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Jacob Haagsma

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Jazz 2003 link Jazz - De beste 100 cd's uit soul, world, blues & jazz 2003
Jazz 2005 link Jazz - De beste 100 cd's uit soul, world, blues & jazz 2005
Jazz 2009 link Jazz - Top 50 van deze eeuw (2000-2009)
Oor 1994 link Oor - Jaarlijst 1994
Oor 1995 link Oor - Jaarlijst 1995
Oor 1996 link Oor - Jaarlijst 1996
Oor 1997 link Oor - Jaarlijst 1997
Oor 1998 link Oor - Jaarlijst 1998
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Oor 2003 link Oor - Jaarlijst 2003
Oor 2005 link Oor - Jaarlijst 2005
Oor 2006 link Oor - Jaarlijst 2006
Oor 2007 link Oor - 50 jaar Nederpop (2007)
Oor 2007 link Oor - Top 100 aller tijden (2007)
Oor 2007 link Oor - Jaarlijst 2007
Oor 2008 link Oor - Jaarlijst 2008
Oor 2009 link Oor - Jaarlijst 2009
Oor 2009 link Oor - Top honderd van de jaren nul
Oor 2010 link Oor - Jaarlijst 2010
Oor 2011 link Oor - Jaarlijst 2011
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Oor 2017 link Oor - Jaarlijst 2017
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Recensies - top

Artiest^ Album^ Ts^ Jaar/Nr^ Verm^

# 110 below : volume 2: Trip to the Chip s... Oor 1995 / 8
313 : compiled by Blake Baxter Oor 1996 / 7
A compilation (3) Oor 1994 / 13
#trib A Sun Ra dedication : the myths lives on Oor 2003 / 23
# A tale of 3 cities Oor 1996 / 17
After midnight 01:00 Oor 2001 / 18
Aline in Wonderland Oor 1999 / 2
All saints calling Oor 1994 / 13
Ambient 4 : isolationism Oor 1995 / 6
Ambient dub : volume 1 The big chill Oor 1993 / 22
Ambient dub : volume 2 Earth justice Oor 1993 / 22
Ambient dub : volume 3 Aqua Oor 1993 / 22
Anti NY Oor 2001 / 22
APC tracks : vol. 1 Oor 1998 / 3
APC tracks : vol. 2 Oor 1998 / 3
Apollo Oor 1993 / 19
Apollo 2 : the divine collection Oor 1995 / 10
Artcore 2 : the art of drum & bass (mixe... Oor 1996 / 9
Artcore 2, the art of drum & bass Oor 1996 / 9
Artcore 4 Oor 1997 / 22
Artificial intelligence 2 Oor 1994 / 11
Asana Oor 1998 / 3
Asphodelic Oor 1999 / 7
At the moment of impact Oor 1994 / 4
Atlantic Jaxx recordings : a compilation Oor 1998 / 2
Atmospheric drum & bass : vol. 5 Oor 1999 / 3
Back to love 3 Oor 2001 / 23
Back to mine : Everything but the girl Oor 2001 / 9
Back to mine : New order Oor 2002 / 20
Back to Peru (the most complete compilat... Oor 2003 / 3
Bam bam : the best of Westbrook classics Oor 1995 / 10
Beats & pieces : volume 2 Oor 2001 / 8
Bip-bop generation V.1 Oor 2001 / 2
Bip-bop generation V.4 Oor 2001 / 23
Blech Oor 1996 / 24
Blue note trip : Jazzanova Oor 2005 / 5
Breakbeat science Oor 1996 / 24
Bude dimensions III Oor 2001 / 23
Bustin' loose Oor 1999 / 21
California dreaming : the ultimate cyber... Oor 1994 / 5
Change the beat : the Celluloid records ... Oor 2013 / 3
Classic garage, definite garage mastercu... Oor 1999 / 6
Clicks & cuts 3 Oor 2003 / 4
Clicks + cuts Oor 2000 / 3
Collection two Oor 1997 / 11
Compiled Oor 1998 / 24
Congotronics 2 Oor 2006 / 2
Cool as ice : the BE music productions Oor 2003 / 18
Cosmic Kurushi monsters : Tokyo invasion... Oor 1997 / 17
Creative, innovative, uncompromising Oor 1995 / 9
Cubic rave (video) Oor 1994 / 6
Danny Krivit : edits by mr. K Oor 2003 / 7
#trib Day of the Dead Oor 2016 / 6
# De Nederlandsche underground Oor 1996 / 19
Decay product Oor 1998 / 4
Deconstruction classics : a history of d... Oor 1995 / 20
Deep sessions 01 Oor 2003 / 5
Demo tracks 1999 Oor 1999 / 24
Deutsche Elektronische Musik 2 : experim... Oor 2013 / 4
Deutsche Elektronische Musik : experimen... Oor 2010 / 5
Digital disco Oor 2003 / 4
Disco fantasy Oor 1999 / 6
Disco Kandi Oor 2000 / 5
Disco not disco 2 Oor 2002 / 17
Disco spectrum 2 Oor 2000 / 12
DJ Spooky : Modern mantra Oor 2002 / 12
Documenta.II Oor 2002 / 12
Dope classics Oor 1997 / 22
Dope on plastic! 1 React jazz buff serie... Oor 1995 / 4
Dope on plastic! 7 Oor 2000 / 4
Droppin' science : the best of cold chil... Oor 1999 / 23
Dub echoes Oor 2009 / 7
Dub house disco : the third Oor 1994 / 4
Dubnology 2 : Lost in bass Oor 1996 / 24
Dust 2 dub Oor 1999 / 2
Dutch exotica Oor 2009 / 6
Electric Ladyland II Oor 1996 / 10
Electric Ladyland III Oor 1997 / 3
Electric Ladyland IV Oor 1998 / 23
Electronation : Are you part of it? Oor 2003 / 23
Ennio Morricone remixes : volume 1 Oor 2004 / 1
Essential elements 06 Oor 1996 / 1
Expect the unexpected Oor 1995 / 9
Extreme possibilities Oor 1995 / 19
Flow Oor 1996 / 24
Folds and rhizomes for Gilles Deleuze Oor 1996 / 10
Free the funk : vol. 3 Oor 1998 / 24
Freezone 4 : Dangerous lullabies Oor 1997 / 12
Freezone 5 : The radio is teaching my go... Oor 1998 / 18
Freezone 7 Oor 2001 / 20
Fucking hardcore no. 4 Oor 1996 / 7
Funk spectrum Oor 1999 / 5
Funkungfusion Oor 1998 / 10
Future rhythm future funk Oor 1999 / 12
Future sounds of jazz : vol. 08 Oor 2001 / 23
Global cuts Oor 1993 / 20
Global cuts 2 Oor 1996 / 2
#trib Great Jewish music : Burt Bacharach Oor 1997 / 11
Great jewish music : Marc Bolan Oor 1998 / 25
# Hard leaders 4: Into the jungle Oor 1994 / 18
Hard leaders 5: Jungle Oor 1994 / 18
Hardleaders 6 presents jungle dub 2 Oor 1995 / 6
Havana mood Oor 1999 / 23
Headz Oor 1994 / 24
Headz 2A Oor 1996 / 22
Headz 2B Oor 1996 / 22
Heart of hiphop : downtown science Oor 1998 / 23
Hi-tech soul movement, Dimitri live at R... Oor 1996 / 17
Hi:fidelity dub sessions : chapter one Oor 1999 / 3
Hi:fidelity lounge : volume one: subterr... Oor 1999 / 24
Homeworks : a collection from the Source Oor 1994 / 3
House proud : vol. 3 Oor 2003 / 5
Hypercity Oor 2001 / 10
#trib I'll be your mirror : a tribute to the V... Oor 2021 / 9
# Impakt 2000 Oor 2000 / 10
In house we trust : vol. 1 Oor 1996 / 5
In memoriam Gilles Deleuze Oor 1996 / 10
In order to dance 5 Oor 1994 / 19
In order to dance 6 Session one : drum '... Oor 1996 / 11
Incursions in illbient Oor 1997 / 7
Industrial fucking strength Oor 1996 / 7
Inhouse volume one : Modern house sounds... Oor 2001 / 18
Invasion of the mysteron killer sounds Oor 2011 / 7
It's all becoming ... Oor 1996 / 17
Japan : new psychedelic underground Oor 1997 / 17
Jazz satellites : volume 1 : Electrifica... Oor 1997 / 17
Jazz spectrum Oor 1999 / 5
Jimmy gimme more Oor 1999 / 4
Jungle : the sound of the underground Oor 1996 / 24
Jungle beat : wicked and wild Oor 1995 / 6
Jungle heat : ragga jungle & hardcore br... Oor 1995 / 6
Jungle hits : volume 2 Oor 1995 / 6
Jungle soundclash Oor 1995 / 6
Jungle tekno 6: Phat & phutusristic Oor 1995 / 6
Junior Boy's own collection Oor 1994 / 19
Kirk DeGiorgio & Ian O'Brien present sou... Oor 2001 / 19
La collection Oor 1994 / 7
Love is the message : the parade documen... Oor 1995 / 18
Lucid interval : volume one Oor 1995 / 9
Macro dub infection Oor 1995 / 14
Macro dub infection : volume 2 Oor 1996 / 24
Mändarinen-Träume Oor 2010 / 2
Mayday rave Olympia (video) Oor 1995 / 18
Metalheadz presents platinum breakz Oor 1996 / 17
Mixmag presents the Dog's compiled by DJ... Oor 1999 / 17
Monsters, robots and bugmen : a user's g... Oor 1997 / 17
Morricone remixes : volume 2 Oor 2004 / 3
Motion : electronic listening music for ... Oor 1994 / 13
Music with no name : vol. 2 Oor 1999 / 3
Muslimgauze : Abu dis Oor 2001 / 4
Mutant disco : a subtle dislocation of t... Oor 2003 / 16
N.Y. No wave : the ultimate East village... Oor 2003 / 16
Narcosis : a journey through the outs an... Oor 1993 / 24
New electronica : American and European ... Oor 1994 / 3
New electronica : global technological i... Oor 1994 / 10
New electronica : global technological i... Oor 1994 / 3
New thing! : deep jazz from the USA 1970... Oor 2005 / 5
New York noise : dance music from the Ne... Oor 2003 / 16
New York noise : vol. 2 Oor 2006 / 3
New York noise : vol. 3 Oor 2007 / 1
Nicki Siano's the gallery Oor 2004 / 22
Nighttown presents Michel de Hey : volum... Oor 1999 / 16
Nightvision Oor 1996 / 19
Ninja cuts : funkjazztical tricknology Oor 1995 / 8
Nite:life 16 : Rolando Oor 2003 / 22
Now thing Oor 2001 / 19
Nu skool flava Oor 1996 / 9
Nu skool update Oor 1996 / 24
Objets d'art III Oor 1997 / 11
Ocean of sound 2 : Crooning on Venus Oor 1997 / 17
Ocean of sound 3 : Booming on Pluto, ele... Oor 1997 / 17
On turntable jazz Oor 2004 / 22
Oscillations remixes Oor 1998 / 3
Paper of pins Oor 2010 / 1
Parasols : volume one Oor 1994 / 7
Paris is sleeping respect is burning : v... Oor 1999 / 2
Pay it all back : volume 7 Oor 2019 / 6
Penetrate deeper Oor 1995 / 6
People take warning! : murder ballads & ... Oor 2009 / 2
Playlist 15 tracks from JCR compiled by ... Oor 2003 / 6
Plus 8 classics 1990-1997 Oor 2000 / 22
Prime numbers Oor 1993 / 23
Profound sounds : vol. 1 Oor 1999 / 17
Psychotrance Oor 1995 / 8
Psychotrance 2 Oor 1995 / 8
Rebirth of cool 4 Oor 1994 / 19
Red and blue : neither Norway Oor 2002 / 20
Rephlexions! : an album of braindance Oor 2003 / 24
Respect is burning presents respect to D... Oor 2001 / 10
Revenge of the Killerbees Oor 1999 / 4
Riddim box Oor 2010 / 12
Riot zone Oor 1998 / 1
#trib Sacrilege : Can remixes Oor 1997 / 11
# Sampled Oor 2001 / 22
Sci-fi level 2.2 : compiled & mixed by T... Oor 1998 / 23
Seeljocht Oor 2011 / 11
Shake the bones Oor 1997 / 11
Shangaan shake Oor 2012 / 4
Shapeshifter : a jazzstep injection into... Oor 1996 / 24
Sherwood at the controls : volume 1 1979... Oor 2015 / 5
Sherwood at the controls : volume 2 1985... Oor 2016 / 8
#trib Silver Monk time : a tribute to the Monk... Oor 2007 / 7
# Skye presents the breaks Oor 2000 / 11
Soma 5 Oor 1999 / 1
Sónar 2001 Oor 2001 / 21
Soul of a nation : afro-centric visions ... Oor 2017 / 11
Sound of the Nu skool Oor 1999 / 8
Sounds from the electronic lounge Oor 1998 / 17
Sourcelab 3x Oor 1997 / 10
Sourcelab 3y Oor 1997 / 10
Space, energy & light Oor 2017 / 9
Speed garage : vol. 1 Oor 1998 / 5
Speed garage classics : volume 1 Oor 1998 / 5
Split series 1-8 Oor 2000 / 5
Steppas' delight : vol. 2 Oor 2010 / 1
Still the joint : Sugar hill remixed Oor 1999 / 21
Strange games and things : Mixed by DJ S... Oor 2001 / 9
Sturm und Drang globusmix : vol. 3 Oor 1999 / 10
Sugar and poison Oor 1997 / 17
Sugar hill records story Oor 1997 / 8
Super breaks Oor 1999 / 18
Superstition : volume one : the sound of... Oor 1993 / 22
Superstition : volume two Oor 1994 / 14
Techno muzik classics Oor 1999 / 5
Techsteppin', a journey into experimenta... Oor 1996 / 11
Teknoville Oor 1994 / 1
TF-100 Oor 2012 / 4
The ambient groove Oor 1993 / 24
The best of Black jazz records Oor 2003 / 17
The Bunny remixes : Michelangelo in spac... Oor 2000 / 8
The Chicago all stars Oor 1996 / 5
The dark side II: Jungle and technology Oor 1994 / 18
The deepest shade of techno I + II Oor 1996 / 21
The fire this time Oor 2002 / 24
The harmonic series Oor 2009 / 12
The hypercycle vegetarian picnic Oor 1994 / 12
The many shades of cajual (mixed by Derr... Oor 1996 / 20
The secret life of trance 2 Oor 1994 / 1
The sexual life of the savages Oor 2005 / 7
The sign of 4 Oor 1997 / 17
The sound of Philadelphia : volume 2 Oor 2004 / 24
The theory of evolution Oor 1995 / 8
The Warehouse remixes Oor 1994 / 7
The wild bunch : story of a sound system Oor 2003 / 7
This ain't triphop? Oor 1995 / 8
This is ... speed garage Oor 1998 / 5
