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Kenmerken: Genres

x Aloha x Dance
x Lust for Life x Hardrock
x Oor x Punk
x Radio x Singer-songwriter
x Revolver

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Oor 1981 link Oor - Jaarlijst 1981
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Oor 1990 link Oor - De compilatie compilatie (1990)
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Oor 2007 link Oor - 50 jaar Nederpop (2007)
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Recensies - top

Artiest^ Album^ Ts^ Jaar/Nr^ Verm^

# 6 souvenirs Oor 1982 / 15
A country fit for heroes Oor 1982 / 10
A country fit for heroes : volume 2 Oor 1983 / 17
Ace 30th birthday celebration : Garage, ... Rev 2006 / 1
Als je haar maar goed zit Oor 1982 / 15
Als je haar maar goed zit : nr. 2 Oor 1983 / 17
Back to mine : Talvin Singh Alo 2002 / 22
#s Barbarella (soundtrack) Alo 2003 / 32
Bis ans Ende der Welt (soundtrack) Oor 1991 / 24
# Bugged out! : Presents suck my deck mixe... Lus 2010 / 5
#trib Case closed? : an international compilat... Oor 1994 / 10
# Desert sessions : volume 07 Alo 2001 / 21
Desert sessions : volume 08 Alo 2001 / 21
#s Emma (soundtrack) Oor 1986 / 14
# Filles fragiles 2 : pop gems from French... Rev 2009 / 1
Girls bite back (video) Oor 1992 / 8
#trib Give the people what they want : the son... Alo 2002 / 23
# Grote prijs van Nederland 1984 Oor 1985 / 4
Italian musical odyssey Alo 2001 / 14
L'histoire de la chanson Francaise Alo 2001 / 18
#trib La musique de Paris dernière Alo 2002 / 25
# Le pop : les filles/les chansons de la n... Rev 2009 / 3
#s Modesty Blaise (soundtrack) Alo 2003 / 32
#trib Monsieur Gainsbourg revisited Rev 2006 / 5
# Nervous tension : the EMI post punk coll... Rev 2008 / 1
OnUtrechtse toestanden Oor 1982 / 24
Oorwormer Oor 1982 / 11
Punk and disorderly Oor 1982 / 10
Punk and disorderly III Oor 1983 / 17
Punk and its aftershocks (video) Oor 1992 / 8
Punk o rama #5 Alo 2000 / 8
Putumayo presents French café Alo 2004 / 43
#s The courier (soundtrack) Oor 1988 / 13
# The defiant post Oor 1983 / 17
The golden age of American rock 'n' roll... Rev 2008 / 3
#s The great rock & roll swindle (soundtrac... Lus 2010 / 4
The guru (soundtrack) Alo 2002 / 31
# The punk rock movie (video) Oor 1992 / 17
The sunday morning club Alo 2002 / 22
#trib The worldwide tribute to the real Oi Alo 2000 / 7
#s Vanishing point (soundtrack) Alo 2003 / 32
# Vitaminepillen # 1 wise choice Oor 1994 / 3
Wargasm Oor 1982 / 15
#s Y tu mamá también (soundtrack) Alo 2002 / 26
A.R.E. Weapons A.R.E. Weapons Alo 2003 / 36
Aberfeldy Do whatever turns you on Rev 2006 / 6
Abrasive wheels Black leather girl Oor 1984 / 14
Abs Nail it down Oor 1991 / 11
Accursed! Aggressive punk Oor 1983 / 15
Action pact! Survival of the fattest Oor 1985 / 8
Adam F Kaos Alo 2001 / 21
Adamo Het beste van Alo 2003 / 34
Adrenalin O.D. Cruising with Elvis in bigfoot's UFO Oor 1988 / 21
Aereda From a long forgotten future Alo 2000 / 7
Afraid of mice Afraid of mice Oor 1982 / 2
After forever Decipher Alo 2002 / 22
Against me! Americans abroad!!! Against me!!! : live... Rev 2006 / 6
Agnostic front Cause for alarm Oor 1986 / 18
One voice Oor 1992 / 3
Aints Autocannibalism Oor 1992 / 17
Alabama kids What goes down Oor 1990 / 10
Alarm In the poppy fields Alo 2004 / 46
Alec Empire Sixteen years of video material (dvd) Rev 2009 / 1
Alien Celebrating your victory Oor 1983 / 21
Alien sex fiend Acid bath Oor 1985 / 4
Re-animated/The promo-collection (video) Oor 1994 / 8
Alizée Gourmandises Alo 2001 / 17
All about Eve All about Eve Oor 1988 / 11
Scarlet and other stories Oor 1989 / 23
Ultraviolet Oor 1992 / 24
Winter words : hits and rareties Oor 1992 / 24
Allez allez African queen Oor 1982 / 4
Amazing world of Arthur Brown The voice of love Rev 2007 / 6
American analog set Know by heart Alo 2001 / 21
Amp Stomacher Oor 1995 / 7
Amsterdam klezmer band Limonchiki Alo 2002 / 22
Anarcrust Freedom of coalescence Oor 1990 / 23
Progression or decline Oor 1993 / 7
Anathema Resonance 2 Alo 2002 / 25
Ancients The Ancients Oor 1992 / 7
Andrew W.K. I get wet Alo 2002 / 24
Angel corpus Christi I love NY Oor 1986 / 5
Angelic upstarts 2.000.000 voices Oor 1981 / 21
Reason why? Oor 1983 / 14
Still from the heart Oor 1982 / 10
Annasaid Jua Lus 2010 / 5
Adam Ant Friend or foe Oor 1982 / 22
Adam and the Ants Prince Charming Oor 1981 / 23
Adam Ant Strip Oor 1983 / 24
Wonderful Oor 1995 / 9
Anti-flag The bright lights of America Rev 2008 / 7
Anti-nowhere league Live in Yugoslavia Oor 1983 / 23
The perfect crime Oor 1987 / 13
We are..the league Oor 1982 / 11
Anti-pasti Caution in the wind Oor 1982 / 17
The last call ... Oor 1981 / 18
Antic hay At dawn Oor 1991 / 1
Beneath a bloodshot moon Oor 1994 / 1
Antwerp gipsy ska orkestra I lumia mo kher Lus 2011 / 11
Apers The Apers Alo 2002 / 22
The buzz electric Alo 2003 / 35
Archers of loaf Icky mettle Oor 1994 / 10
Architecture in Helsinki Moment bends Lus 2011 / 10
Arctic monkeys Whatever people say I am, that's what I'... Rev 2006 / 2
Who the fuck are Arctic monkeys? Rev 2006 / 4
Are you a lion Are you a lion Lus 2012 / 17
Aroma di amore De sfeer van grote dagen Oor 1985 / 13
Koude oorlog Oor 1984 / 16
Art brut Top of the pops Lus 2013 / 31
Ash A-Z : vol. 2 Lus 2011 / 7
Daniel Ash Coming down Oor 1991 / 8
Ashbury faith Feverjam Oor 1994 / 2
Associates Wild and lonely Rev 2006 / 6
Atom heart mother Skin 'em up, chop 'em out, rawhide Oor 1992 / 24
Atom seed Get in line Oor 1991 / 7
Atomic kitten Feels so good Alo 2002 / 30
L'Attentat King of the neighbourhood Oor 1986 / 12
Shamrock Oor 1985 / 9
Au pairs Live in Berlin Oor 1983 / 21
Marie Audigier Ces étés Oor 1993 / 14
Audiotransparent Chekhov guns Rev 2010 / 1
Charles Aznavour 100 chansons Rev 2008 / 6
Aznavour toujours Lus 2011 / 15
Duos Rev 2009 / 2
Het allerbeste van Lus 2011 / 7
B-Thong The concrete compilation Alo 2000 / 6
B.A.D. No. 10, Upping st. Oor 1986 / 22
B.G.K. Jonestown aloha! Oor 1983 / 21
Nothing can go wrogn! Oor 1986 / 14
Babes in Toyland Spanking machine Oor 1990 / 17
To mother Oor 1991 / 12
Babylon fighters Shut up, don't shutdown Oor 1992 / 6
Backfire! The war starts here Alo 2002 / 22
Bad beach Cut if off Oor 1988 / 22
Bad brains Bad brains Oor 1982 / 14
Rise Oor 1993 / 19
Bad manners Anthology Alo 1999 / 2
Bad religion Against the grain Oor 1991 / 2
Generator Oor 1992 / 4
Punk rock songs (the Epic years) Alo 2002 / 26
The dissent of man Lus 2010 / 6
Bad yodelers Window Oor 1991 / 22
Dusty stray Light years away Lus 2011 / 16
Balaam & the Angel Days of madness Oor 1989 / 22
The greatest story ever told Oor 1986 / 19
Bambix Out of the cradle endlessly rocking Oor 1992 / 20
Banabila Spherics Alo 2001 / 20
Voiznoiz II : urban soundscapes Alo 2002 / 24
Michel Banabila The dreamfields Oor 1994 / 18
Michel Banabila & Eric Vloeimans Voiznoiz 3 : Urban jazz scapes Alo 2003 / 34
Banco de Gaia Igizeh Alo 2001 / 14
Band of Susans Hope against hope Oor 1988 / 17
Love agenda Oor 1989 / 13
Band zonder banaan Unplugged Alo 2002 / 23
Bang tango Psyco cafe Oor 1989 / 23
Carl Barât and the Jackals Let it reign Lus 2015 / 48
Bastila Bastila Rev 2009 / 6
Bastro Diablo guapo Oor 1990 / 4
Bat for lashes Two suns Rev 2009 / 4
Bauhaus In the flat field Oor 1981 / 1
Mask Oor 1981 / 23
Bay city rollers Rollermania : the anthology Lus 2010 / 6
Beachbuggy Killer-B Alo 2003 / 38
Beat Wha'ppen Oor 1981 / 12
Beatcream Masters of bad taste Oor 1994 / 19
People stink Oor 1992 / 19
Beautiful babies Burn fire burn Oor 1992 / 17
Gilbert Bécaud Fait faire avec ... Alo 1999 / 2
Bee gees The record : their greatest hits Alo 2002 / 22
Bell X1 Blue lights on the runway Rev 2009 / 3
Samm Bennett and Chunk Life of crime Oor 1992 / 10
Beowülf 2 c Oor 1995 / 10
Bep Gems Oor 1993 / 12
Ripper Oor 1995 / 2
Beschuit The goody-bag Oor 1995 / 8
Bettie serveert Pharmacy of love Rev 2010 / 2
Betty goes green Hell of a show Oor 1991 / 13
Big black Atomizer Oor 1986 / 22
Big deal Lights out Lus 2011 / 15
Big drill car Album type thing Oor 1990 / 8
Big F The Big F Oor 1990 / 4
Bikini kill Pussy whipped Oor 1993 / 24
Bikini kill & Huggy bear Yeah yeah yeah yeah/Our troubled youth Oor 1993 / 9
Biosphere Microgravity Oor 1992 / 17
Patashnik Oor 1994 / 4
Shenzou Alo 2002 / 26
Jane Birkin Di doo dah Lus 2011 / 7
Black Wonderful life Oor 1987 / 20
Black dog Bytes Oor 1993 / 8
Black eyed peas Elephunk Alo 2003 / 40
Black flag In my head Oor 1986 / 4
Blaggers ita Bad karma Oor 1994 / 22
United colors of Blaggers ita Oor 1993 / 10
Blancmange Happy families Oor 1982 / 23
