jeugd Muz 2004 / 5
Eyes adrift Eyes adrift Muz 2003 / 8
Sarah Fairfield Dreams & schemes & parades Muz 2009 / 37
Fairport convention Gold Muz 2008 / 18
Marianne Faithfull Easy come easy go : 18 songs for music l... Muz 2008 / 47
Live at the BBC Muz 2008 / 30
Jason Falkner Bedtime with the Beatles : part two Muz 2009 / 14
Fall 50.000 Fall fans can't be wrong : 39 gol... Muz 2004 / 33
Agnetha Fältskog My colouring book Muz 2004 / 18
Family stand Super sol nova : volume 1 Rev 2007 / 2
Fanfare Ciocarlia Live Muz 2009 / 43
Fastball Keep your wig on Muz 2004 / 33
Fat Joe Loyalty Muz 2002 / 48
Fatal flowers Younger days : the definitive Fatal flow... Muz 2002 / 31
Kevin Federline Playing with fire Muz 2006 / 51
Feeler Feeler Muz 2003 / 44
Feeling Come home : live from the French Alps an... Muz 2008 / 47
Join with us Muz 2008 / 14
Twelve stops and home Muz 2006 / 23
Fennesz Black sea Muz 2008 / 51
Tiziano Ferro Rosso relativo Muz 2002 / 30
Bryan Ferry Frantic Muz 2002 / 17
Fever Ray Fever Ray Muz 2009 / 13
Fiction plane Left side of the brain Muz 2007 / 35
Paradiso (dvd) Muz 2009 / 20
Field music Field music (measure) Muz 2010 / 7
Tones of town Muz 2007 / 4
Jeff Finlin Angels in disguise Rev 2007 / 3
Finn brothers Everyone is here Muz 2004 / 36
Tim Finn Imaginary kingdom Muz 2006 / 44
Firewater The golden hour Muz 2008 / 20
The golden hour Rev 2008 / 5
Five for fighting The battle for everything Muz 2004 / 25
Five o'clock heroes Speak your language Muz 2008 / 42
Fixkes Fixkes Muz 2007 / 42
Flaming lips Christmas on Mars (dvd) Muz 2008 / 47
Fleet foxes Fleet foxes Muz 2008 / 26
Fleetwood mac Say you will Muz 2003 / 19
The very best of Fleetwood mac Muz 2009 / 43
Flemming We love the industry Muz 2004 / 7
Floetry Floetic Muz 2003 / 4
Floortje Fearless Muz 2007 / 19
Floris Floris Muz 2002 / 14
Flower kings Adam & Eve Muz 2004 / 33
Unfold the truth Muz 2002 / 47
Flying lotus Los Angeles Muz 2008 / 30
Focus Focus 8 Muz 2002 / 46
John Fogerty Comin' down the road : the concert at Ro... Muz 2009 / 47
Deja vu all over again Muz 2004 / 39
Revival Muz 2007 / 40
The Blue ridge rangers rides again Muz 2009 / 38
The long road home 1963-2003 Muz 2006 / 5
Ben Folds five Ben Folds five Alo 2003 / 33
Ben Folds & Nick Hornby Lonely avenue Muz 2010 / 40
Ben Folds Rockin' the suburbs Muz 2001 / 39
Songs for silverman Muz 2005 / 18
Way to normal Muz 2008 / 41
Jessica Folker Jessica Folker Muz 2001 / 28
Lucky Fonz III Hoe je honing maakt Muz 2010 / 41
Foo fighters Hyde park (dvd) Muz 2008 / 21
Live at Wembley stadium (dvd) Muz 2008 / 49
One by one Muz 2002 / 44
Robben Ford A tribute to Paul Butterfield Muz 2001 / 36
Keep on running Muz 2003 / 45
Soul on ten Muz 2009 / 37
Format Dog problems Rev 2007 / 3
Zucchero 'Sugar' Fornaciari Live at the Kremlin (dvd) Rev 2006 / 1
45's The 45's Alo 2003 / 33
Kareyce Fotso Kwegne Muz 2010 / 29
Fountains of Wayne Traffic and weather Muz 2007 / 18
Welcome interstate managers Muz 2003 / 39
Four tet There is love in you Muz 2010 / 4
Four tops Live in Las Vegas (dvd) Rev 2008 / 3
Reach out : definitive performances 1965... Muz 2008 / 52
Roddy Frame Surf Muz 2002 / 41
Frames Burn the maps Muz 2005 / 7
Peter Frampton Thank you mr. Churchill Muz 2010 / 28
Sage Francis A healthy distrust Alo 2005 / 3
Phantom Frank Dead man surfin' Muz 2004 / 40
Frankie goes to Hollywood Greatest videos (dvd) Muz 2009 / 46
Aretha Franklin Aretha arrives Muz 2008 / 31
So damn happy Muz 2003 / 45
Sunday morning classics Muz 2009 / 10
The queen of soul (dvd) Muz 2009 / 11
Carolyn Franklin Sister soul : the best of the RCA years ... Muz 2006 / 26
Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand Muz 2004 / 8
Fratellis Here we stand Muz 2008 / 25
Fray The Fray Muz 2009 / 14
Freeway Philadelphia freeway Muz 2003 / 16
Tom Freund Collapsible plans Muz 2008 / 51
Friska viljor Tour de hearts Muz 2008 / 29
René Froger Doe maar gewoon (dvd) Muz 2008 / 26
Pure Muz 2004 / 18
Pure Alo 2004 / 46
René Froger, Gordon & Jeroen van der Bo... Toppers in concert 2010 Muz 2009 / 36
Fun lovin' criminals Livin' in the city Muz 2005 / 34
G-Unit Beg for mercy Muz 2003 / 48
Peter Gabriel Scratch my back Muz 2010 / 7
Up Muz 2002 / 40
Gabrielle Play to win Muz 2004 / 33
Garbage Beautiful Garbage Muz 2001 / 41
Bleed like me Muz 2005 / 15
Gare du Nord Love for lunch Muz 2009 / 21
Gathering Souvenirs Muz 2003 / 9
Gay dad Transmission Muz 2001 / 45
Marvin Gaye Here, my dear Muz 2008 / 7
The very best of (dvd) Alo 2004 / 46
What's going on : the life and death of ... Rev 2006 / 2
Jay Geils New guitar summit Muz 2004 / 39
Bob Geldof Sex, age & death Muz 2001 / 41
Gem Tell me what's new Muz 2004 / 23
Genesis 1983-1998 Muz 2007 / 51
Live over Europe 2007 Muz 2007 / 50
The video show (dvd) Muz 2005 / 4
Inara George with Van Dyke Parks An invitation Muz 2008 / 50
Georgina Sugar spider Muz 2002 / 52
Per Gessle Son of a plumber Rev 2006 / 4
Ghost trucker The grand mystique Muz 2006 / 40
Robin Gibb Magnet Muz 2003 / 6
Beth Gibbons & Rustin' Man Out of season Muz 2002 / 45
Anneke van Giersbergen In your room Muz 2009 / 47
Eliza Gilkyson Beautiful world Muz 2008 / 29
Paradise hotel Muz 2005 / 33
Vince Gill Next big thing Muz 2003 / 12
Thea Gilmore Songs from the gutter Muz 2003 / 18
David Gilmour On an island Muz 2006 / 11
Girls Album Muz 2009 / 41
Gitbox! Steering by the stars Muz 2001 / 22
Glass hammer Transgression Muz 2005 / 35
Gary Go Gary Go Muz 2009 / 24
Go-betweens Oceans apart Muz 2005 / 18
God help the girl God help the girl Muz 2009 / 26
Het Goede doel Gekkenwerk Muz 2008 / 40
Golden earring Millbrook U.S.A. Muz 2003 / 9
Goldie lookin chain Greatest hits Muz 2004 / 46
Holly Golightly & the Brokeoffs Dirt don't hurt Muz 2008 / 52
José González Veneer Muz 2005 / 33
Goo goo dolls Gutterflower Muz 2002 / 23
Good things end Out of nowhere Muz 2008 / 24
El Goodo Coyote Muz 2010 / 32
Gordon Gorden & Re-play Muz 2002 / 47
Gordon & friends Muz 2003 / 47
Martin L. Gore Counterfeit 2 Muz 2003 / 20
Gorki Homo erectus Rev 2006 / 2
Gorky's zygotic mynci How I long to feel that summer in my hea... Muz 2001 / 41
Goslink Stil leven Muz 2010 / 33
Irv Gotti Presents the Inc Muz 2002 / 29
Gourds Blood of the ram Muz 2004 / 49
Heavy ornamentals Muz 2006 / 12
Noble creatures Muz 2007 / 35
Grandaddy Just like the fambly cat Muz 2006 / 21
Sumday Muz 2003 / 22
Grandpaboy Dead man shake Muz 2003 / 43
Eddy Grant The greatest hits Muz 2001 / 26
Grascals The Grascals Muz 2005 / 12
David Gray Life in slow motion Muz 2005 / 37
Macy Gray The trouble with being myself Muz 2003 / 18
Great lake swimmers Lost channels Muz 2009 / 15
Green day Bullet in a bible Muz 2005 / 47
International superhits Muz 2001 / 48
Adam Green Friends of mine Muz 2003 / 30
Jacket full of danger Muz 2006 / 13
Al Green Back up train Alo 2002 / 26
Everything's OK Muz 2005 / 11
Everything's OK Alo 2005 / 4
