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Oor - Top honderd van de jaren nul

Bron Oor
Jaar 2009
Aantal titels in dit lijstje

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Totaallijst - top

Pos^ AK Pt^ Artiest^ Album^ Jaar^ Rec^

1 25 166 Is this it
2001 8
2 22 147 Funeral
Arcade fire
2004 7
3 17 116 Whatever people say I am, that's what I'm not
Arctic monkeys
2006 6
4 16 89 Illinoise
Sufjan Stevens
2005 5
5 16 87 Back to black
Amy Winehouse
2006 9
6 15 107 Songs for the deaf
Queens of the Stone age
2002 5
7 14 124 Kid A
2000 13
8 13 63 Sound of silver
LCD soundsystem
2007 4
9 12 83 I am a bird now
Antony & the Johnsons
2005 6
10 12 69 Franz Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand
2004 6
11 12 68 Spinvis Spinvis 2002 6
12 10 68 Streets Original pirate material 2002 6
13 10 66 D'Angelo Voodoo 2000 4
14 10 50 Interpol Turn on the bright lights 2002 8
15 8 56 Wilco Yankee hotel Foxtrot 2002 13
16 8 54 At the drive-in Relationship of command 2000 5
17 8 47 Shins Chutes too narrow 2003 7
18 8 39 LCD soundsystem LCD soundsystem 2005 6
19 8 37 Johan Pergola 2001 3
20 7 43 Mars volta De-loused in the comatorium 2003 8
21 7 39 White stripes Elephant 2003 10
22 7 29 Vampire weekend Vampire weekend 2008 5
23 7 27 Opgezwolle Eigen wereld 2006 4
24 6 38 System of a Down Toxicity 2001 4
25 6 29 Elbow The seldom seen kid 2008 6
6 29 MGMT Oracular spectacular 2008 6
26 5 37 Burial Untrue 2007 5
27 5 36 Mark Lanegan band Bubblegum 2004 10
5 36 Libertines The Libertines 2004 7
28 5 34 Burial Burial 2006 1
29 5 29 Boards of Canada Geogaddi 2002 7
30 5 27 Bon iver For Emma, forever ago 2007 6
31 5 26 Arctic monkeys Favourite worst nightmare 2007 5
5 26 Interpol Our love to admire 2007 6
32 5 20 Fleet foxes Fleet foxes 2008 7
5 20 N.E.R.D. In search of 2001 9
33 4 37 Sigur Rós Ágaetis byrjun 1999 8
34 4 32 Wilco Sky blue sky 2007 8
35 4 31 Daft punk Discovery 2001 6
36 4 30 Ali Farka Touré Savane 2006 12
37 4 29 Ryan Adams Heartbreaker 2000 14
38 4 27 Animal collective Merriweather post pavilion 2009 7
4 27 Brian Wilson Presents Smile 2004 9
39 4 26 Bright eyes I'm wide awake it's morning 2005 8
4 26 Nick Cave and the Bad seeds Abattoir blues/The lyre of Orpheus 2004 15
40 4 24 Editors The back room 2005 6
4 24 Bruce Springsteen The rising 2002 12
41 4 22 M.I.A. Kala 2007 5
42 4 20 Eminem The Marshall Mathers lp 2000 5
4 20 Outkast Speakerboxxx/the love below 2003 7
43 4 19 Tool Lateralus 2001 4
44 4 16 Wolf parade Apologies to the queen Mary 2005 3
45 4 14 Go! Team Thunder, lightning, strike 2004 4
46 4 12 White stripes White blood cells 2001 10
47 3 26 Porcupine tree Fear of a blank planet 2007 4
48 3 25 Jay-Z The blueprint 2001 6
3 25 Sufjan Stevens Seven swans 2004 7
49 3 23 Radiohead In rainbows 2007 6
50 3 22 Grandaddy The sophtware slump 2000 11
3 22 Green day American idiot 2004 7
51 3 21 Ryan Adams Gold 2001 7
3 21 Damien Rice O 2002 8
3 21 Rufus Wainwright Want one 2003 9
52 3 20 Solomon Burke Don't give up on me 2002 6
