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David Sheppard

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Artiest^ Album^ Ts^ Jaar/Nr^ Verm^

# 1+1= x (10th anniversary box set) Moj 2018 / 297
1,2, 3, 4! : a history of punk and new w... Q ( 1999 / 151
Carson A vision Q ( 1999 / 151
# Afghan star (dvd) Moj 2010 / 195
Art of field recording : volume II Moj 2009 / 186
#trib Avalon blues : a tribute to the music of... Q ( 2001 / 182
# Blank generation (dvd) Moj 2010 / 198
Bliss Q ( 1998 / 142
Cashier escape route Q ( 2001 / 173
Celtic roots Q ( 1998 / 146
Channel 2 : a compilation of output reco... Moj 2003 / 114
Chicago 2018… it's gonna change Q ( 2000 / 165
Clicks & cuts 2 Q ( 2001 / 177
Clicks + cuts Q ( 2000 / 162
Crippled champions : the Crippled bargai... Q ( 1998 / 145
Current electrics Q ( 1999 / 156
Derailroaded : inside the mind of Larry ... Moj 2006 / 148
Discophilia Belgica Moj 2019 / 303
Dry acid : Lee Perry production 1968 to ... Q ( 1998 / 145
Eins und zwei und drei und vier : Deutsc... Moj 2021 / 336
Elephant and castle Moj 2011 / 215
Freischwimmer : 5 years of Kitty-Yo Q ( 1999 / 158
From the archives : test card music Q ( 1997 / 134
From the archives : test card music 2 Q ( 1998 / 140
Global explorer Q ( 1998 / 136
Grand slang 1990-2000 Q ( 2000 / 168
#trib Gravity of the situation (the songs of V... Q ( 1996 / 120
# Head in the clouds Q ( 1999 / 156
I still play Moj 2020 / 319
Infrasonic waves Q ( 2001 / 179
Intermission Moj 2021 / 335
Jazz moods : an intimate evening Q ( 2000 / 165
#trib Loving takes this course : a tribute to ... Moj 2009 / 187
# Memorial day : impressionist songwriters... Q ( 1997 / 130
Meridian 1970 Moj 2005 / 135
#trib More from the Bacharach songbook Q ( 1999 / 150
# Mute audio documents 1978-1984 Moj 2007 / 163
N.Y. No wave : the ultimate East village... Moj 2003 / 120
N.Y. No wave : the ultimate East village... Moj 2011 / 211
Night moods in jazz Q ( 1998 / 137
No New York Moj 2011 / 211
#trib Oh Michael, look what you've done : frie... Moj 2012 / 224
# One voice : vocal music from around the ... Q ( 1997 / 133
Path Moj 2011 / 206
Rework ... Philip Glass Moj 2012 / 229
#trib Sacrilege : Can remixes Q ( 1997 / 129
# Scape : Staedtizism Q ( 2000 / 167
Searching for the Wrong-eyed Jesus (dvd) Moj 2006 / 147
Seka (Sister) : vol. 2 Q ( 2000 / 163
Sherwood at the controls : volume 2 1985... Moj 2016 / 273
Shoeshine chartbusters Q ( 1998 / 140
Spirit of Africa Q ( 2002 / 186
Stiff, Stiffer, Stiffest Q ( 2001 / 175
Stumm1433 Moj 2019 / 310
Tamla Motown early classics Q ( 1998 / 143
The best of Excello gospel : the golden ... Q ( 1998 / 144
The chillout room 2 Q ( 1999 / 158
The devil and Daniel Johnston (dvd) Moj 2006 / 154
The drift collective Moj 2008 / 170
#trib The love songs of Burt Bacharach Q ( 1999 / 153
# The Rough guide to the Music of Jamaica Q ( 2001 / 175
The sign of four Q ( 1997 / 132
The Voyager golden record Moj 2018 / 293
#s Trainspotting #2 (soundtrack) Q ( 1997 / 134
# Unusual sounds : the hidden history of l... Moj 2018 / 301
#trib Who's that man : a tribute to Conny Plan... Moj 2013 / 232
# Women in country Q ( 1997 / 129
Year zero Q ( 2001 / 173
A.R.E. Weapons A.R.E. Weapons Moj 2003 / 114
Abandoned pools Humanistic Moj 2003 / 113
Joshua Abrams Magnetoception Moj 2015 / 262
Accidental There were wolves Moj 2008 / 174
Ryan Adams Love is hell, pt. 1 Q ( 2004 / 211
Love is hell, pt. 2 Q ( 2004 / 211
Barry Adamson As above, so below Q ( 1998 / 141
The murky world of Barry Adamson Q ( 1999 / 153
Adem Love and other planets Moj 2006 / 151
Adam Takes Moj 2008 / 175
Africa express Maison des jeunes Moj 2014 / 243
Arooj Aftab, Vijay Iyer & Shahzad Ismail... Love in exile Moj 2023 / 354
AFX Chosen Lords Moj 2006 / 150
Kama Aina Club Kama Aina Moj 2007 / 158
Noël Akchoté Gesualdo : madrigals for five guitars Moj 2014 / 253
Akron/Family Akron/Family Moj 2006 / 152
Sub verses Moj 2013 / 234
Albion band Along the pilgrim's way Q ( 1998 / 139
Dot Allison Afterglow Q ( 1999 / 158
Marc Almond Ten plagues : a song cycle Moj 2014 / 250
The velvet trail Moj 2015 / 257
Geva Alon In the morning light Moj 2012 / 225