I can't stop Alo 2004 / 42
I can't stop Muz 2003 / 48
Greendive Drown me Alo 2004 / 1
Drown me Muz 2004 / 45
Jackie Greene Sweet somewhere bound Alo 2005 / 2
Sweet somewhere bound Muz 2005 / 2
JJ Grey & Mofro Georgia warhorse Muz 2010 / 35
Greyhound soul Tonight and every night Rev 2008 / 1
Herman Grimme Salad days Muz 2001 / 43
Grizzly bear Veckatimest Muz 2009 / 22
Raymond van het Groenewoud Een jongen uit Schaarbeek Muz 2001 / 45
Mr. Raymond Muz 2005 / 43
Omdat ik van je hou : de 60 mooiste same... Muz 2010 / 7
Boudewijn de Groot Lage landen Muz 2007 / 4
Lage landen : tour 2007 Muz 2007 / 42
Lage landen : tour 2007 (dvd) Muz 2007 / 42
Groove armada Lovebox Muz 2003 / 6
Gruppo sportivo Rock now, roll later Muz 2006 / 41
Topless 16 : discovered by Gruppo sporti... Muz 2004 / 23
Guided by voices Earthquake glue Muz 2003 / 34
Universal truths and cycles Muz 2002 / 28
Guillemots Red Muz 2008 / 15
Gurus The Gurus Alo 2004 / 50
Sara Lee Guthrie Go waggaloo Muz 2009 / 45
Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny Irion Exploration Muz 2005 / 11
Buddy Guy Blues singer Muz 2003 / 32
Sweet tea Muz 2001 / 27
GZA/Genius Legend of the liquid sword Muz 2003 / 4
Emily Haines Knives don't have your back Muz 2007 / 25
Half cousin Iodine Rev 2007 / 4
Hall & Oates Do it for love Muz 2003 / 16
One kind of soul Muz 2005 / 8
Hallo Venray Leather on my soul Muz 2008 / 39
Neil Halstead Oh! Mighty engine Muz 2008 / 38
Anthony Hamilton Ain't nobody worryin' Rev 2006 / 4
Herbie Hancock Possibilities Muz 2005 / 37
The imagine project Muz 2010 / 27
Lisa Hannigan Sea sew Muz 2009 / 40
Hanson Underneath Alo 2005 / 2
Underneath Muz 2005 / 7
Hard-fi Once upon a time in the West Muz 2007 / 36
Françoise Hardy La pluie sans parapluie Muz 2010 / 23
Steve Harley and Cockney rebel The quality of mercy Rev 2006 / 2
Ben Harper Both sides of the gun Muz 2006 / 13
Diamonds on the inside Muz 2003 / 10
Ben Harper & the Blind boys of Alabama There will be a light Muz 2004 / 39
Ben Harper & Relentless 7 White lies for dark times Muz 2009 / 24
Alison Harris Smoke rings in the sky Muz 2008 / 52
Emmylou Harris All I intended to be Muz 2008 / 25
George Harrison Brainwashed Muz 2002 / 47
Let it roll : songs by George Harrison Muz 2009 / 25
Beth Hart 37 days Muz 2007 / 34
37 days (dvd) Muz 2008 / 39
Gordon Haskell Harry's bar Muz 2002 / 15
The lady wants to know Muz 2004 / 34
Nol Havens Hoop Muz 2006 / 8
Richie Havens Nobody left to crown Muz 2008 / 18
Richard Hawley Coles corner Muz 2005 / 38
Lady's bridge Muz 2007 / 34
Truelove's gutter Muz 2009 / 40
Barry Hay & Metropole big band The big band theory Muz 2008 / 37
Darren Hayes Spin Muz 2002 / 19
Gemma Hayes The roads don't love you Muz 2005 / 51
Isaac Hayes At Wattstax Alo 2003 / 38
André Hazes Live in het Concertgebouw Amsterdam 1982... Muz 2009 / 51
Nu Muz 2001 / 40
Strijdlustig Muz 2002 / 36
Lee Hazlewood For every solution there's a problem Muz 2002 / 24
For every solution there's a problem Alo 2002 / 26
Jeff Healey Legacy : volume one Muz 2009 / 18
Mess of blues Muz 2008 / 14
Fran Healy Wreckorder Muz 2010 / 42
Heart Jupiter's darling Muz 2004 / 24
Red velvet car Muz 2010 / 39
Heavy circles The Heavy circles Muz 2008 / 21
Bobby Hebb That's all I wanna know Muz 2006 / 2
Bert Heerink Purify Muz 2006 / 51
Heideroosjes Sinema Muz 2004 / 8
Levon Helm Electric dirt Muz 2009 / 29
Joe Henry Tiny voices Muz 2003 / 40
Ozark Henry Birthmarks Muz 2001 / 49
Herb spectacles The incredible world of the Herb spectac... Muz 2003 / 27
Here we go magic Pigeons Muz 2010 / 26
Fred Hersch Live at the Village Vangauard Muz 2003 / 14
Julia P. Making up for lost time Muz 2006 / 5
John Hiatt The tiki bar is open Muz 2001 / 37
High llamas Beet, maize & corn Alo 2004 / 44
Beet, maize & corn Muz 2003 / 52
Can cladders Muz 2007 / 9
Retrospective, rarities & instrumentals Alo 2003 / 37
Willie Hightower Willie Hightower Alo 2005 / 2
Faith Hill Cry Muz 2002 / 43
There you´ll be Muz 2001 / 44
Lauryn Hill MTV unplugged Muz 2002 / 20
Chris Hillman The other side Muz 2005 / 31
Hind Around the world Muz 2003 / 47
Arno Arno Charles Ernest Muz 2002 / 11
Beth Hirsch Titles & idols Muz 2001 / 47
Hit me TV Hit me TV Muz 2008 / 15
Hives Tyrannosaurus Hives Muz 2004 / 32
Roger Hodgson Take the long way home : live in Montrea... Muz 2007 / 38
Henk Hofstede Het draagbare huis Muz 2003 / 28
Jolie Holland Escondida Muz 2004 / 19
Springtime can kill you Muz 2006 / 20
The living and the dead Muz 2008 / 43
Jools Holland & his Rhythm and blues orc... More friends Muz 2003 / 3
Moving out to the country Muz 2006 / 50
Hollies Staying power Muz 2006 / 9
David Holmes The holy pictures Muz 2008 / 39
Holy fuck Latin Muz 2010 / 20
John Lee Hooker Face to face Muz 2003 / 46
Jesca Hoop Kismet Muz 2008 / 48
Jessica Hoop Hunting my dress Muz 2010 / 3
Hootie and the Blowfish Hootie and the Blowfish Muz 2003 / 14
Lars Horntveth Kaleidoscopic Muz 2009 / 13
House of Love Days run away Muz 2005 / 10
Whitney Houston I look to you Muz 2009 / 37
Just Whitney Alo 2003 / 33
Ray Wylie Hubbard Delirium tremolos Muz 2005 / 6
Hucknall Tribute to Bobby (Bland) Muz 2008 / 21
Human league Live at the Dome (dvd) Alo 2005 / 5
Van Hunt On the jungle floor Muz 2006 / 26
Van Hunt Muz 2004 / 23
James Hunter People gonna talk Muz 2006 / 10
The hard way Rev 2008 / 5
I am kloot I am kloot Muz 2003 / 39
I kissed Charles This is not romantic Muz 2009 / 52
I love you but I've chosen darkness Fear is on our side Muz 2006 / 17
I was a cub scout I want you to know that there is always ... Muz 2008 / 9
Iain Ad Venture Ride the times Muz 2010 / 28
Janis Ian Billie's bones Muz 2004 / 16
Folk is the new black Muz 2006 / 9
Idlewild The remote part Muz 2002 / 30
Ikara colt Chat and business Muz 2002 / 16
Imagined village Empire & love Muz 2010 / 8
Incense On tip of wings we walk Muz 2003 / 8
Incognito Who needs love Muz 2003 / 15
Incubus Look alive (dvd) Muz 2007 / 49
India.Arie Testimony : vol. 1 Life & relationship Muz 2006 / 27
Testimony : vol. 1 Life & relationship Rev 2006 / 5
Infadels Universe in reverse Muz 2008 / 25
We are not the Infadels Muz 2006 / 5
Luther Ingram I don't want to be right : the Ko Ko sin... Rev 2008 / 3
Institute Distort yourself Muz 2005 / 37
Intastella Intastella overdrive Alo 2003 / 34
Internationals The people love it Alo 2004 / 44
Interpol Antics Muz 2004 / 41
Turn on the bright lights Muz 2002 / 35
Intwine Intwine Muz 2003 / 42
IOS Open Muz 2007 / 44
IQ Dark matter Muz 2004 / 35
For ever live (dvd) Muz 2008 / 31
Iron & Wine Around the well Muz 2009 / 26
Is ook schitterend Zaterdagnacht, zondagmorgen Alo 2002 / 23
Chris Isaak Always got tonight Muz 2002 / 23
Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit Jason Isbell and the 400 unit Muz 2009 / 24
Isbells Isbells Muz 2010 / 2
Isley brothers Baby makin' music Muz 2006 / 20
Eternal Muz 2001 / 39