53 3 19 Damien Rice 9 2006 5
54 3 18 Goldfrapp Felt mountain 2000 9
3 18 Midlake The trials of Van Occupanther 2006 8
55 3 17 Knife Silent shout 2006 4
3 17 Low Trust 2002 5
3 17 Mars volta Frances the mute 2005 6
3 17 Radiohead Amnesiac 2001 12
56 3 16 Muse Origin of symmetry 2001 5
3 16 Thermals More parts per million 2003 5
57 3 15 Battles Mirrored 2007 7
58 3 14 Kode9 + the Spaceape Memories of the future 2006 1
3 14 Joanna Newsom Ys 2006 5
59 3 13 Kanye West Late registration 2005 6
60 3 9 M.I.A. Arular 2005 5
3 9 Wolfmother Wolfmother 2006 8
61 3 7 Hold steady Boys and girls in America 2006 7
62 3 4 Last shadow puppets The age of the understatement 2008 6
63 2 18 Liars Drum's not dead 2006 3
2 18 Hank Williams III Straight to hell 2006 1
64 2 17 Arcade fire Neon bible 2007 5
2 17 Badly Drawn boy The hour of bewilderbeast 2000 7
2 17 Luomo Vocal city 2000 1
65 2 16 Prefuse 73 One word extinguisher 2003 3
66 2 15 Boysetsfire After the eulogy 2000 1
2 15 Coldplay A rush of blood to the head 2002 9
2 15 Kings of Leon Only by the night 2008 7
2 15 A Perfect circle Thirteenth step 2003 5
2 15 Reigning sound Home for orphans 2005 1
2 15 Amy Winehouse Frank 2003 7
67 2 14 Ignite Our darkest days 2006 1
2 14 Malcolm Middleton Into the woods 2005 5
2 14 Mika Life in cartoon motion 2007 4
2 14 Sunny day real estate The rising tide 2000 3
68 2 13 Queens of the Stone age Rated R 2000 7
2 13 Radiohead Hail to the thief 2003 12
2 13 Dizzee Rascal Boy in da corner 2003 7
2 13 Gillian Welch Time (the revelator) 2001 9
69 2 12 Amadou et Mariam Dimanche à Bamako 2004 5
2 12 Ayreon The human equation 2004 3
2 12 Common Electric circus 2002 4
2 12 Ignite A place called home 2000 1
2 12 Kings of Leon Because of the times 2007 4
2 12 Morrissey You are the quarry 2004 7
2 12 Rhythm & Sound With the artists 2003 1
2 12 Justin Timberlake Justified 2002 6
70 2 11 Deftones White pony 2020 7
2 11 My chemical romance The black parade 2006 3
71 2 10 And you will know us by the trail of dead Source tags & codes 2002 4
2 10 Beck Modern guilt 2008 6
2 10 Johnny Cash American IV : The man comes around 2002 8
2 10 Hot snakes Suicide invoice 2002
2 10 John Legend Get lifted 2004 6
2 10 Mastodon Leviathan 2004 2
2 10 Moloko Statues 2003 7
72 2 9 Herbie Hancock River : the Joni letters 2007 7
2 9 De Jeugd van tegenwoordig De machine 2008 2
2 9 Jay Reatard Blood visions 2006 3
2 9 Sigur Rós Takk ... 2005 5
2 9 Telefon Tel Aviv Map of what is effortless 2004 2
2 9 Voicst A tale of two devils 2008 3
73 2 8 Coldplay Parachutes 2000 8
2 8 Kaiser chiefs Employment 2005 6
2 8 Santogold Santogold 2008 4
2 8 TV on the radio Return to Cookie mountain 2006 5
74 2 7 Fennesz Endless summer 2001 2
2 7 Godspeed you! Black emperor Levez vos skinny fists comme antennas to heaven! 2000 5
2 7 Portishead Third 2008 8
75 2 6 Black mountain In the future 2008 6
2 6 Jay-Z The black album 2003 4
2 6 Libertines Up the bracket 2002 12
2 6 Madness The liberty of Norton Folgate 2009 8