Alternative TV Action time vision : the anthology Q ( 2003 / 205
Apollo Q ( 1999 / 151
Punk life Q ( 1998 / 139
Alva Noto UNIEQAV Moj 2018 / 294
Alvarius B With a beaker on the burner and an otter... Moj 2018 / 290
Oran Ambarchi Grapes from the estate Q ( 2004 / 219
American analog set Promise of love Moj 2003 / 116
Set free Moj 2005 / 143
American music club The golden age Moj 2008 / 171
Amiina Puzzle Moj 2010 / 205
Laurie Anderson Live at Town hall, New York city, septem... Q ( 2002 / 192
Laurie Anderson, Tenzin Choegyal & Jesse... Songs from the bardo Moj 2019 / 311
Angels of light We are him Moj 2007 / 168
Animal collective Strawberry jam Moj 2007 / 167
Anjou Epithymía Moj 2017 / 284
Anonymous 4 A lammas ladymass Moj 1998 / 61
Ant Cures for broken hearts Q ( 2000 / 171
Antony & the Johnsons Turning point Moj 2014 / 253
Apparat organ quartet Pólýfónía Moj 2011 / 217
Appliance Imperial metric Q ( 2001 / 178
Manual Q ( 1999 / 158
Arab strap Monday at the hug & pint Q ( 2003 / 203
Turbulence (mixes) Q ( 2001 / 179
Ian Archer To the pine roots Moj 2009 / 185
Luigi Archetti/Bo Wiget Low tide digitals III Moj 2009 / 192
Ólafur Arnalds & Nils Frahm Collaborative works Moj 2016 / 266
Ólöf Arnalds Innundir skinni Moj 2010 / 203
Palme Moj 2014 / 252
Vid og vid Moj 2010 / 194
Asobi seksu Hush Moj 2009 / 183
Virginia Astley From gardens where we feel secure Q ( 2004 / 210
Athlete Vehicles & animals Moj 2003 / 114
Autechre Draft 7.30 Moj 2003 / 112
Untitled Moj 2005 / 138
Autumns The Autumns Q ( 2004 / 220
Kevin Ayers Songs for insane times : an anthology 19... Moj 2008 / 178
Bablicon A flat inside a fog/The cat that was a d... Moj 2001 / 93
Meg Baird Seasons on Earth Moj 2011 / 216
Balmorhea Constellations Moj 2010 / 198
The wind Moj 2021 / 331
Band of the Blacky ranchette Still lookin' good to me Q ( 2003 / 209
Devendra Banhart Mala Moj 2013 / 233
Bardo pond On the ellipse Moj 2003 / 116
Blixa Bargeld Recycled (soundtrack) Moj 2000 / 85
Ted Barnes Underbelly Moj 2006 / 146
John Barry The hits and the misses Q ( 1998 / 141
Karl Bartos Off the record Moj 2013 / 232
Robbie Basho Live in Forlì, Italy 1982 Moj 2018 / 293
Bat for lashes Fur and gold Moj 2006 / 155
The haunted man Moj 2012 / 228
Two suns Moj 2009 / 185
Battles Mirrored Moj 2007 / 168
Be One Moj 2016 / 269
Be bop deluxe Postcards from the future ... Moj 2004 / 132
Beach house Devotion Moj 2008 / 172
Beachwood sparks Once we were trees Moj 2001 / 96
Beak> Beak> Moj 2012 / 225
Howie Beck Hollow Moj 2001 / 94
Howie Beck Moj 2006 / 147
Bed Spacebox Moj 2003 / 116
Beige I don't either Q ( 2000 / 168
Beirut March of the Zapotec and the Real people... Moj 2009 / 184
No no no Moj 2015 / 263
The flying club cup Moj 2007 / 168
Belbury poly The path Moj 2023 / 358
Adrian Belew Op zop too wah Q ( 1997 / 126
The guitar as orchestra Q ( 1997 / 126
Bell orchestre Recording a tape the colour of light Moj 2005 / 145
Belle and Sebastian Storytelling Q ( 2002 / 191
Shye Ben-Tzur Junun Moj 2016 / 266
Jay Bennett The magnificent defeat Moj 2006 / 156
Brendan Benson One Mississippi Q ( 1997 / 131
Berlin Voyeur Moj 2003 / 112
Eral Bernocchi, Harold Budd & Robin Guth... Winter garden Moj 2012 / 219
Besnard lakes A Coliseum complex museum Moj 2016 / 267
Big star In space Moj 2005 / 143
Billy mahonie The big dig Q ( 1999 / 155
Andrew Bird Break it yourself Moj 2012 / 221
Jane Birkin Rendez-vous Q ( 2004 / 215
Richard J. Birkin The last outpost of empire Moj 2018 / 300
Daníel Bjarnason Processions Moj 2010 / 198
Björk Homogenic Q ( 1997 / 134
Selma songs (music from Dancer in the da... Q ( 2000 / 170
Maggie Björklund Coming home Moj 2011 / 210
Black box recorder England made me Q ( 1998 / 143
Black dice Beaches and canyons Q ( 2003 / 200
Black heart procession Amore del tropico Moj 2003 / 110
Six Moj 2009 / 193
Frank Black Frank Black Q ( 1999 / 150
Teenager of the year Q ( 1999 / 150
Blackeyed Susans Reveal yourself Moj 2010 / 200
Blue orchids Mystic bud Q ( 2004 / 214
The greatest hit (Money Mountain) Q ( 2004 / 211
Blue states Man mountain Q ( 2002 / 193
Blurt The best of Blurt : volume 1 - The fish ... Moj 2004 / 122