Blitz Blitz hits Oor 1994 / 3
Second empire justice Oor 1983 / 16
Blockheads Staring down the barrel Rev 2009 / 5
Phillip Boa and the Voodoo club Hair Oor 1989 / 7
Boegies A terrible swine disease Oor 1989 / 10
Parels voor de zwijnen Oor 1986 / 23
Tien jaar zwijnen/live! Oor 1990 / 2
Wy zyn zwyn Oor 1984 / 18
Zwijnen bij candlelight Oor 1988 / 5
Bog-shed Step on it Oor 1986 / 21
Bogeymen There is no such thing as Oor 1992 / 6
Bollock brothers Jesus lives Alo 2002 / 22
Live performances Oor 1984 / 14
Never mind the bollocks (1983) Oor 1983 / 20
Bolt thrower Realm of chaos Oor 1990 / 2
Michael Bolton Timeless : the classics, vol. 2 Alo 2000 / 3
Bomb everything Guess what? Oor 1990 / 20
Bomb party Drugs Oor 1986 / 16
Bone club Bless this Oor 1991 / 12
Bone fiction Charlie the symbolic dog Oor 1995 / 23
Bone orchard Jack Oor 1985 / 6
Stef Bos Noord & Zuid : het beste van Alo 2001 / 12
Bow wow Unleased Alo 2003 / 41
Boy Every page you turn Rev 2006 / 5
Boyzone Ballads Alo 2003 / 36
Brainpool Soda Oor 1994 / 24
Bran van 3000 Discosis Alo 2001 / 16
Brandy Full moon Alo 2002 / 25
Chris Braun band Ultrabraun Oor 1983 / 15
Toni Braxton The heat Alo 2000 / 6
Breeders Mountain battles Rev 2008 / 5
Brian Jonestown massacre Musique de film Imaginé Lus 2015 / 51
Len Bright combo Combo time! Oor 1987 / 2
Brilliant Kiss the lips of life Oor 1986 / 24
Bromheads jacket Dits from the commuter belt Rev 2007 / 2
Patrick Bruel Juste avant Alo 2000 / 6
Brunettes Structure & cosmetics Rev 2008 / 1
Carla Bruni Comme si de rien n'était Rev 2008 / 7
Quelqu'un m'a dit Alo 2004 / 46
Peter Bruntnell Peter and the murder of crows Rev 2009 / 1
Brutal obscenity Dream out loud! Oor 1992 / 3
It's because of the birds and flowers Oor 1989 / 20
Brygada Kryzys Brygada Kryzys Oor 1982 / 16
Harold Budd, Simon Raymonde, Robin Guthr... The moon and the melodies Oor 1986 / 23
Bullet lavolta The gift Oor 1989 / 14
Burma shave Zeal Oor 1995 / 10
Business 1980-81 Oor 1984 / 14
Keep the faith Oor 1994 / 22
Busted We want more Alo 2004 / 44
Butthole surfers Independent worm saloon Oor 1993 / 6
Pioughd Oor 1991 / 4
Buzzcocks A different kind of tension Oor 2009 / 1
A different kind of tension Rev 2009 / 1
A flat-pack philosophy Rev 2006 / 4
Another music in a different kitchen Oor 2009 / 1
Another music in a different kitchen Rev 2009 / 1
Buzzcocks Alo 2003 / 36
Love bites Oor 2009 / 1
Love bites Rev 2009 / 1
Singles going steady Oor 2009 / 1
Time's up Alo 2000 / 5
John Cale Black acetate Rev 2006 / 1
Camera obscura Let's get out of this country Rev 2006 / 6
Los Campesinos! Hello sadness Lus 2012 / 17
Candy men Streetsongs Oor 1991 / 9
Carcass Necroticism - descanting the insalubriou... Oor 1992 / 1
Symphonies of sickness Oor 1990 / 2
Mariah Carey Rainbow Alo 1999 / 2
Belinda Carlisle Heaven on Earth Rev 2009 / 6
Voila Rev 2007 / 2
Barbara Carlotti Les Lys brisés Rev 2006 / 6
Carmona Nu Alo 2003 / 34
Carpettes Fight amongst yourselves Oor 1981 / 3
John Carrie & Moor green Clearing air Rev 2010 / 3
Nick Carter Now or never Alo 2003 / 32
Catalepsy Fruitcakes we have known Oor 1993 / 10
Cateran Ache Oor 1989 / 13
Cathedral Forest of equilibrium Oor 1992 / 1
Cavedogs Soul martini Oor 1992 / 4
A Certain ratio Mind made up Rev 2009 / 3
Ken Chambers Double negative Oor 1991 / 11
Chaos U.K. Chaos U.K. Oor 1983 / 15
One hundred per cent two fingers in the ... Oor 1994 / 3
Chaotic dischord Don't throw it all away Oor 1984 / 21
Fuck off you cunt! What a load of bolloc... Oor 1984 / 21
Fuck religion Fuck politics Fuck the lot... Oor 1983 / 23
Charlatans Wonderland Alo 2001 / 20
Charley's war Time to survive Oor 1991 / 6
Cheap and nasty Beautiful disaster Oor 1991 / 13
Chefs Records & tea : the best of the Chefs Lus 2012 / 22
Chelsea Evacuate Oor 1982 / 10
Live and well Oor 1984 / 20
The alternative Oor 1994 / 3
Cher Greatest hits Alo 2000 / 3
Living proof Alo 2002 / 23
Euros Childs Cheer gone Rev 2008 / 10
Choir of young believers This is for the white in your eyes Rev 2009 / 9
Chow-chow Hide Oor 1984 / 14
Chris bald 96 Infinity + Oor 1991 / 8
Chrome cranks Chrome cranks Oor 1995 / 2
Dead cool Oor 1995 / 11
Chron gen Chronic generation Oor 1982 / 10
Live on the Apocalypse now tour Oor 1984 / 20
Chronics Make you move Alo 2002 / 24
Chumbawamba Pictures of starving children sell recor... Oor 1987 / 4
Readymades Alo 2002 / 30
Slap! Oor 1990 / 18
Swingin' with Raymond Oor 1995 / 24
Cinérex CX Alo 2003 / 32
Circle jerks Wild in the streets Oor 1982 / 14
Citizen fish Flinch Oor 1994 / 3
City pig unit Sickspack '92 Oor 1992 / 24
City to city The road ahead Alo 1999 / 2
Gilby Clarke Pawnshop guitars Oor 1994 / 16
Clash From here to eternity : live Alo 1999 / 2
Live at Shea stadium Rev 2008 / 9
The Clash live : revolution rock (dvd) Rev 2008 / 10
The singles (2006) Rev 2007 / 2
Claw boys claw Shocking shades of Oor 1984 / 9
Claw hammer Ramwhale Oor 1992 / 7
Coralie Clément La belle affaire Lus 2014 / 46
Julien Clerc A rendez-vous with Alo 1999 / 2
Fou, peut-être Lus 2012 / 17
Het beste van Alo 2002 / 30
Où s'ent vont les avions? Rev 2008 / 9
Partout la musique vient Lus 2015 / 47
Si j'étais elle Alo 2001 / 13
Clinic Free reign Lus 2013 / 27
Cloud control Bliss release Lus 2011 / 12
Joe Cocker No ordinary world Alo 1999 / 2
Cockney rejects Greatest hits : vol. 2 Oor 1981 / 3
Join the reject : the Zonophone years '7... Lus 2011 / 15
The power & the glory Oor 1981 / 16
Cocteau twins BBC sessions Alo 1999 / 2
Blue bell knob Oor 1988 / 19
Blue bell knob Alo 2004 / 46
Garlands Oor 1982 / 17
Garlands Alo 2003 / 36
Head over heels Oor 1983 / 23
Head over heels Alo 2003 / 36
Heaven or Las Vegas Oor 1990 / 19
Heaven or Las Vegas Alo 2004 / 46
Lullabies to violaine Rev 2006 / 2
Treasure Oor 1984 / 23
Treasure Alo 2003 / 36
Victorialand Alo 2003 / 36
Coffin break Crawl Oor 1991 / 22
Thirteen Oor 1992 / 24
Coïtus int. Coïtus int. Oor 1982 / 5
Coka Amarfio Oor 1987 / 17
Lloyd Cole Antidepressant Rev 2006 / 6
Edwyn Collins Doctor Syntax Alo 2002 / 27
Collywobbles Excellent barfighters Alo 2002 / 30
Comedown The Comedown Oor 1992 / 5
Juliette Commagère Queens die proudly Rev 2009 / 4
Julian Cope Black sheep Rev 2008 / 9
Company of snakes Burst the bubble Alo 2002 / 24
Conflcit Increase the pressure Oor 1984 / 23
Conflict Conclusion Oor 1994 / 3
It's time to see who's who Oor 1983 / 9
Chris Connelly Phenobarb bambalam Oor 1992 / 22
Shipwreck Oor 1995 / 3
Continental drifters Listen, listen Alo 2002 / 22
Larry Cook Greetings from Promiseville Alo 2003 / 41
Gaz Coombes Matador Lus 2015 / 49
Cords Gasping Oor 1994 / 22
Hugh Cornwell Wolf Oor 1988 / 14
Corrs Unplugged Alo 2000 / 3
Cosmic psychos Self totalled Oor 1995 / 14
Courage Jeannie's story Oor 1991 / 5
Cows Peacetika Oor 1991 / 11
Kevin Coyne Room fool of fools Alo 2001 / 13
Cracker Cracker Oor 1992 / 10
Cranberries Bualadh bos : live Rev 2010 / 3
Crappydog Sure ain't getting any younger Rev 2010 / 1
Crass Christ : the album Oor 1982 / 18
Penis envy Oor 1981 / 15
Stations of the Crass Lus 2011 / 8
Yes sir, I will Oor 1983 / 15
You'll ruin it for everyone Oor 1994 / 3
Crawling chaos The gas chair Oor 1982 / 1
Crayonettes Playing out : songs for children and rob... Lus 2010 / 5
Creatures Boomerang Oor 1989 / 24
Creeps Blue tomato Oor 1990 / 5
Seriouslessness Oor 1994 / 5
Cribs In the belly of the Brazen bull Lus 2012 / 21
Men's needs, women's needs, whatever Rev 2007 / 5
Crookes Chasing after ghosts Lus 2011 / 9
Crosbi All in Rev 2006 / 5
Crowbar Time heals nothing Oor 1995 / 16
Crucial youth The power of positive thinking Oor 1989 / 22
Cuban heels Work our way to heaven Oor 1982 / 1
Cuddly toys Trials and errors Oor 1982 / 16
Jamie Cullum The pursuit Rev 2009 / 10
Cult Ceremony Oor 1991 / 19
Dreamtime Oor 1984 / 20
Electric Oor 1987 / 7
Love Oor 1985 / 22
Pure Cult for rockers ravers, lovers and... Oor 1993 / 5
Sonic temple Oor 1989 / 7
The Cult Oor 1994 / 21
Culture club Kissing to be clever Oor 1982 / 20
Curve Curve Oor 1991 / 21
Cyco miko Lost my brain (once again) Oor 1995 / 23
Cypress hill Stoned raiders Alo 2002 / 23
Till death do us part Alo 2004 / 45
D.O.A. Loggerheads Oor 1993 / 22
D.Y.S. Wolfpack Oor 1990 / 2
Daily bread Iterum Lus 2012 / 26
Well, you're not invited Rev 2009 / 9
Dalek I Compass, kum'pas Oor 1980 / 19
Damned Anything Oor 1987 / 2
The Chiswick singles … and another thi... Lus 2011 / 16
Dance macabre Dance macabre Oor 1983 / 4
Danse society Heaven is waiting Oor 1984 / 4
Danzig Live on the black hand side Alo 2001 / 20
Daran & les Chaises Huit Barre Oor 1995 / 6
Datsuns Headstunts Rev 2008 / 10