76 2 5 Lily Allen Alright, still 2006 6
2 5 Cribs The new fellas 2005 3
2 5 Fuck buttons Street horrrsing 2008 2
2 5 Luomo The present lover 2003 1
77 2 4 Clipse Hell hath no fury 2006 4
2 4 My morning jacket It still moves 2003 9
78 2 3 eels Blinking lights and other revelations 2005 5
2 3 Killers Hot fuss 2004 6
79 1 10 #s Encre (soundtrack) 2001
1 10 Richard Ashcroft Human conditions 2002 6
1 10 Bees Free the Bees 2004 4
1 10 Cake Comfort eagle 2001 4
1 10 Johnny Cash American III : Solitary man 2000 8
1 10 Tim Christensen Honeyburst 2003 5
1 10 Club Diana Costa 2000 2
1 10 Four tet Rounds 2003 5
1 10 John Frusciante Shadows collide with people 2004 5
1 10 Gas Pop 2000
1 10 Joe Henry Tiny voices 2003 7
1 10 Meshuggah Obzen 2008 1
1 10 Minus the bear Menos el oso 2005 1
1 10 Neurosis A sun that never sets 2001 1
1 10 Scritti politti White bread, black beer 2006 5
1 10 Solbakken Klopanet 2003 2
1 10 D.M. Stith Heavy ghost 2009 4
1 10 Textures Polars 2003 1
1 10 Thursday Full collapse 2001 2
1 10 Veils Nux vomica 2006 6
80 1 9 Erykah Badu Mama's gun 2000 7
1 9 Devendra Banhart Oh me Oh my .. The way the day goes by the sun is setting … 2002 2
1 9 Bloc party Silent alarm 2005 7
1 9 Blumfeld Jenseits von jedem 2003
1 9 Coralie Clément La salle des pas perdus 2001
1 9 D'Angelo Live at the Jazzcafe, London 1998 1
1 9 Miles Davis The complete Jack Johnson sessions 2003 4
1 9 Ton Engels & Egbert Derix In het Zuiden opklaringen 2006 4
1 9 Fat Freddy's Drop Based on a true story 2005 1
1 9 For carnation The For carnation 2000 3
1 9 Get up kids Something to write home about 1999 3
1 9 Lamb of God Wrath 2009 3
1 9 Magnetic fields 69 love songs 1999 9
1 9 Gétatchèw Mèkurya & the Ex Moa anbessa 2006 4
1 9 Mr. Lif I phantom 2002 1
1 9 Porcupine tree In absentia 2002 3
1 9 Reigning sound Too much guitar! 2004 3
1 9 Scissor sisters Scissor sisters 2004 7
1 9 Shearwater Palo santo 2006 5
1 9 Sigur Rós Med sud i eyrum vid spilum endalaust 2008 6
1 9 Silverchair Diorama 2002 6
1 9 St Germain Tourist 2000 6
1 9 Angus & Julia Stone A book like this 2008 6
1 9 Transatlantic Stolt Morse Portnoy Trewavas 2000 3
1 9 TV on the radio Dear science 2008 7
1 9 U2 All that you can't leave behind 2000 9
1 9 Wilco Kicking television : live in Chicago 2005 6
1 9 Wilco (the album) 2009 6
1 9 Wild specialities Beautiful today 2009 2
81 1 8 Iva Bittová & Skampa quartet Morovian folk poetry in songs (leos Janácek) 2005
1 8 Bohren & der Club of Gore Black Earth 2004
1 8 Cat empire So many nights 2008
1 8 Cat Power The greatest 2005 6
1 8 Danko Jones Born a lion 2002 3
1 8 Death from above 1979 You're a woman, I'm a machine 2005 2
1 8 Dixie chicks Taking the long way 2006 6
1 8 Julie Doiron Heart and crime 2001
1 8 Eighties matchbox B-line disaster Hörse of the dög 2002 7
1 8 Ephrat No one's words 2008 2
1 8 Extol The blueprint dives 2005 1
1 8 50 Cent Get rich or die tryin' 2003 4
1 8 Anja Garbarek Smiling & waving 2001 4
1 8 Adam Green Garfield 2002