Marc Bolan & T. Rex 20th century superstar Q ( 2002 / 195
Zinc alloy and the hidden riders of tomo... Q ( 2002 / 195
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy Is this the sea? Moj 2008 / 180
Master and everyone Q ( 2003 / 199
Sings greatest Palace music Q ( 2004 / 214
Summer in the Southeast Moj 2005 / 145
The letting go Moj 2006 / 155
Bonobo Black sands Moj 2010 / 198
Books The way out Moj 2010 / 202
Boom bip Blue eyed in the red room Moj 2005 / 136
Tim Booth Bone Q ( 2004 / 216
Matthew Bourne Isotach Moj 2017 / 286
David Bowie Aladdin sane Q ( 2003 / 204
Reality Moj 2003 / 119
Bows Casidy Q ( 2001 / 177
Boxhead ensemble Dutch harbor : where the sea breaks its ... Q ( 1997 / 129
Billy Bragg & Wilco Mermaid avenue Q ( 1998 / 143
Glenn Branca Lesson no. 1 Moj 2011 / 211
Songs '77-'79 Q ( 1997 / 125
Songs '77-'79 Moj 2011 / 211
Symphony no. 2 (The peak of the sacred) Q ( 1997 / 125
Symphony no. 5 (Describing planes in an ... Q ( 1997 / 125
The world upside down Q ( 1997 / 125
British sea power The decline of British sea power Q ( 2003 / 204
Broadcast Tender buttons Moj 2005 / 143
Heather Woods Broderick From the ground Moj 2010 / 194
Peter Broderick 4-track songs Moj 2009 / 192
Colours of the night Moj 2015 / 258
Peter Broderick & Ensemble 0 Give it to the sky : Arthur Russell's To... Moj 2023 / 360
Peter Broderick One hear now Moj 2020 / 315
Play Arthur Russell Moj 2019 / 305
Chris Brokaw Incredible love Moj 2006 / 148
Red cities Moj 2002 / 104
Brokeback Field recordings from the Cook county wa... Q ( 2000 / 161
Looks at the bird Moj 2003 / 110
Morse code in the modern age : across th... Q ( 2001 / 175
Broken family band Cold water songs Moj 2003 / 117
Hello love Moj 2007 / 165
Broken twin May Moj 2014 / 247
Michael Brook Albino alligator Q ( 1997 / 127
Peter Bruntnell Ends of the Earth Moj 2003 / 113
Gavin Bryars A man in a room gambling Q ( 1997 / 133
Cadman requiem Q ( 1999 / 153
The sinking of the Titanic Moj 2008 / 172
Richard Buckner Dents and shells Moj 2004 / 133
Impasse Q ( 2003 / 199
Harold Budd Luxa Q ( 1996 / 121
The room Moj 2000 / 85
Grant Lee Buffalo Storm hymnal : gems from the vault Q ( 2001 / 184
Buffseeds The picture show Moj 2003 / 112
Vashti Bunyan Heartleap Moj 2014 / 252
Lookaftering Moj 2005 / 144
Byrne Slowly and gloriously Q ( 2002 / 195
David Byrne Grown backwards Moj 2004 / 125
Look into the eyeball Q ( 2001 / 177
David Byrne & St. Vincent Love this giant Moj 2012 / 227
David Byrne Ride, rise, roar (dvd) Moj 2011 / 211
Cabaret Voltaire Conform to deform '82/'90. archive Q ( 2001 / 184
Radiation Q ( 1998 / 144
The original sound of Sheffield : the be... Moj 2003 / 113
The original sound of Sheffield : the be... Q ( 2001 / 184
John Cale 5 tracks Q ( 2003 / 204
Conflict & catalysis Moj 2012 / 222
Hobosapiens Moj 2003 / 119
Music for a new society/M:Fans Moj 2016 / 267
Sabotage : live Q ( 1999 / 157
Walking on locusts Q ( 1996 / 122
Calexico Garden ruin Moj 2006 / 150
Anna Calvi One breath Moj 2013 / 240
Camera obscura My Maudlin career Moj 2009 / 187
John Cameron Kes (soundtrack) Q ( 2002 / 192
Candidate Oxengate Moj 2007 / 166
Vinicius Cantuária Horse and fish Moj 2004 / 127
Cardinal Hymns Moj 2012 / 219
Caretaker An empty bliss beyond this world Moj 2011 / 213
Caribou Andorra Moj 2007 / 166
Martin Carthy & Dave Swarbrick Selections Q ( 2001 / 178
Johnny Cash American III : Solitary man Q ( 2000 / 171
Cat Power Sun Moj 2012 / 227
James Chance & the Contortions Buy Moj 2011 / 211
The flesh is weak Moj 2017 / 278
Michael Chapman Wrecked again Moj 2013 / 237
Tracy Chapman Let it rain Q ( 2002 / 197
Charalambides Exile Moj 2011 / 217
Sylvain Chauveau Un autre décembre Moj 2003 / 114
Oliver Cherer I feel nothing most days Moj 2019 / 307
Vic Chesnutt At the cut Moj 2009 / 192
Merriment Q ( 2000 / 169
Chicago underground duo Axis and alignment Moj 2002 / 101
Chicago underground quartet Chicago underground quartet Moj 2001 / 93
Chicago underground trio Slon Moj 2004 / 123
Cinematic orchestra Live at the Royal Albert hall 02.11.2007 Moj 2008 / 174
Man with a movie camera Moj 2003 / 116