Craig David Born to do it Alo 2000 / 10
DB's Repercussion Oor 1982 / 6
Stands for Decibels Oor 1981 / 6
DC Basehead Play with toys Oor 1992 / 18
Dead can dance The serpent's egg Oor 1988 / 22
Dead Kennedys Frankenchrist Oor 1986 / 2
Fresh fruit for rotting vegetables Oor 1980 / 20
Video documentary Oor 1987 / 5
Dead mans shadow The 4 ep's Oor 1983 / 10
To Mohammed ... a mountain Oor 1984 / 16
Deadspot Built-in-pain Oor 1991 / 22
Darwin Deez Darwin Deez Lus 2010 / 2
Delays Faded seaside glamour Alo 2004 / 45
Delta 5 See the whirl Oor 1981 / 16
Demolition 23 Demolition 23 Oor 1995 / 2
Chaka Demus and Pliers Help them Lord Alo 2001 / 17
Depeche mode A broken frame Oor 1982 / 21
Some great reward Oor 1984 / 21
Speak & spell Oor 1981 / 24
Descendents Bonus fat Oor 1986 / 4
Enjoy! Oor 1986 / 18
I don't want to grow up Oor 1986 / 4
Destiny's child Survivor Alo 2001 / 16
Dickies Killer klowns from outer space Oor 1988 / 10
Didjits Full Nelson Reilly Oor 1991 / 11
Dido Girl who got away Lus 2013 / 29
Die Antwoord SOS Lus 2010 / 6
Digger & the Pussycats Young, tight & allright Alo 2004 / 46
Dinosaur jr. You're living all over me Oor 1987 / 20
Céline Dion A new day has come Alo 2002 / 25
All the way : a decade of song Alo 2000 / 3
One heart Alo 2003 / 35
Director I'll wait for sound Rev 2009 / 9
Dirt Never mind-here's the bollocks Oor 1983 / 4
Dirtbombs Party store Lus 2011 / 9
Dirty looks Turn it up Oor 1981 / 22
Dirty projectors Rise above Rev 2008 / 1
Dirty three Dirty three Oor 1995 / 24
Discharge Grave new world Oor 1986 / 18
Hear nothing see nothing say nothing Oor 1982 / 11
Disgust Brutality of war Oor 1994 / 3
Dish hunt Maybe home Alo 2002 / 30
Dislocation dance Slip that disc! Oor 1981 / 24
Disrupters Unrehearsed wrongs Oor 1983 / 15
Marianne Dissard L'entredeux Rev 2009 / 1
De Div Europa is hier Oor 1982 / 23
Jam Oor 1990 / 19
Divine comedy Absent friends Alo 2004 / 46
Bang goes the knighthood Lus 2010 / 2
It Dockumer Lokaeltsje Wil met u neuken! Oor 1987 / 5
Doctor & the Medics I keep thinking it's tuesday Oor 1987 / 21
Dog faced Hermans Bump & swing : a live recording Oor 1994 / 14
Hum of life Oor 1993 / 7
Those deep buds Oor 1994 / 19
Donnas Greatest hits : vol. 16 Rev 2009 / 7
Doraus und die Marinas Blumen und Narzissen Oor 1982 / 6
Dorleac Dorleac Lus 2010 / 5
Dots Live in West Germany : 15 songs, 15 stor... Oor 1987 / 4
Double Nelson Des nouvelles du fond Oor 1994 / 24
Doughboys Whatever Oor 1989 / 11
Down II : a bustle in your hedgerow Alo 2002 / 26
Down by law Punkrockacademyfightsong Oor 1994 / 14
Dr. Know Wreckage in flesh Oor 1989 / 4
Dr. Phibes and the House of wax equation... Hypnotwister Oor 1993 / 12
Whirlpool Oor 1991 / 13
Drams Jubilee dive Rev 2006 / 5
Drippin' honey Love the curse Alo 2002 / 26
Drop acid 46th & teeth Oor 1992 / 17
Making God smile Oor 1991 / 24
Drug free America Attitude 50 cents Oor 1989 / 21
Drugstore Anatomy Lus 2011 / 15
Drum Diskin Alo 2000 / 8
Drums The Drums Lus 2010 / 2
Anne Dudley and Jaz Coleman Songs from the victorious city Oor 1990 / 23
Duffy Endlessly Lus 2011 / 8
Rockferry Rev 2008 / 4
Dukes of stratosphear Psonic psunpot Oor 1987 / 18
Dumpster juice that not so fresh feeling Oor 1993 / 11
Dumpy's rusty nuts Somewhere in England Oor 1984 / 18
Duran duran Arena Oor 1984 / 24
Rio Oor 1982 / 11
Ian Dury and the Blockheads New boots and panties Rev 2006 / 6
Dwarves Blood guts & pussy Oor 1990 / 20
Come clean Alo 2000 / 4
Thank heaven for little girls Oor 1992 / 1
Eagle Seagull The year of the how-to-book Rev 2010 / 3
Easterhouse Contenders Oor 1986 / 16
Eat Sell me a god fiction Oor 1989 / 24
Lavi Ebel Kiss me Kate Oor 1983 / 15
Echo & the Bunnymen Crocodiles Alo 2003 / 41
Echo & the Bunnymen Alo 2003 / 41
Flowers Alo 2001 / 16
Heaven up here Alo 2003 / 41
Ocean rain Alo 2003 / 41
Porcupine Alo 2003 / 41
Stephan Eicher My place Oor 1990 / 10
Eighties matchbox B-line disaster Hörse of the dög Alo 2003 / 33
Ejected The spirit of rebellion Oor 1984 / 24
Elbow The seldom seen kid Rev 2008 / 4
Electro hippies Live Oor 1989 / 22
Missy Elliott Under construction Alo 2003 / 32
Enemy The gateway to hell Oor 1983 / 23
Energetic krusher Path to oblivion Oor 1989 / 22
English dogs Invasion of the Porky men Oor 1984 / 20
English subtitles Original dialogue Oor 1982 / 3
Enigma Voyageur Alo 2003 / 40
Ensemble Excerpts Lus 2011 / 8
Entombed Left hand path Oor 1990 / 17
Erasure Wonderland Oor 1986 / 14
Erland & the Carnival Erland & the Carnival Rev 2010 / 2
Gloria Estefan Unwrapped Alo 2003 / 40
Eton crop Six silhouette romances Oor 1983 / 12
Ex Disturbing domestic peace Oor 1981 / 2
History is what's happening Oor 1982 / 8
Pokkeherrie Oor 1985 / 21
Exploited 25 years of anarchy and chaos Alo 2004 / 46
Beat the bastards Oor 1996 / 7
Death before dishonour Oor 1987 / 18
Horror epics Oor 1985 / 15
Let's start a war ... said Maggie one da... Oor 1984 / 5
Punks not dead Oor 1981 / 13
The massacre Oor 1990 / 19
Troops of tomorrow Oor 1982 / 13
Extra hot sauce Taco of death Oor 1989 / 10
F.C. Gerania F.C. Gerania Oor 1982 / 3
Get the knack Oor 1984 / 8
F.F.F. Blast culture Oor 1992 / 6
F.u.c.t. Dimensional depth perception Oor 1990 / 19
Faith no more Angel dust Oor 1992 / 13
Fall Slates Oor 1981 / 14
Totale's turns Oor 1980 / 18
Fall-outs Here I come and other hits Oor 1993 / 11
Fallen angels Fallen angels Oor 1984 / 14
Family Fodder Monkey banana kitchen Oor 1982 / 1
Fanfarlo Reservoir Rev 2010 / 4
Mylène Farmer Anamorphosée Oor 1995 / 24
Faster pussycat Wake me when it's over Oor 1989 / 23
Whipped! Oor 1992 / 19
Lella Fathia Anybody Lus 2010 / 1
Fear The record Oor 1982 / 14
Fear of God Within the veil Oor 1991 / 11
Feeder Echo park Alo 2001 / 15
Feedtime The Aberrant years Lus 2012 / 20
Feelies Here before Lus 2011 / 13
Fellow travellers Just a visitor Oor 1992 / 14
Fields of the Nephilim Elyzium Oor 1990 / 24
The Nephilim Oor 1988 / 21
Fire theft The Fire theft Alo 2003 / 41
Five or six Polar exposure Oor 1982 / 1
Fixkes Fixkes Rev 2007 / 6
Superheld Rev 2010 / 4
Flesh for Lulu Plastic phantasy Oor 1990 / 6
Fleshtones featuring Lenny Kaye Brooklyn sound solution Lus 2011 / 11
Fleshtones Roman gods Oor 1982 / 8
Stocking stuffer Rev 2009 / 1
Take a good look! Rev 2008 / 3
Flipper Album - generic Flipper Oor 1982 / 14
American grafishy Oor 1993 / 14
Flogging Molly Live at the Greek theatre Rev 2010 / 4
Flour Luv 713 Oor 1990 / 8
Flux of pink indians Strive to survive causing least sufferin... Oor 1983 / 9
Mark Foggo & the Secret meeting Speeding my life away Oor 1980 / 23
Liane Foley Les petites notes Oor 1994 / 11
Forguette mi note Gargouillis Oor 1994 / 10
Zucchero 'Sugar' Fornaciari All the best Rev 2008 / 2
Chocaback Lus 2011 / 7
Fly Rev 2006 / 6
Live in Italy Rev 2009 / 2
48 cameras B-sides are for lovers Oor 1985 / 13
Four horsemen Gettin' pretty good ... at barely gettin... Oor 1996 / 5
4-Skins The good, the bad & the 4-Skins Oor 1982 / 10
Kim Fowley Fantasy world Alo 2003 / 39
Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand Alo 2004 / 44
Nik Freitas Saturday night underwater Lus 2011 / 12
Frites modern 6 met Oor 1983 / 10
Front The Front Oor 1990 / 3
Front 242 Geography Oor 1983 / 7
No comment Oor 1985 / 10
Fudge tunnel Creep diets Oor 1993 / 11
Hate songs in E minor Oor 1991 / 13
Michel Fugain Platinum collection Rev 2010 / 2
Fugazi In on the kill taker Oor 1993 / 12
Margin walker Oor 1989 / 22
Red medicine Oor 1995 / 9
Repeater Oor 1990 / 7
Fun-da-men-tal There shall be love! Alo 2002 / 22
Nelly Furtado Folklore Alo 2004 / 43
Whoa, Nelly! Alo 2001 / 15
Furyo Furyo Oor 1984 / 18
Laura Fygi The latin touch Alo 2000 / 5
G.B.H. A fridge too far Oor 1989 / 5
City baby attacked by rats Oor 1982 / 17
City baby's revenge, 101 ways yo kill a ... Oor 1984 / 5
From here to reality Oor 1990 / 22
Midnight madness and beyond Oor 1986 / 11
No need to panic! Oor 1987 / 18
Hedda Gabler House of mourning Oor 1990 / 6
Mudhoney Oor 1987 / 13
Scratching F.U.C.K. on the windshield Oor 1986 / 4
Fad Gadget Fireside favourites Oor 1981 / 4
Gag Oor 1984 / 5
Incontinent Oor 1982 / 1
Gallon drunk From the heart of town Oor 1993 / 7
Tonite ... the singles bar Oor 1992 / 3
You, the night...and the music Oor 1992 / 6
Gang gang dance Eye contact Lus 2011 / 11
Gang of four A brief history of the twentieth century Alo 2004 / 44
Gare du Nord In search of excellounge Alo 2001 / 20
Georges Garvarentz They came to rob Las Vegas! (soundtrack) Alo 2003 / 32
Gaunt I can see your mom from here Oor 1994 / 24
Sob story Oor 1994 / 18
Gaye bikers on acid Drill your own hole Oor 1987 / 24