1 8 Gutter twins Saturnalia 2008 7
1 8 Jamie T Panic prevention 2007 5
1 8 Jack Johnson In between dreams 2005 6
1 8 Keane Hopes and fears 2004 10
1 8 Lambchop Is a woman 2002 11
1 8 Mirah You think it's like this but really it's like this 2000
1 8 Bart Oostindie Welcome to the costume ball 2008 5
1 8 Opeth Blackwater park 2001 3
1 8 Porcupine tree Lightbulb sun 2000 6
1 8 Prince 3121 2006 4
1 8 Simian Chemistry is what we are (lp) 2001 5
1 8 Skindred Roots rock riot 2008 3
1 8 Omar Souleyman Highway to Hassake : folk and pop sounds of Syria 2007
1 8 Spank rock YoYoYoYoYo 2006 3
1 8 Mike Stern Voices 2001 3
1 8 Sunset rubdown Random spirit lover 2007
1 8 2 Many DJ's As heard on radio Soulwax, pt. 2 2002 2
1 8 Los Van Van Chapeando 2005 1
1 8 Ricardo Villalobos Alcachofa 2003 3
1 8 Scott Walker The drift 2006 7
1 8 Lucinda Williams World without tears 2003 8
82 1 7 Rance Allen group The live experience 2004
1 7 Avalanches Since I left you 2001 8
1 7 Jeff Beck Performing this week … live at Ronnie Scott's 2008 3
1 7 Belle and Sebastian Fold your hands child, you walk like a peasant 2000 5
1 7 Boards of Canada The campfire headphase 2005 6
1 7 Bright eyes Lifted or the story is in the soil keep your ear to ground 2002 6
1 7 Common Like water for chocolate 2000 5
1 7 Dillinger escape plan Miss Machine 2004 2
1 7 Dinosaur jr. Farm 2009 7
1 7 Drive-by truckers Brighter than creation's dark 2008 7
1 7 Duffy Rockferry 2008 5
1 7 Edan Beauty and the beat 2005 4
1 7 Editors An end has a start 2007 7
1 7 Elbow Asleep in the back 2001 8
1 7 Flaming lips Yoshimi battles the pink robots 2002 11
1 7 Fushitsusha I saw it! That which before I could only sense ... 1999 1
1 7 David Gray Life in slow motion 2005 6
1 7 Grinderman Grinderman 2007 5
1 7 iLiketrains Progress - reform 2006 2
1 7 Lucky Jim Our troubles end tonight 2004 3
1 7 Aimee Mann Bachelor no. 2, or the last remains of the dodo 2000 8
1 7 Moke Shorland 2007 3
1 7 National Boxer 2007 4
1 7 Oi va voi Oi va voi 2007 2
1 7 Out hud Street dad 2002
1 7 Andy Palacio and the Garifuna collective Wátina 2007 3
1 7 Porcupine tree The incident 2009 6
1 7 Primal scream Exterminator 2000 6
1 7 Rammstein Mutter 2001 5
1 7 Rifles No love lost 2006 6
1 7 JW Roy Kitchen table blues 2004 6
1 7 Ruby throat The ventriloquist 2008 2
1 7 Shantel Disko Partizani! 2007 3
1 7 Sigur Rós () 2002 7
1 7 David Sylvian Manafon 2009 7
1 7 System of a Down Mesmerize 2005 4
1 7 Venetian snares Rossz csillag alatt született 2005 1
1 7 Susumu Yokota Sakura 2000 2
83 1 6 Antony & the Johnsons The crying light 2009 6
1 6 Arab strap Monday at the hug & pint 2003 5
1 6 Black crowes Warpaint 2008 5
1 6 Blonde redhead Misery is a butterfly 2004 4
1 6 Blood brothers Crimes 2004 1
1 6 Bonnie 'Prince' Billy Master and everyone 2003 7
1 6 Sings greatest Palace music 2004 5
1 6 Daddy yankee Barrio fino 2004 2
1 6 Dears No cities left 2004 5
1 6 Death cab for cutie Narrow stairs 2008 6
1 6 Plans 2005 5
1 6 Dredg El cielo 2002 1