Citay Dream get together Moj 2010 / 196
Chris Clark Clarence park Q ( 2001 / 177
Clean Getaway Moj 2001 / 94
Clearlake Amber Moj 2006 / 147
Patsy Cline Through the eyes of Patsy Cline : an ant... Q ( 1998 / 144
Clinic Internal wrangler Q ( 2000 / 165
Clogs The creatures in the garden of lady Walt... Moj 2010 / 200
Clouddead Clouddead Q ( 2001 / 178
Clue to Kalo Come here when you sleepwalk Moj 2003 / 113
Cluster Cluster 2 Moj 2023 / 350
Qua Moj 2010 / 196
Zuckerzeit Moj 2024 / 369
Joe Cocker Mad dogs & Englishmen Moj 2006 / 146
CocoRosie Grey oceans Moj 2010 / 199
Noah's ark Moj 2005 / 142
The adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillbo... Moj 2007 / 163
Cocteau twins Heaven or Las Vegas Moj 2014 / 249
Cold specks Neuroplasticity Moj 2014 / 250
Coldplay Viva la vida (or death and all his frien... Moj 2008 / 176
Lloyd Cole ETC Q ( 2001 / 184
Ornette Coleman At the Golden circle Stockholm : volume ... Q ( 2002 / 188
At the Golden circle Stockholm : volume ... Q ( 2002 / 188
Dancing in your head Q ( 2000 / 168
Colleen A flame my love, a frequency Moj 2017 / 288
Captain of none Moj 2015 / 258
Everyone alive wants answers Moj 2016 / 268
Ned Collette & Wirewalker 2 Moj 2012 / 226
Edwyn Collins I'm not following you Q ( 1997 / 133
Combustible edison The impossible world Q ( 1998 / 147
Pascal Comelade The no dancing Moj 2008 / 181
Erland Cooper Holm Moj 2021 / 332
Never pass into nothingness Moj 2021 / 337
Erlend Cooper Music for growing flowers Moj 2022 / 347
Corker/Conboy In the light that learnt later Moj 2003 / 113
Cornelius Five point one : from Nakameguro to Ever... Q ( 2004 / 211
Hugh Cornwell Beyond Elysian fields Q ( 2004 / 220
Corrs Talk on corners Q ( 1998 / 136
Elvis Costello North Q ( 2003 / 207
Cours lapin Cours lapin Moj 2010 / 204
Cowboy junkies Miles from our home Q ( 1998 / 145
One soul now Q ( 2004 / 216
Kevin Coyne & Jon Langford and the Pine ... One day in Chicago Moj 2006 / 146
M. Craft Blood moon deconstructed Moj 2018 / 291
Ian William Craig Thresholder Moj 2019 / 302
Cramps How to make a monster Moj 2004 / 133
Crazy world of Arthur Brown Vampire suite Q ( 2004 / 210
Sally Crewe & the Sudden moves Driv eit like you stole it Moj 2003 / 112
Crispy ambulance Frozen blood (1980-82) Q ( 2001 / 174
Paul Curreri California Moj 2010 / 194
Holger Czukay La luna Q ( 2000 / 168
Holger Czukay & U-She The new millennium Moj 2003 / 115
Daedelus Exquisite corpse Moj 2005 / 138
Dakota suite The way I am sick Moj 2002 / 102
Dakota suite with David Darling & Quenti... Vallisa Moj 2011 / 208
Damon & Naomi More sad hits Moj 2009 / 182
A Dancing beggar Follow the dark as if it were light Moj 2011 / 213
Data 70 Space loops : the complete sessions Moj 2013 / 237
Sarah Davachi Figures in open air Moj 2021 / 327
Angèle David-Guillou En mouvement Moj 2018 / 290
Miles Davis & Robert Glasper Everything's beautiful Moj 2016 / 272
Miles Davis The complete In a silent way sessions Q ( 2001 / 184
Dan Deacon America Moj 2012 / 226
Dead light Dead light Moj 2017 / 279
Martin Denny Quiet village : the exotic sounds of Mar... Q ( 2003 / 203
Depeche mode Delta machine Moj 2013 / 234
Desolation wilderness New universe Moj 2010 / 195
Detroit cobras Seven easy pieces Q ( 2003 / 203
Devics Push the heart Moj 2006 / 148
Devo Hot potatoes : the best of Devo Q ( 2001 / 179
Miracle witness hour : live in 1977 at t... Moj 2015 / 256
Shelley Devoto Buzzkunst Q ( 2002 / 187
Diagrams Black light Moj 2012 / 218
Klaus Dinger & Japandorf Japandorf Moj 2013 / 233
Directions in music Directions in music Moj 2007 / 168
Directorsound Into the night blue Moj 2016 / 274
Two years today Moj 2011 / 206
Dirtmusic BKO Moj 2010 / 198
Dirty three Cinder Moj 2005 / 144
Horse stories Q ( 1996 / 122
Ocean songs Moj 2006 / 150
She has no strings Apollo Q ( 2003 / 200
Toward the low sun Moj 2012 / 221
DNA DNA on DNA Moj 2011 / 211
Do make say think Goodbye enemy airship the landlord is de... Q ( 2000 / 165
Other truths Moj 2010 / 194
Stubborn persistent illusions Moj 2017 / 285
John Doe Dim stars, bright sky Moj 2003 / 111
Tanya Donelly This hungry life Moj 2007 / 158
Whiskey tango ghosts Moj 2004 / 129