Stewed to the gills Oor 1989 / 5
Generation X Anthology Alo 2003 / 37
Georgina Sugar spider Alo 2003 / 33
Lisa Gerrard & Patrick Cassidy Immortal memory Alo 2004 / 43
Get up kids Something to write home about Alo 2000 / 4
Ghost dance Stop the world Oor 1989 / 22
Girls against boys Nineties vs. eighties Oor 1991 / 8
Tropic of scorpio Oor 1992 / 14
You can't fight what you can't see Alo 2002 / 27
Girls at our best! Pleasure Oor 1982 / 1
Gnarls barkley St. Elsewhere Rev 2006 / 4
Gnome Six-hi-surprise tower Oor 1992 / 13
Go! Team The scene between Lus 2015 / 51
Go-Go's God bless the Go-Go's Alo 2001 / 21
God Sweet life Oor 1988 / 11
The shametree Oor 1989 / 23
Godfathers Hit by hit Rev 2008 / 4
More songs about love and hate Oor 1989 / 10
Unreal world Oor 1991 / 6
Godflesh Pure Oor 1992 / 5
Slavestate Oor 1991 / 13
Godworst Brâne Oor 1995 / 8
Gomez A new tide Rev 2009 / 5
Whatever's on your mind Lus 2011 / 12
Good riddance For God and country Oor 1995 / 6
Goose Synrise Lus 2010 / 5
Graham Gouldman The Graham Gouldman thing Oor 1992 / 10
Gram Play me Lus 2011 / 16
Grand Puba Understand this Alo 2002 / 25
Grandaddy Just like the fambly cat Rev 2006 / 4
Just like the fambly cat Rev 2006 / 5
Grauzone Grauzone Oor 1982 / 2
Great mountain fire Canopy Lus 2012 / 19
Great outdoors Making allowances for the jargon Oor 1986 / 11
Green day Dookie Oor 1994 / 4
Green hornet Soulscum Alo 2003 / 41
Greenhornes Sewed soles Rev 2006 / 2
Greenhorns Branded Oor 1994 / 24
Maverick Oor 1991 / 13
Grimskunk Fires under the road Rev 2008 / 3
Josh Groban Illuminations Lus 2011 / 7
Angela Groothuizen Melk en honing Rev 2008 / 4
Groove armada Lovebox Alo 2003 / 35
Alison Gross Sit with the guru Oor 1994 / 21
Grotus Slow motion apocalypse Oor 1993 / 10
Groundhogs Hoggin the stage Oor 1984 / 21
Solomon Grundy Solomon Grundy Oor 1990 / 23
Guillemots Walk the river Lus 2011 / 12
Gumball Super tasty Oor 1993 / 8
Gun club Fire of love Oor 1982 / 8
Guns n' roses The making of Estranged/Part 4 of the tr... Oor 1994 / 11
Use your illusion 1 Oor 1991 / 19
Use your illusion 2 Oor 1991 / 19
Gymslips Rocking with the Renees Oor 1983 / 16
Tony Hadley Obsession Alo 2000 / 6
Nina Hagen band Freud euch Oor 1996 / 1
Terry Lee Hale Oh what a world Oor 1993 / 14
Hand of glory Here be serpents Oor 1991 / 12
Happy flowers Lasterday I was been bad Oor 1990 / 18
Happy mondays Call the cops (dvd) Rev 2008 / 10
Happyhead Give Happyhead Oor 1992 / 9
Hard-ons Dickcheese Oor 1988 / 10
Françoise Hardy Clair-obscure Alo 2000 / 7
Le temps des souvenirs Rev 2006 / 2
Harries The thing that sticks with you! Oor 1994 / 10
Grant Hart Intolerance Oor 1990 / 1
Sensational Alex Harvey band Hot city : the 1974 unreleased album Rev 2009 / 4
PJ Harvey & John Parish A woman a man walked by Rev 2009 / 5
PJ Harvey White chalk Rev 2007 / 5
Die Haut Head on Oor 1992 / 18
Havana 3 A.M. Havana 3 A.M. Oor 1991 / 7
Heartbreakers Live at the Lyceum ballroom 1984 Oor 1984 / 20
Hell is for heroes The neon handshake Alo 2003 / 36
The neon handshake Alo 2003 / 38
Hell on wheels There is a generation of handicapped peo... Alo 2001 / 14
Hell's kitchen If you can't take the heat Oor 1989 / 14
Richard Hell and the Voidoids Time Alo 2002 / 25
Hellacopters Head off Rev 2008 / 4
Herb spectacles The incredible world of the Herb spectac... Alo 2003 / 39
Heretics Omnivore Oor 1990 / 23
HermanHerman Fugain Rev 2010 / 2
Jennifer Love Hewitt Barenaked Alo 2003 / 35
Hi-fi Complete works Rev 2006 / 6
Hind Around the world Alo 2004 / 43
Arno Arno Alo 2003 / 34
Best of Rev 2009 / 6
Hjaltalín Sleepdrunk seasons Rev 2009 / 4
Terminal Lus 2010 / 2
Hold steady Boys and girls in America Rev 2007 / 2
Hole Pretty on the inside Oor 1991 / 22
Hollands glorie Stank voor dank Oor 1982 / 19
Honger Honger Oor 1994 / 6
Honolulu mountain daffodils Tequila dementia Oor 1988 / 14
Hoodoo gurus Ampology Alo 2000 / 11
Crank Oor 1994 / 19
Kinky Oor 1991 / 9
Magnum cum louder Oor 1989 / 20
Mars needs guitars! Oor 1986 / 3
Stoneage Romeos Oor 1985 / 10
Hooverphonic Presenting Jackie Cane Alo 2002 / 31
Horn Horn Oor 1994 / 24
James Horner Titanic (soundtrack) Alo 2004 / 46
House of Love The German album Rev 2007 / 5
The House of love (the butterfly album) Rev 2007 / 5
Day Houston Day Houston Oor 1992 / 14
Whitney Houston The greatest hits Alo 2000 / 7
Howlin rain Magnificent friend Rev 2008 / 4
Human league Dare Alo 2003 / 34
Love and dancing Alo 2003 / 34
Reproduction Alo 2003 / 34
Secrets Alo 2001 / 17
Travelogue Alo 2003 / 34
Hunters + Collectors Demon flower Oor 1994 / 9
Ghost nation Oor 1990 / 12
Hunters + Collectors Oor 1983 / 12
The fireman's curse Oor 1983 / 21
The jaws of life Oor 1985 / 4
HushPuppies The bipolar drift Lus 2011 / 16
Hüsker dü Candy apple grey Oor 1986 / 6
New day rising Oor 1985 / 6
The living end Oor 1994 / 10
Warehouse : songs and stories Oor 1987 / 3
Hyperhead Metaphasia Oor 1993 / 7
I against I I'm a fucked up dancer but my moods are ... Alo 1999 / 2
I am kloot B Rev 2010 / 2
Iced Earth Dark genesis Alo 2002 / 23
Horror show Alo 2001 / 17
Icehouse Big wheel Oor 1994 / 6
Icehouse Oor 1981 / 19
Man of colours Oor 1987 / 22
Primitive man Oor 1982 / 23
Sidewalk Oor 1984 / 14
Icicle works Blind Oor 1988 / 12
Idlewild Scottish fiction : best of 1997-2007 Rev 2007 / 5
Billy Idol Billy Idol Oor 1982 / 16
Charmed life Oor 1990 / 10
Cyberpunk Oor 1993 / 12
Enrique Iglesias 7 Alo 2004 / 43
Ignition The orafying mysteries of Oor 1990 / 7
Ignorance The confident rat Oor 1991 / 7
Ikara colt Chat and business Alo 2002 / 26
Natalie Imbruglia Come to life Rev 2009 / 10
Inca babies Rumble Oor 1985 / 5
Incense Approx 45 min Alo 2001 / 20
Incognito Who needs love Alo 2003 / 35
Indochine Un jour dans notre vie Oor 1994 / 8
Industrials Industrials Oor 1981 / 4
Infa-riot Still out of order Oor 1982 / 19
Intense degree War in my head Oor 1989 / 10
Jabberwocky Tractorjockey Oor 1996 / 2
Jackofficers Digital dump Oor 1991 / 2
Jackopierce Bringing on the weather Oor 1994 / 23
Jamiroquai Live at Montreux 2003 (dvd) Rev 2007 / 6
Jane's addiction Nothing's shocking Oor 1988 / 22
Ritual de lo habitual Oor 1990 / 20
Janitors Thunderhead Oor 1986 / 22
Japan The very best of (dvd) Rev 2006 / 4
Japandroids Celebration rock Lus 2012 / 22
Jawbreaker 24 hours revenge therapy Oor 1994 / 6
Jaya the cat Basement style Alo 2001 / 21
Jellyfish kiss Animal rites Oor 1991 / 3
Jesus lizard Liar Oor 1992 / 20
Jet black berries Desperate fires Oor 1986 / 19
Jet black Joe Fuzz Oor 1995 / 8
Jet black Joe Oor 1993 / 19
You ain't here Oor 1994 / 11
John & Jen Time for the devil Lus 2010 / 1
Jill Johnson Daughter of Eve Alo 2001 / 13
Depp Jones Return to caramba! Oor 1991 / 1
Fidelity Jones Piltdown lad Oor 1990 / 3
Sharon Jones and the Dap-kings 100 days, 100 nights Rev 2007 / 6
Steve Jones Fire and gasoline Oor 1990 / 3
Joy division Let the movie begin Rev 2006 / 2
Joykiller The Joykiller Oor 1995 / 7
Der junge Hund Ridders Oor 1982 / 3
Junkhouse Strays Oor 1994 / 14
K-otic Bulletproof Alo 2001 / 17
Indestructible Alo 2002 / 30
K.U.K.L. The eye Oor 1984 / 21
Patricia Kaas Carnets de scène Oor 1991 / 24
Je te dis vous Oor 1993 / 9
Live Alo 2000 / 10
Piano bar Alo 2002 / 26
Rien ne s'arrête : best of 1987-2001 Alo 2002 / 22
Scène de vie Oor 1990 / 20
Kädäverbäk Kädäverbäk Oor 1991 / 1
XLR8 Oor 1992 / 14
Kadril & Alumea La paloma negra Alo 2004 / 46
Kamagurka De tactloze top 30 Alo 2000 / 7
Katrina and the Waves Waves Oor 1986 / 7
Jan Keizer L'avventure Alo 2000 / 6
Kek '66 On the outside looking in Alo 2002 / 25
Angélique Kidjo Black ivory soul Alo 2002 / 25
Kids Black-out Oor 1981 / 18
Gotcha! Oor 1985 / 15
If the Kids Oor 1982 / 9
Kids in glass houses Smart casual Rev 2009 / 1
Kill city rebel Kill city rebel Oor 1992 / 24
Killdozer For ladies only Oor 1990 / 22
Little baby buntin' Oor 1988 / 10
Killing joke Brighter than a thousand suns Oor 1986 / 24
Extremities, dirt and various repressed ... Oor 1990 / 23
Ha : Killing joke live Oor 1983 / 2
Killing joke (2003) Alo 2003 / 38
Laugh? I nearly bought one! Oor 1992 / 22
Pandemonium Oor 1994 / 14
Revelations Oor 1982 / 8
XXV gathering! Let us prey Rev 2006 / 1
King Kong Life itself is sweet, sweet, sweet! Oor 1992 / 24
King Krab Harmony in defeat Oor 1991 / 5
King Swamp King Swamp Oor 1989 / 4
Wiseblood Oor 1990 / 20
Kingdom come Independent Alo 2002 / 30
Kings of Leon Youth & young manhood Alo 2003 / 38
Kiss my poodles donkeys New hope for the dead Oor 1994 / 2
Klein A devil's bargain Rev 2009 / 10
Kliek When father was away on beat business in... Oor 1988 / 10