1 6 Nancy Elizabeth Battle and victory 2007 1
1 6 Fennesz & Ryuichi Sakamoto Cendre 2007 2
1 6 Flaming lips The soft bulletin 1999 6
1 6 Foo fighters One by one 2002 5
1 6 Gnarls barkley The odd couple 2008 5
1 6 Hood Cold house 2001 3
1 6 José James The dreamer 2007 6
1 6 Alicia Keys The diary of Alicia Keys 2003 5
1 6 Kings of convenience Riot on an empty street 2004 6
1 6 Lil Wayne Tha carter II 2005
1 6 Linkin park Hybrid theory 2000 5
1 6 Marked men The Marked men 2003
1 6 Masterplan Masterplan 2003 1
1 6 Joni Mitchell Both sides now 2000 7
1 6 Moongarden Round midnight 2004
1 6 Muse Absolution 2003 5
1 6 Black holes and revelations 2006 5
1 6 Opeth Watershed 2008 5
1 6 Pissed jeans King of jeans 2009 3
1 6 Pulse ultra Headspace 2002 2
1 6 Raconteurs Broken boy soldiers 2006 7
1 6 Rapture Echoes 2003 4
1 6 16 Horsepower Secret South 2000 5
1 6 Spoon Ga ga ga ga ga 2007 4
1 6 Thursday War all the time 2003 2
1 6 Tinariwen Aman Iman : water is life 2007 6
1 6 U2 No line on the horizon 2009 6
1 6 Rufus Wainwright Poses 2001 5
84 1 5 Arctic monkeys Humbug 2009 6
1 5 Ayreon 1011001 2008 4
1 5 William Basinski The disintegration loops 2002
1 5 Benjamin Biolay Négatif 2003 2
1 5 Andrew Bird Andrew Bird & the Mysterious production of eggs 2005 4
1 5 Black lips Let it bloom 2005 1
1 5 Blonde redhead Melody of certain damaged lemons 2000 4
1 5 Boysetsfire Tomorrow come today 2003 2
1 5 Sylvain Chauveau Nocturne impalpable 2001
1 5 Deerhunter Microcastle 2008 2
1 5 Dreadlock pussy Tsumi 2002 3
1 5 Thomas Dybdahl One day you'll dance for me, New York city 2006 2
1 5 Dzihan & Kamien Gran riserva 2002 2
1 5 Evergrey In search of truth 2001 1
1 5 Fugazi The argument 2001 4
1 5 Kevin Gilbert The shaming of the true 2000
1 5 Hello saferide More modern short stories by 2008
1 5 Horrors Primary colours 2009 5
1 5 Hybrid Morning sci-fi 2004 3
1 5 Interpol Antics 2004 4
1 5 Ledisi Soulsinger (the revival) 2000
1 5 Magic numbers The Magic numbers 2005 6
1 5 Microphones The glow, pt. 2 2001 4
1 5 Allison Moorer The duel 2004 6
1 5 Moss Never be scared/Don't be a hero 2009 3
1 5 My morning jacket Evil urges 2008 6
1 5 Nasum Shift 2004 1
1 5 O.M.F.O. Omnipresence 2009
1 5 Rise against Siren song of the counter culture 2004
1 5 Ian Siegal Meat & potatoes 2005 5
1 5 Elliott Smith Figure 8 2000 7
1 5 Sole Selling live water 2002 1
1 5 Sonic youth Sonic nurse 2004 6
1 5 Sparklehorse It's a wonderful life 2001 6
1 5 Suicidal birds Z-list 2005 1
1 5 Trentemøller The last resort 2006 2
1 5 U2 How to dismantle an atomic bomb 2004 8
85 1 4 Ryan Adams Cold roses 2005 7
1 4 Antenna #1
1 4 Richard Ashcroft Alone with everybody 2000 6
1 4 Bees Octopus 2007 5
1 4 Bleed the sky Paradigm in entropy 2005
1 4 Broadcast The noise made by people 2000 6
1 4 Ane Brun A temporary dive 2004 5
1 4 Caesar Caesar 2003 5
1 4 Gabriella Cilmi Lessons to be learned 2008 4
1 4 Cobblestone jazz 23 seconds 2007
1 4 Jesse Dayton Tall Texas tales 2001 3