Live it up Alo 2004 / 45
Ronald Isley Isley meets Bacharach Muz 2003 / 47
Ja Rule Pain is love Muz 2001 / 22
The last temptation Muz 2002 / 48
Janet Jackson Damita Jo Alo 2004 / 46
Joe Jackson Rain Muz 2008 / 5
Volume 4 Muz 2003 / 12
Michael Jackson Bad Muz 2012 / 39
Number ones Alo 2004 / 43
The collection Muz 2009 / 30
Thriller Muz 2008 / 7
Wanda Jackson Heart trouble Muz 2004 / 24
Rockin' with Wanda Alo 2003 / 34
Wanda Jackson Alo 2003 / 34
Ruth Jacott Tastbaar Muz 2002 / 46
Jacqueline Good life Muz 2010 / 35
Marike Jager Celia Trigger Muz 2008 / 45
The beauty around Muz 2006 / 20
Jagged edge Hard Muz 2003 / 43
Mick Jagger Goddess in the doorway Muz 2001 / 48
Jaheim Still ghetto Muz 2003 / 4
Jaill That's how we burn Muz 2010 / 35
Jamai Jamai Muz 2003 / 27
Jamelia Walk with me Muz 2006 / 40
Etta James Blues to the bone Muz 2004 / 41
Miss Etta James : the complete Modern an... Rev 2006 / 2
Miss Etta James : the complete Modern an... Muz 2006 / 5
José James Blackmagic Muz 2010 / 6
Jamiroquai A funk odyssey Muz 2001 / 37
Jane's addiction Strays Muz 2003 / 31
Laura Jansen Bells Muz 2009 / 38
Ernst Jansz Dromen van Johanna : Ernst Jansz zingt B... Muz 2010 / 37
Jean-Michel Jarre Oxygène Muz 2007 / 51
Téo & téa Muz 2007 / 14
Keith Jarrett Radiance Muz 2005 / 21
Keith Jarrett, Gary Peacock & Jack DeJoh... The out-of-towners Muz 2004 / 38
Jay-Z The blueprint 2 : the gift & the curse Muz 2002 / 48
Jayhawks Music from the North country : the Jayha... Muz 2009 / 29
Rainy day music Muz 2003 / 15
Wyclef Jean Greatest hits Alo 2004 / 43
Masquerade Muz 2002 / 26
The preacher's song Alo 2004 / 43
The preacher's song Muz 2003 / 49
Garland Jeffreys Hail hail rock 'n' roll (dvd) Alo 2004 / 46
I'm alive Rev 2006 / 4
Jem Down to Earth Muz 2008 / 44
Jet Family style (dvd) Alo 2005 / 2
Jethro tull Classic artists (dvd) Muz 2008 / 26
Jewel Goodbye Alice in wonderland Muz 2006 / 18
Lullabay Muz 2009 / 33
Perfectly clear Muz 2009 / 30
Eilen Jewell Sea of tears Muz 2009 / 21
Jim Dance with me Muz 2005 / 48
Impressed Muz 2003 / 34
Flaco Jiménez Squeeze box king Muz 2003 / 50
JMX Parbleu Muz 2002 / 46
Joe And then … Muz 2004 / 11
Better days Muz 2002 / 2
Billy Joel 12 gardens : live Rev 2006 / 5
My lives Muz 2006 / 2
My lives Rev 2006 / 2
Piano man : the very best of Billy Joel Rev 2006 / 5
Johan 4 Muz 2009 / 20
THX JHN Muz 2006 / 21
Jóhann Jóhannsson And in the endless pause there came the ... Muz 2010 / 22
Elton John 60 : live at Madison square garden (dvd) Muz 2007 / 39
Peachtree road Muz 2004 / 47
Songs from the West coast Muz 2001 / 41
The red piano (dvd) Muz 2008 / 45
Jack Johnson En concert (dvd) Muz 2009 / 44
On and on Muz 2003 / 25
On and on Alo 2003 / 37
Sing-a-longs and lullabies for the film ... Muz 2006 / 7
Sleep through the static Muz 2008 / 6
Daniel Johnston Is and always was Muz 2009 / 44
Freedy Johnston Rain on the city Muz 2010 / 20
Gerard Joling Goud : 25 jaar Gerard Joling Muz 2010 / 19
Nostalgia Muz 2004 / 51
Stout & nieuw : live in Ahoy (dvd) Muz 2008 / 11
Gerard Joling, René Froger & Gordon Toppers in concert 2007 (dvd) Muz 2007 / 37
Toppers in concert 2008 (dvd) Muz 2008 / 38
Jolly boys Great expectation Muz 2010 / 39
Jonas brothers Jonas brothers Muz 2008 / 26
Jimmy Jones Good timin' : the anthology Alo 2002 / 25
John Paul Jones The thunderthief Muz 2002 / 11
Norah Jones Feels like home Muz 2004 / 7
Live from Austin TX (dvd) Muz 2008 / 31
New York city Muz 2003 / 40
Not too late Muz 2007 / 5
The fall Muz 2009 / 47
Quincy Jones Ultimate collection Alo 2003 / 40
Tom Jones 24 hours Muz 2008 / 48
The singles Alo 2002 / 27
Freek de Jonge De laatste lach (dvd) Muz 2009 / 41
Freek de Jonge & Metropole orkest Parlando Muz 2002 / 44
Roos Jonker Mmmmm Muz 2010 / 23
Jónsi & Alex Riceboy sleeps Muz 2009 / 33
Montell Jordan Montell Jordan Muz 2002 / 10
Judas priest Angel of retribution Muz 2005 / 9
Gary Jules Trading snakeoil for wolftickets Muz 2003 / 51
Nina June Little dreams Muz 2008 / 23
Jungle brothers You in my hut now Muz 2002 / 24
K-Ci & Jojo Emotional Alo 2003 / 33
Emotional Muz 2002 / 48
K-liber Schuurpapier Muz 2004 / 49
K-os Exit Muz 2003 / 16
K3 En het toverhart : show (dvd) Muz 2008 / 50
Kuma he Muz 2005 / 41
Kusjes Muz 2007 / 43
MaMaSé Muz 2009 / 49
Toveren tour (dvd) Muz 2009 / 5
Omar Ka & Fula band Soruuna Muz 2004 / 33
Bert Kaempfert Strangers in the night : the Bert Kaempf... Muz 2005 / 1
Kaiser chiefs Employment Muz 2005 / 14
Off with their heads Muz 2008 / 43
Kaizers orchestra Maestro Muz 2005 / 34
Stephen John Kalinich A world of peace must come Muz 2008 / 45
Kane De Kuip live (dvd) Muz 2008 / 49
Fearless Muz 2005 / 21
What if Muz 2003 / 26
Kasabian Empire Muz 2006 / 42
Kasabian Muz 2004 / 44
Kassav' Live au StadeFrance : 30 ans (dvd) Muz 2010 / 3
De Kast Welkom thuis Muz 2010 / 40
Kayak Merlin : bard of the Unseen Muz 2003 / 8
Night vision Muz 2001 / 49
Keane Hopes and fears Muz 2004 / 20
Night train Muz 2010 / 19
Perfect symmetry Muz 2008 / 42
Ronan Keating Destination Alo 2002 / 27
Songs for my mother Muz 2009 / 21
Winter songs Muz 2009 / 47
Keb' Mo' Keep it simple Muz 2004 / 10
Salif Keita M'Bemba Muz 2005 / 44
Toby Keith Shock y'all Muz 2003 / 48
White trash with money Muz 2006 / 50
Jan Keizer Chords of life Muz 2009 / 35
Geef mij je lach Muz 2007 / 44
Jan Keizer & Anny Schilder Together again Muz 2010 / 37
Kelis Tasty Muz 2003 / 51
The hits Rev 2008 / 4
Wanderland Muz 2001 / 44
Kelly family La patata Muz 2002 / 16
R. Kelly Happy people/U save me Muz 2004 / 35
R. Kelly & Jay-Z The best of both worlds Muz 2002 / 14
R. Kelly The R in R&B : greatest hits collection ... Alo 2003 / 41
Jeannie Kendall Jeannie Kendall Muz 2003 / 10
Kenny G Paradise Muz 2002 / 40
Alicia Keys As I am Muz 2007 / 46
MTV unplugged Muz 2005 / 41
The diary of Alicia Keys Muz 2003 / 50
Kid Rock Cocky Muz 2002 / 9
De Kift Vier voor vier Muz 2003 / 50
Killer Mike Monster Muz 2003 / 21
Lil' Kim La bella mafia Muz 2003 / 11
Kinderen voor kinderen Kinderen voor kinderen 29 Buiten spelen Muz 2008 / 42
Lachen is gezond Muz 2009 / 38
lachen is gezond (dvd) Muz 2009 / 49
Mega spektakel (dvd) Muz 2008 / 50
Songfestival 2009-2010 Muz 2009 / 30
Nina Kinert Let there be love Muz 2009 / 36
King Crimson The power to believe Muz 2003 / 11
Carole King Love makes the world Muz 2001 / 45
Kings of convenience Declaration of dependence Muz 2009 / 42
Riot on an empty street Muz 2004 / 27
Kingsbury manx The fast rise and fall of the South Rev 2006 / 1
Sean Kingston Sean Kingston Muz 2007 / 38
Bill Kirchen Word to the wise Muz 2010 / 32
Stephanie Kirkham That girl Muz 2003 / 44
Knack But the little girls understand Alo 2002 / 28
Get the Knack Alo 2002 / 28
Round trip Alo 2002 / 28
Serious fun Alo 2002 / 28
Beverley Knight Music city soul Muz 2007 / 20
Who I am Muz 2002 / 13
Gladys Knight and the Pips Beats of my heart Alo 2005 / 2
Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris All the roadrunning Muz 2006 / 17
Mark Knopfler Golden heart Alo 2002 / 30
The ragpicker's dream Muz 2002 / 41
Peter Koelewijn Een gelukkig man Muz 2009 / 50
Koffee Brown Mars/Venus Muz 2001 / 26
John Kongos Lavender popcorn Alo 2002 / 24
Kooks Konk Muz 2008 / 16
Konk/Rak Muz 2008 / 16
Kool & the Gang 40th anniversary of the funk legend (dvd... Rev 2006 / 4
The hits : reloaded Muz 2004 / 25
The hits : reloaded Rev 2007 / 4
Ricky Koole Harmonium live Muz 2009 / 9
Koop Waltz for Koop Muz 2002 / 13
Al Kooper Black coffee Muz 2005 / 34
Korn Untouchables Muz 2002 / 25
Koufax Socail life Muz 2002 / 51
Kraftwerk Kraftwerk and the electronic revolution ... Muz 2008 / 51
Krang Gluut! Muz 2003 / 4
Alison Krauss A hundred miles or more : live from the ... Muz 2008 / 46
Alison Krauss & Union station Lonely runs both ways Muz 2004 / 48
New favorite Muz 2001 / 36
Lenny Kravitz Baptism Muz 2004 / 21
It's time for a love revolution Muz 2008 / 6
Lenny Muz 2001 / 45
Let love rule Muz 2009 / 22
One night in Tokyo (dvd) Muz 2010 / 4
Krezip Days like this Muz 2002 / 43
What are you waiting for Muz 2005 / 20
Wolter Kroes 24 uur per dag Muz 2002 / 50
KRS-One Kristyles Muz 2003 / 30
Kubb Mother Muz 2006 / 14
Kula Shaker Pilgrim's progress Muz 2010 / 29
Strange folk Muz 2007 / 34
Dayna Kurtz Postcards from Downtown Muz 2003 / 13
Kus Allereerste Kus Muz 2005 / 48
In de film Muz 2008 / 48
Kus gaat los! Muz 2006 / 44
Ben Kweller Sha sha Muz 2002 / 44
Patti Labelle Timeless journey Muz 2004 / 22
Lady Gaga The fame monster Muz 2009 / 48
The remix Muz 2010 / 20
Ladyhawke Ladyhawke Muz 2008 / 40
Ladytron Witching hour Muz 2005 / 51
Seth Lakeman Freedom fields Muz 2007 / 32
Kitty Jay Muz 2006 / 5
Poor man's heaven Muz 2008 / 35
Lalalover Heliotropic Rev 2006 / 2
Lambchop Damaged Muz 2006 / 34
OH (Ohio) Muz 2008 / 41
Ray Lamontagne & the Pariah dogs God willin' & the creek don't rise Muz 2010 / 33
Ray Lamontagne Gossip in the grain Muz 2008 / 44
Till the sun turns black Muz 2006 / 43
Lamya Learning from falling Muz 2002 / 34
Sonny Landreth Grant street Muz 2005 / 8
Jonny Lang Long time coming Muz 2004 / 7
k.d. Lang Hymns of the 49th parallel Muz 2004 / 40
Live by request Muz 2001 / 39
Live in London (dvd) Muz 2008 / 52
Watershed Muz 2008 / 6
Daniel Lanois Acadie Muz 2009 / 33
Here is what is Muz 2008 / 17
Shine Muz 2003 / 18
Large Professor 1st class Muz 2002 / 49
Marit Larsen The chase Muz 2009 / 14
James Last They call me Hansi Muz 2004 / 46
Latimore Sweet vibrations : the best of Latimore Alo 2004 / 46
Thé Lau De God van Nederland Muz 2002 / 20
Cyndi Lauper At last Alo 2004 / 43
Lavender diamond Imagine our love Muz 2007 / 20
Bettye Lavette I've got my own hell to raise Muz 2005 / 40
The scene of the crime Muz 2007 / 39
Avril Lavigne The best damn tour : live in Toronto (dv... Muz 2008 / 37
Under my skin Muz 2004 / 23
Leaf Life's a beach Muz 2007 / 48
Leaves Breathe Muz 2002 / 35
Lebbis en Jansen Beuken op de bühne Muz 2002 / 48
Led zeppelin The song remains the same (dvd) Muz 2007 / 49
Amos Lee Last days at the lodge Muz 2008 / 31
Live from Austin TX (dvd) Muz 2009 / 3
Supply and demand Muz 2006 / 41
Robert Lee In fine style Muz 2003 / 5
Tommy Lee Never a dull moment Muz 2002 / 27
Paul de Leeuw Duizel mij Alo 2005 / 5
Zingen terwijl u wacht Muz 2001 / 22
Ferry van Leeuwen Intens Muz 2007 / 3
John Legend Get lifted Alo 2005 / 2
Get lifted Muz 2005 / 2
Live from Philadelphia (dvd) Muz 2008 / 16
Leine Truth be told Muz 2008 / 47
Lemonheads It's a shame about Ray Muz 2008 / 16
The Lemonheads Muz 2006 / 43
John Lennon & Yoko Ono Double fantasy Muz 2010 / 41
John Lennon Gimme some truth Muz 2010 / 41
Annie Lennox Bare Muz 2003 / 25
Songs of mass destruction Muz 2007 / 40
Erik Levander Kondens Muz 2008 / 23
Level 42 Live at Wembley (dvd) Alo 2005 / 5
Gerald Levert The g-spot Muz 2002 / 44
Glenn Lewis World outside my window Muz 2002 / 20
Huey Lewis and the News Plan B Muz 2001 / 44
Jenny Lewis Acid tongue Muz 2008 / 42
Jenny Lewis and the Watson twins Rabbit fur coat Muz 2006 / 5
Jerry Lee Lewis Last man standing Muz 2006 / 41
Mean old man Muz 2010 / 37
Leona Lewis Echo Muz 2009 / 47
John Leyton Remembering John Leyton : the anthology Alo 2002 / 24
Liberty X Thinking it over Muz 2002 / 45
Lieke Attacks when provoked Muz 2002 / 28
Lighthouse family Whatever gets you through the day Muz 2001 / 50
Lightspeed champion Falling off the Lavender bridge Muz 2008 / 5
Like Release me Muz 2010 / 36
Linkin park Reanimation Muz 2002 / 32
Ivan Lins Intimate Muz 2010 / 34
Lisa, Amy & Shelley 3 Muz 2008 / 25
Little axe Hard grind Muz 2002 / 24
Little Barrie We are Little Barrie Muz 2005 / 9
Little beaver The very best of Little beaver Alo 2004 / 46
Little boots Hands Muz 2009 / 25
Little joy Little joy Muz 2008 / 46
Little Willies The Little Willies Muz 2006 / 11
Live Songs from Black mountain Muz 2006 / 15
Living colour Collideoscope Muz 2003 / 40
Living end Modern artilery Muz 2004 / 6
LL Cool J 10 Muz 2002 / 43
Andrew Lloyd Webber Now & forever Muz 2001 / 51
Lo fidelity all stars Don't be afraid of love Muz 2002 / 10
Lisa Loeb Hello Lisa Muz 2002 / 49
Daniël Lohues Allennig Rev 2006 / 4
Lohues & the Louisiana blues club Ja boeh Muz 2003 / 8
Loïs Lane 20 years (dvd) Rev 2007 / 2
The Universal masters collection Alo 2003 / 41
Loney, dear Dear John Muz 2009 / 11
Loney, noir Muz 2007 / 17
Loose fur Born again in the USA Muz 2006 / 13
Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes Supernova Muz 2001 / 45
Jennifer Lopez J to tha L-o! : the remixes Alo 2002 / 25
Rebirth Muz 2005 / 10
This is me ... then Alo 2003 / 33
Lordi The arockalypse Muz 2006 / 24
Lost in the trees All alone in an empty house Muz 2010 / 35
Pixie Lott Turn it up Muz 2009 / 39
Gary Louris Acoustic Vagabonds Muz 2008 / 49
Vagabonds Muz 2008 / 10
Demi Lovato Here we go again Muz 2009 / 41
G. Love & Special sauce Superhero brother Muz 2008 / 28
G. Love Lemonade Muz 2007 / 17
Lyle Lovett My baby don't tolerate Muz 2003 / 51
Lene Lovich Lucky number : the best of Alo 2004 / 50
Lovin' spoonful Daydream Alo 2002 / 31
Do you believe in magic Alo 2002 / 31
Low Drums and guns Muz 2007 / 12
Low anthem Oh my God, Charlie Darwin Muz 2009 / 29
Nick Lowe At my age Muz 2007 / 24
The convincer Muz 2001 / 38
Luckyfella Song believer Muz 2007 / 31
Luv' 25 jaar na Waldolala Alo 2003 / 41
Shelby Lynne Identity crisis Muz 2003 / 40
Just a little lovin' Muz 2008 / 9
Love, Shelby Muz 2001 / 47
Restless Muz 2004 / 52
Suit yourself Muz 2005 / 24
Suit yourself … : live (dvd) Muz 2008 / 2
Shannon Lyon Wandered Muz 2003 / 11
Jason Lytle Yours truly, the commuter Muz 2009 / 22
Kevin Lyttle Kevin Lyttle Muz 2004 / 19
M-kids Power! Muz 2003 / 31
Timo Maas Loud Muz 2002 / 10
Gerard van Maasakkers Vol dagen Muz 2003 / 5
Madd The Madd are pretty quick! Muz 2009 / 35