Klinik Plague Oor 1987 / 23
Kloot per W Kloot per W Oor 1987 / 23
Kobus gaat naar Appelscha All this world and his wife Oor 1987 / 10
Kong Mute poet vocalizer Oor 1991 / 2
Krach Krach Lus 2011 / 8
De Kreuners 30 Rev 2008 / 9
Die Krupps Stahlwerksymphonie Oor 1982 / 3
L 7 Smell the magic Oor 1990 / 21
Ladytron 604 Alo 2001 / 16
Lagwagon Hoss Oor 1996 / 1
Landscape From the tearooms of Mars ... to the hel... Oor 1981 / 11
Mark Lanegan The winding sheet Oor 1990 / 14
Whiskey for the holy ghost Oor 1994 / 2
k.d. Lang Invincible summer Alo 2000 / 7
k.d. Lang and the Siss boom bang Sing it loud Lus 2011 / 10
Lärm Campaign for musical destruction Oor 1985 / 10
Last resort A way of life - skinhead anthems Oor 1982 / 12
Last rites This is the reaction Oor 1984 / 23
Thé Lau De God van Nederland Alo 2002 / 26
Avril Lavigne Let go Alo 2002 / 30
Paul Leary The history of dogs Oor 1991 / 9
Leather nun International heroes Oor 1990 / 24
Leatherface Mush Oor 1991 / 22
Paul de Leeuw Stille liedjes Alo 1999 / 2
Legal weapon Take out the trash Oor 1991 / 22
Legendary pink dots All the king's men Alo 2003 / 33
Plutonium blonde Rev 2008 / 10
Jo Lemaire Aujourd'hui Oor 1992 / 10
Concorde Oor 1983 / 12
Duelle Oor 1990 / 9
Jo Lemaire Oor 1984 / 23
Liverpool Oor 1994 / 22
Jo Lemaire + Flouze Pigmy world Oor 1982 / 4
Lemonheads Lick Oor 1989 / 14
Lovey Oor 1990 / 19
Less dance/the N.U.E. Two gether Oor 1982 / 23
Less than Jake Goodbye blue & white Rev 2008 / 5
Losers, kings, and things we don't under... Rev 2008 / 5
Pezcore Rev 2008 / 5
The people's history of Less than Jake (... Rev 2008 / 5
Leyers, Michiels & Soulsister Heat Oor 1990 / 24
Libertines Up the bracket Alo 2003 / 32
Living end Roll on Alo 2001 / 14
Daniël Lohues Allennig II Rev 2008 / 5
Lola kite I start to believe you Lus 2012 / 19
Lolitas Bouche-baiser Oor 1990 / 24
Long pig Of love and addiction Oor 1984 / 14
Loop A gilded eternity Oor 1990 / 5
Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes Supernova Alo 2001 / 21
Lords of Altamont The Altamont sin Rev 2008 / 4
Lords of the new church Holy war (video) Oor 1994 / 19
Lostprophets Start something Alo 2004 / 45
The fake sound of progress Alo 2001 / 21
Love and Rockets Love and rockets Oor 1989 / 22
G. Love & Special sauce Superhero brother Rev 2008 / 7
Loveslug Beef jerky Oor 1990 / 8
Circus of values Oor 1993 / 17
Slug 'em all Oor 1988 / 24
Snail house rock Oor 1989 / 11
Lovvers Think Rev 2008 / 10
Lubricated goat Schadenfreude Oor 1990 / 4
Luik Owls Lus 2012 / 18
Lumidee Almost famous Alo 2003 / 39
Lunachicks Binge ... and purge Oor 1993 / 9
Jerk of all trades Oor 1995 / 11
Lunatics without skateboards inc. Welcome to the asylum Oor 1989 / 20
Lungfish Necklace of heads Oor 1991 / 8
Lush Scar Oor 1989 / 23
Lyres Happy now ... Oor 1993 / 8
M.O.G. McAtukrax Oor 1988 / 24
Macc lads Anthology Alo 2000 / 4
Machine head Supercharger Alo 2001 / 21
Enrico Macias Platinum collection Rev 2008 / 10
Billy MacKenzie Outernational Rev 2006 / 6
Madigan Time till the end Alo 2001 / 12
Madina lake From them, through us, to you Rev 2007 / 5
Madness Absolutely Alo 2003 / 33
The liberty of Norton Folgate Rev 2009 / 5
Magazine Play Oor 1981 / 2
The complete John Peel sessions Rev 2008 / 10
Touch and go : anthology 02.78-06.81 Rev 2009 / 3
Maktub Say what you mean Rev 2006 / 4
Maladjusted Seizing the moment Alo 2004 / 43
Self-titled Rev 2008 / 3
MAM Look : Nederlands! Oor 1995 / 23
Manic street preachers Generation terrorists Oor 1992 / 4
Mannequin beach Don't laugh, you're next Oor 1988 / 22
March violets Natural history Oor 1984 / 23
A.C Marias One of our gilrs (has gone missing) Oor 1989 / 21
Marine girls Beach party Oor 1982 / 14
Ricky Martin Almas del silencio Alo 2003 / 38
Mary my hope Museum Oor 1989 / 20
Mary's Danish Circa Oor 1992 / 9
Masai Captured by Cpt. Rock Oor 1987 / 23
Mashed potatoes The Mashed potatoes Oor 1994 / 11
Steve Mason Monkey minds in the devil's time Lus 2013 / 29
Mass Labour of love Oor 1981 / 18
Massacre From beyond Oor 1991 / 13
Masters of reality Deep in the hole Alo 2001 / 21
Deep in the hole Alo 2001 / 21
Masters of reality & Chris Goss Give us Barabbas Alo 2004 / 45
Mastodon Remission Alo 2002 / 26
Matchbox 20 Exile on mainstream Rev 2007 / 6
Glen Matlock & the Philistines Open mind Alo 2000 / 11
Iain Matthews If you saw thro' my eyes Alo 2003 / 40
Elliott Murphy & Iain Matthews La terre commune Alo 2001 / 17
Iain Matthews Osolomeo : a night in Colorado (dvd) Rev 2006 / 6
Sparkler : best of the Texas recordings ... Rev 2006 / 1
The complete notebook series Alo 2001 / 21
Mau Maus Live at the Marples Oor 1984 / 20
Mauser FK The movie Oor 1995 / 8
Reba McEntire So good together Alo 1999 / 2
Don McLean American pie : the greatest hits Alo 2000 / 6
Me first and the Gimme gimmes Go down under Lus 2011 / 10
Meat puppets Meat puppets Oor 1982 / 24
Meat puppets II Oor 1984 / 21
Out my way Oor 1986 / 17
Elli Medieros Bom bom ... Oor 1987 / 17
Mega city four Sebastopol Rd Oor 1992 / 5
Tranzophobia Oor 1989 / 13
Who cares wins Oor 1990 / 21
Mega reefer scratch Honky soul times Oor 1992 / 6
Megakronkel Megakronkel Oor 1993 / 7
Mekanik kommando It would be quiet in the woods if only a... Oor 1981 / 21
Snake is queen Oor 1983 / 2
The castle of fair welcome Oor 1989 / 3
Melody's echo chamber Melody's echo chamber Lus 2012 / 26
Melvins Dale Grover Oor 1992 / 24
Joe Preston Oor 1992 / 24
King Buzzo Oor 1992 / 24
Melvins Oor 1992 / 24
Mental as anything Get wet Oor 1980 / 19
Methadones Career objective Alo 2003 / 38
Mich en scène Madame Rev 2006 / 2
Malcolm Middleton & David Shrigley Music and words Lus 2015 / 48
Malcolm Middleton Sleight of heart Rev 2008 / 3
Waxing gibbous Rev 2009 / 6
Mighty lemon drops Laughter Oor 1989 / 22
Millencolin Home from home Alo 2002 / 24
Millions Raquel Oor 1994 / 10
Miners of Muzo In surf of fish Oor 1984 / 19
Hadewych Minis The truth and nothing but the truth Lus 2014 / 46
Ministry The mind is a terrible thing to taste Oor 1990 / 1
Minny pops Standstill to motion Lus 2012 / 19
Dannii Minogue Neon nights Alo 2003 / 37
Minor threat Complete discography Oor 1990 / 7
Miossec L'étreinte Rev 2006 / 6
Mission Aura Alo 2001 / 21
Carved in sand Oor 1990 / 4
Ever after : live Alo 2003 / 33
Gods own medicine Oor 1987 / 2
Neverland Oor 1995 / 4
MissMoses Limbs divine Rev 2007 / 2
Mo-dettes The story so far Oor 1981 / 3
Mob Let the tribe increase Oor 1983 / 10
Modern English After the snow Oor 1982 / 11
Mesh and lace Oor 1981 / 11
Richocet days Oor 1984 / 7
Modern eon Fiction tales Oor 1981 / 19
Monochrome set Eligible bachelors Oor 1982 / 18
Jack Oor 1991 / 24
Love zombies Oor 1980 / 24
Misère Oor 1994 / 16
Michael Monroe Not fakin' it Oor 1989 / 23
Monster magnet Spine of God Oor 1992 / 7
Marisa Monte Memories, chronicles and declarations of... Alo 2000 / 8
Moonlizards Fooom Oor 1990 / 22
Moriarty Gee whiz but this is a lonesome town Rev 2007 / 6
Alanis Morissette Under rug swept Alo 2002 / 24
Patricia Morrison Reflect on this Oor 1994 / 24
Moss Never be scared/Don't be a hero Rev 2009 / 9
Ornaments Lus 2012 / 18
Mother love bone Apple Oor 1990 / 18
Motorpsycho Demon box Oor 1993 / 8
Bob Mould Workbook Oor 1989 / 12
Moving targets Brave noise Oor 1990 / 2
Fall Oor 1991 / 11
Mucky pup A boy in a mans world Oor 1989 / 13
Act of faith Oor 1992 / 13
Can't you take a joke? Oor 1988 / 11
Five guys in a really hot garage Oor 1996 / 3
Lemonade Oor 1994 / 1
Now Oor 1990 / 23
Mudgang Let's go riding Oor 1987 / 13
Temptation Oor 1990 / 22
Mudhoney Piece of cake Oor 1992 / 22
La Muerte Kustom Kar competition Oor 1991 / 9
Mull historical society Loss Alo 2002 / 25
Allan Muller Resting my case Rev 2007 / 5
Murder inc Murder inc Oor 1992 / 16
Muse Origin of symmetry Alo 2001 / 17
MXPX The ever passing moment Alo 2000 / 11
My bloody Valentine This is your bloody Valentine Oor 1985 / 13
My chemical romance The black parade is dead! Rev 2008 / 7
My dying bride The dreadful hours Alo 2001 / 21
The voice of the wretched Alo 2002 / 27
Gary Myrick & the Figures Gary Myrick & the Figures Oor 1980 / 19
N.A.O.P. New Age Of Politics Oor 1993 / 18
Noisy Act Of Protest Oor 1991 / 21
Nacht und Nebel Casablanca Oor 1983 / 3
Victoria 2000 Oor 1985 / 13
Naked raygun Understand? Oor 1989 / 12
Napalm death Harmony corruption Oor 1990 / 20
Mentally murdered Oor 1989 / 22
Nation of Ulysses Plays pretty for baby Oor 1992 / 22
Negazione 1 Oor 1991 / 3
Little dreamer Oor 1988 / 18
Lo spirito contina Oor 1986 / 18
The wild bunch/the early days Oor 1990 / 3
Les Négresses vertes Zig-Zague Oor 1994 / 21
