Alle jaarlijstjes die er toe doen, in één register
Gevonden Albums |
Album^ | Jaar^ | Recensies^ | Vermeldingen^ | ||
12345678 : the catalogue | 2009 | 1 |
3-D (dvd) | 2017 | 1 |
Autobahn | 1974 | 12 |
30 |
Computer world | 1981 | 11 |
27 |
Concert classics | 1998 | 2 |
Die Mensch-Maschine | 1978 | 1 |
1 |
Electric café | 1986 | 6 |
5 |
K4 | 1971 | 1 |
Kraftwerk | 1970 | 4 |
Kraftwerk 2 | 1972 | 1 |
Kraftwerk and the electronic revolution (dvd) | 2008 | 2 |
Kraftwerk remixes | 2022 | 1 |
Minimum - maximum | 2005 | 4 |
6 |
Minimum - maximum (dvd) | 2005 | 1 |
Radio-activity | 1975 | 10 |
14 |
Ralf & Florian | 1973 | 3 |
Remixes | 2020 | 1 |
Techno pop (Electric café) | 2009 | 6 |
The man machine | 1978 | 10 |
38 |
The mix | 1991 | 9 |
5 |
The model | 1994 | 1 |
Tour de France soundtracks | 2003 | 12 |
6 |
Trans Europe Express | 1977 | 11 |
39 |