Madness The Dangermen sessions : volume one Muz 2005 / 31
The liberty of Norton Folgate Muz 2009 / 22
Madonna Celebration Muz 2009 / 40
Celebration (dvd) Muz 2009 / 40
Hard candy Muz 2008 / 18
Madrugada Grit Muz 2002 / 43
Magic numbers Those the brokes Muz 2006 / 45
Magnetic fields Distortion Muz 2008 / 7
Main ingredient Spinning around : the singles 1967-1975 Rev 2007 / 6
Danny Malando Feria del tango Muz 2002 / 45
Stephen Malkmus & Jicks Pig lib Muz 2003 / 14
Mamas and the Papas California dreamin' : the songs of the M... Alo 2005 / 5
Mando diao Hurricane bar Alo 2005 / 4
Hurricane bar Muz 2005 / 5
Barry Manilow The greatest songs of the 50's Muz 2006 / 14
Aimee Mann @#%&! Smilers Muz 2008 / 28
The forgotten arm Muz 2005 / 19
Mano negra Out of time (dvd) Muz 2006 / 5
Marillion Happiness is the road, vol. 1 Essence Muz 2008 / 46
Happiness is the road, vol. 2 the hard s... Muz 2008 / 46
Marbles : live Muz 2004 / 20
Marilyn Manson The golden age of grotesque Muz 2003 / 21
Mario Mario Muz 2002 / 41
Marjorie Fair Self help serenade Muz 2004 / 24
Self help serenade Alo 2004 / 46
Mark Dit ben ik Muz 2004 / 51
Bob Marley and the Wailers Featuring the I-Three : Germany 1980 (dv... Muz 2010 / 37
Damian Marley Welcome to jamrock Rev 2006 / 1
Maroon 5 It won't be soon before long Muz 2007 / 21
Johnny Marr & the Healers Boomslang Muz 2003 / 6
Mars volta Amputechture Muz 2006 / 37
Dean Martin Forever cool Muz 2007 / 34
That's amore (dvd) Alo 2005 / 3
Angie Martinez Animal house Muz 2002 / 40
Mary Mary Incredible Muz 2002 / 50
Matchbox 20 More than you think you are Muz 2003 / 12
Matisyahu Live at Stubb's : 2005 Muz 2005 / 50
Matt bianco Hifi bossanova Muz 2009 / 29
Matt's mood Muz 2004 / 24
Dave Matthews band Big whiskey and the GrooGrux king Muz 2009 / 25
Dave Matthews Some devil Muz 2003 / 40
Dave Matthews band Stand up Muz 2005 / 46
Scott Matthews Elsewhere Muz 2010 / 3
Maxïmo park Quicken the heart Muz 2009 / 20
John Mayer Battle studies Muz 2009 / 47
Continuum Muz 2006 / 42
Where the light is : John Mayer live in ... Rev 2008 / 7
Nathaniel Mayer (I want) love and affection (not the hou... Rev 2007 / 4
Why don't you give it to me? Rev 2007 / 4
Curtis Mayfield Live at Montreux 1987 (dvd) Alo 2005 / 2
Soul legacy Rev 2008 / 2
Martina McBride Martina Muz 2003 / 42
Timeless Muz 2005 / 47
Waking up laughing Muz 2007 / 16
Paul McCartney Chaos and creation in the backyard Muz 2005 / 37
Driving rain Muz 2001 / 46
Memory almost full Muz 2007 / 23
The McCartney years (dvd) Muz 2007 / 46
Melissa McClelland Victoria day Muz 2010 / 33
Delbert McClinton Cost of living Muz 2005 / 38
Ian McCulloch Slideling Muz 2003 / 19
Michael McDonald Motown Muz 2003 / 20
Motown two Alo 2005 / 4
Soul speak Muz 2008 / 15
Soul speak Rev 2008 / 4
Brian McFadden Irish son Muz 2004 / 50
Kate & Anna McGarrigle La vache qui pleure Muz 2004 / 12
Tim McGraw Live like you were dying Muz 2004 / 47
Set the circus down Muz 2001 / 35
Jimmy McGriff The best of the Sue years : 1962-1965 Rev 2006 / 5
Roger McGuinn Treasures from the folk den Muz 2001 / 42
Nellie McKay Get away from me Muz 2004 / 27
Maria McKee High dive Muz 2003 / 18
Brian McKnight Gemini Alo 2005 / 4
U turn Muz 2003 / 14
Rod McKuen The Amsterdam concert Muz 2006 / 5
Sarah McLachlan Closer : the best of Sarah McLachlan Muz 2008 / 44
Laws of illusion Muz 2010 / 25
Jack McManus Either side of midnight Muz 2008 / 24
Gwen McRae The best of Alo 2004 / 1
Christine McVie In the meantime Muz 2004 / 28
David McWilliams Days at dawn Alo 2002 / 28
Meat loaf Bat out of hell : the original tour (dvd... Muz 2010 / 4
Couldn't have said it better Muz 2003 / 15
Guus Meeuwis Live in het Philips stadion 2007 (dvd) Muz 2007 / 48
NW8 Muz 2009 / 20
Wijzer Muz 2005 / 45
Megadeth The system has failed Muz 2004 / 40
Melanie C Reason Muz 2003 / 13
Reason Alo 2003 / 35
Mêlée Devils & angels Muz 2008 / 11
John Mellencamp Cuttin' heads Muz 2001 / 43
No better than this Muz 2010 / 34
Trouble no more Muz 2003 / 27
Katie Melua Piece by piece Muz 2005 / 40
The Katie Melua collection Muz 2008 / 44
Melvin Melvins elftal Muz 2006 / 25
Harold Melvin & the Blue notes Harold Melvin & the Blue notes Alo 2004 / 45
Sergio Mendes Timeless Rev 2006 / 3
Natalie Merchant Motherland Muz 2001 / 50
Mercury rev The secret migration Muz 2005 / 4
Tift Merritt Another country Muz 2008 / 17
Bramble rose Muz 2002 / 23
Home is loud Muz 2009 / 49
Tambourine Muz 2004 / 36
Tambourine Alo 2004 / 50
Pat Metheny Orchestrion Muz 2010 / 6
The way up Muz 2005 / 5
Mew And the glass handed kites Rev 2006 / 2
George Michael Live in London (dvd) Muz 2009 / 50
Midaircondo Shopping for images Muz 2006 / 17
Malcolm Middleton A brighter beat Muz 2007 / 9
Into the woods Muz 2005 / 24
Midlake Milkmaid grand army Muz 2009 / 3
The courage of others Muz 2010 / 5
The trials of Van Occupanther Muz 2006 / 25
Raul Midón A world within a world Muz 2007 / 40
Mika Life in cartoon motion Muz 2007 / 9
Life in cartoon motion (dvd) Muz 2007 / 46
Live Parc des Princes Paris (dvd) Muz 2008 / 47
The boy who knew too much Muz 2009 / 39
Mike & Thomas Stukken (dvd) Muz 2009 / 15
Buddy & Julie Miller Buddy & Julie Miller Muz 2001 / 40
Buddy Miller Midnight and lonesome Muz 2002 / 42
Steve Miller band Bingo! Muz 2010 / 26
Millionaire Outside the Simian flock Muz 2002 / 3
Milow Coming of age Muz 2008 / 12
Maybe next year Muz 2009 / 42
Milow Muz 2009 / 18
Garnet Mimms Is anybody out there? Rev 2008 / 7
Kylie Minogue X Muz 2007 / 48
X 2008 (dvd) Muz 2009 / 17
Mintzkov 360 degrees Muz 2007 / 13
Minus 5 The Minus 5 (The gun album) Rev 2006 / 3
Mir Files from London Muz 2006 / 37
Nina Miranda & Chris Franck Zeep! Rev 2007 / 4
Mis-teeq Lickin' on both sides Muz 2002 / 19
Miss Montreal Miss Montreal Muz 2009 / 21
Missantartica Lost electricity Muz 2005 / 45
Joni Mitchell Shine Muz 2007 / 39
Travelogue Muz 2002 / 50
Mo' Jones My world Rev 2006 / 1
Mobb deep Infamy Muz 2001 / 51
Moby 18 Muz 2002 / 20
Go : the very best of Moby Muz 2006 / 51
Modern talking Victory : the 11th album Muz 2002 / 20
Modest mouse Good news for people who love bad news Muz 2004 / 17
Moke Shorland Muz 2007 / 16
Mon amour BZN tribute band After all these years Muz 2009 / 13
Monkees Live summer tour Alo 2003 / 35
Monokino Human error Muz 2009 / 11
Monsters of folk Monsters of folk Muz 2009 / 40
Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus Best of both worlds concert (dvd) Muz 2008 / 51
Moondog & Julie Andrews & Martyn Green Songs of sense & nonsense/Tell it again Muz 2010 / 5
Daniel Martin Moore Stray age Muz 2009 / 3
Sam Moore Overnight sensation Muz 2006 / 36
Overnight sensation Rev 2006 / 6
Allison Moorer Mockingbird Muz 2008 / 14
The duel Muz 2004 / 20
Alanis Morissette Flavors of entanglement Muz 2008 / 23
Jagged little pill Muz 2015 / 45
Jagged little pill acoustic Muz 2005 / 30
Van Morrison Keep it simple Muz 2008 / 12