Nervux rex Nervus rex Oor 1980 / 17
Neurosis Enemy of the sun Oor 1994 / 2
New bomb Turks Nightmare scenario Alo 2000 / 5
New model army Carnival Rev 2006 / 2
Impurity Oor 1990 / 19
New model army Oor 1987 / 23
No rest for the wicked Oor 1985 / 15
Raw melody men Oor 1991 / 14
The ghost of Cain Oor 1986 / 22
The love of hopeless causes Oor 1993 / 8
Thunder and consolation Oor 1989 / 5
Today is a good day Rev 2009 / 9
Vengeance Oor 1984 / 16
New order Low-life Rev 2009 / 2
New race The first and the last Oor 1983 / 12
Olivia Newton-John Live at the Sydney opera house (dvd) Rev 2008 / 2
Nice strong arm Stress city Oor 1990 / 4
Franz Nicolay Do the struggle Lus 2012 / 26
Major general Rev 2009 / 7
Nightingales No love lost Lus 2012 / 21
999 13th floor madness Oor 1984 / 9
Concrete Oor 1981 / 14
Face to face Oor 1985 / 15
You Us It Oor 1994 / 3
Nitwitz The scorched Rarth policy Oor 1982 / 4
No shame White of hope turning black Rev 2007 / 3
No use for a name All the best songs Rev 2007 / 3
Leche con carne! Oor 1995 / 6
Noa Blue touches blue Alo 2000 / 5
Noah and the Whale Last night on Earth Lus 2011 / 10
NOFX Heavy petting zoo Oor 1996 / 1
Pump up the valuum Alo 2000 / 7
Punk in Drublic Oor 1994 / 14
Ribbed Oor 1991 / 11
The longest EP Lus 2010 / 5
Noir désir Tostaky Oor 1993 / 11
Nomads Sonically speaking Oor 1992 / 22
Nouvelle vague 3 Rev 2009 / 6
The singers Lus 2011 / 10
Nova mob The last days of Pompeii Oor 1991 / 6
NRA Access only Oor 1994 / 24
Is this for real? Oor 1993 / 7
Machine Alo 2003 / 35
Gary Numan I, assassin Alo 2003 / 34
Live in Shepherds bush Alo 2004 / 45
Telekon Oor 1980 / 19
Warriors Alo 2003 / 34
Erwin Nyhoff You still think : covers & originals Lus 2012 / 19
Offspring Ignition Oor 1992 / 24
Smash Oor 1994 / 12
Oh' dev Don't push Oor 1987 / 3
Raving bonkers Oor 1986 / 11
Oi va voi Travelling the face of the globe Rev 2009 / 6
Orange juice You can't hide your love forever Oor 1982 / 6
Orange sunshine Orange sunshine Alo 2004 / 44
Orb The Orb's adventures beyond the Ultrawor... Oor 1991 / 13
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark Architecture & morality Alo 2003 / 36
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark Alo 2003 / 36
Organisation Oor 1980 / 24
Organisation Alo 2003 / 36
Orgasmaddix Alien sex Oor 1993 / 10
Osker Treatment 5 Alo 2000 / 4
Overwhelming colorfast Overwhelming colorfast Oor 1992 / 19
Ana Oxa Senza pietà Alo 1999 / 2
Ozric tentacles Arborescence Oor 1994 / 16
Become the other Oor 1995 / 24
Jurassic shift Oor 1993 / 10
Pungent effulgent Oor 1991 / 13
Spirals in hyperspace Alo 2004 / 45
The hidden step Alo 2001 / 12
P.O.D. Satellite Alo 2002 / 23
Pagan babies Next Oor 1988 / 18
Painkiller Guts of a virgin Oor 1991 / 13
Palais Schaumburg Palais Schaumburg Oor 1982 / 2
Palma violets 180 Lus 2013 / 29
Pantera Reinventing the steel Alo 2000 / 6
Papas fritas Buildings and grounds Alo 2000 / 7
Vanessa Paradis Tous ses clips (video) Oor 1994 / 7
Paradise lost Believe in nothing Alo 2001 / 15
Paranoiacs Bananas Oor 1990 / 1
Sometimes teenage is spelt TNT Oor 1988 / 12
Thirteen Oor 1992 / 11
We're the teenage lovers Oor 1987 / 23
Parquet courts Light up gold Lus 2013 / 32
Alan Parsons project The time machine Alo 1999 / 1
Partisans The Partisans Oor 1983 / 8
The time was right Oor 1984 / 20
Pas de deux Des tailles Oor 1983 / 5
Passionate hartless Mourning is the evening Oor 1992 / 24
Pavement Slanted and enchanted Oor 1992 / 10
Pear Man go! Oor 1993 / 1
Pedro delgados Sing high sing low Lus 2010 / 1
Ann Peebles Brand new classics Rev 2006 / 5
Pennywise About time Oor 1995 / 12
Land of the free Alo 2001 / 18
Live @ the Key club Alo 2000 / 11
Pennywise Oor 1991 / 20
Pet hate The bride wore red Oor 1984 / 20
Peter and the Test tube babies Mating sounds of South American frogs Oor 1984 / 6
Peter Bjorn and John Gimme some Lus 2011 / 9
Peto Peto The best of Oor 1985 / 11
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Runnin' down a dream (dvd) Rev 2008 / 1
Peyr As above Oor 1982 / 12
Art Phag Instant ventriloquism Oor 1991 / 14
Phantom four Madhur Rev 2006 / 6
Phantom four & the Arguido Sounds from the obscure / Morgana Lus 2012 / 19
Phantoms of future Chapter III The trance album Oor 1993 / 5
Phish Hoist Oor 1994 / 8
Rift Oor 1993 / 9
Phones Two hearts, two heads Oor 1982 / 15
Édith Piaf Hymne à la Môme Lus 2013 / 27
Pigbag Dr Heckle and Mr Jive Oor 1982 / 6
Lend an ear Oor 1983 / 5
Pigeon detectives Up, guards and at 'em! Lus 2011 / 11
Dos Pilas Dos Pilas Oor 1995 / 8
Pin-baskets Fifteen minutes with Betty Bets Oor 1986 / 23
Pink flowers Blind man's son Oor 1994 / 2
Tune in! Oor 1992 / 11
Pinpoint Third state Oor 1981 / 10
Pitchshifter Deviant Alo 2000 / 8
Industrial Oor 1991 / 8
Placebo Black market music Alo 2000 / 11
England's trance Oor 1982 / 9
Shells Oor 1983 / 16
Plainsong Pangolins Alo 2003 / 36
Plastic dolls Blindfolded Oor 1986 / 12
Poesie noire Love is colder than death Oor 1989 / 23
Pity for the self or We'll teach you to ... Oor 1989 / 12
Tales of doom Oor 1987 / 9
Tetra Oor 1988 / 11
Kimmo Pohjonen Kluster Alo 2002 / 25
Poison girls 7 year scratch Oor 1984 / 7
Chappaquiddick bridge Oor 1981 / 4
Total exposure Oor 1982 / 1
Poison idea Blank blackout vacant Oor 1992 / 5
We must burn Oor 1993 / 9
Poison ivy Decadence Oor 1981 / 22
Iggy Pop Avenue B Alo 1999 / 2
Popinjays Bang up to date with the ... Oor 1990 / 16
Popol vuh Agape-Agape-Love-Love Oor 1984 / 6
Poppi UK Makeshift home music Oor 1990 / 1
Sunseekers Oor 1992 / 6
Walk on the water Oor 1984 / 24
A Popular history of signs Comrades Oor 1985 / 8
Porcupine tree Stars die : the delirium years (1991-199... Alo 2002 / 26
The sky moves sideways Oor 1995 / 6
Portugal, the Man The satanic satanist Rev 2009 / 7
Positive noise Change of heart Oor 1982 / 14
Prefab sprout Let's change the world with music Rev 2009 / 10
Primevals Sound hole Oor 1986 / 11
Proclaimers This is the story Oor 1987 / 18
Professionals I didn't see it coming Oor 1982 / 2
Prong Force fed Oor 1988 / 18
Pronghorn Londis calling Rev 2006 / 6
Psychoplasma Radio flies Oor 1990 / 5
Pulp Freaks Oor 1987 / 18
Purling hiss Water on Mars Lus 2013 / 30
Purple outside Mystery lane Oor 1990 / 23
Purrkur pillnikk Googooplex Oor 1982 / 12
Jimmy Pursey Imagination camouflage Oor 1981 / 7
Pussy galore Mousetrap de la musica rock Oor 1990 / 13
Quicksand Slip Oor 1993 / 7
Radical dance faction Wasteland Oor 1991 / 22
Radio Birdman The essential Radio Birdman (1974-1978) Alo 2001 / 20
De Raggende manne Knuppelhout Oor 1990 / 16
Raging slab Pronounced eat shit Alo 2002 / 31
Eros Ramazzotti Stilelibero Alo 2001 / 12
Ramjets Catch-up with escargot Oor 1992 / 20
Ramona's Gang bang Oor 1994 / 1
Dee Dee Ramone Hop around Alo 2000 / 3
Joey Ramone Don't worry about me Alo 2002 / 23
Marky Ramone Start of the century Rev 2006 / 5
Rancid Indestructible Alo 2003 / 40
Rank deluxe You decide Rev 2008 / 5
Rapscallion Chameleon drool Oor 1992 / 6
Dizzee Rascal Boy in da corner Alo 2004 / 42
Rat patrol Not a youth cult Oor 1992 / 14
Ratos de Porão Feijoada acidente? Oor 1995 / 24
Raveonettes Chain gang of love Alo 2003 / 39
Jason Rawhead Collision hype Oor 1991 / 9
Dehumanized Oor 1996 / 2
Time stopped dead Oor 1992 / 21
James Rays gangwar Dios esta de nuestro lado Oor 1992 / 14
Red lorry yellow lorry Blow Oor 1989 / 22
Red zebra Bastogne Oor 1982 / 3
Dan Reed network Dan Reed network Oor 1988 / 14
The heat Oor 1991 / 14
Lou Reed Méér dan het beste van Alo 2000 / 8
Axelle Renoir Magnum et matinées dansantes Oor 1995 / 8
Residents Duck stab/Buster & Glen Rev 2008 / 6
Eskimo Rev 2008 / 6
The bunny boy Rev 2008 / 9
Revolting cocks Beers, steers + queers Oor 1990 / 12
Rhythm pigs Choke on this Oor 1987 / 22
Richies Pet summer Oor 1994 / 3
Winter wonderland Oor 1990 / 19
LeAnn Rimes I need you Alo 2001 / 15
Ringling sisters 60 Watt reality Oor 1991 / 7
Rinôcérôse Music kills me Alo 2002 / 25
River city rebels Playing to live, living to play Alo 2001 / 21
Steve Roberts Do you know who I am? Oor 1982 / 17
Robyn Robyn Rev 2007 / 6
Rocket science Contact high Alo 2004 / 43
Rocks Yessssssss! Alo 2004 / 46
Omar Rodriguez-López Cizana de los amores Lus 2010 / 6
Rollins band Do it Oor 1988 / 24
Hard volume Oor 1990 / 1
Turned on Oor 1990 / 24
Henry Rollins Hot animal machine Oor 1987 / 18
Henry Rollins/Gore Live Oor 1987 / 22
Romans Trigger happy Oor 1990 / 20
Romeo void Its a condition Oor 1982 / 19
Rose of Avalanche Always there Oor 1987 / 5
I.c.e. Oor 1991 / 21
String 'a' beads Oor 1990 / 24
Diana Ross Reach out and touch : the very best of Alo 2002 / 22