This is the sound of tribal United Kingd... Oor 1994 / 19
Total Kaos Oor 1995 / 6
Trance Atlantic Oor 1995 / 8
Trance Atlantic highways : ESP : volume ... Oor 1994 / 6
Trance Europe Express Oor 1994 / 1
Trance Europe Express 2 Oor 1994 / 14
Trance Europe Express 3 Oor 1994 / 22
Trance Europe Express 4 Oor 1995 / 19
Transmissions from the planet Dog Oor 1995 / 11
Tresor 3 Oor 1995 / 14
Tresor 5 Oor 1997 / 19
Tresor compilation 9 Oor 2001 / 13
Tresor compilation : vol. 7 Oor 1999 / 18
Trevor Jackson presents … science fict... Oor 2015 / 10
True people : the Detroit techno album Oor 1996 / 7
Ultimate speed garage : vol. 1 Oor 1998 / 5
Unknown Deutschland : the krautrock arch... Oor 1997 / 17
Verve remixed 2 Oor 2003 / 19
Verve unmixed 2 Oor 2003 / 19
Vienna tone Oor 1997 / 12
Vintage R & S Oor 1996 / 2
Vintage r&s : volume 3 Oor 1999 / 22
Wap 100 Oor 1998 / 14
Warp 10 + 1 influences Oor 1999 / 21
Warp 10 + 2 classics 89-92 Oor 1999 / 21
Warp 10 + 3 remixes Oor 1999 / 21
#trib Who's that man : a tribute to Conny Plan... Oor 2013 / 3
# X mix 2 (video) Oor 1994 / 10
X-mix 3 (video) Oor 1995 / 3
X-mix 4 Beyond the heavens (video) Oor 1995 / 10
Xen cuts (Ninja turtles/Zomba) Oor 2000 / 19
Yes New York Oor 2003 / 16
Yoshiesque Oor 1999 / 19
ZE 30 : ZE records 1979>2009 Oor 2009 / 8
A.P.E. Striplight Oor 1995 / 14
A.R. Kane Complete singles collection Oor 2012 / 12
Eivind Aarset Light extracts Oor 2002 / 1
Susanna Abbuehl April Oor 2001 / 21
Deena Abdelwahed Khonnar Oor 2019 / 2
About group Between the walls Oor 2013 / 8
Start and complete Oor 2011 / 5
Acid junkies EU Oor 1998 / 16
Paranoid experience Oor 1994 / 7
Actress AZD Oor 2017 / 5
Ada Blondie Oor 2005 / 1
Adam F Colours Oor 1997 / 23
Add N to (X) Avant hard Oor 1999 / 8
African head charge A trip to Bolgatanga Oor 2023 / 7
Drastic season Oor 2016 / 3
In pursuit of Sashamane land Oor 1994 / 1
My life in a hole in the ground Oor 2016 / 3
Off the beaten track Oor 2016 / 3
After dinner Paradise of replica Oor 2001 / 13
AGF/Delay Explode Oor 2005 / 2
Symptoms Oor 2009 / 3
Ahlam Acting salam Oor 1995 / 14
Akasha Cinematique Oor 1998 / 12
Masami Akita & Russell Haswell Satanstornade Oor 2002 / 24
Alec Empire Hypermodern jazz 2000.5 Oor 1996 / 10
Les étoiles des filles mortes Oor 1997 / 3
Limited editions 1990-1994 Oor 1994 / 11
Squeeze the trigger Oor 1998 / 1
The Geist of Alec Empire Oor 1998 / 1
The no attitude Oor 1999 / 18
Rauw Alejandro Saturno Oor 2023 / 1
Algiers There is no year Oor 2020 / 1
Tony Allen The source Oor 2017 / 10
Marc Almond Orpheus in exile : the songs of Vadim Ko... Oor 2009 / 11
Varieté Oor 2010 / 9
Aloof Sinking Oor 1996 / 12
This constant chase for thrills Oor 1999 / 24
Alphabet soup Layin' low in the cut Oor 1995 / 13
Alva Noto Xerrox : vol. 1 Oor 2007 / 8
Xerrox : vol. 3 Oor 2015 / 6
Amber asylum The supernatural parlour collection Oor 2000 / 24
Amorphous Androgynous The isness Oor 2002 / 16
Amsterdam klezmer band Blitzmash Oor 2014 / 3
Laurie Anderson Amelia Oor 2024 / 9
Homeland Oor 2010 / 8
Laurie Anderson & Kronos quartet Landfall Oor 2018 / 3
Laurie Anderson Life on a string Oor 2001 / 17
Live at Town hall, New York city, septem... Oor 2002 / 13
Horace Andy & Augusto Pablo In the light/In the light dub Oor 1995 / 12
Dave Angel 39 flavors of tech funk Oor 1998 / 20
Classics Oor 1996 / 12
Tales of the unexpected Oor 1995 / 23
Angelus novus Angelus novus Oor 1998 / 25
Animal collective Painting with Oor 2016 / 2
Tangerine reef Oor 2018 / 9
Animals on wheels Designs and mistakes Oor 1998 / 1
Antibalas Antibalas Oor 2012 / 9
Aphex twin 26 mixes for cash Oor 2003 / 6
Classics Oor 1995 / 2
I care because you do Oor 1995 / 8
Richard D. James album Oor 1996 / 23
Selected ambient works : volume 2 Oor 1994 / 5
Aphrodite's child 666 Oor 2024 / 11
Aporias Music romance, volume one: music for chi... Oor 1998 / 25
Apparat organ quartet Pólýfónía Oor 2011 / 12
Arca Kick I Oor 2020 / 7
Kick II Oor 2021 / 12
Kick III Oor 2021 / 12
Kick IIII Oor 2021 / 12
Arcana Arc of the testimony Oor 1998 / 3
Arling & Cameron All-in Oor 1998 / 4
Good times Oor 2015 / 4
We are A&C Oor 2001 / 17
Armando One world one future Oor 1996 / 10
Craig Armstrong The space between us Oor 1998 / 4
Arovane Atol scrap Oor 2000 / 3
Art ensemble of Chicago Selected recordings Oor 2002 / 14
Art of noise In no sense? Nonsense! Oor 2018 / 12
As one 21st century soul Oor 2002 / 3
In with their arps, and moogs, and jazz ... Oor 1997 / 16
Out of the darkness Oor 2004 / 23
Planetary folklore Oor 1997 / 24
Reflections Oor 1994 / 10
Atari teenage riot 60 second wipe out Oor 1999 / 10
Natacha Atlas Diaspora Oor 1995 / 13
Attica blues Test. Don't test. Oor 2000 / 20
Au bordel Souvenirs de Paris Oor 1999 / 9
Audio active Apollo choco Oor 1998 / 3
Autechre Amber Oor 1994 / 23
Chiastic slide Oor 1997 / 3
Confield Oor 2001 / 9
Draft 7.30 Oor 2003 / 7
LP5 Oor 1998 / 14
NTS sessions Oor 2019 / 2
Oversteps Oor 2010 / 3
Plus Oor 2020 / 12
Quaristice Oor 2008 / 3
Sign Oor 2020 / 10
Tri repetae Oor 1995 / 23
Automation Jihad (points of order) Oor 1995 / 14
Automaton Dub terror exhaust Oor 1995 / 1
Autopoiesies La vie a noir Oor 2000 / 3
Avec le Soleil sortant de sa bouche Pas pire pop, I love you so much Oor 2017 / 3
The Avonden Wat een cirkel is Oor 2018 / 12
Avril That horse must be starving Oor 2002 / 23
Axiom ambient Lost in the translation Oor 1995 / 1
Thomas Azier Rouge Oor 2017 / 5
Stray Oor 2018 / 11
The inventory of our desire Oor 2023 / 2
Azymuth Butterfly Oor 2008 / 10
B 12 Time tourist Oor 1996 / 6
B.Y.O.B. B.Y.O.B. Oor 1995 / 5
Baby D Deliverance Oor 1996 / 5
Baby namboos Ancoats 2 Zambia Oor 1999 / 19
Badawi The heretic of ether Oor 1999 / 8
Badmarsh & Shri Signs Oor 2001 / 10
Derek Bailey Guitar, drum 'n' bass Oor 1997 / 8
Ballistic brothers London hooligan soul Oor 1995 / 22
Davide Balula Pellicule Oor 2003 / 12
Michel Banabila & Eric Vloeimans Voiznoiz 3 : Urban jazz scapes Oor 2003 / 1
Banco de Gaia Last train to Lhasa Oor 1995 / 11
Bandulu Cornerstone Oor 1996 / 12
Redemption Oor 2002 / 10
Bardo pond Lapsed Oor 1998 / 2
Karl Bartos Communication Oor 2003 / 20
Basco High involvement Oor 1999 / 11
Basement jaxx Junto Oor 2014 / 8
Basic channel BCD Oor 1995 / 5
William Basinski Lamentations Oor 2020 / 11
Nocturnes Oor 2013 / 7
Joe Bataan The latin funk brother Oor 2003 / 3
Battles La di da di Oor 2015 / 9
Blake Baxter Dream sequence Oor 2000 / 20
Dream sequence 3 : the collective Oor 2001 / 4
Globus mix vol. 2 : a decade underground Oor 1998 / 23
Bazip zeehok In de sloop der tijd Oor 2023 / 10
Beastie boys The in sound from way out! Oor 1996 / 9
Being Selected transmissions/Point two Oor 1996 / 3
Tides Oor 1996 / 3
Bell witch Future's shadow : part 1 The clandestine... Oor 2023 / 6
Norma Jean Bell Come into my room Oor 2001 / 20
Joey Beltram Classics Oor 1996 / 16
John Beltran Earth & nightfall Oor 1995 / 11
Colin Benders Rigmarole Oor 2022 / 1
Benga Newstep Oor 2006 / 10
Han Bennink & Terrie Ex Instants Oor 2023 / 10
Justin Berkovi Transit Oor 2001 / 10
Steven Bernstein Diaspora soul Oor 2000 / 4
Bhajan Bhoy Bless bless Oor 2020 / 6
Shanti Shanti Shanti Oor 2022 / 12
To love is to love : vol. 1 Oor 2023 / 3
To love is to love : vol. 2 Oor 2023 / 3
Bibio A mineral love Oor 2016 / 4
Biosphere Cirque Oor 2000 / 13
Dropsonde Oor 2006 / 1
Shenzou Oor 2002 / 10
Substrata Oor 1997 / 12
Substrata/Man with a movie camera Oor 2001 / 21
Wireless : live at the Arnolfini, Bristo... Oor 2009 / 7
Björk Fossora Oor 2022 / 10
Homogenic Oor 1997 / 19
Selma songs (music from Dancer in the da... Oor 2000 / 19
Vulnicura strings Oor 2016 / 1
Raoul Björkenheim/Ingebrigt Haker Flate... The scorch trio Oor 2002 / 19
Black dog Music for adverts (and short films) Oor 1996 / 14
Spanners Oor 1995 / 1
Jim Black/Alas no axis Splay Oor 2002 / 12
Blackalicious Melodica Oor 1994 / 18
Nia Oor 1999 / 24
Mykki Blanco Broken hearts and beauty sleep Oor 2021 / 7
Stay close to the music Oor 2022 / 10
Blik Prepare, move, finish Oor 2022 / 4
Blood orange Negro swan Oor 2018 / 8
Blue Flamingo Metropolyphonica Oor 2022 / 7
Bo ningen Sudden fictions Oor 2020 / 7
Bobvan Water dragons Oor 1994 / 3
Body/Head The switch Oor 2018 / 8
Bökkers Humme Oor 2014 / 7
C.J. Bolland Electronic highway Oor 1995 / 23
The fourth sign Oor 1993 / 23
Bomb the bass Clear Oor 1995 / 8
Bombino Agadez Oor 2011 / 9
Frankie Bones Houseloop Oor 1996 / 20
Bong We are, we were and we will have been Oor 2015 / 7
Bong-ra New millennium dreadz Oor 1998 / 14
Bonne aparte Scalps Oor 2018 / 2
Boredoms Super roots 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 & 8 Oor 2007 / 5
Boris with Merzbow 2R0I2P0 Oor 2021 / 1
Boris Akuma no uta Oor 2005 / 4
Katherina Bornefeld Angeltalk Oor 2019 / 12
Michiel Borstlap Liveline Oor 2000 / 18
Chris Bowden Time capsule Oor 1996 / 21
Bowery electric Beat Oor 1997 / 7
Lushlife Oor 2000 / 6
Boxcutter Oneric Oor 2006 / 8
Boxhead ensemble Dutch harbor : where the sea breaks its ... Oor 1997 / 11
Brandt Brauer Frick Joy Oor 2016 / 12
Alan Braxe & Friends The uppercuts Oor 2005 / 7
Tyondai Braxton Central market Oor 2009 / 9
Frank Bretschneider Rand Oor 2000 / 3
Rhythm Oor 2007 / 10
Thomas Brinkmann Klick revolution Oor 2007 / 1
Lucky hands Oor 2005 / 11
Briskey Cucumber lounge Oor 2003 / 23
British sea power The decline of British sea power Oor 2015 / 7
Broadcast The future crayon Oor 2006 / 10
The noise made by people Oor 2000 / 7
Broadway project The vessel Oor 2003 / 18
Brokeback Field recordings from the Cook county wa... Oor 2000 / 2
Michael Brook Albino alligator Oor 1997 / 5
Brooklyn funk essentials Cool and steady and easy Oor 1994 / 13
Peter Brötzmann The complete machine gun sessions Oor 2007 / 9
Bruut! & Anton Goudsmit Go surfing Oor 2019 / 12
Bruut! Machine Oor 2024 / 4
Mad pack Oor 2015 / 3
Superjazz Oor 2017 / 3
Zest Oor 2022 / 2
Buckfunk 3000 First class ticket to Telos Oor 1998 / 7
Buffalo daughter New rock Oor 1998 / 9
Pshychic Oor 2004 / 9
Bug Absent riddim Oor 2022 / 12
Angels & devils Oor 2014 / 8
Fire Oor 2021 / 9
Bug featuring Dis Fig In blue Oor 2020 / 12
Bug Machine Oor 2024 / 10
Bug vs. Earth Concrete desert Oor 2017 / 5
L.T.J. Bukem Presents Earth, volume one Oor 1996 / 24
Presents logical progression Oor 1996 / 9
Bump & Grind Init sequence Oor 1999 / 2
Chaz Bundick meets Mattson 2 Star stuff Oor 2017 / 5
Burial Antidawn (EP) Oor 2022 / 2
Burial Oor 2006 / 8
Gary Burton Selected recordings Oor 2002 / 14
Buscemi Late nite reworks : vol. 1 Oor 2005 / 7
Armin van Buuren Shivers Oor 2005 / 8
David Byrne Grown backwards Oor 2004 / 6
Lead us not into temptation (soundtrack) Oor 2003 / 18
Look into the eyeball Oor 2001 / 9
Ride, rise, roar (dvd) Oor 2011 / 10
Don Byron Bug music Oor 1997 / 8
Nu blaxploitation Oor 1998 / 22
Romance with the unseen Oor 2000 / 13
Byzar Gaiatronic Oor 1997 / 17
C-Jay Adem Oor 2019 / 2
Backslider II Oor 2022 / 7
C-mon & Kypski Vinyl voodoo Oor 2003 / 6
Cabaret Voltaire 1974-1976 Oor 2007 / 4
2 x 45 Oor 2006 / 8
Conform to deform '82/'90. archive Oor 2002 / 1
Hai! Oor 2007 / 7
Live at the Lyceum Oor 2007 / 7
Methodology '74/'78 : attic tapes Oor 2003 / 16
Shadow of fear Oor 2020 / 12
The living legends … Oor 2007 / 7