Lee Dorsey Ride your pony - Get out of my life, wom... Q ( 2000 / 167
The new Lee Dorsey Q ( 2000 / 167
William D. Drake Briny hooves Moj 2007 / 162
Yew's paw Moj 2007 / 162
Barry Dransfield Barry Dransfield Q ( 2003 / 202
Dream city film club Dream city film club Q ( 1997 / 131
Drivan Disko Moj 2010 / 202
Dub trees Nature never did betray the heart that l... Q ( 2001 / 172
Patrick Duff Luxury problems Moj 2005 / 141
Isnaj Dui Unstable equilibrium Moj 2010 / 194
Nicolaï Dunger Tranquil isolation Moj 2003 / 111
Durutti column A night in New York Q ( 2000 / 162
Idiot savants Moj 2007 / 167
Bob Dylan Bob Dylan live 1966 : The Royal Albert h... Q ( 1998 / 146
Good as I been to you Q ( 1997 / 128
The classic interviews 1965-1966 Q ( 2003 / 204
Steve Earle Early tracks Q ( 2004 / 210
Steve Earle, Townes Van Zandt & Guy Clar... Together at the Bluebird café Q ( 2001 / 185
Early years The Early years Moj 2006 / 157
Echo & the Bunnymen Live in Liverpool Q ( 2002 / 187
Echoboy Giraffe Moj 2003 / 112
Volume one Moj 2000 / 77
Chris Eckman The last side of the mountain Moj 2009 / 184
Ecstasy of Saint Theresa Slowthinking Moj 2003 / 118
Duane Eddy Ghostrider : great guitar hits Q ( 1997 / 126
Road trip Moj 2011 / 212
Edikanfo The pace setters Moj 2020 / 320
Ludovico Einaudi Stanze Q ( 1997 / 129
Einstürzende Neubauten Perpetuum mobile Q ( 2004 / 213
Strategies against architecture III : 19... Q ( 2001 / 183
Mark Eitzel Caught in a trap and I can't back out 'c... Q ( 1998 / 137
Electrelane Axes Moj 2005 / 139
No shouts, no calls Moj 2007 / 162
The power out Moj 2004 / 123
Eleventh dream day Prairie school freakout Q ( 2003 / 209
Nancy Elizabeth Dancing Moj 2013 / 236
Brian Eno Apollo : atmospheres & soundtracks Moj 2019 / 309
Eno (soundtrack) Moj 2024 / 367
Film music 1976-2020 Moj 2021 / 326
Foreverandevernomore Moj 2022 / 348
Music for installations Moj 2018 / 296
Nerve net Moj 2015 / 255
Reflection Moj 2017 / 279
Small craft on a milk sea Moj 2010 / 205
The ship Moj 2016 / 270
Roger Eno & Lol Hammond Damage Q ( 1999 / 151
Roger Eno The long walk Q ( 2000 / 168
Epic45 Through broken summer Moj 2018 / 301
Mary Epworth Elytral Moj 2017 / 287
Erland & the Carnival Closing time Moj 2014 / 250
Esmerine La Lechuza Moj 2011 / 213
Bill Evans Homecoming Q ( 1999 / 158
Everlast Whitey Ford sings the blues Q ( 1999 / 151
Explosions in the sky The Earth is not a cold dead place Moj 2007 / 168
Fairport convention The wood & the wire Q ( 2000 / 162
Fall Are you are missing winner Moj 2001 / 97
Touch sensitive : bootleg boxset Q ( 2003 / 208
Agnetha Fältskog My colouring book Q ( 2004 / 216
Farina Three people Q ( 2001 / 176
Faultline Closer colder Q ( 1999 / 158
Your love means everything Moj 2002 / 103
Faun fables Light of a vaster dark Moj 2011 / 206
Bill Fay Still some light Moj 2022 / 342
Who is the sender? Moj 2015 / 259
Felt Me and a monkey on the moon Q ( 2004 / 213
Poem of the river Q ( 2004 / 213
The pictorial Jackson review Q ( 2004 / 213
Train above the city Q ( 2004 / 213
Train above the city Q ( 2004 / 213
Fennesz Venice Moj 2004 / 127
Film school Film school Moj 2006 / 146
Fizzarum Monochrome plural Q ( 2001 / 174
Flaer Preludes Moj 2023 / 358
Flim Helio Moj 2003 / 112
Flying saucer attack Instrumentals 2015 Moj 2015 / 261
Foals Total life forever Moj 2010 / 199
Fog Ether teeth Moj 2003 / 114
Fonda 500 8 track sound system Q ( 2000 / 163
Forest fire Survival Moj 2009 / 189
FortDax Folly Moj 2003 / 114
Four tet Pause Moj 2001 / 91
John Foxx & Louis Gordon From trash Moj 2007 / 159
John Foxx & Harold Budd Nighthawks Moj 2011 / 214
John Foxx & Theo Travis Torn sunset Moj 2011 / 214
Nils Frahm & Anne Müller 7fingers Moj 2011 / 210
Nils Frahm All melody Moj 2018 / 291
Felt Moj 2011 / 217
The bells Moj 2010 / 196
Aretha Franklin Love songs Q ( 1997 / 130
Frausdots Couture, couture, couture Q ( 2004 / 221
French Local information Moj 2003 / 118
Local information Moj 2009 / 190
Fridge EPH Moj 1999 / 69
Happiness Moj 2007 / 168
Sevens and twelves Q ( 1999 / 148
Burnt Friedman Con ritmo Moj 2009 / 189
Bill Frisell The Willies Q ( 2002 / 193