Nino Rota La dolce vita (soundtrack) Alo 2000 / 10
Rowwen hèze Kilomeaters : 't beste van 20 joar Rev 2006 / 2
Rubella ballet Ballet bag (cassette) Oor 1982 / 10
Rubicon What starts, ends Oor 1992 / 21
Xavier Rudd & Izintaba Koonyum sun Rev 2010 / 4
Rudimentary peni Death church Oor 1983 / 23
Rumble in Rhodos Intentions Rev 2008 / 10
Ruts DC Animal now Oor 1981 / 15
Sadies Darker circles Lus 2010 / 1
Walter Salas-Humara Lagartija Oor 1990 / 9
Kim Salmon Hey believer Oor 1994 / 24
King Salmon and the Surrealists King Salmon and the Surrealists Oor 1995 / 24
Samiam Clumsy Oor 1994 / 24
Sand rubies Sand rubies Oor 1993 / 9
Sans rancune Animali stupido Oor 1995 / 5
Mathilde Santing Under your charms Rev 2006 / 4
Saw throat Indestroy Oor 1989 / 22
Scabs A royal portrait (video) Oor 1992 / 12
Dog days are over Oor 1993 / 18
Jumping the tracks Oor 1991 / 22
Live dogs Oor 1994 / 21
Royalty in exile Oor 1990 / 8
Boz Scaggs Memphis Lus 2013 / 31
Scars Author! Author! Oor 1981 / 9
Scat opera About time ... Oor 1991 / 7
School of seven bells Ghostory Lus 2012 / 21
Schwartzeneggar The way things are ... and other stories Oor 1994 / 22
Scissor sisters Night work Lus 2010 / 3
Scouting for girls Scouting for girls Rev 2008 / 6
Scream therapy Capital of hate Oor 1987 / 21
Screaming trees Buzz factory Oor 1989 / 14
Change has come Oor 1990 / 7
Invisible lantern Oor 1988 / 23
Sweet oblivion Oor 1992 / 20
Uncle Anesthesia Oor 1991 / 4
Screeching weasel Anthem for a new tomorrow Oor 1994 / 3
Wiggle Oor 1993 / 6
Seaweed Despised Oor 1991 / 22
Seeds The Seeds Lus 2013 / 28
Seein' red Workspiel Oor 1994 / 1
Sense field Killed for less Oor 1994 / 11
Tonight and forever Alo 2002 / 25
Senseless things Empire of the Senseless Oor 1993 / 6
September fools September fools Oor 1995 / 12
Serious drinking They may be drinkers, but they're also h... Oor 1984 / 23
Setters The Setters Oor 1993 / 24
7 Kevins Sacred cow bomb Oor 1992 / 17
7 Seconds Out the shizzy Oor 1994 / 3
Soulforce revolution Oor 1989 / 22
Sex gang children Song and legend Oor 1983 / 9
Sex pistols Kiss this Oor 1992 / 22
Sham 69 Kings and queens Oor 1994 / 3
The game Oor 1980 / 19
Volunteer Oor 1988 / 21
Shanks It's a sleeper Oor 1992 / 24
Masterbait Oor 1990 / 1
Feargal Sharkey Feargal Sharkey Alo 2003 / 33
Shavers Marabella Alo 2003 / 36
Sheer Here and now and long before Rev 2009 / 4
Shelleyan orphan Helleborine Oor 1987 / 12
Shelter The purpose, the passion Alo 2001 / 16
When 20 summers pass Alo 2000 / 5
Shihad Churn Oor 1994 / 20
Killjoy Oor 1995 / 7
Shins Wincing the night away Rev 2007 / 2
Shonen knife 712 Oor 1992 / 7
Let's knife Oor 1992 / 24
Rock animals Oor 1994 / 3
We are very glad you came Oor 1993 / 7
Shotgun Messiah Second coming Oor 1992 / 1
Shotgun Messiah Oor 1989 / 23
Violent new breed Oor 1993 / 23
Shriekback Sacred city Oor 1993 / 8
Shane Shu Shane Shu Rev 2008 / 2
Sick of it all Live in a world of hate Oor 1994 / 3
Siglo XX Flowers for the rebels Oor 1987 / 12
Silos Hasta la victoria! Oor 1992 / 9
The Silos Oor 1990 / 9
Simply Red Love and the Russian winter Alo 2000 / 3
Sink Old man snake and the fat, black pig Oor 1990 / 16
Mariee Sioux Gift for the end Lus 2012 / 20
Siouxsie and the Banshees Kaleidoscope Oor 1980 / 18
Superstition Oor 1991 / 14
The seven year itch live Alo 2003 / 38
Twice upon a time Oor 1992 / 22
Sisterhood Gift Oor 1986 / 20
Sisters of mercy First and last and always Oor 1985 / 6
Some girls wander by mistake Oor 1992 / 10
Vision thing Oor 1990 / 23
Six yard box Imagination is greater than knowledge Oor 1993 / 11
Skarhead Drugs, money, sex Oor 1996 / 5
Skeletal family Burning oil Oor 1984 / 23
James Skelly & the Intenders Love undercover Lus 2013 / 31
Die Skeptiker Sauerei Oor 1991 / 22
Skidmarks Come and get it! Alo 2002 / 26
Skip bifferty The story of Skip bifferty Alo 2003 / 37
Skippies Massive Oor 1995 / 16
Skrew Burning in water, drowning in flame Oor 1992 / 16
Slammin' Watusis Kings of noise Oor 1989 / 11
Slits Return of the giant Slits Oor 1981 / 23
Sloy Plug Oor 1995 / 16
Slumbers Scream and shout Oor 1987 / 13
Smalts It's good to be on a well-run-ship Alo 2003 / 32
Patti Smith Gung ho Alo 2000 / 4
T.V. Smith March of the giants Oor 1992 / 19
T.V. Smith's Explorers The last words of the great explorer Oor 1981 / 20
Snapcase Designs for automation Alo 2000 / 4
Sneetches Blow out the sun Oor 1994 / 16
SNFU The one voted most likely to succeed Oor 1995 / 7
Snuff Demmamussabebonk Oor 1996 / 5
Snuff said Oor 1990 / 1
Soapstone Nature will provide Oor 1995 / 11
Social distortion Social distortion Oor 1991 / 24
Somewhere between heaven and hell Oor 1992 / 7
Social unrest Before the fall Oor 1987 / 22
Soft boys Underwater moonlight Oor 1980 / 22
Soft cell Non-stop erotic cabaret Oor 1981 / 24
Anne Soldaat In another life Rev 2009 / 4
Something happens! Bedlam a go go Oor 1992 / 12
Been there, seen that, done that Oor 1988 / 23
I know Ray Harman Oor 1988 / 20
Stuck together with God's glue Oor 1990 / 10
Son by four Purest of pain Alo 2001 / 16
Son of Dave Shake a bone Rev 2010 / 3
Songbirds Hot summernights Oor 1986 / 24
Soul asylum Grave dancers union Oor 1992 / 22
Let your dim light shine Oor 1995 / 12
Soul side Hot bodi-gram Oor 1990 / 3
Soulvation One Alo 2003 / 41
Southern death cult The Southern death cult Oor 1983 / 16
Soviet sex Happy end Oor 1982 / 7
Space cowboys Locked n loaded Oor 1992 / 9
Spades The Seattle sessions Alo 2003 / 41
Sparks Exotic creatures of the deep Rev 2008 / 6
Spear of destiny The price you pay Oor 1988 / 23
Specials Live at the Moonlight club Rev 2009 / 6
The best of the Specials Rev 2008 / 4
Spermbirds Eating glass Oor 1992 / 5
Spice girls Forever Alo 2001 / 12
Girl power! : live in Istanbul/Girls tal... Rev 2008 / 10
Greatest hits Rev 2008 / 1
Spinal tap Break like the wind Oor 1992 / 8
Spiritualized Sweet heart sweet light Lus 2012 / 21
Spitball Pop condition Alo 2000 / 9
Spizzles Spikey dream flowers Oor 1981 / 10
Splatcats Right on! Oor 1990 / 10
Splodgenessabounds Splodgenessabounds Oor 1981 / 4
Spoiler NYC Grease fire in hell's kitchen Rev 2007 / 3
Sprague brothers Let the chicks fall where they may Alo 1999 / 1
Spudmonsters No guarantees Oor 1995 / 7
Spunk Spunk Oor 1994 / 3
Squeeze Babylon and on Oor 1987 / 20
Stage dolls Stage dolls Oor 1990 / 3
Chris Stamey Lovesick blues Lus 2013 / 29
Lisa Stansfield Biography Alo 2003 / 34
Stanx No secrets Oor 1985 / 10
Star star The love drag years Oor 1992 / 21
Starlings Too many dogs Oor 1994 / 12
Stars No one is lost Lus 2014 / 46
Starvin Marvin and the Paranoid androids Starvin Marvin and the Paranoid androids Oor 1985 / 13
Status quo Dog of two head Alo 2003 / 41
Ma Kelly's greasy spoon Alo 2003 / 41
Steeleye span Bedlam born Alo 2001 / 13
Stereophonics Decade in the sun : best of Rev 2009 / 1
Just enough education to perform Alo 2001 / 14
Language. Sex. Violence. Other? (dvd) Rev 2006 / 6
Rod Stewart Thanks for the memory (the great America... Rev 2006 / 1
Stiff little fingers Back against the wall Alo 2001 / 16
Guitar and drum Alo 2003 / 39
Guitar and drum Rev 2009 / 4
Hanx! Oor 1980 / 20
Stiffs Innocent bystanders Alo 2001 / 16
Richard Strange The live rise of Richard Strange Oor 1981 / 7
The phenomenal rise of Richard Strange Oor 1981 / 16
Stranglers About time Oor 1995 / 12
Aural sculpture Oor 1984 / 23
La folie Oor 1982 / 1
Norfolk coast Alo 2004 / 44
The men in black Oor 1981 / 5
Strapps Strapps Oor 1983 / 9
Strawelte Teiwaar yn Tytsjerksteradiel Oor 1990 / 2
Street dogs Back to the world Rev 2006 / 2
Barbra Streisand Guilty pleasures Rev 2006 / 1
The movie album Alo 2004 / 43
Struggler It was a very long conversation but at t... Oor 1983 / 6
Joe Strummer & the Mescaleros Rock art and the X-ray style Alo 1999 / 2
Subhumans From the cradle to the grave Oor 1984 / 18
From the cradle to the grave Rev 2009 / 2
The day the country died Rev 2009 / 2
The day the country died Oor 1983 / 6
Selah Sue Selah Sue Lus 2011 / 9
Sugababes Overloaded : the singles collection (dvd... Rev 2007 / 2
Sugar Beaster Oor 1993 / 7
Copper blue Oor 1992 / 20
Sugarettes Love & other perversities Rev 2007 / 6
Suicide machines Suicide machines Alo 2000 / 5
Superdrag Last call for vitriol Alo 2003 / 32
Supersister M.A.N. Memories Are New Alo 2001 / 12
Supersuckers La mano cornuda Oor 1994 / 8
Surf punks Oh no! Not them again! Oor 1988 / 10
Suspect Above suspicion Oor 1981 / 4
Swamp Dogg Rat on! Lus 2013 / 30
Total destruction to your mind Lus 2013 / 30
Swampdolls From the backroads Oor 1991 / 9
Swampsurfers A world of moulded pulp products Oor 1989 / 24