The original sound of Sheffield : the be... Oor 2002 / 1
Three mantras Oor 2006 / 8
Uri Caine Bedrock Oor 2002 / 4
Rio Oor 2002 / 4
Solitaire Oor 2002 / 4
John Cale Black acetate Oor 2005 / 10
Circus live Oor 2007 / 5
Music for a new society/M:Fans Oor 2016 / 2
Terry Callier Hidden conversations Oor 2009 / 6
Welcome home Oor 2009 / 6
Can Can Oor 2006 / 7
Can box Oor 1999 / 8
Delay 1968 Oor 2006 / 7
Ege bamyasi Oor 2004 / 24
Flow motion Oor 2006 / 7
Future days Oor 2006 / 7
Landed Oor 2006 / 7
Live in Brighton 1975 Oor 2022 / 2
Live in Paris 1973 Oor 2024 / 3
Live in Stuttgart 1975 Oor 2021 / 7
Monster movie Oor 2004 / 24
Rite time Oor 2006 / 7
Saw delight Oor 2006 / 7
Soon over Babaluma Oor 2006 / 7
Soundtracks Oor 2004 / 24
Tago mago Oor 2004 / 24
The lost tapes Oor 2012 / 8
The singles Oor 2017 / 8
Unlimited edition Oor 2006 / 7
Cannibales & Vahinés Nowhere - No where - Now here Oor 2012 / 6
Songs for a free body Oor 2015 / 11
Vinicius Cantuária Tucuma Oor 1999 / 7
Vinicius Oor 2002 / 13
Captain Beefheart and the Magic band Amsterdam '80 Oor 2006 / 4
Grow fins, rarities 1965-1982 Oor 1999 / 16
Walter Carlos Switched-on box set Oor 2000 / 8
John Carpenter Lost themes Oor 2015 / 3
Lost themes III : alive after death Oor 2021 / 2
Movie themes 1974-1998 : anthology Oor 2017 / 12
Chris Carter Chris Carter's Chemistry Lessons : volum... Oor 2018 / 5
Cassius Au rêve Oor 2002 / 19
Cavern of anti-matter Hormone lemonade Oor 2018 / 3
A Certain Frank Nothing Oor 2001 / 8
A Certain ratio ACR loco Oor 2020 / 10
Early Oor 2002 / 9
I'd like to see you again Oor 2013 / 8
Mind made up Oor 2009 / 3
The graveyard and the ballroom Oor 2004 / 5
James Chance & the Contortions Molotov cocktail lounge Oor 1996 / 19
Soul exorcism Oor 2007 / 8
Channel light vessel Automatic Oor 1994 / 13
Chaos face Doom ride Oor 1995 / 14
Charged Live Oor 2003 / 4
Anne-James Chaton & Andy Moor Le journaliste Oor 2008 / 12
Chela Diagonal drift Oor 2023 / 8
Chemical brothers Exit planet dust Oor 1995 / 12
Neneh Cherry Blank project Oor 2014 / 2
The Cherry thing Oor 2012 / 7
Chicago underground trio Flamethrower Oor 2000 / 24
Possible cube Oor 2000 / 2
Chicks on speed Will save us all Oor 2000 / 8
!!! Myth takes Oor 2007 / 2
Chocolate hills Yarns from the Chocolate triangle Oor 2023 / 7
Chocolate weasel Spaghettification Oor 1998 / 8
Cicadian rhythms Internal clock Oor 1998 / 7
Cihiccarrons Blow for me blow for you Oor 2001 / 19
Cinema Your introductory record Oor 2001 / 1
Cinema recorded music library Before the dark Oor 2002 / 22
Cinematic orchestra Man with a movie camera Oor 2003 / 12
Cinérex Exit all areas : part 2 Oor 1998 / 16
Circle maker The Circle maker Oor 1998 / 25
Circuit des yeux Seaching for indigo Oor 2018 / 1
Gary Clail Keep the faith Oor 1996 / 4
Dave Clarke Archive one Oor 1996 / 3
Devil's advocate Oor 2003 / 22
Electro boogie : vol. 2 Oor 1998 / 19
X-mix Oor 1996 / 24
Clatterbox Easy does it Oor 1996 / 17
Joe Claussell Music ... a reason to celebrate Oor 2002 / 13
Spiritual life music Oor 2002 / 13
Cluster & Eno Cluster & Eno Oor 2009 / 10
Cluster Grosses Wasser Oor 2009 / 8
Cobra killer Cobra killer Oor 1998 / 25
Coco steel & Lovebomb It! Oor 1994 / 18
Coddiwomple The walk and other stories Oor 2020 / 5
Cola & Jimmu Enigmatic Oor 2013 / 9
Coldcut Let us play Oor 1997 / 19
Let us replay! Oor 1999 / 3
Philosophy Oor 1994 / 5
Coldcut x On-u sound Outside the echo chamber Oor 2017 / 5
Steve Coleman Curves of life Oor 1996 / 1
Def trance beat (modalities of rhythm) Oor 1995 / 10
Motherland pulse Oor 2002 / 6
Myths, modes and means Oor 1996 / 1
On the edge of tomorrow Oor 2002 / 6
The sign and the seal Oor 1997 / 12
The way of the cipher Oor 1996 / 1
Colleen Everyone alive wants answers Oor 2003 / 17
Shirley Collins Lodestar Oor 2017 / 2
Alice Coltrane Eternity Oor 2002 / 20
Radha-krsna nama sankirtana Oor 2002 / 20
Transcendence Oor 2002 / 20
Transfiguration Oor 2002 / 20
Universal consciousness Oor 2002 / 20
John Coltrane A love supreme Oor 2003 / 1
Blue train Oor 2003 / 19
Spirituals Oor 2002 / 2
Standards Oor 2002 / 2
The Olatunji concert : the last live rec... Oor 2002 / 2
The very best of Oor 2002 / 2
Comet is coming Hyper-dimensional expansion beam Oor 2022 / 9
The afterlife Oor 2020 / 1
Conemelt Confuse and destroy Oor 1996 / 5
Congos Heart of the Congos Oor 2017 / 7
Congotronics international Where's the one? Oor 2022 / 7
Clarissa Connelly World of work Oor 2024 / 5
Loren Mazzacane Connors & Alan Licht Hoffman estates Oor 1999 / 1
Loren Mazzacane Connors The bridge Oor 1999 / 1
Console Reset the preset Oor 2003 / 2
Chick Corea Selected recordings Oor 2002 / 14
Cornelius Mellow waves Oor 2017 / 11
Corrie en de Grote brokken Corrie en de Grote brokken Oor 1997 / 21
Cosey fanni tutti Delia Derbyshire Oor 2022 / 10
Cosmic baby Thinking about myself Oor 1994 / 8
Carl Cox At the end of the cliché Oor 1996 / 13
Second sign Oor 2005 / 4
Carl Craig Designer music : the remixes, vol. 1 Oor 2000 / 18
Landcruising Oor 1995 / 12
More songs about food and revolutionary ... Oor 1997 / 7
Onsumotasheeat Oor 2001 / 8
Crawling chaos Homunculus equinox Oor 2003 / 23
The gas chair Oor 2003 / 23
Etienne de Crécy Super discount 2 Oor 2004 / 20
Creep show Mr Dynamite Oor 2018 / 4
Joe Cuba sextet Bustin' out Oor 2003 / 3
Curse of the golden vampire Mass destruction Oor 2003 / 18
Dan Curtin Deception Oor 1997 / 7
Pregenesis Oor 2000 / 6
Holger Czukay Movie! Oor 2016 / 6
D*Note Criminal justice Oor 1995 / 4
D.O.P. Musicians of the mind : vol. 2 Oor 1993 / 23
DAAU We need new animals Oor 1998 / 11
Daft punk Homework Oor 1997 / 2
Lucrecia Dalt Ay! Oor 2022 / 12
Dark side of the Moog Dark side of the Moog VI Oor 1998 / 3
Darkside Spiral Oor 2021 / 7
Darkstar Civix jams Oor 2020 / 6
Foam island Oor 2015 / 11
Dat politics Plugs plus Oor 2002 / 7
Sarah Davachi Antiphonals Oor 2021 / 10
Miles Davis 'Round about midnight Oor 2005 / 7
At Newport 1955-1975 (the bootleg series... Oor 2015 / 8
Big fun Oor 2001 / 6
Birdland 1951 Oor 2004 / 4
Get up with it Oor 2001 / 6
On the corner Oor 2001 / 6
Panthalassa : the music of Miles Davis 1... Oor 1998 / 5
Phanthalassa (remix by Bill Laswell) Oor 1999 / 16
Rubberband Oor 2019 / 10
Seven steps : the complete Columbia reco... Oor 2004 / 20
That's what happened 1982-1985 (the boot... Oor 2022 / 11
The cellar door sessions 1970 Oor 2005 / 11
The complete In a silent way sessions Oor 2001 / 23
The complete Jack Johnson sessions Oor 2003 / 21
The complete Miles Davis : the Blue note... Oor 2001 / 20
Dawuna Glass lit dream Oor 2022 / 1
Mike Dearborn Muzikal journey Oor 1995 / 16
Death cube K Dreamatorium Oor 1995 / 1
Death praxis Mystery Oor 1999 / 3
Deep space network Big room Oor 1994 / 3
Deepchord Hash-bar loops Oor 2011 / 6
Defunkt Mastervolt Oor 2015 / 11
Kirk DeGiorgio's Offworld Two worlds Oor 2002 / 3
Vladislav Delay Anima Oor 2001 / 6
Entain Oor 2000 / 12
Kuopio Oor 2013 / 1
Multila Oor 2000 / 12
Multila Oor 2007 / 9
Naima Oor 2002 / 6
The four quarters Oor 2005 / 10
Tummaa Oor 2009 / 9
Vantaa Oor 2012 / 1
Vladislav Delay quartet Oor 2011 / 10
Whistleblower Oor 2007 / 9
Jay Denham Synthesized society Oor 1999 / 19
Depth charge Nine deadly venoms Oor 1995 / 3
Detroit experience The Detroit experience Oor 2003 / 9
Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Alles ist gut Oor 2009 / 1
Fünfzehn neue DAF Lieder Oor 2003 / 7
Für immer Oor 2009 / 1
Gold und Liebe Oor 2009 / 1
Produkt der Deutsch Amerikanische Freund... Oor 2009 / 1
Produkt der Deutsch Amerikanische Freund... Oor 2000 / 7
Deutsche ashram Whisper om Oor 2020 / 1
Sussan Deyhim Shy angels Oor 2003 / 4
Die Wilde Jagd Atem Oor 2022 / 1
Digitalism Mirage Oor 2016 / 5
Sandy Dillon & Hector Zazou 12 (Las Vegas is cursed) Oor 2001 / 1
Klaus Dinger & Japandorf Japandorf Oor 2013 / 7
Dirty beatniks One one seven in the shade Oor 1997 / 1
Disclosure Energy Oor 2020 / 9
Diskaholics anonymous trio Weapons of ass destruction Oor 2006 / 2
Divination Akasha Oor 1995 / 14
Ambient dub : volume 1 Oor 1994 / 18
Ambient dub : volume 2 Dead slow Oor 1994 / 18
DiY Strictly 4 groovers Oor 1994 / 1
DJ Alien Djax-break-beatz : volume 3 Oor 1998 / 14
DJ Andy Smith The document Oor 1998 / 19
DJ Cam DJ Kicks Oor 1997 / 18
The beat assassinated Oor 1998 / 11
DJ Cor Blimey And his pigeon Oor 2000 / 3
DJ Food A recipe for disaster Oor 1996 / 1
DJ Git Hyper Zimmerman Oor 1997 / 12
Zimmerman two Oor 1998 / 8
DJ Krush Holonic, the self megamix Oor 1998 / 4
DJ Krush & Toshinori Kondo Ki-oku Oor 1998 / 4
DJ Krush Meiso Oor 1995 / 23
Strictly turntablized Oor 1995 / 1
DJ Lag Meeting with the king Oor 2022 / 5
DJ Maestro Blue note trip sunset/sunrise 2 Oor 2003 / 18
DJ Maestro & Catch 22 Mesmerize Oor 2006 / 8
DJ Seinfeld Time spent away from U Oor 2018 / 1
DJ Shadow Endtroducing Oor 1996 / 19
The private press Oor 2002 / 11
DJ Soulslinger Don't believe Oor 1997 / 20
DJ Spooky Necropolis : the dialogic project Oor 1996 / 11
DJ Spooky that subliminal kid Riddim warfare Oor 1999 / 8
DJ Spooky Songs of a dead dreamer Oor 1996 / 11
DJ T-1000 Progress Oor 1999 / 20
DJ Vadim USSR life from the other side Oor 1999 / 22
USSR repertoire (the theory of verticali... Oor 1996 / 21
DJ Wally The creepy crawlies Oor 2001 / 10
Do make say think Goodbye enemy airship the landlord is de... Oor 2000 / 8
Stubborn persistent illusions Oor 2017 / 7
It Dockumer Lokaeltsje Trump yn Makkum Oor 2023 / 12
Doctor L Exploring the inside world Oor 1998 / 14
Dolls The Dolls Oor 2005 / 10
Roger Doyle Babel/KBBL Oor 2000 / 22
Dr. Octagon Instrumentalist: [Octagon beats] Oor 1997 / 1
Dreadzone Second light Oor 1995 / 13
Dream sequence featuring Blake Baxter Endless reflections Oor 1995 / 14
3Musketiere Abflug Oor 2019 / 12
Dropxlife Furthur Oor 2012 / 2
Drum club Live in Iceland Oor 1995 / 17
Curd Duca Modulation & transformation Oor 1999 / 8
Switched-on Wagner Oor 1997 / 3
Duffhuës Man on fire Oor 2007 / 5
Duke The 10 commandments of love Oor 1996 / 1
Hans & Candy Dulfer Dulfer Dulfer Oor 2002 / 23
Dulfer Skin deep! Oor 1998 / 21
Dusted When we were young Oor 2000 / 19
E-dancer Heavenly Oor 1998 / 17
E-scapes Volume one Oor 1994 / 9
Earth Full upon her burning lips Oor 2019 / 7
Earthling Radar Oor 1995 / 16
Eat static Implant Oor 1994 / 16
Science of the gods Oor 1997 / 22
Ebi ten Ebi ten Oor 1996 / 9
Edge of motion Ad hoc Oor 1997 / 3
Edikanfo The pace setters Oor 2020 / 7
Edition Terranova Hitchhiking nonstop with no particular d... Oor 2002 / 20
Efterklang Magic chairs Oor 2010 / 2
Piramida Oor 2012 / 9
Tripper Oor 2005 / 1
Egyptian lover 1983-1988 Oor 2016 / 6
Eight frozen modules The confused electrician Oor 1998 / 2
808 State The heart of don Solaris Oor 1996 / 13
8up Lie down and stay calm Oor 1995 / 13
8:58 8:58 Oor 2015 / 4
Einstürzende Neubauten Perpetuum mobile Oor 2004 / 3
Silence is sexy Oor 2000 / 7
Electrelane Axes Oor 2005 / 5
No shouts, no calls Oor 2007 / 5
Singles, B-sides & kive Oor 2006 / 10
The power out Oor 2004 / 4
Electric orange Electric orange Oor 1999 / 17
Electric puha Sisters in paradise Oor 2004 / 9
Electronic congress Redagain P Oor 1994 / 3
Electronic eye Closed circuit Oor 1994 / 19
The idea of justice Oor 1995 / 21
Electronic system Disco machine Oor 2004 / 8