Magic time Muz 2005 / 20
Magic time Alo 2005 / 5
Still on top : the greatest hits Muz 2007 / 43
What's wrong with this picture? Muz 2003 / 45
Morrissey Ringleader of the tormentors Muz 2006 / 14
You are the quarry Muz 2004 / 21
Lee Moses Time and place Rev 2007 / 3
Moss Never be scared/Don't be a hero Muz 2009 / 41
Motörhead Kiss of death Muz 2006 / 36
Motorpsycho It's a love cult Muz 2002 / 41
Bob Mould Body of song Muz 2005 / 32
A Mountain of one Collected works Muz 2008 / 16
Moving units Dangerous dreams Muz 2005 / 11
Dangerous dreams Alo 2005 / 3
Jason Mraz We sing, we dance, we steal things Muz 2008 / 21
Ms. Dynamite A little deeper Muz 2002 / 39
Judgement days Muz 2005 / 41
Maria Muldaur Love wants to dance Muz 2004 / 43
Maria Muldaur and her garden of joy Muz 2009 / 51
Mull historical society This is hope Muz 2004 / 34
Múm Sing along to songs you don't know Muz 2009 / 36
Pete Murray Summer at Eureka Muz 2008 / 22
Summer at Eureka Rev 2008 / 6
Music Strength in numbers Muz 2008 / 25
Musiq Soulchild Soulstar Muz 2004 / 2
Mutual admiration society Mutual admiration society Alo 2004 / 50
My morning jacket Evil urges Muz 2008 / 26
Z Muz 2005 / 42
Mya Moodring Muz 2003 / 31
Mystery jets Making dens Muz 2006 / 13
Twenty one Muz 2008 / 18
N-Sync Celebrity Muz 2001 / 32
N.E.R.D. In search of Muz 2001 / 33
Nas God's son Muz 2002 / 52
Graham Nash Songs for beginners Muz 2008 / 46
Songs for survivors Muz 2002 / 32
Leigh Nash Blue on blue Muz 2006 / 39
Nina Nastasia Outlaster Muz 2010 / 26
Ne-Yo In my own words Muz 2006 / 15
Neet oét lottum Krak Muz 2005 / 2
Nelly Da derrty versions : the reinvention Alo 2004 / 43
Nellyville Muz 2002 / 27
Ricky Nelson Greatest hits Rev 2006 / 2
Ricky Nelson sings (dvd) Rev 2006 / 2
Willie Nelson It will always be Muz 2004 / 46
One hell of a ride Muz 2008 / 16
Willie Nelson & Ray Price Run that by me one more … Muz 2003 / 34
Willie Nelson Songbird Muz 2007 / 6
The great divide Muz 2002 / 8
Willie Nelson & Asleep at the wheel Willie and the Wheel Muz 2009 / 12
Willie Nelson Willie naked Muz 2009 / 12
Neon indian Psychic chasms Muz 2009 / 52
Neon Neon Stainless style Muz 2008 / 26
Neptunes Clones Muz 2003 / 35
Clones Alo 2003 / 39
Neville brothers Walkin' in the shadow of life Alo 2004 / 1
Walkin' in the shadow of life Muz 2004 / 47
Aaron Neville Gospel roots Muz 2005 / 15
New diamonds Out of the blue Muz 2001 / 41
New pornographers Challengers Muz 2007 / 35
Electric version Muz 2003 / 21
Together Muz 2010 / 19
A.C. Newman Get guilty Muz 2009 / 10
Joanna Newsom Ys Muz 2006 / 46
Benny Neyman Het allermooiste van Benny Neyman Muz 2008 / 8
Nick & Simon Luister Muz 2009 / 8
Nickel creek Why should the fire die? Muz 2005 / 42
Nightporter In a valley of wolves Muz 2007 / 51
Judith Nijland The beautiful reality of life Muz 2003 / 51
Theo Nijland Loenatik : de muziek van de moevie (soun... Alo 2002 / 31
Rob de Nijs Rob 100 Muz 2008 / 2
Nikki Let it go Muz 2010 / 22
Nirvana Live at Reading (dvd) Muz 2009 / 45
With the lights out Muz 2004 / 49
Nits 1974 Muz 2003 / 46
Nizlopi Half these songs are about you Muz 2006 / 15
No doubt Rock steady Muz 2001 / 51
Noa Genes & jeans Muz 2008 / 49
Jim Noir Jim Noir Muz 2008 / 28
Noisettes What's the time mr Wolf Muz 2007 / 13
Normaal Hok & swing Muz 2003 / 51
Ik kom altied weer terug Muz 2001 / 49
N-je nrs Muz 2008 / 25
Vernemstig te passe Muz 2003 / 30
Nouvelle vague Presents new wave Muz 2008 / 35
Heather Nova The jasmine flower Muz 2008 / 46
Nueva manteca Late tribute to West side story Muz 2003 / 15
Nuff said Blue Muz 2004 / 7
Alecia Nugent Alecia Nugent Muz 2004 / 13
Gary Numan Exposure : the best of Gary Numan 1977-2... Alo 2002 / 28
Sinéad O'Connor Theology Muz 2007 / 26
Throw down your arms Muz 2005 / 45
Anita O'Day The life of a jazz singer (dvd) Muz 2009 / 52
Brooks O'Dell I'm your man : the anthology 1963-1972 Rev 2008 / 5
O'Jays Imagination Alo 2004 / 1
Imagination Muz 2004 / 45
Message in the music Alo 2004 / 1
Travelin' at the speed of sound Alo 2004 / 1
Dolores O'Riordan Are you listening? Muz 2007 / 19
O-town O-town Muz 2002 / 19
Oasis Dig out your soul Muz 2008 / 41
Heathen chemistry Muz 2002 / 28
Ocean colour scene Songs for the front row : the best of Alo 2002 / 22
The BBC sessions Rev 2007 / 4
Offspring Rise and fall, rage and grace Muz 2008 / 27
Ok go Ok go Muz 2003 / 11
Ok go Alo 2003 / 35
Mike Oldfield Music of the spheres Muz 2008 / 16
The best of Tubular bells Muz 2001 / 23
Tres lunas Muz 2002 / 35
Tubular bells 2003 Muz 2003 / 25
Andrew Oldham orchestra The Rolling stones songbook Muz 2004 / 25
The Rolling stones songbook Muz 2004 / 25
David Olney Lenora Muz 2006 / 42
Mark Olson & the Creekdippers December's child Muz 2002 / 27
Mark Olson Many colored kite Muz 2010 / 34
Mark Olson & Gary Louris Ready for the flood Muz 2008 / 48
One in a million One in a million Alo 2004 / 42
1990s Cookies Rev 2007 / 3
Kicks Muz 2009 / 14
OneRepublic Dreaming out loud Muz 2007 / 51
Trijntje Oosterhuis Best of Bacharach live (dvd) Muz 2009 / 50
Never can say goodbye Muz 2009 / 50
See you as I do Rev 2006 / 1
See you as I do Muz 2005 / 36
The look of love : Burt Bacharach songbo... Muz 2006 / 47
This girl's in love : Burt Bacharach son... Muz 2009 / 40
Trijntje Oosterhuis Muz 2003 / 12
Who'll speak for love : Burt Bacharach s... Muz 2007 / 49
Who'll speak for love : Burt Bacharach s... Muz 2007 / 49
Bart Oostindie Welcome to the costume ball Muz 2008 / 38
Roy Orbison The soul of rock and roll Muz 2008 / 43
Orgone box The Orgone box Alo 2003 / 32
Orson Bright idea Muz 2006 / 22
Beth Orton Comfort of strangers Muz 2006 / 8
Joan Osborne Breakfast in bed Rev 2008 / 2
Pretty little stranger Muz 2006 / 48
Osbourne family album The Osbourne family album Muz 2002 / 26
Kelly Osbourne Shut up Muz 2003 / 7
Osdorp posse Tegenstrijd Muz 2003 / 6
Donny Osmond Somewhere in time Muz 2003 / 7
Others The Others Muz 2005 / 7
Outkast Big Boi & Dre present Outkast Muz 2001 / 51
Speakerboxxx/the love below Muz 2003 / 41
Pacific gas & electric Get it on : the Kent records sessions Rev 2008 / 6
Pacific! Reveries Muz 2008 / 20
Pains of being pure at heart The Pains of being pure at heart Muz 2009 / 11
Paladins Palvoline no. 7 Muz 2001 / 25
Amanda Palmer Who killed Amanda Palmer Muz 2008 / 38
Robert Palmer Drive Muz 2003 / 43
Eddie Palmieri Ritmo caliente Muz 2003 / 35
Panic! At the disco Pretty odd Muz 2008 / 14
Papa Roach Lovehatetragedy Muz 2002 / 26
Parenthetical girls Entanglements Muz 2009 / 5
Mica Paris Soul classics Rev 2006 / 1
Graham Parker Your country Muz 2004 / 13
Alan Parsons A valid path Muz 2004 / 37
Dolly Parton Backwoods Barbie Muz 2008 / 22
The ultimate collection Alo 2003 / 32
Andy Partridge Fuzzy warbles : volume 5 Alo 2004 / 50
Fuzzy warbles : volume 6 Alo 2004 / 50
Passion pit Manners Muz 2009 / 26
Pater Moeskroen XX : deel 1 Muz 2006 / 6