Fruit tree foundation First edition Moj 2011 / 215
John Frusciante To record only water for ten days Q ( 2001 / 174
Mark Fry Dreaming with Alice Moj 2021 / 330
Fs. Blumm Ankern Moj 2003 / 113
Fuck Those are not my bongos Q ( 2004 / 211
Masayoshi Fujita Book of life Moj 2018 / 298
Billy Fury with the Tornados The sound of Fury : radio Luxembourg ses... Moj 2006 / 147
Fuzzy lights Twin feathers Moj 2010 / 202
Diamanda Galás Diamanda Galás Moj 2021 / 337
In concert Moj 2024 / 369
Vincent Gallo Recordings of music for film Q ( 2002 / 192
Jan Garbarek & the Hilliard ensemble Mnemosyne Moj 1999 / 67
Gaslight radio Z-Nation Q ( 2004 / 221
Djivan Gasparyan & Michael Brook Black rock Q ( 1998 / 145
Gastr del sol Camoufleur Moj 2007 / 168
Howe Gelb Lull some piano Moj 2001 / 96
Lisa Gerrard Whale rider (soundtrack) Q ( 2003 / 208
Giant sand Cover magazine Moj 2002 / 100
Is all over the map Moj 2004 / 130
Allen Ginsberg The lion for real Q ( 1997 / 131
Glide Performance Moj 2000 / 80
Go-betweens That striped sunlight sound (dvd) Moj 2006 / 149
Vic Godard & Subway sect What's the matter boy? Q ( 2000 / 169
Godspeed you! Black emperor Asunder, sweet and other distress Moj 2015 / 259
F#a# (infinity) Moj 2007 / 168
Luciferian towers Moj 2017 / 289
Barbara Gogan with Hector Zazou Mad on earth Q ( 1998 / 137
Chilly Gonzales Solo piano II Moj 2012 / 226
Michael Gordon Weather Moj 1998 / 61
Henryk Górecki Symphony no. 3 (Beth Gibbons) Moj 2019 / 306
Rachel Goswell Waves are universal Moj 2004 / 128
Kenny Graham Moondog and suncat suites Moj 2010 / 199
Grand drive Road music Q ( 2001 / 179
True love and high adventure Q ( 2003 / 200
Grand mal Maledictions Q ( 2000 / 162
Gravenhurst Black holes in the sand Moj 2015 / 254
Flashlight seasons Moj 2015 / 254
Offerings Moj 2015 / 254
The Western lands Moj 2007 / 167
David Gray White ladder Q ( 1999 / 151
Great lakes Ways of escape Moj 2011 / 211
Jonny Greenwood The master (soundtrack) Moj 2012 / 229
Rachel Grimes Book of leaves Moj 2010 / 196
Grizzly bear Veckatimest Moj 2009 / 187
Group listening Clarinet & piano : selected works vol. 1 Moj 2018 / 296
Walks Moj 2024 / 368
David Grubbs A guess at the Riddle Moj 2004 / 128
Rickets & scurvy Moj 2002 / 103
The plain where the palace stood Moj 2013 / 236
Woody Guthrie The legendary Woody Guthrie Q ( 2002 / 193
Hilary Hahn & Hauschka Silfra Moj 2012 / 225
Paul Haig Then again Q ( 2004 / 215
Haiku salut Etch and etch deep Moj 2015 / 262
The hill, the light, the ghost Moj 2021 / 335
Half-handed cloud As stowaways in cabinets of surf, we liv... Moj 2011 / 206
Peter Hammill Past go : collected Q ( 1997 / 124
Hank dogs Half smile Moj 2004 / 132
Hannah Peel The broken wave Moj 2011 / 206
Ed Harcourt From every sphere Moj 2003 / 112
Steve Harley & Cockney rebel The cream of Steve Harley & Cockney rebe... Q ( 1999 / 153
Steve Harley and Cockney rebel The quality of mercy Moj 2005 / 145
Rhonda Harris Tell the world we tried : the songs of T... Moj 2007 / 161
Alex Harvey Considering the situation Q ( 2003 / 201
Mick Harvey Australian rules (soundtrack) Q ( 2003 / 207
PJ Harvey White chalk : demos Moj 2021 / 333
Jon Hassell & Brian Eno Fourth world : vol. 1 Possible musics Moj 2015 / 254
Jon Hassell Further fictions Moj 2023 / 353
Hauschka 2.11.2014 Moj 2015 / 262
Abandoned city Moj 2014 / 245
Foreign landscapes Moj 2011 / 206
Philanthropy Moj 2023 / 360
Salon des amateurs Moj 2011 / 210
Darren Hayman Chants for socialists Moj 2015 / 256
Lee Hazlewood Cake or death Moj 2007 / 158
Requiem for an almost lady Q ( 1999 / 157
Trouble is a lonesome town Q ( 1999 / 157
Headless heroes The silence of love Moj 2009 / 182
James Heather Invisible forces Moj 2022 / 342
Stories from a far away piano Moj 2017 / 286
Kieran Hebden & Steve Reid The exchange session : vol. 1 Moj 2006 / 149
Hefner Dead media Moj 2011 / 214
We love the city Q ( 2000 / 170
Arve Henriksen Towards language Moj 2017 / 285
Joe Henry Tiny voices Q ( 2003 / 208
Matthew Herbert big band Goodbye swingtime Moj 2003 / 115
Matthew Herbert & London Contemporary or... The horse Moj 2023 / 356
Matthew Herbert The state between us Moj 2019 / 306