1 4 Department of eagles In Ear park 2008 4
1 4 Enemy We'll live and die in these towns 2007 4
1 4 Espers Espers 2004 5
1 4 Feu Thérese Ca va cogner 2007
1 4 Fireside Elite 2001 2
1 4 Josephine Foster Hazel eyes, I will lead you 2005 1
1 4 Fucked up The chemistry of common life 2008 2
1 4 Gaslight anthem The '59 sound 2008 3
1 4 Gojira The way of all flesh 2008 1
1 4 Benjamin Herman Campert : de tijd duurt één mens lang 2007 1
1 4 Jan Jelinek Kosmischer pitch 2005 1
1 4 Kane Fearless 2005 3
1 4 Mark Lanegan Field songs 2001 4
1 4 Lost sounds Rat's brains & microchips 2006
1 4 Stephen Marley Mind control 2007 4
1 4 Nine inch nails Year zero 2007 3
1 4 No blues Ya dunya 2007 3
1 4 Osi Office of Strategic Influence 2003 1
1 4 Panda Bear Person pitch 2007 3
1 4 Phoenix Alphabetical 2004 4
1 4 Richmond Fontaine We used to think the freeway sounded like a river 2009 5
1 4 Paul Simon You're the one 2000 6
1 4 Sleepingdog Naked in a clean bed 2006 1
1 4 Soilwork Stabbing the drama 2005 1
1 4 South San Gabriel Welcome, convalescence 2003 3
1 4 Streets A grand don't come for free 2004 6
1 4 Strokes First impressions of Earth 2005 6
1 4 Sunn O))) The black one 2005 2
1 4 Throbbing gristle Part two : the endless not 2007 1
1 4 Timesbold Timesbold 2002 3
1 4 Tindersticks Can our love ... 2001 7
1 4 Various (= groep) The world is gone 2006 3
1 4 Gert Vlok Nel Beaufort-Wes se beautiful woord 2006 3
1 4 Lucinda Williams Essence 2001 8
1 4 Neil Young Living with war 2006 6
86 1 3 Adele 19 2008 6
1 3 Aesop rock None shall pass 2007 1
1 3 Natacha Atlas & the Mazeeka ensemble Ana hina 2008 6
1 3 Bardo state Mariposa 2008
1 3 Blood brothers Burn, piano island, burn 2003 3
1 3 Born ruffians Red, yellow & blue 2008 3
1 3 Cat empire Two shoes 2005
1 3 Manu Chao Proxima estacion: esperanza 2001 6
1 3 Chimaira Pass out of existence 2001 2
1 3 CocoRosie La maison de mon rêve 2004 3
1 3 Coral The Coral 2002 7
1 3 De Dijk Brussel 2008 4
1 3 Dresden dolls Yes, Virginia 2006 5
1 3 Fever Ray Fever Ray 2009 5
1 3 Flying lotus Los Angeles 2008 3
1 3 Beth Gibbons & Rustin' Man Out of season 2002 6
1 3 Heavy trash Going way out with Heavy trash 2007 2
1 3 Hell Teufelswerk 2009 1
1 3 Klaxons Myths of the near future 2007 5
1 3 John Legend Once again 2006 5
1 3 Jerry Lee Lewis Last man standing 2006 5
1 3 Nick Lowe The convincer 2001 9
1 3 Marah Kids in Philly 2000 5
1 3 Iain Matthews & Searing quartet Joy mining 2008 6
1 3 Buddy & Julie Miller Written in chalk 2009 6
1 3 Notwist Neon golden 2002 7
1 3 Opeth Ghost reveries 2005 6
1 3 Orchestra Baobab Specialist in all styles 2002 7
1 3 Pram The museum of imaginary animals 2000 1
1 3 Joe Purdy Take my blanket and go 2008
1 3 Red sparrowes At the soundless dawn 2005 1
1 3 Secret machines Ten silver drops 2006 5
1 3 Slamer Nowhere land 2006 1
1 3 Tangent The music that died alone 2003
1 3 Thermals Fuckin a 2004 5
1 3 Devin Townsend Terria 2001 2
1 3 Patrick Watson Close to paradise 2006 6
1 3 Gillian Welch Soul journey 2003 6