Rahsaan Patterson Wines & spirits Rev 2007 / 5
Sean Paul Dutty rock Muz 2002 / 48
The trinity Muz 2005 / 40
Paulusma Irecord Muz 2008 / 47
Polly Paulusma Fingers & thumbs Muz 2007 / 23
Scissors in my pocket Muz 2004 / 26
Laura Pausini From the inside Muz 2003 / 10
Pavement Crooked rain, crooked rain Alo 2004 / 1
Pearl jam Pearl jam (2006) Muz 2006 / 19
Peasall sisters Home to you Muz 2005 / 50
Ann Peebles Brand new classics Muz 2006 / 27
Peeping Tom Peeping Tom Muz 2006 / 31
Wies Peeters Delivery in a fortnight Muz 2008 / 16
Marti Pellow Smile Muz 2001 / 32
Edwin Pennock Passion Rev 2006 / 6
Pernice brothers Live a little Muz 2006 / 45
The world won't end Muz 2001 / 33
Yours, mine & ours Muz 2003 / 30
El Perro del mar From the valley to the stars Muz 2008 / 21
Brendan Perry Ark Muz 2010 / 27
Joe Perry Joe Perry Muz 2005 / 19
Lee 'Scratch' Perry Chicken scratch Muz 2008 / 9
Divine madness ... definitely Muz 2001 / 23
Jamaican E.T. Muz 2002 / 7
Pet shop boys Actually : further listening 1987/88 Muz 2001 / 24
Bilingual : further listening 1995/97 Muz 2001 / 24
Introspective : further listening 1988/8... Muz 2001 / 24
Please : further listening 1984/86 Muz 2001 / 24
Very : further listening 1992/94 Muz 2001 / 24
Yes Muz 2009 / 13
Pete and the Pirates Little death Muz 2008 / 18
Little death Rev 2008 / 6
Peter Bjorn and John Living thing Muz 2009 / 14
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Runnin' down a dream (dvd) Muz 2008 / 3
The last DJ Alo 2002 / 31
Liz Phair Liz Phair Muz 2003 / 27
Somebody's miracle Muz 2006 / 7
Phantom band Checkmate savage Muz 2009 / 9
Phantom planet The guest Alo 2002 / 27
Kelly Joe Phelps Tap the red cane whirlwind Muz 2005 / 7
Grant-Lee Phillips Mobilize Muz 2002 / 15
Sandra Phillips & Bette Williams Swamp Dogg's Southern soul girls Rev 2008 / 1
Phoenix Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix Muz 2009 / 22
Phosphorescent Here's to taking it easy Muz 2010 / 21
To Willie Muz 2009 / 8
Jeffrey Lee Pierce Wildweed (live) Muz 2006 / 2
Pigeon detectives Emergency Rev 2008 / 5
Pineapple thief 3000 days Muz 2009 / 47
Pines Tremolo Muz 2009 / 37
P!nk Funhouse tour : live in Australia (dvd) Muz 2009 / 46
Try this Alo 2004 / 42
Try this Muz 2003 / 47
Pink floyd Echoes : the best of Muz 2001 / 46
The piper at the gates of dawn Muz 2007 / 37
Pink martini Splendor in the grass Muz 2009 / 45
El Pino and the Volunteers Molten city Muz 2006 / 36
Tom Pintens Winter maakt ons vrolijk Muz 2009 / 10
Pipettes We are the Pipettes Muz 2006 / 33
Gene Pitney Blue angel : the Bronze sessions Alo 2003 / 38
Plan The Plan Muz 2002 / 7
Robert Plant Dreamland Muz 2002 / 29
Mighty rearranger Muz 2005 / 18
Robert Plant & Alison Krauss Raising sand Muz 2007 / 43
Planteydt Jotter's whiffle Muz 2003 / 15
Playgroup Playgroup Muz 2001 / 43
Poels & Giesen Holland America Lijn Muz 2004 / 4
Polarkreis18 The colour of snow Muz 2009 / 4
Police Live in Buenos Aires (dvd) Muz 2008 / 46
Polyphonic spree Live from Austin Tx (dvd) Rev 2007 / 5
The fragile army Rev 2007 / 5
Iggy Pop Beat em up Muz 2001 / 26
Iggy and the Stooges Live in Detroit (dvd) Alo 2004 / 46
Iggy Pop Skull ring Muz 2003 / 41
Ana Popovic Live from the heart of Italy (dvd) Muz 2010 / 40
Porcupine tree In absentia Muz 2003 / 5
Recordings Muz 2001 / 24
Portishead Third Muz 2008 / 18
Portugal, the Man Censored colors Muz 2008 / 39
Posies Blood/Candy Muz 2010 / 41
Postal service Give up Muz 2003 / 20
Postmen Era Muz 2003 / 26
Powderblue Powderblue Muz 2004 / 18
So much to cover Muz 2002 / 7
Power station The Power station Alo 2005 / 5
Daniel Powter Daniel Powter Muz 2005 / 20
Under the radar Muz 2008 / 38
Prefab sprout Let's change the world with music Muz 2009 / 43
The gunman and other stories Muz 2001 / 26
Premiers Famer John 'live' Alo 2003 / 34
Elvis Presley #1 hit performances and more (dvd) Muz 2007 / 44
Lisa Marie Presley To whom it may concern Muz 2003 / 18
Johnny Preston Feel so fine : the Mercury recordings 19... Alo 2003 / 34
Pretenders Break up the concrete : the best of Muz 2009 / 24
Loose screw Muz 2003 / 21
Tristan Prettyman Twentythree Muz 2005 / 36
Prince N.E.W.S. Alo 2003 / 39
One nite alone ... live! Muz 2003 / 3
Planet Earth Rev 2007 / 3
Sign o the times (dvd) Alo 2004 / 45
The rainbow children Muz 2002 / 2
The very best of Prince Muz 2001 / 32
John Prine Fair & square Muz 2005 / 20
Proclaimers Born innocent Muz 2005 / 5
Persevere Muz 2002 / 16
Procol harum In concert with the Danish national conc... Muz 2009 / 21
The well's on fire Muz 2003 / 10
Chuck Prophet Let freedom ring! Muz 2009 / 42
No other love Muz 2002 / 32
Soap and water Muz 2007 / 42
Psapp The camel's back Muz 2008 / 45
The only thing I ever wanted Muz 2006 / 23
Public enemy Revolverlution Muz 2002 / 34
Pussycat dolls Doll domination Muz 2008 / 39
Finley Quaye Much more then much love Alo 2003 / 39
Much more then much love Muz 2003 / 41
Queen & Paul Rodgers Live in Ukraine (dvd) Muz 2009 / 25
Queen Return of the champions Muz 2005 / 40
Rock Montreal Muz 2007 / 45
Rock Montreal & Live aid (dvd) Muz 2007 / 44
Quick & brite Young urban professionals Muz 2002 / 11
R.E.M. Accelerate Muz 2008 / 14
Around the sun Muz 2004 / 41
Live at the Olympia in Berlin : 39 songs Muz 2009 / 45
Ra ra riot The orchard Muz 2010 / 37
Raconteurs Broken boy soldiers Muz 2006 / 20
Consolers of the lonely Muz 2008 / 14
Racoon Another day Muz 2005 / 15
Another night (dvd) Rev 2006 / 4
Before you leave Muz 2008 / 10
Before you leave Rev 2008 / 2
Live at Chassé theater, Breda Muz 2009 / 49
Radiohead Hail to the thief Muz 2003 / 25
I might be wrong : live recordings Muz 2001 / 47
OK computer Muz 2009 / 14
Pablo Honey Muz 2009 / 14
The bends Muz 2009 / 14
The best of (dvd) Muz 2008 / 25
Gerry Rafferty Another world Muz 2003 / 10
Life goes on Muz 2009 / 50
Min Rager First steps Muz 2010 / 5
Bonnie Raitt Souls alike Muz 2005 / 38
Rakes Capture/Release Muz 2005 / 34
Ralf Ralf Muz 2010 / 41
Raveonettes Pretty in black Muz 2005 / 31
Lou Rawls You´ll never find another love : the ve... Rev 2006 / 5
Re-play Vroeger voorbij : 10 jaar hits Alo 2005 / 2
Chris Rea Stony road Muz 2002 / 41
Eddi Reader Peacetime Muz 2007 / 11
ReBeatles project Get back! Muz 2010 / 35
Red hot chili peppers By the way Muz 2002 / 29
Stadium arcadium Muz 2006 / 20
Otis Redding Dreams to remember : the legacy of Otis ... Rev 2007 / 5
Otis blue - Otis Redding sings soul Rev 2008 / 7
Eli 'Paperboy' Reed Roll with you Rev 2008 / 6
Reef rider Beyond the Reef Alo 2003 / 39
Dianne Reeves Good night, and good luck (soundtrack) Muz 2006 / 18
Good night, and good luck (soundtrack) Rev 2006 / 4
Gé Reinders Vlége Muz 2003 / 41
Relax Live@Panama : much more, nothing less! Muz 2002 / 36
Live@Panama : much more, nothing less! (... Alo 2003 / 38
Rembrandts Lost together Muz 2003 / 21
Hugo Remmelt & Thijs Muus Bridging the gap Muz 2001 / 40