Herman Düne Giant Moj 2007 / 160
Stephen Hero Landed Q ( 2001 / 173
High llamas Beet, maize & corn Q ( 2003 / 208
Retrospective, rarities & instrumentals Q ( 2003 / 202
Chris Hillman The other side Moj 2005 / 140
Him Many in high plaves are not well Moj 2003 / 117
Our point of departure Q ( 2000 / 171
Micah P. Hinson Micah P. Hinson and the opera circuit Moj 2006 / 154
Robin Hitchcock & the Egyptians The Kershaw sessions Q ( 1998 / 145
Holy modal rounders Bird song live 1971 Moj 2004 / 128
Peggy Honeywell Faint humms Moj 2006 / 149
Honey for dinner Q ( 2004 / 213
Hood Outside closer Q ( 2005 / 223
Lars Horntveth Kaleidoscopic Moj 2009 / 184
Pooka Q ( 2004 / 218
Horse feathers House with no home Moj 2009 / 182
Thistled spring Moj 2010 / 201
Rowland S. Howard Pop crimes Moj 2010 / 201
RM Hubbert Thirteen lost & found Moj 2012 / 220
Human don't be angry Human don't be angry Moj 2012 / 222
Sophie Hutchings Becalmed Moj 2010 / 202
I hear Hiroshima Friends with swords Moj 2009 / 189
Immersion Analogue creatures living on an island Moj 2017 / 279
In the nursery Asphalt Q ( 1998 / 136
The cabinet of doctor Caligari Q ( 1997 / 126
Inch-time The floating world Moj 2011 / 215
Incredible string band I looked up Q ( 2002 / 194
The Chelsea sessions 1967 Q ( 2000 / 168
The circle is unbroken : live and studio... Moj 2006 / 147
U Q ( 2002 / 194
Innocence mission We walked in song Moj 2008 / 170
International airport Nothing we can control Q ( 2001 / 173
Reunion of island Goose Moj 2004 / 132
Iron & Wine Around the well Moj 2009 / 188
Our endless numbered days Moj 2004 / 126
Isotope 217 Who stole the I walkman? Q ( 2000 / 169
It's Jo and Danny The quickening Moj 2005 / 143
Nicholas Jaar Sirens Moj 2016 / 276
Jae Balls and kittens, draught and stranglin... Moj 2011 / 208
Jaga jazzist A livingroom hush Moj 2002 / 101
Magazine Moj 2004 / 131
Essie Jain Until the light of morning Moj 2011 / 208
We made this ourselves Moj 2008 / 174
James Whiplash Q ( 1997 / 126
Bert Jansch Jack Orion Q ( 1997 / 127
Nicola Q ( 1997 / 127
Keith Jarrett La Scala Q ( 1997 / 132
The Impulse years : 1973-1974 Q ( 1998 / 138
Jayhawks Smile Q ( 2000 / 166
Jazz butcher conspiracy Glorious & ideotic Q ( 2000 / 165
Jan Jelinek avec the Exposures La nouvelle pauvreté Moj 2003 / 112
Jan Jelinek Loop-finding-jazz-records Q ( 2001 / 176
Jesus and Mary chain Munki Q ( 1998 / 142
The complete John Peel sessions Q ( 2000 / 164
Joan as Police woman & Benjamin Lazar Da... Let it be you Moj 2016 / 276
Jóhann Jóhannsson Arrival (soundtrack) Moj 2017 / 279
Fordlandia Moj 2009 / 182
Wilko Johnson Going back home Q ( 1999 / 150
Daniel Johnston & Beam Beam me up! Moj 2010 / 201
Charlie Jones Love form Moj 2013 / 238
Rickie Lee Jones Ghostyhead Q ( 1997 / 132
Junip Fields Moj 2010 / 203
Junkboy Koyo Moj 2010 / 200
Littoral states Moj 2024 / 363
Damien Jurado Visions of us on the land Moj 2016 / 269
Giya Kancheli Caris mere Q ( 1997 / 128
Kasai allstars Around Félicité Moj 2017 / 284
Julia Kent Asperities Moj 2016 / 266
Temporal Moj 2019 / 304
Kepler Missionles days Moj 2003 / 112
Keys The Keys Q ( 2003 / 208
Khan Passport Q ( 2000 / 163
Angélique Kidjo Logozo Q ( 1998 / 139
King Creosote Flick the Vs Moj 2009 / 186
King Crimson Lark's tongues in aspic Q ( 2000 / 170
Red Q ( 2000 / 170
Starless and bible black Q ( 2000 / 170
The power to believe Q ( 2003 / 200
Kinks The EP collection Q ( 1999 / 149
Leyland Kirby Eager to tear apart the stars Moj 2011 / 217
Kitchens of distinction Capsule : the best of KOD 1988-94 Q ( 2003 / 203
Klima Klima Moj 2007 / 164
Klint Klint Q ( 2002 / 197
Kraftwerk Concert classics Q ( 1998 / 144
Wayne Kramer Citizen Wayne Q ( 1997 / 130
Kreidler Appearance and the park Q ( 1998 / 143
Den Moj 2012 / 228
Ed Kuepper Frontierland Q ( 2000 / 164
Honey steel's gold Q ( 2001 / 177
Honey steel's gold Q ( 2002 / 192
I was a mail order bridegroom Q ( 2001 / 177
Starstruck : music for films & adverts Q ( 1997 / 134
Starstruck : music for films & adverts Q ( 2000 / 164
Today wonder Q ( 2002 / 192
Ed Kuepper & his Oxley Creek playboys Live! Q ( 2000 / 164
Fela Ransome Kuti & Africa 70 Afrodisiac Moj 2023 / 350