1 3 XX XX 2009 5
1 3 Young people Young people 2002
87 1 2 Akufen My way 2002 2
1 2 Beirut Gulag orkestar 2006 3
1 2 Belle and Sebastian The life pursuit 2005 5
1 2 Big four quintet Sanctified 2009 1
1 2 Country teasers Full moon empty sportsbag 2003 1
1 2 Cyann & Ben Sweet beliefs 2006 1
1 2 Daryll-Ann Don't stop 2004 4
1 2 Death cab for cutie Transatlanticism 2003 4
1 2 Destroyer Your blues 2004 1
1 2 Divine comedy Victory for the comic muse 2006 6
1 2 Earth Hex : or printing in the infernal method 2005 2
1 2 Dominik Eulberg Heimische Gefilde 2007 1
1 2 Tiken Jah Fakoly L'Africain 2007 2
1 2 Ben Folds Rockin' the suburbs 2001 5
1 2 Gnarls barkley St. Elsewhere 2006 6
1 2 James Holden The idiots are winning 2006 3
1 2 I am kloot Natural history 2001 7
1 2 Kings of Leon A-ha shake heartbreak 2004 6
1 2 Justus Köhncke Doppelleben 2005 1
1 2 Onno Krijn Don't be a stranger / One 2006
1 2 Law-Rah collective As it is … 2007
1 2 Lykke Li Youth novels 2008 4
1 2 Los Lobos Good morning Aztlán 2002 5
1 2 Low Things we lost in the fire 2001 6
1 2 Low anthem Oh my God, Charlie Darwin 2009 5
1 2 Matmos The civil war 2003 3
1 2 Mercury rev All is dream 2001 9
1 2 Motorpsycho Let them eat cake 1999 3
1 2 My vitriol Finelines 2001 6
1 2 N'Dambi Tunin' up & cosignin' 2002
1 2 New order Get ready 2001 5
1 2 Newworldaquarium The dead bears 2008
1 2 Oceansize Effloresce 2003 4
1 2 Okkervil river The stage names 2007 4
1 2 Outkast Stankonia 2000 7
1 2 Pain of salvation Be 2004 2
1 2 Pan sonic Kesto (234:48:4) 2004 2
1 2 Sean Paul Dutty rock 2002 3
1 2 Poodles Sweet trade 2007 1
1 2 Razorlight Razorlight 2006 4
1 2 Jay Reatard Matador singles '08 2008 2
1 2 Slipknot Live 9.0 2005 3
1 2 Soap & Skin Lovetune for vacuum 2009 4
1 2 Thrice Beggars 2009 1
1 2 Turbonegro Party animals 2005 4
1 2 White stripes Get behind me Satan 2005 8
1 2 Lucinda Williams Little honey 2008 6
1 2 Wolf eyes & Black dice Burned mind 2004 4
1 2 Yeasayer All hour cymbals 2007 2
88 1 1 Air The virgin suicides (soundtrack) 2000 12
1 1 Beirut The flying club cup 2007 4
1 1 Blackfield Blackfield 2004 4
1 1 Boysetsfire The misery index : notes from the plague years 2006 1
1 1 British sea power The decline of British sea power 2003 8
1 1 BT Movement in still life 1999 2
1 1 Camille Le fil 2006 3
1 1 Cave in Jupiter 2000 1
1 1 Dakota suite The end of trying 2009 1
1 1 Dandy Warhols Thirteen tales from urban Bohemia 2000 9
1 1 Dangerdoom The mouse and the mask 2005 4
1 1 Depeche mode Playing the angel 2005 8
1 1 Dolorean Not exotic 2004 2
1 1 Donnie The colored section 2002 2
1 1 Drive-by truckers The dirty South 2004 5
1 1 Einstürzende Neubauten Silence is sexy 2000 4
1 1 Eminem The Eminem show 2002 4
1 1 Ibrahim Ferrer Buenos hermanos 2003 9
1 1 Fuck buttons Tarot sport 2009 5
1 1 Gorillaz Gorillaz 2001 6
1 1 Glenn Hughes Live in Australia 2007 1
1 1 Idlewild 100 broken windows 2000 5
1 1 Jazzanova The remixes 1997-2000 2000 4
1 1 De Jeugd van tegenwoordig Parels voor de zwijnen 2005 2