Varied food for lost minds Oor 1988 / 10
Sweet coffee Naked city Rev 2007 / 6
T.C. matic T.C. matic Oor 1982 / 1
Tabascos The Tabascos Alo 2000 / 6
Rachid Taha Rachid Taha Oor 1994 / 17
Tahiti 80 Wallpaper for the soul Alo 2002 / 30
Tasha's world Tasha's world Alo 2003 / 38
Tea party Splendor solis Oor 1994 / 12
The edges of twilight Oor 1995 / 9
Teardrop explodes Wilder Oor 1981 / 24
Tech-9 Last line of defense Alo 2000 / 7
Teenage fanclub Deep fried fanclub Lus 2011 / 15
Shadows Lus 2010 / 2
Telescopes Taste Oor 1989 / 23
Television personalities And don't the kids just love it Oor 1981 / 7
TV personalities Oor 1982 / 3
Tellers Close the evil eye Lus 2010 / 6
Temper trap Conditions Rev 2009 / 7
Tenpole Tudor Eddie, Old Bob, Dick and Gary Oor 1981 / 13
Terrorgruppe 1 world - 0 future Alo 2000 / 4
Terrorizer World downfall Oor 1989 / 22
Test icicles For screening purposes only Rev 2006 / 1
The The Soul mining Oor 1983 / 24
Thelonious monster Beautiful mess Oor 1993 / 1
Thermals More parts per million Alo 2003 / 39
This mortal coil Blood Oor 1991 / 8
Filigree & shadow Oor 1986 / 22
It'll end in tears Oor 1984 / 22
This mortal coil Oor 1983 / 23
Those dancing days In our space hero suits Rev 2008 / 10
Three 4 tens Taking Northern liberties Alo 2004 / 46
Three clouds in the sky A long forgotten day Oor 1985 / 21
360's Supernatural Oor 1992 / 13
Three Johns Atom drum bop Oor 1985 / 2
3 lb. thrill Vulture Oor 1996 / 1
Threshold Hypothetical Alo 2001 / 15
Les Thugs I.A.B.F. Oor 1991 / 9
Thundermug Pork some beef Oor 1991 / 21
Yann Tiersen Dust lane Lus 2010 / 5
L'absente Alo 2002 / 31
Justin Timberlake Justified Alo 2003 / 32
Ting tings We started nothing Rev 2008 / 6
Tommigun Come watch me disappear Lus 2010 / 1
Top dogs? Funny farm residents Oor 1982 / 11
Total chaos Patriotic shock Oor 1995 / 10
Die Toten Hosen Kauf mich! Oor 1993 / 12
Learning English lesson I Oor 1992 / 3
Reich und sexy Oor 1994 / 3
Unter Falschen Flagge Oor 1985 / 6
Frank Tovey Civilian Oor 1988 / 14
Toxic reasons In the house of god Oor 1994 / 3
Toy dolls Bare faced cheek Alo 2002 / 31
Ten years of Toys Alo 2002 / 31
Toyah Anthem Oor 1981 / 13
Changeling Oor 1982 / 14
Ophelia's shadow Oor 1991 / 5
Prostitute Oor 1988 / 24
Toylets It's like a daydream, exploding again Oor 1982 / 11
Trailer trash Tracys Ester Lus 2012 / 17
Travoltas From the secret vaults of Weismuller Alo 2001 / 13
Treble Free Rev 2006 / 4
Tree No regrets no remorse Alo 2002 / 24
Trenchmouth Construction of new actions : volume 1 F... Oor 1992 / 19
Treponem pal Aggravation Oor 1991 / 5
Tribe Abort Oor 1992 / 9
Tribe 8 Fist city Oor 1995 / 5
Tröckener kecks Schliessbaum Oor 1982 / 2
Truly Fast stories ... from Kid Coma Oor 1995 / 11
Tune-yards Whokill Lus 2011 / 10
Turbo by dramatics High mass on the high frontier Oor 1985 / 7
Set fire to your self Oor 1986 / 4
Tina Turner Twenty four seven Alo 2000 / 8
TV Buddhas Dying at the party Lus 2010 / 6
TV21 A thin red line Oor 1982 / 1
2 Belgen 2 Belgen Oor 1982 / 23
Trop petit Oor 1985 / 13
27 Devilsjoking The sucking effect Oor 1991 / 11
22 Pistepirkko (Well you know) stuff is like we yeah! Rev 2008 / 3
Lime green DeLorean Lus 2011 / 11
Twilight sad No one can ever know Lus 2012 / 18
2:54 2:54 Lus 2012 / 22
Type o negative Slow, deep and hard Oor 1991 / 13
The origin of the feces (not live at Bri... Oor 1992 / 13
U.K. subs Diminished responsibility Oor 1981 / 5
Endangered species Oor 1982 / 6
Flood of lies Oor 1983 / 24
Ugly papas Papa rules, ok? Oor 1992 / 11
UK decay For madmen only Oor 1982 / 3
Ultravox Vienna Alo 2003 / 33
Umberto di Bosso é Compadres The burden Oor 1987 / 2
Under byen Det er mig der holder traerne sammen Alo 2004 / 46
Undernation Something on the TV Oor 1991 / 11
Undertones Listening in : radio sessions 1978-1982 Alo 2004 / 46
Teenage kicks : the very best of the Und... Lus 2010 / 6
Union morbide Ditto Oor 1993 / 7
Unsane Scattered, smothered & covered Oor 1995 / 23
Unun Super shiny dreams Oor 1996 / 1
Urban dogs Urban dogs Oor 1983 / 10
Urge overkill The supersonic storybook Oor 1991 / 11
Usher Confessions Alo 2004 / 46
Vacant lot Wrong Oor 1994 / 3
Vaccines What did you expect from the Vaccines? Lus 2011 / 10
Vágtázo halottkèmek A semmi kapuin dorombolve Oor 1992 / 19
Vain No respect Oor 1989 / 23
Van dik hout Ik jou & jij mij Alo 2000 / 5
Van jets Cat fit fury! Rev 2010 / 4
Vapors Magnets Oor 1981 / 8
Varukers Bloodsuckers Oor 1983 / 23
Suzanne Vega Tried and true : the best of Alo 2000 / 8
Verbal assault On Oor 1990 / 2
Vernon Walters Retrospective retrieval Oor 1991 / 21
Vibrators Alaska 127 Oor 1984 / 14
Guilty Oor 1983 / 8
Vice squad No cause for concern Oor 1982 / 1
Shot away Oor 1985 / 9
Stand strong stand proud Oor 1982 / 13
Sid Vicious Too fast to live... Alo 2004 / 44
Victims family The germ Oor 1992 / 8
Things I hate to admit Oor 1989 / 7
Voltage & violets Oor 1987 / 7
Vietnam veterans Crawfish for the notary Rev 2008 / 8
Villagers Becoming a jackal Lus 2010 / 2
Visage Beat boy Oor 1984 / 24
Vision Watching the world burn Alo 2000 / 4
Visions of change Visions of change Oor 1988 / 18
Visitor Transparent world Oor 1985 / 4
Andreas Vollenweider Cosmopoly Alo 2000 / 4
Vopo's Conquer Oor 1983 / 24
Dead entertainment Oor 1982 / 2
W.A.S.P. Dying for the world Alo 2002 / 27
The crimson idol Oor 1992 / 13
Martha Wainwright Sans fusils, ni souliers, à Paris Rev 2010 / 1
Walk the West Walk the West Oor 1986 / 19
Walkabouts New west motel Oor 1993 / 5
Rag & bone Oor 1990 / 10
Scavenger Oor 1992 / 1
Wall Day tripper Oor 1983 / 3
Dirges & anthems Oor 1982 / 10
Personal troubles & public issues Oor 1981 / 5
Wall of voodoo Dark continent Oor 1982 / 2
Wallrus The wind blows witches from the sky Alo 2003 / 41
Walt mink Miss happiness Oor 1992 / 17
Waltari So fine! Oor 1994 / 6
Wanda's A state of no name Oor 1986 / 20
The ideal Oor 1983 / 5
Jeremy Warmsley How we became Rev 2009 / 1
Warpaint The fool Lus 2011 / 16
Wartime Fast food for thought Oor 1990 / 24
Warzone Open your eyes Oor 1989 / 4
Wasted youth Wild and wandering Oor 1982 / 3
John Watts Real life is good enough Rev 2006 / 2
Elisa Waut Angelus Oor 1995 / 11
We've got a fuzzbox and we're gonna use ... Bostin' Steve Austin Oor 1987 / 6
Paul Weller As is now (dvd) Rev 2006 / 6
Wende La fille noyée Rev 2006 / 6
Last resistance : the theatre sessions Lus 2015 / 47
Wes Sinami/The memory Alo 2000 / 10
Whigs Mission control Rev 2008 / 6
White Williams Smoke Rev 2008 / 4
Wilco Ashes of American flags (dvd) Rev 2009 / 6
Wild beasts Smother Lus 2011 / 11
Kim Wilde Close Oor 1988 / 14
Teases and dares Oor 1984 / 24
Scott Wilk & the Walls Scott Wilk & the Walls Oor 1980 / 22
Willard Steel mill Oor 1992 / 17
Dar Williams My better self Rev 2006 / 2
Willy Nilly Willy Nilly Oor 1982 / 5
Da Willys Saturday nite palsy Oor 1991 / 5
Wilson Phillips Greatest hits Alo 2000 / 8
Winnebago deal Career suicide Lus 2011 / 7
Wintersleep New inheritors Lus 2010 / 1
Wire 154 Rev 2006 / 5
Chairs missing Rev 2006 / 5
Pink flag Rev 2006 / 5
Wiseguy Burning the tracks Alo 2003 / 34
Wishing well Something out of nothing Alo 2000 / 3
Wizzard Wizzard's brew Rev 2007 / 2
Tom Wolf Stomp Oor 1993 / 14
Wolfgang press Everything is beautiful : a retrospectiv... Alo 2001 / 20
Queer Oor 1991 / 14
Wombats A guide to love, loss & desperation Rev 2008 / 1
This modern glitch Lus 2011 / 10
Stevie Wonder Ballad collection Alo 1999 / 2
Woodcocks The carp pond Oor 1993 / 1
Woodcocks Oor 1991 / 1
Wool Budspwan Oor 1993 / 5
World war rockers Ain't nothin' clean Oor 1985 / 4
Wrathchild Stakk attakk Oor 1984 / 20
Weird 'Al' Yankovic Straight outta Lynwood Rev 2007 / 2
Yawp! The world according to Yawp! Oor 1993 / 7
Yazoo Only Yazoo : the best of Alo 1999 / 1
Upstairs at Eric's Oor 1982 / 17
You and me both Oor 1983 / 14
Yeah God! Noizgasm Oor 1989 / 21
Yeah Yeah Yeahs Show your bones Rev 2006 / 4
Yevgueni We zijn hier nu toch Rev 2010 / 2
Yo la tengo Extra painful Lus 2015 / 49
Young Dubliners Saints and sinners Rev 2009 / 5
Youth of today Can't close my eyes Oor 1989 / 22
Hector Zazou Songs from the cold seas Oor 1995 / 4
Ze noiz His master's noiz Oor 1992 / 11
Thy will be done Oor 1990 / 6
Zeke Dirty Sanchez Alo 2000 / 4
Zero boys Vicious circle Oor 1988 / 18
Zodiac mindwarp High priest of love Oor 1986 / 17
Hoodlum thunder Oor 1992 / 3
One more knife Oor 1994 / 19
Zog Do ze funkie wiz me Oor 1983 / 9
Zounds The curse of Zounds! Oor 1981 / 22
Zowiso The lust Oor 1985 / 21
Zowiso/Zwembaden Zonder titel Oor 1983 / 9


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