Elektroids Elektroworld Oor 1995 / 23
Elephant9 Walk the Nile Oor 2010 / 7
Eleventh dream day Eight Oor 1997 / 11
Elfish echo Strong medicine Oor 1999 / 3
Matt Elliott The mess we made Oor 2003 / 8
Embryonnck Embryonnck Oor 2006 / 6
Stephen Emmer Mr. Mundane Oor 2024 / 10
Encre Flux Oor 2004 / 8
Endemic void Equations Oor 1997 / 1
Nic Endo White heat Oor 1998 / 25
Brian Eno 14 video paintings (dvd) Oor 2006 / 4
Brian Eno, Dieter Moebius & Hans-Joachim... After the heat Oor 2009 / 10
Brian Eno Another day on Earth Oor 2005 / 6
Apollo : atmospheres & soundtracks Oor 2019 / 7
Brian Eno & J. Peter Schwalm Drawn from life Oor 2001 / 10
Brian Eno Drums between the bells Oor 2011 / 7
Film music 1976-2020 Oor 2020 / 11
Foreverandevernomore Oor 2022 / 10
Brian Eno & Karl Hyde High life Oor 2014 / 7
Brian Eno Music for installations Oor 2018 / 5
Rams (soundtrack) Oor 2021 / 2
Reflection Oor 2017 / 2
Small craft on a milk sea Oor 2010 / 11
Brian Eno & Karl Hyde Someday world Oor 2014 / 5
Brian Eno & Jah Wobble Spinner Oor 1995 / 20
Brian Eno The drop Oor 1997 / 14
The ship Oor 2016 / 5
Roger & Brian Eno Mixing colours Oor 2020 / 5
Ensemble pearl Ensemble pearl Oor 2013 / 4
Envoy Where there's life Oor 1998 / 23
Erase errata At Crystal palace Oor 2003 / 21
Other animals Oor 2003 / 21
ESG A South Bronx story Oor 2000 / 13
A South Bronx story 2 Oor 2007 / 9
Dance to the best of ESG Oor 2011 / 1
Step off Oor 2002 / 21
Step off Oor 2017 / 7
Esmerine Dalmak Oor 2014 / 1
Eternals Heavy international Oor 2007 / 2
Evangelista In animal tongue Oor 2011 / 9
Peven Everett Kissing game Oor 2004 / 10
Ex 27 passports Oor 2018 / 3
30 Oor 2009 / 11
At Bimhuis (1991-2015) Oor 2015 / 10
Building a broken mousetrap : the Ex in ... Oor 2007 / 12
Catch my shoe Oor 2010 / 10
The convoy tour : 25 years of the Ex (dv... Oor 2009 / 5
Turn Oor 2004 / 19
Ex & Brass unbound Enormous door Oor 2013 / 5
Ex orkest Een rondje Holland Oor 2001 / 12
Luc Ex Musique concrète 24 Oor 2024 / 7
Explosions in the sky All of a sudden I miss everyone Oor 2007 / 2
Faint Danse macabre Oor 2002 / 22
Wet from birth Oor 2004 / 19
Faithless Outrospective Oor 2001 / 12
Fanatik Seismic activity Oor 1997 / 6
Faultline Closer colder Oor 2000 / 4
Faust 1971-1974 Oor 2021 / 10
Faust IV Oor 2006 / 6
Thomas Fehlmann Flow ep Oor 1994 / 12
Good fridge flowing ninezeronineight Oor 1998 / 24
Lowflow Oor 2004 / 23
One two three overflow ninenine/ND Oor 2000 / 1
Felix da housecat Metropolis presents day? thee album Oor 1995 / 10
Metropolis presents day? thee album Oor 2002 / 21
Fennesz Black sea Oor 2009 / 1
Fennesz & Ryuichi Sakamoto Cendre Oor 2007 / 6
Fennesz Field recordings 1995-2002 Oor 2003 / 1
Plus forty seven degrees 56'37 minus six... Oor 2000 / 6
Fennesz, O'Rourke & Rehberg The magic sound of Fenn O'Berg Oor 2000 / 6
Christian Fennesz AUN : the beginning and the end of all t... Oor 2012 / 8
FFWD FFWD Oor 1994 / 18
Fierce ruling diva Revolt of the perverse Oor 1994 / 14
Film works VIII Film works VIII Oor 1998 / 25
Fires of Ork The Fires of Ork Oor 1994 / 9
Steve Fisk 999 levels of undo Oor 2001 / 9
Five corners quintet Hot corner Oor 2009 / 2
Fizzarum Monochrome plural Oor 2001 / 1
FKA Twigs Magdalene Oor 2019 / 10
Flanger Inner space/Outer space Oor 2001 / 23
Midnight sound Oor 2001 / 1
Flare Reference to difference Oor 1996 / 9
Flat Earth society Bonk Oor 2001 / 3
Florence Dominions Oor 1993 / 24
Occurences Oor 1997 / 14
Fluke Oto Oor 1995 / 18
Flupgroove The pre ep Oor 2004 / 6
Fluxion Vibrant forms Oor 1999 / 11
Vibrant froms 2 Oor 2000 / 23
[Spaces] Oor 2002 / 6
Flying saucer attack Mirror Oor 2000 / 2
Foehn Silent light Oor 2000 / 5
Foetus Blow Oor 2001 / 14
Scraping foetus off the wheel Hole Oor 2007 / 4
Nail Oor 2007 / 4
Foetus Null/Void Oor 1998 / 1
Vein Oor 2007 / 12
Foetus Symphony orchestra York (first exit to Brooklyn) Oor 1998 / 1
Fog Ether teeth Oor 2003 / 10
Fog Oor 2002 / 5
Foley 7 years ago, directions in smartalec mus... Oor 1993 / 19
Fonn Field 831 Oor 1999 / 17
Rebecca Foon Waxing moon Oor 2020 / 4
Josephine Foster Domestic sphere Oor 2023 / 4
Faithful fairy harmony Oor 2019 / 1
4 Hero Creating patterns Oor 2001 / 22
Earth pioneers Oor 1997 / 20
Parallel universe Oor 1995 / 7
Play with the changes Oor 2007 / 2
Two pages Oor 1998 / 16
Four tet Everything ecstatic Oor 2005 / 6
Morning/Evening Oor 2015 / 8
There is love in you Oor 2010 / 1
4 Walls And the world aint square Oor 2001 / 12
Which side are you on Oor 2004 / 4
Nils Frahm Spaces Oor 2014 / 1
Free design Cosmic peekaboo Oor 2001 / 7
Gavin Friday Ecce homo Oor 2024 / 11
Fridge EPH Oor 1999 / 17
Burnt Friedman & the Nu dub players Can't cool Oor 2003 / 10
Just landed Oor 2000 / 3
Burnt Friedman Plays love songs Oor 2001 / 1
Burnt Friedman & Jaki Liebezeit Secret rhythms 2 Oor 2006 / 2
Robert Fripp Exposure Oor 2006 / 7
Robert Fripp & Brian Eno The equatorial stars Oor 2005 / 8
Bill Frisell with Dave Holland & Elvin J... Bill Frisell with Dave Holland & Elvin J... Oor 2002 / 10
Bill Frisell Ghost town Oor 2000 / 13
Go West : music for the films of Buster ... Oor 1995 / 4
Good dog, happy man Oor 1999 / 18
Bill Frisell, Kermit Driscoll & Joey Bar... Live Oor 1996 / 18
Bill Frisell Quartet Oor 1996 / 18
Selected recordings Oor 2002 / 14
The sweetest punch Oor 1999 / 22
Fred Frith Clearing Oor 2001 / 21
Front 242 Mut@age.Mix@ge Oor 1996 / 4
Ben Frost AURORA Oor 2014 / 6
By the throat Oor 2010 / 1
The centre cannot hold Oor 2017 / 10
Fuck buttons Tarot sport Oor 2009 / 10
Fujiya & Miyagi Artificial sweeteners Oor 2014 / 5
Lightbulbs Oor 2008 / 10
Keith Fullerton Whitman Recorded in Lisbon Oor 2006 / 6
Fun-da-men-tal With intent to pervert the cause of inju... Oor 1995 / 14
Funk d'void Technoir Oor 1997 / 16
Funki Porcini Fast asleep Oor 2002 / 17
Love, pussycats and carwrecks Oor 1996 / 14
Funkstörung Disconnected Oor 2004 / 7
Nelly Furtado Folklore Oor 2003 / 24
Future sound of London Dead cities Oor 1996 / 24
ISDN Oor 1995 / 1
Lifestorms Oor 1994 / 12
G36 vs JK Flesh Disintegration dubs Oor 2022 / 8
Gaika Basic volume Oor 2018 / 8
Diamanda Galás Defixiones : will and testament Oor 2004 / 3
La serpenta canta Oor 2004 / 3
Fréderic Galliano Espaces baroques Oor 1998 / 10
Lo Galluccio Being visited Oor 1997 / 17
Jan Garbarek Selected recordings Oor 2002 / 14
Gare du Nord Club Gare du Nord Oor 2005 / 10
Sex ' n' jazz : vol. 1 Oor 2007 / 5
Stronger! Oor 2015 / 11
Laurent Garnier 30 Oor 1997 / 8
Early works Oor 1998 / 8
Laboratoire mix Oor 1996 / 24
Retrosepctive Oor 2006 / 8
Gas Box Oor 2016 / 12
Der lange Marsch Oor 2022 / 1
Königsforst Oor 1999 / 8
Narkopop Oor 2017 / 5
Rausch Oor 2018 / 5
Katie Gately Color Oor 2016 / 10
Morgan Geist The driving memories Oor 1998 / 3
Georgia Georgia Oor 2015 / 9
Gerd Perspectives Oor 2006 / 3
This touch is greater than moods Oor 1997 / 14
Ghetto priest Vulture culture Oor 2003 / 8
Ghost Hypnotic underworld Oor 2004 / 7
In stormy nights Oor 2007 / 1
Fred Giannelli Telepathic wisdom : volume 1 Oor 1995 / 2
Gigi Gigi Oor 2001 / 23
Clifford Gilberto I was young and I needed the money Oor 1998 / 21
Daniel Givens Age Oor 2000 / 24
Philip Glass Heroes symphony Oor 1997 / 6
Music in twelve parts Oor 1997 / 6
The secret agent (soundtrack) Oor 1997 / 6
Global communication Blood music : pentamerous metamorphosis Oor 1994 / 5
Glyth Enter the snake Oor 1998 / 6
God Appeal to human greed Oor 1995 / 14
Godflesh Hymns Oor 2001 / 21
In all languages Oor 2001 / 16
Love and hate in dub Oor 1997 / 17
Post self Oor 2018 / 2
Streetcleaner : live at Roadburn 2011 Oor 2018 / 2
Us and them Oor 1999 / 12
Godspeed you! Black emperor Yanqui U.X.O. Oor 2002 / 22
Gohimo Campio 300 Oor 1999 / 6
Golden palominos Pure Oor 1995 / 1
Golden teacher No luscious life Oor 2017 / 12
Goldfrapp Black cherry Oor 2003 / 9
Wonderful electric : live in London (dvd... Oor 2004 / 23
Goldie Ring of Saturn Oor 1998 / 25
The journey man Oor 2017 / 6
Timeless Oor 2021 / 8
Gonjasufi Callus Oor 2016 / 9
Good men Father in the bathroom Oor 1994 / 24
Kim Gordon Kim Gordon/DJ OLive/Ikue Mori Oor 2000 / 19
Gotan project Tango 3.0 Oor 2010 / 5
Manuel Göttsching E2-E4 Oor 2007 / 1
Grails Doomsdayer's holiday Oor 2010 / 3
Grassy knoll III Oor 1998 / 18
Grateful dead Cornell 5/8/1977 Oor 2017 / 6
Green velvet Whatever Oor 2001 / 18
Grid Evolver Oor 1994 / 20
Groove armada The remixes Oor 2000 / 11
Grooverider Mysteries of funk Oor 1998 / 20
Scott Grooves Pieces of a dream Oor 1998 / 12
Groundsound Working progress Oor 2024 / 5
Group Doueh Treeg salaam Oor 2010 / 1
David Grubbs Act five, scene one Oor 2002 / 11
An optimistic notes the dusk Oor 2008 / 10
Rickets & scurvy Oor 2002 / 11
Hildur Gudnadóttir Leyfdu ljósinu Oor 2012 / 7
Guerilla toss Eraser stargazer Oor 2016 / 3
Tommy Guerrero Soul food taqueria Oor 2003 / 8
A Guy called Gerald Black secret technology Oor 1995 / 8
Essence Oor 2000 / 18
To all things what they need Oor 2005 / 2
Alexander Hacke & Danielle de Picciotto Ship of fools Oor 2008 / 11
Neil Michael Hagerty & the Howling hex Denver Oor 2016 / 4
Neil Michael Hagerty Neil Michael Hagerty Oor 2001 / 7
Keiji Haino & Sumac American dollar bill Oor 2018 / 10
Keiji Haino, Greg Cohen & Joey Baron An nuclear trial : more than this Oor 1999 / 16
Keiji Haino & Sumac Even for just the briefest moment Oor 2019 / 9
Keiji Haino & Tatsuya Yoshida Hauenfiomiume uhrfasudhasdd Oor 2009 / 5
Keiji Haino & Sumac Into this juvenile apocalypse … Oor 2022 / 11
Keiji Haino The 21st century hard-y-guide-y-man : Ko... Oor 2009 / 5
Dekoboko Hajime & Yamantha Eye Nani nani Oor 1997 / 11
Half Japanese Why not? Oor 2018 / 2
Hallucination generation Black holes and baby universes Oor 1994 / 6
Hallucinator Landlocked Oor 2000 / 1
Herbie Hancock Future 2 future Oor 2001 / 23
The imagine project Oor 2010 / 7
Hanggai Baifang : back to you Oor 2014 / 2
Beaumont Hannant Sculptured Oor 1995 / 2
Hanuman care kit [Visited] Oor 1997 / 24
Happy elf No time for sex Oor 2004 / 6
Happy Larry's big beat orchestra Music by numbers Oor 1995 / 22
James Hardway A positive sweat Oor 1999 / 9
Roy Hargrove's Crisol Habana Oor 1997 / 12
Harmonia Live 1974 Oor 2008 / 2
Harmonia & Eno '76 Tracks and traces Oor 2009 / 10
Harmonia 76 Tracks & traces Oor 1998 / 4
Paul Hartnoll The ideal condition Oor 2007 / 6
John Parish & Polly Jean Harvey Dance hall at Louse point Oor 1996 / 22
Hasidic new wave Jews and the abstract truth Oor 1997 / 17
Jon Hassell & Brian Eno Fourth world : vol. 2 Dream theory in Ma... Oor 2018 / 1
Jon Hassell Listening to pictures : pentimento volum... Oor 2018 / 6
Seeing through sound (Pentimento : volum... Oor 2020 / 7
Hauschka Philanthropy Oor 2023 / 11
Anna von Hausswolff Live at Montreux Jazz festival Oor 2022 / 1
Richie Hawtin De9 - Closer to the edit Oor 2001 / 24
Decks, EFX & 909 Oor 1999 / 22
Transitions Oor 2005 / 12
Graham Haynes Tones for the 21st century Oor 1998 / 1
Hazard Wind Oor 2001 / 21
Hazard/Fennesz/Biosphere Light Oor 2001 / 21
Headhunter Nomad Oor 2009 / 3
Larry Heard Alien Oor 1996 / 8
Genesis Oor 2000 / 1
Kieran Hebden, Steve Reid & Mats Gustafs... Live at the South bank Oor 2011 / 11
Kieran Hebden & Steve Reid NYC Oor 2008 / 11
The exchange session : vol. 1 Oor 2006 / 2