1 1 Joan as Police woman Real life 2006 5
1 1 Killers Day & age 2008 4
1 1 Korpiklaani Korven kuningas 2008 1
1 1 Les Savy fav Emor : Rome upside down 2000
1 1 Madd Ongeneeslijk beat 2007 1
1 1 Maxïmo park A certain trigger 2005 8
1 1 Guus Meeuwis NW8 2009 1
1 1 Music The Music 2002 5
1 1 Ojos de Brujo Aocaná 2009 3
1 1 Postal service Give up 2003 8
1 1 Prodigy Invaders must die 2009 4
1 1 Roots manuva Run come save me 2001 3
1 1 Ron Sexsmith Time being 2006 7
1 1 Shallow water blackout Shallow water blackout 2001
1 1 Shins Oh, inverted world 2001 5
1 1 Silver Mt. Zion memorial orchestra & Tra-la-la band with choir Born into trouble as the Sparks fly upward 2001 4
1 1 SJD Songs from a dictaphone 2007
1 1 Social distortion Sex, love and rock 'n' roll 2004 3
1 1 Spirit that guides us Don't shoot, let us burn 2008 1
1 1 Starless & Bible black Starless & Bible black 2006 1
1 1 Verve Forth 2008 5
1 1 Rufus Wainwright Release the stars 2007 5
1 1 Wiley Treddin' on thin ice 2004 4
1 1 zZz Sound of zZz 2005 4
89 Ladytron Witching hour 2005 6

Recensenten die deelgenomen hebben aan deze lijst - top

Recensent Recensies

Edwin van Andel 0
Machgiel Bakker 2
Willem Bemboom 608
Erik van den Berg 1596
Peter Bijl 4
Marc Brekelmans 0
Jan Willem Broek 0
Peter van Brummelen 0
Peter Bruyn 1874
Yorick Buwalda 98
Pablo Cabenda 6
Hester Carvalho 0
Martin Cuppens 1172
Rikkert Dahmen 61
Fons Dellen 0
John Denekamp 1164
Wouter Dielesen 1320
Nico Dijkshoorn 0
André Dodde 23
Tom Engelshoven 568
Paul Evers 313
Fiona Fortuin 0
Pieter Franssen 1723
Paul Gersen 397
Johan Gijsen 0
Joris Gillet 0
Arjen Grolleman 0
Niels Guns 13
Jacob Haagsma 2422
Robert Haagsma 4849
Marcel Haerkens 1541
Jasper van Harskamp 90
Marcel Haug 0
Jean-Paul Heck 482
Robert Heeg 523
Frank Helmink 309
Geert Henderickx 2621
Hans van den Heuvel 903
Jan Hiddink 0
Gert-Jaap Hoekman 0
Guuz Hoogaerts 0
Herman van der Horst 2767
Dick Hovenga 77
Alex van der Hulst 738
Willem Jongeneelen 2537
Gijsbert Kamer 1
Ben Kamsma 0
Sander Kerkhof 0
David Kleijwegt 0
Klaas Knooihuizen 474
Henk Koolen 0
Tiemen Koopman 0
Wilco Leene 0
Matthijs Linnemann 1305
John van Luyn 3
René Megens 2660
Robert Meijerink 0
Patrick Oxsener 821
René Passet 773
Norbert Pek 0
Marco Petersen 0
Jan van der Plas 2263
Theo Ploeg 511
Koen Poolman 2052
Niels Post 0
Menno Pot 0
Stefan Raatgever 0
Roosmarijn Reijmer 31
Joris Rietbroek 0
Stan Rijven 0
Mark Roos 0
Raymond Rotteveel 824
Joey Ruchtie 0
Mark van Schaick 2081
Arnold Scheepmaker 0
Coen Schilderman 0
Sven Schlijper 0
Serge Simonart 0
Kees Smallegange 1786
Peter Smidt 0
Tom Springveld 412
Saul van Stapele 32
Frans Steensma 661
Britt Stubbe 27
Robbert Tilli 13
Swie Tio 1683
Tim Veerwater 665
Gert Verbeek 0
Guido Verburg 0
Menno Visser 0
Eva van de Vlasakker 0
Jan Vollaard 276
Atze de Vrieze 0
Jasper van Vugt 365
Peter Weening 0
Job de Wit 702
Philippus Zandstra 475
Willem van Zeeland 3
Rob van der Zwaan 0
Erik Zwennes 0


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