Reverend Horton Heat Lucky 7 Alo 2002 / 25
Busta Rhymes Genesis Muz 2002 / 2
It ain't safe no more… Muz 2002 / 50
Cliff Richard & the Shadows The final reunion (dvd) Muz 2009 / 49
Cliff Richard Wanted Muz 2002 / 2
Kim Richey Chinese boxes Muz 2008 / 2
Rise Muz 2002 / 44
Lionel Richie Coming home Muz 2006 / 37
Coming home Rev 2006 / 6
Just for you Alo 2004 / 46
Live : his greatest hits and more (dvd) Muz 2007 / 38
Live : his greatest hits and more (dvd) Rev 2007 / 5
Symphonica in rosso (dvd) Muz 2008 / 49
The collection (dvd) Alo 2004 / 43
Richmond Fontaine We used to think the freeway sounded lik... Muz 2009 / 35
Jan Rietman Open boek Muz 2009 / 45
André Rieu I lost my heart in Heidelberg (dvd) Muz 2009 / 52
Rigby Everything must go Muz 2009 / 24
LeAnn Rimes Twisted angel Muz 2002 / 42
Whatever we wanna Muz 2006 / 24
Minnie Riperton Adventures in paradise Alo 2004 / 45
Minnie Alo 2004 / 45
Perfect angel Alo 2004 / 45
Stay in love Alo 2004 / 45
Josh Ritter The animal years Muz 2006 / 12
Enrico Riva Beyond Fellini Muz 2002 / 12
Riverside Anno Domini high definition Muz 2009 / 29
RJD2 Deadringer Muz 2002 / 33
Since we last spoke Muz 2004 / 22
A.J. Roach Revelation Muz 2007 / 6
Duke Robillard Blue mood Muz 2004 / 35
Robins I must be dreamin' : the Robins on RCA, ... Rev 2008 / 2
Dawn Robinson Dawn Muz 2002 / 51
Sharon Robinson Everybody knows Muz 2009 / 22
Smokey Robinson Time flies when you're having fun Muz 2010 / 2
Robyn Body talk pt. 1 Muz 2010 / 25
Carrie Rodriguez Love and circumstance Muz 2010 / 34
Seven angels on a bicycle Muz 2006 / 34
Sixto Diaz Rodriguez Cold fact Muz 2008 / 38
Rogue wave Asleep at heaven's gate Muz 2008 / 11
Descended like vultures Muz 2005 / 46
Rolling stones A bigger bang Muz 2005 / 36
Exile on Main street Muz 2010 / 20
Gimme shelter (dvd) Muz 2010 / 3
Ladies & Gentlemen (dvd) Muz 2010 / 42
Rolled gold + : the very best of the Rol... Muz 2007 / 47
Shine a light Muz 2008 / 15
Stones in exile (dvd) Muz 2010 / 24
Edsilia Rombley Face to face Muz 2002 / 32
Roméo Home again Muz 2002 / 43
Linda Ronstadt The best of Linda Ronstadt : the Capitol... Muz 2006 / 5
Rooney Calling the world Muz 2007 / 32
Roots Phrenology Muz 2002 / 49
Rosemary's sons All in hand Muz 2002 / 19
Rosenbergs Mission : You Muz 2001 / 45
Diana Ross Blue Rev 2006 / 5
Diana Alo 2003 / 40
I love you Muz 2006 / 40
Live from Las Vegas (dvd) Muz 2009 / 29
Diana Ross and the Supremes Supreme rarities : Motwon lost and found Muz 2008 / 25
Josh Rouse Subtítulo Muz 2006 / 14
Kelly Rowland Simply deep Muz 2003 / 7
Rowwen hèze Dageraad Muz 2003 / 15
Röyksopp Night out live EP Muz 2006 / 6
Rubinoos Crimes against music Alo 2003 / 33
Ruby suns Sea lion Muz 2008 / 11
Xavier Rudd Food in the belly Muz 2006 / 33
White moth Muz 2007 / 24
Todd Rundgren Arena Muz 2008 / 42
Rush Vapor trails Muz 2002 / 23
Justin Rutledge Man descending Muz 2008 / 24
Kate Ryan Free Muz 2008 / 38
Raphael Saadiq As Ray Ray Muz 2004 / 42
Sade Lovers live Alo 2002 / 24
Lovers live Muz 2002 / 9
Soldier of love Muz 2010 / 7
Safri duo Episode II Muz 2001 / 28
Saint Etienne Tales from Turnpike house Muz 2005 / 25
Sam and Dave The original Soul men (dvd) Muz 2008 / 21
The original Soul men (dvd) Rev 2008 / 6
Roger Sanchez First contact Muz 2001 / 33
Hope Sandoval & the Warm inventions Through the devil softly Muz 2009 / 44
Santana Guitar heaven : the greatest classics of... Muz 2010 / 38
Multi-dimensional warrior Muz 2008 / 41
Shaman Muz 2002 / 44
Julian Sas Ragin' river Muz 2002 / 13
Twilight skies of life Muz 2005 / 5
Joe Satriani Black swans and wormhole wizards Muz 2010 / 41
Strange beautiful music Muz 2002 / 27
Super colossal Muz 2006 / 17
SaunaWest We are perfect Muz 2008 / 24
Saves the day Sound the alarm Rev 2006 / 4
Boz Scaggs But beautiful : standards, volume 1 Muz 2003 / 20
Dig Muz 2001 / 39
fade into light Muz 2005 / 42
Scala On the rocks Muz 2003 / 7
Scene 4 originals Rev 2007 / 4
Arena Rev 2007 / 4
Avenue de la scene Rev 2007 / 4
Blauw Rev 2007 / 4
Liefde op doorreis Muz 2009 / 46
Open Rev 2007 / 4
The Universal masters collection Alo 2003 / 41
School of seven bells Alpinisms Muz 2009 / 6
Schradinova India, Lima, Oscar, Victor, echo, you Muz 2010 / 42
Patti Scialfa 23rd street lullaby Muz 2004 / 26
Scissor sisters Scissor sisters Muz 2004 / 9
Seal Soul Muz 2008 / 45
Soul live Muz 2009 / 28
System Muz 2007 / 46
Searchers The definitive Pye collection Alo 2004 / 45
The iron door sessions Alo 2002 / 30
Seedling Let's play boys & girls Muz 2003 / 25
Pete Seeger At 89 Muz 2008 / 43
Brian Setzer 13 Muz 2006 / 46
Ignition! : '68 comeback special Muz 2001 / 26
Seven Seven Muz 2006 / 34
Ron Sexsmith Blue boy Muz 2001 / 24
Cobblestone runaway Muz 2002 / 42
Exit strategy of the soul Muz 2008 / 29
Exit strategy of the soul Rev 2008 / 7
Retriever Muz 2004 / 18
Time being Muz 2006 / 20
Ramses Shaffy Laat mijn liedjes nu maar zwerven Muz 2006 / 24
Shaggy Clothes drop Muz 2005 / 39
Lucky day Muz 2002 / 45
Shakira Oral fixation : volumes 1 & 2 Muz 2006 / 51
Remy Shand The way I feel Muz 2002 / 13
Ryan Shaw This is Ryan Shaw Rev 2008 / 6
Sheer Here and now and long before Muz 2009 / 17
Glen Sherley Live at Vacaville, California Muz 2009 / 13
Jake Shimabukuro Gently weeps Muz 2008 / 31
Shins Wincing the night away Muz 2007 / 5
Shontelle Shontelligence Muz 2008 / 48
Shortwave set Replica sun machine Muz 2008 / 20
The debt collection Muz 2005 / 41
Shane Shu Shane Shu Muz 2008 / 12
Labi Siffre Crying laughing loving lying Rev 2006 / 5
For the children Rev 2006 / 5
Labi Siffre Rev 2006 / 5
Remember my song Rev 2006 / 5
The best of Rev 2006 / 4
The singer and the song Rev 2006 / 5
Sigur Rós () Muz 2002 / 45
Med sud i eyrum vid spilum endalaust Muz 2008 / 27
Elin Ruth Sigvardsson Cookatoo friends Muz 2010 / 24
Silkstone For a reason Muz 2003 / 15
Here in your world Muz 2008 / 7
Judee Sill Judee Sill Muz 2006 / 2
Lucie Silvas Breathe in Muz 2005 / 14
Breathe in Muz 2006 / 6
Silverchair Diorama Muz 2002 / 33
Carly Simon Into white Muz 2007 / 12
Paul Simon Live from Philadelphia (dvd) Muz 2008 / 48
Surprise Muz 2006 / 20
The essential Paul Simon Muz 2007 / 34
Nina Simone Forever young gifted and black : songs o... Muz 2006 / 6
Simple minds Cry Muz 2002 / 15
Neon lights Muz 2001 / 40
Simple plan Still not getting any … Muz 2005 / 20
Simply Red Cuba! (dvd) Rev 2006 / 2
Home Muz 2003 / 13
Picture book Rev 2008 / 7
Simplified Muz 2005 / 42
Stay Muz 2007 / 11
Stay : live at the Royal Albert hall (dv... Muz 2007 / 42
Jessica Simpson Irresistibel Muz 2001 / 27
Frank Sinatra Nothing but the best Muz 2008 / 21
Nancy Sinatra Nancy Sinatra Muz 2004 / 42
Singles Better than before Alo 2004 / 42
Sisters Love Give me your love Rev 2007 / 3
Sita Come with me Muz 2003 / 49
Happy Alo 2002 / 23
Happy Muz 2002 / 4
16 Down F.L.O. Muz 2007 / 7
Headrush Muz 2001 / 23
Life in a fishbowl Muz 2003 / 44