The exchange session : vol. 2 Oor 2006 / 5
Tongues Oor 2007 / 4
Tim Hecker An imaginary country Oor 2009 / 5
Anoyo Oor 2019 / 6
Konoyo Oor 2018 / 11
Love streams Oor 2016 / 4
Ravedeath, 1972 Oor 2011 / 2
Thomas P. Heckmann Raum Oor 2000 / 3
Sven van Hees Svengali Oor 1996 / 16
Rozemarie Heggen & Terrie Ex Fiets Oor 2003 / 1
Heliocentrics 13 degrees of reality Oor 2013 / 5
Richard Hell and the Voidoids Time Oor 2002 / 7
Gerry Hemingway Perfect world Oor 1997 / 11
Herbaliser Remedies Oor 1996 / 1
Herbert Bodily functions Oor 2001 / 10
Scale Oor 2006 / 6
Matthew Herbert One one Oor 2010 / 4
Plat du jour Oor 2005 / 7
Score Oor 2007 / 4
Matthew Herbert big band There's me and there's you Oor 2008 / 10
Benjamin Herman Blue sky blond Oor 2009 / 9
Cafe solo Oor 2013 / 4
Deal (soundtrack) Oor 2012 / 8
HypoChristmasTreeFuzz : more Mengelberg Oor 2009 / 1
Live Oor 2014 / 2
Nostalgia blitz Oor 2023 / 10
Benjamin Herman's Bughouse The Erus/Arc sessions Oor 2024 / 6
Benjamin Herman Trouble Oor 2014 / 8
True love's flame Oor 2022 / 12
Holly Herndon Platform Oor 2015 / 5
Proto Oor 2019 / 5
Lena Hessels Billow Oor 2018 / 12
Hieroglyphic being The disco's of Imhotep Oor 2016 / 10
The red notes Oor 2018 / 4
High llamas Lollo rosso Oor 1998 / 22
Higher intelligence agency Colourform Oor 1993 / 23
Freefloater Oor 1995 / 19
Higher intelligence agency & Biosphere Polar sequences Oor 1996 / 17
Holger Hiller Holger Hiller Oor 2000 / 19
Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson & Sigur Rós Englar alheimsins (angels of the univers... Oor 2001 / 20
Him 5 & 6 in dub Oor 2001 / 19
Many in high plaves are not well Oor 2003 / 16
New features Oor 2001 / 19
Our point of departure Oor 2001 / 3
Sworn eyes Oor 2000 / 2
Mark Van Hoen Playing with time Oor 1999 / 5
The last flowers from the darkness Oor 1997 / 10
Dr. Samuel J. Hoffman Three classic albums : Dr. Samuel J. Hof... Oor 1999 / 5
Maarten Hogenhuis trio Mimicry Oor 2017 / 3
Rise & fall Oor 2019 / 7
David Holmes This film's crap let's slash the seats Oor 1995 / 16
San Holo BB U OK? Oor 2021 / 5
Julia Holter Aviary Oor 2018 / 10
Holy ghost The mind control of Candy Jones Oor 1997 / 3
Robert Hood Point blank Oor 2002 / 16
Wire to wire Oor 2003 / 17
Lars Horntveth Kaleidoscopic Oor 2009 / 3
Pooka Oor 2004 / 4
Wayne Horvitz & Zony Mash Cold spell Oor 1997 / 17
Hot chip Why make sense? Oor 2015 / 6
House of Usher Malice in Renderland (video) Oor 1994 / 18
How to dress well Care Oor 2016 / 9
The anteroom Oor 2018 / 11
Howie B Music for babies Oor 1996 / 6
Snatch Oor 1999 / 6
Howling hex 1-2-3 Oor 2006 / 2
All-night fox Oor 2005 / 2
Earth junk Oor 2008 / 10
Nightclub version of the eternal Oor 2006 / 10
Jori Hulkkonen Different Oor 2002 / 18
Dualizm Oor 2005 / 4
Human beings For the time being Oor 1995 / 6
They live Oor 1995 / 17
Hypnotic brass ensemble Hypnotic brass ensemble Oor 2009 / 7
Icarus Fijaka Oor 1999 / 12
Ryoji Ikeda Op. Oor 2003 / 4
Ikonika Distractions Oor 2017 / 7
Ilya They died for beauty Oor 2003 / 23
Indian ropeman Elephant sound Oor 1999 / 11
Infiniti Skynet Oor 1998 / 23
The Infiniti collection Oor 1996 / 9
Information Biomekano Oor 2002 / 19
Innerzone orchestra Programmed Oor 1999 / 16
Insides Clear skin Oor 1994 / 9
Inter arma Paradise gallows Oor 2016 / 11
Sulphur English Oor 2019 / 7
Irresistible force Global chillage Oor 1995 / 2
Mark Isham Miles remembered : the silent way projec... Oor 1999 / 16
Ken Ishii Innerelements Oor 1994 / 12
Jelly tones Oor 1995 / 23
Mix-up : vol. 3 Oor 1996 / 20
Sleeping madness Oor 1999 / 24
X-mix, fast forward & rewind Oor 1997 / 14
Isotope 217 The unstable molecule Oor 1998 / 2
Utonian automatic Oor 2000 / 2
Who stole the I walkman? Oor 2000 / 24
Jackie-O motherfucker Earth sound system Oor 2011 / 7
Fig. 5 Oor 2003 / 2
Flags of the sacred harp Oor 2005 / 12
Freedom land Oor 2008 / 11
Liberation Oor 2003 / 2
Janet Jackson Janet remixed Oor 1995 / 14
Jacob's optical stairway Jacob's optical stairway Oor 1996 / 2
Jaga jazzist A livingroom hush Oor 2002 / 9
One-armed bandit Oor 2010 / 2
Pyramid Oor 2020 / 5
The Stix Oor 2003 / 9
Jam & spoon Tripomatic fairytales 2001 Oor 1994 / 1
Tripomatic fairytales 2002 Oor 1994 / 1
Jambinai A Hermitage Oor 2016 / 9
Loraine James Building something beautiful for me Oor 2022 / 11
Gentle confrontation Oor 2023 / 9
Reflection Oor 2021 / 8
Jameszoo Fool Oor 2016 / 6
Jammin' unit Are you prepared? Oor 1999 / 3
Keith Jarrett Selected recordings Oor 2002 / 14
Wayne Jarrett Showcase, vol. 1 Oor 2004 / 19
Jazz sabbath Jazz sabbath Oor 2020 / 4
Jazzanova Funkhaus studio sessions Oor 2012 / 6
In between Oor 2002 / 9
Of all the things Oor 2008 / 12
The pool Oor 2018 / 8
The remixes 1997-2000 Oor 2000 / 23
The remixes 2006-2016 Oor 2017 / 3
JB3 Close grind Oor 1997 / 3
Philip Jeck Stoke Oor 2002 / 10
Jan Jelinek avec the Exposures La nouvelle pauvreté Oor 2003 / 3
Jello Voile Oor 2002 / 16
Geir Jenssen Cho oyo 8201 m : field recordings from T... Oor 2007 / 1
JMX Autonome Oor 1999 / 10
Jóhann Jóhannsson Fordlandia Oor 2019 / 12
The miners' hymns (soundtrack) Oor 2011 / 6
Tom Jones Surrounded by time Oor 2021 / 5
Ronny Jordan meets DJ Krush Bad brothers Oor 1994 / 19
Anthony Joseph & the Spasm band Rubber orchestras Oor 2011 / 11
Joy division Preston : the warehouse 28/2/80 Oor 1999 / 13
Jungle brothers V.I.P. Oor 1999 / 22
Junior boys Big black coat Oor 2016 / 2
Justice league of Zion Discoverers Oor 1994 / 8
K.I.M. Miyage Oor 2003 / 21
Henry Kaiser & Wadada Leo Smith Yo miles! Oor 1999 / 3
Kammerflimmer kollektief Cicadidae Oor 2003 / 13
Mäander Oor 2000 / 4
Kapok Glass to sand Oor 2015 / 10
Kaytranada 99.9% Oor 2016 / 5
Khan No comprendo Oor 2001 / 13
El Khat Aalbat Alawi op. 99 Oor 2022 / 4
Kid 606 PS I love you Oor 2001 / 13
PS I love you Oor 2001 / 4
Kid Koala Carpal tunnel syndrome Oor 2000 / 5
Some of my best friends are DJ's Oor 2003 / 20
Angélique Kidjo Black ivory soul Oor 2002 / 10
Mother nature Oor 2021 / 8
Remain in light Oor 2018 / 8
Kikuri Pulverized purple Oor 2009 / 5
King champion sounds Between two worlds Oor 2021 / 10
For a lark Oor 2018 / 11
King Midas sound & Fennesz Edition 1 Oor 2015 / 10
King Midas sound Solitude Oor 2019 / 3
Waiting for you … Oor 2009 / 12
Without you Oor 2011 / 12
Richard H. Kirk Loopstatic Oor 2000 / 10
The number of magic Oor 1995 / 14
Virtual state Oor 1994 / 3
Klein Harmattan Oor 2022 / 1
Kode IV Best of ... compilation Oor 1996 / 7
Silicon civilisation Oor 1995 / 4
Kode9 Escapology Oor 2022 / 9
Nothing Oor 2016 / 1
Koffee Gifted Oor 2022 / 6
Martin Kohlstedt Feld Oor 2023 / 4
Flur Oor 2020 / 12
Strom Oor 2017 / 12
Bobby Konders A lost era in NYC 1987-1992 Oor 2002 / 17
Toshinori Kondo, Eraldo Bernocchi & Bill... Charged Oor 1999 / 14
Konk The sound of Konk Oor 2004 / 10
Konono no. 1 Assume crash position Oor 2010 / 7
Koop Coup de grâce : best of Koop 1997-2007 Oor 2010 / 3
Koop islands Oor 2006 / 10
Ash Koosha I aka I Oor 2016 / 5
Kraak & Smaak Boogie angst Oor 2005 / 7
Electric hustle Oor 2011 / 5
Mixed feelings Oor 2012 / 8
Plastic people Oor 2008 / 4
Pleasure centre Oor 2019 / 10
Kraftwerk Autobahn Oor 2009 / 10
Computer world Oor 2009 / 10
Minimum - maximum Oor 2005 / 6
Radio-activity Oor 2009 / 10
Techno pop (Electric café) Oor 2009 / 10
The man machine Oor 2009 / 10
The mix Oor 2009 / 10
Tour de France soundtracks Oor 2009 / 10
Tour de France soundtracks Oor 2003 / 16
Trans Europe Express Oor 2009 / 10
Kreidler Appearance and the park Oor 1998 / 9
European song Oor 2017 / 4
Spells and daubs Oor 2022 / 2
Twists (a visitor arrives) Oor 2024 / 1
Weekend Oor 1997 / 4
Krilian Pleasure yourself Oor 1998 / 4
KRM:KMRU Disconnect Oor 2024 / 10
Kronos quartet Folk songs Oor 2017 / 7
Kruder & Dorfmeister DJ Kicks Oor 1997 / 6
Kushti Secret handshakes Oor 1998 / 23
Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 Black times Oor 2018 / 3
Kyoka Is (Is Superpowered) Oor 2014 / 7
Kyteman orchestra The jam sessions Oor 2015 / 8
Labradford E luxo so Oor 1999 / 13
Fixed::context Oor 2001 / 6
Labradford Oor 1997 / 4
Mi media naranja Oor 1997 / 23
Ladytron Time's arrow Oor 2023 / 1
Ladyvipb Stories of a broken heart and recovering Oor 2001 / 5
Laibach Also sprach Zarathustra Oor 2017 / 8
The sound of music Oor 2018 / 11
Lali puna Faking the books Oor 2004 / 9
Lamb Lamb Oor 1996 / 21
Leon Lamont Breakbeat mechanic Oor 2000 / 24
Neil Landstrumm Pro audio Oor 1998 / 24
Jon Langford & Kat Ex Katjonband Oor 2008 / 12
Daniel Lanois Here is what is (dvd) Oor 2008 / 8
Laraaji Sun piano Oor 2020 / 7
Kenny Larkin Azimuth Oor 1994 / 4
Metaphor Oor 1995 / 4
The narcissist Oor 2004 / 11
Last poets Holy terror Oor 1995 / 11
Bill Laswell City of light Oor 1998 / 3
Bill Laswell & Tetsu Inque Cymatic scan Oor 1995 / 14
Bill Laswell Dub chamber 3 Oor 2000 / 12
Bill Laswell & Style Scott Dub meltdown Oor 1998 / 3
Bill Laswell Emerald aether : shape shifting Oor 2000 / 12
Imaginary Cuba Oor 1999 / 23
Invisible design Oor 1999 / 14
Operazone : the redesign Oor 2000 / 12
Oscillations Oor 1997 / 8
Points of order Oor 2002 / 3
Bill Laswell & Pete Namlook Psychonavigation Oor 1994 / 18
Bill Laswell Sacred system : book of exit dub chamber... Oor 2003 / 4
Sacred system : chapter one : Book of en... Oor 1998 / 3
Sacred system : chapter two Oor 1998 / 3
Bill Laswell & Nicholas Bullen Subsonic 2 Oor 1995 / 14
Latryx The album Oor 1997 / 10
Laub Filesharing Oor 2002 / 6
Nynke Laverman Plant Oor 2021 / 9
Mark Leclair Musique pour 3 femmes enceintes Oor 2005 / 3
Led zeppelin The song remains the same Oor 2018 / 11
Leftfield Leftism Oor 1995 / 3
Rhythm & Stealth Oor 1999 / 19
Legowelt Classics 1998-2003 Oor 2003 / 13
Robert Leiner Visions of the past Oor 1994 / 3
Lemon jelly Lost horizons Oor 2002 / 22
Lemon sol Environmental architecture Oor 1994 / 6
Lesser Gearhound Oor 2001 / 4
Let's eat grandma I'm all ears Oor 2018 / 7
Larry Levan Live at the Paradise garage Oor 2000 / 11
Todd Levin De luxe Oor 1995 / 13
James Brandon Lewis Eye of I Oor 2023 / 4
James Brandon Lewis & Red lily quartet For Mahalia, with love Oor 2023 / 9
LFO Advance Oor 1996 / 2
Sheath Oor 2003 / 21
Jamie Lidell Muddlin gear Oor 2000 / 19
Liminal lounge Pre-set Oor 1997 / 17
Arto Lindsay Cuidado madame Oor 2017 / 6
Hyper civilizado Oor 1997 / 14
Invoke Oor 2002 / 13
Mundo Civilizado Oor 1997 / 14
Noon chill Oor 1998 / 7
O corpo sutil : the subtle body Oor 1996 / 22
Prize Oor 1999 / 23
Lindstrom It's alright between us as it is Oor 2017 / 11
Lingua ignota Caligula Oor 2019 / 8
Robert Lippok & Barbara Morgenstern Tesri Oor 2005 / 6
Liquid liquid Liquid liquid Oor 1997 / 18
Slip in and out of the phenomenon Oor 2008 / 6
Lite Illuminate Oor 2010 / 10
Locust Morning light Oor 1997 / 10
Natural composite Oor 1994 / 21
Truth is born of arguments Oor 1995 / 13
Weathered well Oor 1994 / 6
Wrong Oor 2002 / 1
Lomechanik No one Oor 2004 / 5
London brew London brew Oor 2023 / 5
London funk allstars Flesh eating disco zombies versus the Bi... Oor 1996 / 21
Lonesome organist Collector of Cactus echo bags Oor 1998 / 2
Long fin killie Amelia Oor 1997 / 23
Loop guru Amrita Oor 1995 / 19
Catalogue of desires : vol. 3 The clear ... Oor 1996 / 8
The third chamber Oor 1994 / 23
Mark Lotz trio The Wroclaw sessions Oor 2019 / 7
Lounge lizards Queen of all ears Oor 1998 / 21
Love tko Headturner Oor 1994 / 18
Gary Lucas & Gods and monsters Coming clean Oor 2007 / 5
Gary Lucas Improve the shining hour Oor 2000 / 11
Street of lost brothers Oor 2001 / 14
Lumukanda Araglin Oor 1994 / 4
Luomo Convivial Oor 2009 / 1
Paper tigers Oor 2006 / 10
Plus Oor 2011 / 10
Vocal city Oor 2001 / 6
John Lurie Fishing with John Lurie Oor 1998 / 21
John Lydon Psycho's path Oor 2012 / 3
David Lynch The big dream Oor 2013 / 8
M83 Dead cities, red seas & lost ghosts Oor 2003 / 19
Hurry up we're dreaming! Oor 2011 / 10
Junk Oor 2016 / 4
Saturdays=Youth Oor 2008 / 4
Machinefabriek Sol sketches Oor 2011 / 11
With drums Oor 2021 / 3
With voices Oor 2019 / 2
Magik ballet ensemble What do you mean Oor 1998 / 12
Magnetic man Magnetic man Oor 2010 / 10
Magnétophone I guess sometimes I need to be reminded ... Oor 2001 / 1
Mahavishnu orchestra The lost Trident sessions Oor 2000 / 2
Main Firmament II Oor 1995 / 6
Ligature remixes Oor 1995 / 6
Maisha There is a place Oor 2019 / 1
Stephen Mallinder Tick Tick Tick … Oor 2022 / 8
Um dada Oor 2019 / 11
Manitoba Start breaking my heart Oor 2001 / 7
Manna 5.1 Oor 1998 / 8
Manna Oor 1995 / 4
Kurtis Mantronik I sing the body electro Oor 1999 / 23
Mantronix That's my beats! Oor 2002 / 17
Mardi grass BB Von Humboldt picnic : a journey with Mar... Oor 2010 / 7
Mars volta Octahedron Oor 2009 / 6
The Mars volta Oor 2022 / 10
Alex Martin ensemble Join the band! Oor 1998 / 10
Kevin Richard Martin Sirens Oor 2019 / 7
Masada Dalet Oor 1997 / 11
Hei Oor 1997 / 11
Tet Oor 1998 / 25
Vav Oor 1997 / 11
Yod Oor 1998 / 25
Zayin Oor 1997 / 11
Massacre Funny Valentine Oor 1998 / 24
Killing time Oor 2006 / 4
Massada Het Oor 1998 / 1
Material Hallucination engine Oor 1994 / 4
Intonarumori Oor 1999 / 23
Stephen Mathieu & David Sylvian Wandermüde Oor 2013 / 4
Matik Matik Oor 2009 / 5
Matisyahu & Roots tonic & Bill Laswell Youth dub Oor 2006 / 6
Matmos A chance to cut is a chance to cure Oor 2001 / 8
Matmos Oor 1999 / 18
Quasi-objects Oor 1999 / 18
The civil war Oor 2003 / 19
Maurizio Maurizio Oor 1997 / 18
Maximum joy Unlimited (1979-1983) Oor 2006 / 1
Derrick May Mix-up : vol. 5 Oor 1997 / 14
MC Yallah Yallah beibe Oor 2023 / 6
Makaya McCraven In these times Oor 2022 / 9
Meat beat manifesto Actual sounds Oor 1998 / 19
Mecano Snake tales for dragon Oor 2005 / 12
Lavinia Meijer Are you still somewhere? Oor 2022 / 4
Gétatchèw Mèkurya & the Ex Y'anbessaw tezeta Oor 2012 / 8
Melomanics From the factory Oor 2004 / 5
Melt-banana MXBX 1998/13000 miles at light velocity Oor 1999 / 7
Meridian brothers Dónde estás María? Oor 2017 / 11
Salvadora robot Oor 2014 / 8
Raz Mesinai's Badawi Unit of resistance Oor 2008 / 2
Metro area Metro area Oor 2002 / 23
Mice parade Obrigado saudade Oor 2004 / 5
Microstoria -snd Oor 1997 / 3
Mike & Rich Expert knob twiddlers Oor 1996 / 18
Robert Miles Dreamland Oor 1996 / 12
Organik Oor 2001 / 16
Paul D. Miller Viral sonata Oor 1997 / 17
Jeff Mills Actual Oor 2002 / 16
At first sight Oor 2002 / 19
Blue potential Oor 2006 / 5
Every dog has its day Oor 2001 / 11
Mix-up : vol. 2 Oor 1996 / 10
The other day Oor 1997 / 13
Three ages (soundtrack) Oor 2005 / 3
Russell Mills undark Strange familiar Oor 2000 / 13
Mina A to B Oor 2001 / 19
Mindscape Mindscape Oor 1994 / 22
Minny pops Drastic measures, drastic movement Oor 2004 / 19
Secret stories Oor 2003 / 4
Sparks in a dark room Oor 2014 / 4
Sparks in a dark room Oor 2003 / 4
Standstill to motion Oor 2012 / 2
Moby Animal rights Oor 1996 / 20
Everything is wrong (DJ mix album) Oor 1996 / 4
Play Oor 1999 / 10
Mocean worker Mixed emotional features Oor 1999 / 5
Model 500 Deep space Oor 1995 / 11
Modern cosmology What will you grow now? Oor 2023 / 6
Mogwai Rock action Oor 2001 / 8
Ten rapid Oor 1997 / 16
Ronald Molendijk Nighttown presents Ronald Molendijk Oor 1998 / 6
Moloko I am not a doctor Oor 1998 / 18
Nils Petter Molvaer 1/1 Oor 2014 / 1
ER Oor 2005 / 12
Khmer Oor 1998 / 11
NP 3 Oor 2002 / 10
Solid ether Oor 2000 / 14
Monade Monstre cosmic Oor 2008 / 2
Money Mark Brand new by tomorrow Oor 2007 / 4
Change is coming Oor 2001 / 24
Mark's keyboard repair Oor 1995 / 18
Third version Oor 1996 / 9
Monks Demo tapes 1965 Oor 2007 / 7
Monolake Cinemascope Oor 2001 / 24
Gravity Oor 2001 / 2
Hongkong Oor 1998 / 4
Interstate Oor 1999 / 7
The desert ep Oor 2000 / 1
Moodymann Black Mahogani Oor 2004 / 10
Black Mahogani II Oor 2004 / 21
Silence in the secret garden Oor 2003 / 11
Moor mother Analog fluids of sonic black holes Oor 2019 / 12
Moor mother & Billy Woods Brass Oor 2021 / 2
Moor mother Fetish bones Oor 2016 / 12
Jazz codes Oor 2022 / 8
The great bailout Oor 2024 / 3
Thurston Moore Screen time Oor 2022 / 2
Spirit counsel Oor 2019 / 11
Morcheeba The antidote Oor 2005 / 5
More rockers Dub plate selection : volume 1 Oor 1995 / 18
Barbara Morgenstern Doppelstern Oor 2015 / 11
Nichts muss Oor 2003 / 6
Sarah Jane Morris August Oor 2002 / 1
Gary Moscheles Shaped to make your life easier Oor 1997 / 3
Jamal Moss Thanks 4 the tracks U lost Oor 2022 / 8
Motorbass Pansoul Oor 1996 / 16
Pansoul Oor 2003 / 9
Mount Kimbie Crooks & lovers Oor 2010 / 8
Mourning (a) blkstar The cycle Oor 2020 / 10
Mouse on Mars Autoditacker Oor 1997 / 18
Mr. Dead Metabolics volume II Dawn of the dead Oor 2001 / 3
Mr. Fingers Cerebral hemispheres Oor 2018 / 6
Mr. Scruff Trouser jazz Oor 2002 / 20
Muki Quiet riot Oor 2000 / 17
Murcof Remembranza Oor 2005 / 10
The Versailles sessions Oor 2008 / 12
Róisín Murphy Hairless toys Oor 2015 / 6
Ruby blue Oor 2005 / 6
David Murray Fo deuk revue Oor 1997 / 12
Mushroom Foxy music Oor 2001 / 17
Musica Transonic Musica Transonic Oor 2021 / 3
Bill Nace Both Oor 2020 / 5
Pete Namlook The definitive ambient collection Oor 1993 / 24
The definitive ambient collection : volu... Oor 1994 / 9
Tal National Tantabara Oor 2018 / 4
Mitsuro Natsuno, Keiji Haino & Ishibashi... Reverb Oor 2009 / 5
Nau ensemble chamber orchestra The eternal : variations on Joy division Oor 1999 / 13
Nav katze Never mind the distortion Oor 1995 / 22
Nazoranai Beginning to fall in line before me, so ... Oor 2017 / 12
Necks Travel Oor 2023 / 4
Nederlands blazers ensemble & Roger Doyl... Under the green time Oor 2000 / 2
Ben Neill Goldbug Oor 1998 / 18
Triptycal Oor 1997 / 7
Neina Formed verse Oor 2000 / 3
Bill Nelson Atom shop Oor 1998 / 22
What now, what next? : the Cocteau years... Oor 1998 / 22
Neotropic 15 levels of magnification Oor 1996 / 21
Nérija Blume Oor 2019 / 9
Neu! Neu! Oor 2001 / 13
Neu! 2 Oor 2001 / 13
Neu! 75 Oor 2001 / 13
Sarah Neufeld, Richard Reed Parry & Rebe... First sounds Oor 2024 / 11
Neuro project The electric mothers of invention Oor 1994 / 7
Neuropolitique Are you now or have you ever been Oor 1995 / 19
Beyond the pinch Oor 1997 / 18
Neven Kokkola Oor 1998 / 6
New cool collective Chin chin Oor 2013 / 7
Dansé dansé Oor 2019 / 11
Eighteen Oor 2011 / 11
Electric monkey sessions 2 Oor 2017 / 11
Everything is OK Oor 2024 / 10
Pachinko Oor 2010 / 5
The things you love Oor 2016 / 6
Yunikón Oor 2021 / 12
New kingdom Paradise don't come cheap Oor 1996 / 22
New order Education entertainment recreation : liv... Oor 2021 / 6
Low-life Oor 2023 / 2
Movement Oor 2019 / 4
Power, corruption and lies Oor 2020 / 10
New order + Liam Gillick So it goes ... : ∑(No,12k,Lg,17Mif) Oor 2019 / 7
New order Substance 1987 Oor 2023 / 12
Phill Niblock Touch five Oor 2014 / 1
Nico Desertshore Oor 2024 / 3
The marble index Oor 2024 / 3
Nid & Sancy Talk to the machine Oor 2005 / 3
Nightmares on wax Carboot soul Oor 1999 / 8
Smokers delight Oor 1995 / 23
Nighttripper The album Oor 1997 / 5
Niks project Future museum Oor 1997 / 21
Paal Nilsen-Love & Terrie Ex Gored gored Oor 2013 / 5
Nintendo teenage robots We punk Einheit! Oor 1999 / 10
Nisennenmondai #N/A Oor 2016 / 5
N Oor 2014 / 10
No-neck blues band Letters from the Earth Oor 2006 / 6
Qvaris Oor 2005 / 12
Node Node Oor 1995 / 24
Nonkeen All good? Oor 2024 / 7
Nookie The sound of music Oor 1995 / 7
Tujiko Noriko Make me hard Oor 2003 / 2
NYX Amor fati Oor 1994 / 9
O Olento Oor 1997 / 3
O yuki conjugate Equator Oor 1995 / 6
Jim O'Rourke Eureka Oor 1999 / 6
I'm happy and I'm singing and a Oor 2002 / 3
Simple songs Oor 2015 / 6
The visitor Oor 2009 / 10
Paul Oakenfold Bunkka Oor 2002 / 14
Vidna Obmana Tremor Oor 2001 / 21
Oceanic & Greetje Bijma Sykheljende luden Oor 2024 / 12
Ohm Voices Oor 2001 / 2
Gloria de Oliveira & Dean Hurley Oceans of time Oor 2022 / 11
Om God is good Oor 2009 / 10
Omar S Fabric 45 Oor 2009 / 7
Oneohtrix point never Age of Oor 2018 / 6
Good time (soundtrack) Oor 2017 / 8
Magic Oneohtrix point never Oor 2020 / 12
Replica Oor 2012 / 1
Yoko Ono Plastic Ono band Take me to the land of hell Oor 2013 / 9
Yoko Ono Yes, I'm a witch too Oor 2016 / 2
Operator Zero divide Oor 1996 / 17
Orb Abolition of the royal familia Oor 2020 / 3
Auntie Aubrey's excursions beyond the ca... Oor 2002 / 7
Aunty Aubrey's excursions beyond the cal... Oor 1996 / 17
Baghdad batteries Oor 2009 / 11
Bicycles & tricycles Oor 2004 / 10
Cow/Chill out, world! Oor 2016 / 10
Cydonia Oor 2001 / 4
Live 93 Oor 1994 / 2
Moonbuilding 2703 AD Oor 2015 / 7
No sounds are out of bounds Oor 2018 / 9
Okie dokie it's the Orb on Kompakt Oor 2005 / 12
Orblivion Oor 1997 / 4
Orbus terrarum Oor 1995 / 6
Pomme Fritz Oor 1994 / 11
Prism Oor 2023 / 5
The future academy of noise, rhythm and ... Oor 2008 / 2
The observer in the Star house Oor 2012 / 9
The Peel sessions Oor 1996 / 17
U.F. off : the best of the Orb Oor 1998 / 21
Joy Orbison Still slipping : vol. 1 Oor 2021 / 9
William Orbit Hello waveforms Oor 2006 / 3
Orbital In sides Oor 1996 / 10
Monsters exist Oor 2018 / 9
Optical delusion Oor 2023 / 3
Snivilisation Oor 1994 / 17
Orgel vreten Komrad Oor 2015 / 4
Osunlade Paradigm Oor 2001 / 16
Moritz von Oswald trio Fetch Oor 2012 / 8
Vertical ascent Oor 2009 / 8
Out hud Let us never speak of it again Oor 2005 / 3
Outersanctum Frequencies of the tektonik plate Oor 1993 / 23
Outside The rough and the smooth Oor 1995 / 16
Oval Ovalprocess Oor 2000 / 13
Re:systemisch Oor 2002 / 5
Romantiq Oor 2023 / 5
Kelly Lee Owens Inner song Oor 2020 / 9
Robert Owens Night-time stories Oor 2008 / 3
Augustus Pablo Message music : digital productions 1986... Oor 2011 / 10
Pacou Symbolic language Oor 1997 / 19
Painkiller Execution ground Oor 1995 / 1
Palais Schaumburg Palais Schaumburg Oor 2012 / 12
Palinckx Momentum & wag Oor 2002 / 18
Tight spots Oor 2007 / 10
Palm skin productions Remilixir Oor 1996 / 21
Pan American 360 business/360 bypass Oor 2000 / 6
Pan American Oor 1998 / 11
Pan sonic A Oor 1999 / 4
Aaltopiiri Oor 2001 / 5
Katodivaihe Oor 2007 / 6
Panacea & Hanayo Hanayo in Panacea Oor 2000 / 3
Panasonic Kulma Oor 1997 / 8
Panda Bear Buoys Oor 2019 / 2
Papa M Live from a shark cage Oor 2000 / 2
Paperclip people The secret tapes of Doctor Eich Oor 1997 / 13
Paradise 3001 Spiral trippin Oor 1993 / 24
Andrea Parker DJ Kicks Oor 1998 / 19
Kiss my arp Oor 1999 / 14
Lewis Parker Masquerades & silhouettes Oor 1998 / 14
Andy Partridge & Harold Budd Through the hil Oor 1994 / 13
Passion flower Shine in your own light Oor 2000 / 10
Carl Patterson & King Tubby Black & white in dub Oor 2007 / 6
Andrew Pekler Station to station Oor 2002 / 18
Joep Pelt I'm off! Oor 2010 / 4
Penumbra Anoraks Oor 2000 / 2
Percy X Spyx Oor 1996 / 4
Pere Ubu 20 years in a Montana missile silo Oor 2017 / 10
Carnival of souls Oor 2014 / 9
Lady from Shanghai Oor 2013 / 1
Long live Père Ubu! Oor 2009 / 9
The modern dance Oor 2006 / 8
Lee 'Scratch' Perry Rainford Oor 2019 / 6
Roaring lion : 16 untamed black art mast... Oor 2014 / 2
Sound system scratch Oor 2010 / 10
Technomajical Oor 1997 / 14
The return of sound system scratch Oor 2011 / 9
Lucky Peterson Black midnight sun Oor 2003 / 4
Photek Form & function Oor 1998 / 19
Modus operandi Oor 1997 / 19
Solaris Oor 2000 / 19
Phuture 303 Survival's our mission Oor 2001 / 6
Piano magic Ovations Oor 2009 / 11
Part monster Oor 2007 / 7
Pimmon Snaps * crackles * pops Oor 2003 / 18
Courtney Pine Back in the day Oor 2000 / 20
Underground Oor 1998 / 1
Ariel Pink's Haunted graffiti House arrest Oor 2006 / 1
Pish posh Indoorstorm Oor 2001 / 10
Plaid Not for threes Oor 1997 / 22
Rest proof clockwork Oor 1999 / 13
Spokes Oor 2003 / 22
The digging remedy Oor 2016 / 7
Pascal Plantinga A hammer a day keeps the headache away Oor 2003 / 10
Das Volk ist ein fressender Kadaver Oor 2024 / 11
Plastikman Artifakts Oor 1998 / 24
Closer Oor 2003 / 21
Consumed Oor 1998 / 12
Sheet one Oor 1994 / 7
Sheet one Oor 2006 / 8
Plexiq Blech Oor 1998 / 24
Pole 1 Oor 1998 / 14
1 Oor 2003 / 14
2 Oor 1999 / 3
3 Oor 2000 / 12
Fading Oor 2020 / 11
R Oor 2001 / 18
Ian Pooley Since then Oor 2000 / 18
Pop group Citizen zombie Oor 2015 / 2
Honeymoon on Mars Oor 2016 / 11
We are time Oor 2014 / 11
Y in dub Oor 2022 / 1
Pop will eat itself Two fingers my friends! Oor 1995 / 14
Popol vuh Revisited & remixed 1970-1999 Oor 2011 / 8
Porter Ricks Biokinetics Oor 1997 / 3
Porter Ricks Oor 1998 / 4
A Positive life Synaesthetic Oor 1995 / 2
Powell Sport Oor 2016 / 10
Pram Across the meridian Oor 2018 / 8
Praxis Metatron Oor 1995 / 1
Warszawa Oor 2002 / 3
Sam Prekop Sam Prekop Oor 1999 / 6
Pressure drop Elusive Oor 1998 / 6
Bobby Previte Just add water ... Oor 2002 / 12
Too close to the pole Oor 1997 / 11
Darren Price Under the flightpath Oor 1997 / 13
Les Primitifs du futur World musette Oor 2000 / 18
Primitive painter The Primitive painter Oor 1994 / 9
Prins Thomas 5 Oor 2018 / 2
Paradise goulash Oor 2015 / 12
Principe del Norte Oor 2016 / 3
Prism Metronome melody Oor 1996 / 9
Mark Pritchard Under the sun Oor 2016 / 6
Prodigy Electronic punks (video) Oor 1995 / 16
Product of the environment Product of the environment Oor 1999 / 23
Project 2000 It's about time Oor 2000 / 8
Project 23 Project 23 Oor 1996 / 24
Propellerheads Decksandrumsandrockandroll Oor 1998 / 2
Psychic tv Mr. Alien Brain vs. The Skinwalkers Oor 2009 / 1
Public Image Ltd 9 Oor 2012 / 3
Compact disc Oor 2012 / 3
Happy? Oor 2012 / 3
Live at Rockpalast 1983 (dvd) Oor 2012 / 4
Live in Tokyo Oor 2012 / 3
Public Image Public image (first issue) Oor 2012 / 3
Public Image Ltd That what is not Oor 2012 / 3
The flowers of romance Oor 2012 / 3
The greatest hits, so far Oor 2012 / 3
The Public Image is rotten (songs from t... Oor 2018 / 8
This is PIL Oor 2012 / 6
This is what you want … This is what y... Oor 2012 / 3
Stacey Pullen DJ Kicks Oor 1997 / 6
Today is the tomorrow you were promised ... Oor 2001 / 4
Pulse programming Tulsa for one second Oor 2003 / 7
Purple trap Decided ... already the motionless heart... Oor 1999 / 16
Pyrolator Ausland Oor 2004 / 2
Quando quango Pigs + battleships Oor 2003 / 24
Quantum leap Fotoplay Oor 1999 / 10
Rac Diversions Oor 1994 / 11
Steve Rachmad Emerging Oor 1998 / 19
Élianne Radigue Tryptych Oor 2009 / 12
Vice versa, etc… Oor 2009 / 12
Radio 4 Gotham! Oor 2002 / 20
The new song and dance Oor 2003 / 12
Raime Tooth Oor 2016 / 8
Rammellzee Bi-conicals of the Rammellzee Oor 2004 / 6
Lee Ranaldo Electric trim : live at Rough trade East Oor 2019 / 1
Lee Ranaldo & Leah Singer drift Lee Renaldo & Leah Singer drift (dvd) Oor 2006 / 6
Lee Ranaldo & Raul Refree Names of North end women Oor 2020 / 2
Random XS Braincloud Oor 1997 / 22
Rangda False flag Oor 2010 / 7
Formerly exticnt Oor 2012 / 9
The heretic's bargain Oor 2016 / 3
Rapoon Fallen gods Oor 1995 / 7
What do you suppose? (the alien question... Oor 2000 / 2
Ricardo Ray orchestra Let's go down to the real nitty gritty Oor 2003 / 3
Readymade Bold Oor 2001 / 12
Reboelje Medusa Oor 1994 / 11
Recloose Hiatus on the horizon Oor 2005 / 8
Red snapper A pale blue dot Oor 2008 / 12
Making bones Oor 1998 / 20
Prince Blimey Oor 1996 / 18
Reeled and skinned Oor 1995 / 14
Alex Reece So far Oor 1996 / 17
Lou Reed & John Cale & Brian Eno Le Bataclan '72 Oor 2003 / 24
Reflective The errornormous wolrd Oor 1997 / 16
Regenorchester XII Town down Oor 2008 / 10
Steve Reich Reich remixed Oor 1999 / 7
Steve Reid Daxaar (recorded in Africa) Oor 2007 / 12
Steve Reid ensemble Spirit walk Oor 2005 / 11
Residents Duck stab/Buster & Glen Oor 2008 / 6
Eskimo Oor 2008 / 6
Kettles of fish on the outskirts of town Oor 2003 / 10
The bunny boy Oor 2008 / 10
Rhythm & Sound with Tikiman Showcase Oor 1998 / 17
Rhythm & Sound The versions Oor 2004 / 1
With the artists Oor 2004 / 1
Rhythm invention Inventures in Wonderland Oor 1993 / 20
Marc Ribot Saints Oor 2002 / 1
Songs of resistance 1942-2018 Oor 2018 / 9
Marc Ribot y los Cubanos postizos The prosthetic Cubans Oor 1998 / 22
Marc Ribot Yo! I killed your God Oor 1999 / 13
Robert Rich Bestiary Oor 2001 / 21
Emil Richards' yazz band Yazz per favore Oor 2003 / 3
Max Richter Voices Oor 2020 / 8
Wolfgang Riechmann Wunderbar Oor 2009 / 8
Rinôcérôse Installation sonore Oor 1999 / 14
Music kills me Oor 2002 / 5
Rinôcérôse Oor 2006 / 6
Schizophonic Oor 2005 / 9
Ripatti Fun is not a straight line Oor 2021 / 8
Dean Roberts Dean Roberts Oor 1999 / 8
Matana Roberts Coin coin chapter five : in the garden Oor 2023 / 10
Rockers hifi DJ Kicks, the black album Oor 1997 / 18
Rocket from the tombs Black record Oor 2015 / 12
Rocketmann! Rocketmann! Oor 2002 / 21
Rocketnumbernine Me you we you Oor 2013 / 9
Omar Rodriguez-López Absence makes the heart grow fungus Oor 2009 / 3
Cryptomnesia Oor 2009 / 7
Despair Oor 2009 / 3
Megaritual Oor 2009 / 3
Old money Oor 2009 / 3
Hans-Joachim Roedelius Durch die Wüste Oor 2009 / 8
Hans-Joachim Roedelius & Tim Story Inlandish Oor 2008 / 2
Roedelius Selbstportrait wahre Liebe Oor 2020 / 7
Tape archive essence 1973-1978 Oor 2020 / 7
Tom Rogerson with Brian Eno Finding shore Oor 2018 / 1
Rollercone Rollercone Oor 2001 / 18
Sonny Rollins Rollins in Holland Oor 2021 / 3
Roots tonic meets Bill Laswell Roots tonic meets Bill Laswell Oor 2006 / 6
Ross from friends The outsiders Oor 2018 / 1
Round one to round five 1993-99 Oor 2000 / 1
Roxy music Roxy music Oor 2018 / 2
Royal trux Pound for pound Oor 2000 / 13
Röyksopp Melody a.m. Oor 2001 / 17
RTX JJ got live raTX Oor 2008 / 10
Rubatong Rubatong Oor 2011 / 12
Ursula Rucker Ma'at mama Oor 2006 / 1
Rumba Profunda Alta en la fiebre de la rumba Oor 2001 / 20
Todd Rundgren, Emil Nikolaisen & Hans-Pe... Runddans Oor 2015 / 6
James Ruskin Further design Oor 1998 / 21
Arthur Russell Calling out of context Oor 2004 / 5
First thought, best thought Oor 2006 / 5
Love is overtaking me Oor 2008 / 12
The world of Arthur Russell Oor 2004 / 5
Wild combination : a portrait of Arthur ... Oor 2009 / 1
Russian circles Blood year Oor 2019 / 8
Terje Rypdal Selected recordings Oor 2002 / 14
Sacred system Nagual site Oor 1999 / 23
Laetitia Sadier Find me finding you Oor 2017 / 4
Rooting for love Oor 2024 / 3
Silencio! Oor 2012 / 9
The trip Oor 2010 / 9
Saint Etienne Finisterre Oor 2002 / 20
Home counties Oor 2017 / 6
Salaryman Karoshi Oor 1999 / 22
Salaryman Oor 1997 / 16
Sand Still born alive Oor 2002 / 6
Hope Sandoval & the Warm inventions Through the devil softly Oor 2009 / 10
Sandoz Digital lifeforms Oor 1994 / 3
Intensely radioactive Oor 1994 / 19
Sanhedrin Sun head ring Oor 2009 / 5
Carlos Santana & Bill Laswell Divine light Oor 2001 / 18
Santonio Translusive Oor 1995 / 4
Sasha The qat collection Oor 1994 / 6
Kevin Saunderson Faces & phases : vol. 1 Oor 1998 / 3
Savath & Savalas Apropa't Oor 2004 / 2
Folk songs for trains, trees and honey Oor 2001 / 1
Golden pollen Oor 2007 / 6
Manana Oor 2005 / 1
Nitin Sawhney London undersound Oor 2008 / 12
Scan 7 Dark territory Oor 1997 / 3
Scan X Chroma Oor 1996 / 13
Scanner Delivery Oor 1997 / 9
Electronic garden Oor 2014 / 3
Lauwarm instrumentals Oor 1999 / 17
Sound for spaces Oor 1999 / 1
Spore Oor 1995 / 9
Scanner - David Shea - Main Sub rosa live sessions : London may 199... Oor 1997 / 2
Sub rosa live sessions : Paris june1996 Oor 1997 / 2
Scanner The radiance of a thousand suns burst fo... Oor 2005 / 3
Scannerfunk Wave of light by the wave of light Oor 2001 / 2
Peter Scherer Very neon pet Oor 1995 / 10
Irmin Schmidt 5 Klavierstücke Oor 2018 / 12
Nocturne Oor 2020 / 6
Schneider TM Moist Oor 1998 / 9
Skoda mluvit Oor 2006 / 4
Zoomer Oor 2002 / 18
Paul Schütze Abysmal evenings Oor 1997 / 2
Apart Oor 1995 / 7
Lim c Oor 1999 / 9
Site anubis Oor 1996 / 13
Scion Arrange and process basic channel tracks Oor 2002 / 16
Scorn Ellipsis Oor 1995 / 14
Gyral Oor 1995 / 24
Raymond Scott Manhattan research inc. Oor 2000 / 9
Soothing sounds for babies : volume 1 : ... Oor 1997 / 11
Soothing sounds for babies : volume 2 : ... Oor 1997 / 11
Soothing sounds for babies : volume 3 : ... Oor 1997 / 11
Gil Scott-Heron I'm new here Oor 2010 / 3
We're new again : a reimaging ny Makaya ... Oor 2020 / 2
We're new here Oor 2011 / 2
Sea and Cake Any day Oor 2018 / 6
Oui Oor 2000 / 24
The fawn Oor 1997 / 11
Sea power Everything was forever Oor 2022 / 5
Section 25 Always now Oor 2003 / 14
From the hip Oor 2003 / 14
From the hip : in the flesh live in Amer... Oor 2003 / 14
Love & hate Oor 2003 / 14
The key of dreams Oor 2003 / 14
Sedibus Seti Oor 2024 / 2
The heavens Oor 2021 / 6
Seed Vertical memory Oor 1995 / 17
Seefeel Quique Oor 1994 / 3
Succour Oor 1995 / 7
Sensational Corner the market Oor 1999 / 22
Heavyweighter Oor 2000 / 24
Sensurreal Never to tell a soul Oor 1994 / 22
The occasional series Oor 1996 / 2
700 Bliss Nothing to declare Oor 2022 / 7
7 Hurtz Audiophiliac Oor 2000 / 23
Sex mob Solid sender Oor 2000 / 4
Coby Sey Conduit Oor 2022 / 11
SFEQ SFEC 3000 Oor 1999 / 22
SFEQ united : vol. 1 Oor 1997 / 20
SFEQ united, vol. 2 Oor 1998 / 8
SFT Shwarma Oor 1997 / 2
Shabaka Perceive its beauty, acknowledge its gra... Oor 2024 / 4
Shamen Hempton manor Oor 1996 / 22
Shaolin wooden men Shaolin wooden men Oor 1994 / 21
Shazz Shazz Oor 1999 / 5
David Shea/DJ Grazhoppa Down river up stream! Oor 1997 / 2
David Shea The tower of mirrors Oor 1997 / 2
Andy Sheppard Nocturnal tourist Oor 2002 / 10
Bim Sherman Love forever Oor 2000 / 17
Miracle Oor 1996 / 11
Rub-a-dub Oor 2000 / 17
What happened Oor 1998 / 18
Sherwood & Pinch Late night endless Oor 2015 / 3
Man vs. Sofa Oor 2017 / 2
Adrian Sherwood Never trust a hippy Oor 2003 / 8
Shoba leader one Elektrac Oor 2017 / 3
Sidewinder Colonized Oor 1997 / 3
Ben Sidran The concert for Garcia Lorca Oor 1999 / 24
Leo Sidran L. Sid Oor 1999 / 24
Signal Robotron Oor 2007 / 10
Signs ov chaos Departure Oor 1998 / 17
Frankenscience Oor 1996 / 22
Silent phase The theory of Silent phase Oor 1995 / 24
Silmus Laaksum Oor 2019 / 3
Silver Mt. Zion memorial orchestra & Tra... He has left us alone, but shafts of ligh... Oor 2000 / 8
This is our punk-rock, thee rusted satel... Oor 2003 / 17
Ian Simmonds Return to X Oor 2001 / 2
Paul Simon Surprise Oor 2006 / 5
Talvin Singh Ha Oor 2001 / 6
Six nine The sound of music Oor 1995 / 16
Six organs of admittance Ascent Oor 2012 / 11
Burning the threshold Oor 2017 / 3
Hexadic Oor 2015 / 12
Hexadic II Oor 2015 / 12
RTZ Oor 2009 / 2
Roni Size & Reprazent New forms Oor 2017 / 12
New forms Oor 1997 / 13
Roni Size Touching down Oor 2002 / 22
Skream Outside the box Oor 2010 / 8
Slag boom van Loon So soon Oor 2001 / 13
Slam Alien radio Oor 2001 / 12
Headstates Oor 1996 / 10
Psychotrance 4 Oor 1996 / 24
Year zero Oor 2004 / 21
Luke Slater Alright on top Oor 2002 / 7
Luke Slater's 7th plain My yellow wise rug Oor 1995 / 2
Luke Slater Wireless Oor 1999 / 20
Jake Slazenger Das ist ein groovy Beat, Ja? Oor 1996 / 14
Makesaracket Oor 1995 / 20
Sleep The sciences Oor 2018 / 6
Slovo Nommo Oor 2002 / 21
Sly & Robbie Drum & bass strip to the bone by Howie B Oor 1999 / 3
Smalts It's good to be on a well-run-ship Oor 2002 / 23
Smith & Mighty Bass is maternal Oor 2000 / 16
Retrospective Oor 2004 / 22
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith The kid Oor 2017 / 11
Patti Smith & Kevin Shields The coral sea Oor 2008 / 8
Patti Smith Trampin' Oor 2004 / 9
Smoke cella / Apzolut Donkey basketball ep Oor 2004 / 21
SND MakeSND cassette Oor 2000 / 3
Sneaker pimps Becoming X Oor 1996 / 24
Soft cell Keychains & snowstorms : the Soft cell s... Oor 2018 / 10
Soft pink truth Shall we go on sinning so that grace may... Oor 2020 / 8
G.W. Sok Listen to the painters Oor 2016 / 7
Sol6 Solare Oor 2010 / 3
Son-dha Red sector a speeds up alio die Oor 2002 / 3
Sonic youth Goodbye 20th century Oor 2000 / 1
In the fishtank Oor 2002 / 24
Koncertas Stan Brakhage prisiminimui Oor 2006 / 1
Smart bar : Chicago 1985 Oor 2012 / 12
Sonovac Raw Oor 2000 / 23
Soul center Soul center 3 Oor 2002 / 7
Omar Souleyman Bahdeni nami Oor 2015 / 8
Haflat gharbia : the Western concerts Oor 2011 / 12
Jazeera nights Oor 2010 / 9
Shlon Oor 2020 / 1
To Syria, with love Oor 2017 / 10
Souls of mischief There is only now Oor 2014 / 8
Soundwalk collective with Jesse Parish S... Killer road : a tribute to Nico Oor 2016 / 9
Source experience Different journeys Oor 1994 / 23
Sparks Hippotamus Oor 2017 / 9
Speedjack Surge Oor 1996 / 12
Speedy J A shocking hobby Oor 2000 / 8
G spot Oor 1995 / 6
Live Oor 1995 / 23
Loudboxer Oor 2002 / 11
Public energy no. 1 Oor 1997 / 8
Spelling Spelling & the Mystery school Oor 2023 / 9
Spooky Found sound Oor 1996 / 18
Gargantuan Oor 1993 / 22
Spring heel Jack There are springs Oor 1995 / 20
Treader Oor 1999 / 12
Spunk Den overste toppen pa en blamalt flaggst... Oor 2002 / 19
Spy-fi The shadows knows ... Oor 2000 / 12
Squarepusher Be up a hello Oor 2020 / 1
Budakhan mindphone Oor 1999 / 7
Burning 'n tree Oor 1998 / 1
Damogen furies Oor 2015 / 5
Feed me weird things Oor 1996 / 16
Go plastic Oor 2001 / 14
Hard normal daddy Oor 1997 / 9
Music is rotted one note Oor 1998 / 21
Solo electric bass 1 Oor 2009 / 8
Ultravisitor Oor 2004 / 6
Sqürl Silver haze Oor 2023 / 5
St Germain Boulevard : the complete series Oor 1995 / 16
St. Germain Oor 2015 / 10
Paul St. Hilaire Tikiman : vol. 1 Oor 2023 / 5
Stalker The riderman Oor 1999 / 2
Starfish pool Chill out 'n confused Oor 1994 / 21
Interference '96 Oor 1996 / 7
Stars on the lid Avec laudenum Oor 1999 / 13
Gravitational pull vs. The desire for an... Oor 1998 / 2
Bobo Stenson Selected recordings Oor 2002 / 14
Sterac Secret life of machines Oor 1996 / 2
Thera Oor 1998 / 6
Stereolab Aluminum tunes (switched on : volume 3) Oor 1998 / 22
Chemical chords Oor 2008 / 9
Cobra and phases group play voltage in t... Oor 2019 / 10
Dots and loops Oor 2019 / 10
Dots and loops Oor 1997 / 21
Eelectrically possessed (switched on : v... Oor 2021 / 3
Emperor Tomato Ketchup Oor 2019 / 10
Fab four suture Oor 2006 / 3
Mars audiac quintet Oor 2019 / 6
Microbe hunters Oor 2000 / 14
Not music Oor 2010 / 11
Sound-dust Oor 2001 / 19
Transient random-noise bursts with annou... Oor 2019 / 6
Colin Stetson & Sarah Neufeld Never were the way she was Oor 2015 / 4
Colin Stetson New history warfare : vol. 3 To see more... Oor 2013 / 4
Sorrow : a reimagining of Gorecki's 3rd ... Oor 2016 / 4
The menu Oor 2022 / 12
El Stew El Stew Oor 1999 / 16
Mark Stewart Control data Oor 1996 / 7
Carl Stone Carl Stone 1196 Oor 1996 / 17
Sly Stone The seventh son Oor 2003 / 3
Stooges Fun house Oor 2005 / 9
The Stooges Oor 2005 / 9
Strange parcels Disconnected Oor 1994 / 16
Stumptone Stumptone Oor 2001 / 2
Sturm Sturm Oor 1999 / 8
Sturmgesten Oor 2000 / 3
Sub dub Dancehall malfunction Oor 1997 / 17
Sub dub Oor 1996 / 7
Sub Oslo Dubs in the key of life Oor 2001 / 2
Substance Session elements Oor 1998 / 17
Subsurfing Frozen ants Oor 1995 / 10
Subterfuge Synthetic dream Oor 1993 / 23
Sufi Life's rising Oor 1995 / 18
Suicide American supreme Oor 2002 / 24
The first rehearsal tapes Oor 1999 / 18
The second album Oor 1999 / 18
Sukia Contaco espacial con el tercer sexo Oor 1997 / 13
Sumac Love in shadow Oor 2018 / 10
The healer Oor 2024 / 6
Sun electric 30.7.94 Oor 1995 / 6
Aaah! Oor 1994 / 16
Kitchen Oor 1993 / 23
Present Oor 1997 / 1
Via nostra Oor 1998 / 24
Sun Ra and his Astro infinity Arkestra Friendly love Oor 2000 / 24
Sun Ra and his Arkestra Greatest hits : easy listening for inter... Oor 2000 / 24
Sun Ra Lanquidity Oor 2000 / 24
Sun Ra Arkestra Nuclear war Oor 2001 / 22
Sun Ra and his Astro infinity Arkestra Pathways to unknown worlds Oor 2000 / 24
Sun Ra Singles : the definitive 45s collection ... Oor 2016 / 12
The great lost Sun Ra albums : Cymbals &... Oor 2000 / 24
The singles Oor 1997 / 4
Sun Ra and his Myth science Arkestra When angels speak of love Oor 2000 / 24
Sunn O))) & Boris Altar Oor 2006 / 11
Sunn O))) Life metal Oor 2019 / 4
Monoliths & dimensions Oor 2009 / 7
Pyroclasts Oor 2019 / 11
Sunn O))) & Ulver Terrestrials Oor 2014 / 3
Sunzoo manley To all our escapes Oor 2001 / 11
Super numeri The welcome table Oor 2006 / 1
Supergenerous Supergenerous Oor 2000 / 23
Suv Follow the sun Oor 2003 / 24
Swans Leaving meaning Oor 2019 / 11
The beggar Oor 2023 / 6
The glowing man Oor 2016 / 6
To be kind Oor 2014 / 5
Swayzak Dirty dancing Oor 2002 / 19
Snowboarding in Argentina Oor 2009 / 5
Sweet exorcist Spirit guide to low tech Oor 1994 / 19
Swinder Swinder Oor 2015 / 3
David Sylvian A victim of stars : 1982-2012 Oor 2012 / 3
Died in the wool : Manafon variations Oor 2011 / 7
Manafon Oor 2009 / 9
Sleepwalkers Oor 2010 / 11
System System Oor 2002 / 18
System 7 Point 3 - Fire album Oor 1994 / 22
Point 3 - Water album Oor 1994 / 22
T-power The self evident truth of an intuitive m... Oor 1996 / 13
Tabla beat science Tala matrix Oor 2001 / 6
Tackhead Power inc. : volume 3 Live Oor 1998 / 3
Talking heads Stop making sense Oor 2000 / 4
The name of the band is Talking heads Oor 2004 / 7
Tangerine dream Alpha centauri Oor 2003 / 2
Atem Oor 2003 / 2
Electronic meditation Oor 2003 / 2
I-box 1970-1990 Oor 2001 / 5
Pilots of purple twilight : the Virgin r... Oor 2020 / 12
Zeit Oor 2003 / 2
Tarwater Dwellers on the threshold Oor 2002 / 18
Spider smile Oor 2007 / 5
The needle was traveling Oor 2005 / 5
Lewis Taylor Lewis Taylor Oor 1996 / 22
Techno animal Re-entry Oor 2023 / 10
Re-entry Oor 1995 / 14
The brotherhood of the bomb Oor 2001 / 18
The brotherhood of the bomb Oor 2024 / 4
Techno animal & Alec Empire The curse of the golden vampire Oor 1998 / 14
Techno animal Versus reality Oor 1998 / 7
Technohead Headsex Oor 1995 / 17
Technova Transcience Oor 1996 / 1
Hans Teeuwen & the Painkillers How it aches Oor 2010 / 4
Towa Tei Sound museum Oor 1998 / 16
John Tejada Logic memory center Oor 2004 / 24
Telex How do you dance? Oor 2006 / 4
Sébastien Tellier Politics Oor 2004 / 2
Telo Eternal thoughts Oor 1994 / 4
Danny Tenaglia Hard & soul Oor 1995 / 6
Jimi Tenor & Kabu Kabu 4th dimension Oor 2009 / 4
Jimi Tenor Higher planes Oor 2003 / 2
Jimi Tenor & Tony Allen Inspiration information (vol. 4) Oor 2009 / 12
Jimi Tenor & Umo Mysterium magnum Oor 2015 / 9
Jimi Tenor Organism Oor 1999 / 4
Saxcentric Oor 2016 / 10
Utopian dream Oor 2001 / 23
Terranova Digital tenderness Oor 2004 / 20
Peace is tough Oor 2003 / 19
Jacky Terrasson & Cassandra Wilson Rendezvous Oor 1997 / 21
Terre Thaemlitz Die roboter rubato Oor 1997 / 3
Love for sale Oor 1999 / 8
Replicas rubato Oor 2000 / 3
Thee J. Johanz Confidential Oor 1995 / 24
Thee maddkatt courtship Alone in the dark Oor 1995 / 22
By dawns early light Oor 1994 / 10
Thee Silver Mt. Zion memorial orchestra 13 blues for thirteen moons Oor 2008 / 3
Fuck off get free we pour light on every... Oor 2014 / 1
Horses in the sky Oor 2005 / 3
Kollaps tradixionales Oor 2010 / 2
Third eye Dance of creation Oor 1994 / 21
Third eye foundation Little lost soul Oor 2000 / 5
You guys kill me Oor 1998 / 24
Third rail South delta space age Oor 1998 / 3
This heat Deceit Oor 2001 / 22
This heat Oor 2006 / 4
Henry Threadgill Where's your cup? Oor 1997 / 12
Throbbing gristle 20 jazz funk greats Oor 2012 / 1
D.O.A. : the third and final report of T... Oor 2012 / 1
D.O.A. : the third and final report of T... Oor 2007 / 4
Entertainment through pain : Throbbing g... Oor 2012 / 1
Heathen Earth Oor 2012 / 1
In the shadow of the sun Oor 2007 / 4
Mutant Throbbing gristle Oor 2004 / 10
The second annual report Oor 2012 / 1
The taste of Throbbing gristle : a begin... Oor 2004 / 10
Tied + Tickled trio Ea1 Ea2 RMX Oor 2000 / 2
Observing systems Oor 2003 / 22
Le Tigre Feminist sweepstakes Oor 2002 / 4
Remixes Oor 2002 / 11
This island Oor 2004 / 21
To rococo rot Music is a hungry ghost Oor 2001 / 9
The amateur view Oor 1999 / 9
Veiculo Oor 1997 / 4
Amon Tobin Chaos theory : splinter cell 3 soundtrac... Oor 2005 / 2
Foley room Oor 2007 / 4
Out from out where Oor 2002 / 20
Permutations Oor 1998 / 11
Supermodified Oor 2000 / 10
Toho sara Toho sara Oor 2021 / 3
Tons of tones Platinum Oor 1997 / 21
Tons of tones Oor 1995 / 24
Tony! Toni! Tone! Sons of soul Oor 1993 / 21
David Toop Architectura volume three : museum of fr... Oor 1999 / 18
Hot pants idol Oor 1999 / 18
Pink noir Oor 1997 / 2
Screen ceremonies Oor 1996 / 3
David Toop & Mark Eastley Buried dreams Oor 1994 / 9
Toro y Moi Hole Erth Oor 2024 / 9
What for? Oor 2015 / 5
Tortoise A digest companion of the Tortoise's wor... Oor 1997 / 11
A Lazarus taxon Oor 2006 / 10
Beacons of ancestorship Oor 2009 / 8
Tortoise & the Ex In the fishtank Oor 1999 / 12
Tortoise It's all around you Oor 2004 / 8
Remixed Oor 1997 / 11
Standards Oor 2001 / 5
The catastrophist Oor 2016 / 1
TNT Oor 1998 / 5
Tosca No hassle Oor 2009 / 6
Odeon Oor 2013 / 3
Tournesol Kokotsu Oor 1994 / 10
Moonfunk Oor 1995 / 17
Trance induction Electrickery Oor 1994 / 11
Trans am Futureworld Oor 1999 / 6
Liberation Oor 2004 / 5
Surrender to the night Oor 1997 / 4
The surveillance Oor 1998 / 7
Transient waves Sonic narcotic Oor 1999 / 17
Trenchmouth The broadcasting system Oor 1997 / 11
Tricky Maxinquaye