Laish Laish Moj 2011 / 208
Lamya Learning from falling Q ( 2002 / 196
Land of Kush's Egyptian light orchestra Monogamy Moj 2010 / 202
Sonny Landreth The crazy cajun recordings Q ( 1999 / 156
Mark Lanegan Here comes that weird chill (metamphetam... Moj 2004 / 123
Gerard Langley Record player Q ( 2001 / 180
Daniel Lanois & Rocco DeLuca Goodbye to language Moj 2016 / 275
Lanterns on the lake Gracious tide, take me home Moj 2011 / 215
Laraaji Ambient 3 : day of radiance Moj 2015 / 265
Bring on the sun Moj 2017 / 289
Segue to infinity Moj 2023 / 352
Sun piano Moj 2020 / 321
Larmousse Larmousse Q ( 2001 / 172
Mary Lattimore Hundreds of days Moj 2018 / 296
Silver ladders Moj 2020 / 324
Lazyvame Finbegin Q ( 2000 / 160
Ursula K. Le Guin & Todd Barton Music and poetry of the Kesh Moj 2018 / 294
Rodrigo Leão A estranha beleza da vida Moj 2021 / 336
Left outsides The shape of things to come Moj 2015 / 261
Jens Lekman Oh you're so silent Jens Moj 2006 / 147
John Lennon/Plastic Ono band John Lennon/Plastic Ono band Moj 2016 / 277
John Lennon Rock 'n' roll Q ( 1997 / 128
Craig Leon Anthology of interplanetary folk music :... Moj 2019 / 307
Sondre Lerche Dan in real life (soundtrack) Moj 2008 / 172
Phantom punch Moj 2007 / 164
Jackie Leven Fairy tales for hard men Q ( 1997 / 129
Jeffrey Lewis Box set Moj 2004 / 123
Library trust The A-Z of mathematics Moj 2006 / 157
Alan Licht Into the night sky Moj 2010 / 198
Lincoln Barcelone Q ( 2001 / 175
Arto Lindsay O corpo sutil : the subtle body Q ( 1996 / 121
Lone pigeon Time capsule Moj 2011 / 210
Lonelady Nerve up Moj 2010 / 198
Lorien Under the waves Q ( 2002 / 189
Lorna Static patterns and souvenirs Moj 2005 / 141
Mary Lorson & Saint Low Tricks for dawn Q ( 2002 / 189
Sarah Louise Nightime birds and morning stars Moj 2019 / 303
Lounge lizards Voice of chunk Q ( 1999 / 148
Low Christmas Q ( 2000 / 160
Long division Q ( 1997 / 127
Rosie Lowe Control Moj 2016 / 269
Lowgold Just backwards of square Q ( 2000 / 171
Lowland hundred Adit Moj 2012 / 218
Nick Luca trio Little town Q ( 2003 / 201
Luluc Dear Hamlyn Moj 2019 / 305
Passerby Moj 2014 / 250
Sculptor Moj 2018 / 297
Luna Rendezvous Q ( 2004 / 220
Romantica Moj 2002 / 105
The days of our nights Q ( 1999 / 153
Lydia Lunch Honeymoon in red Q ( 1997 / 131
Lydia Lunch & Rowland S. Howard Shotgun wedding Q ( 1999 / 155
Lydia Lunch Smoke in the shadows Moj 2004 / 133
Lydia Lunch & Clint Ruin Stinkfist plus the Crumb Q ( 1997 / 131
David Lynch Crazy clown time Moj 2011 / 217
M.I.A. Kala Moj 2007 / 166
Magic band Back to the front Q ( 2003 / 205
Magnetic fields Love at the bottom of the sea Moj 2012 / 221
Magnétophone I guess sometimes I need to be reminded ... Q ( 2001 / 172
Henri Mancini Martinis with Mancini Q ( 1998 / 139
Henry Mancini Midnight, moonlight & magic : the best o... Q ( 2004 / 216
The ultimate Pink panther Q ( 2004 / 216
Bob Marley and the Wailers Rainbow country Q ( 1999 / 151
Ziggy Marley and the Melody makers Love is my religion Moj 2006 / 154
Mars The complete studio recordings NYC 1977-... Moj 2011 / 211
Vic Mars The Beacons Moj 2024 / 363
John Martyn Serendipity : an introduction to Q ( 1998 / 147
Hank Marvin Guitar player Q ( 2002 / 189
Takagi Masakatsu Pia Moj 2002 / 98
Massive attack Mezzanine Q ( 1998 / 140
Master musicians of Joujouka Boujeloud Moj 2006 / 157
Mazarin A tall-tale storyline Moj 2001 / 96
Mazzy star Seasons of your day Moj 2013 / 239
MC5 Kick out the jams Q ( 2000 / 163
James McCartney The blackberry train Moj 2016 / 271
Siimon McCorry Border land Moj 2019 / 309
Ian McCulloch Slideling Q ( 2003 / 202
Sarah McLachlan Solace Q ( 1999 / 151
Touch Q ( 1999 / 151
MClusky MClusky do Dallas Q ( 2002 / 189
Dean McPhee Son of the black peace Moj 2011 / 217
Memory band Apron strings Moj 2006 / 156
Oh my days Moj 2011 / 207
The Memory band Moj 2004 / 128
Efrim Manuel Menuck High gospel Moj 2011 / 212
Mercury rev All is dream Q ( 2001 / 181
Deserter's song Q ( 1998 / 146
Merz Loveheart Moj 2005 / 145
Mice parade Bem-vinda vontade Moj 2005 / 140
Candela Moj 2013 / 234
What it means to be left-handed Moj 2010 / 204
Malcolm Middleton 5:14 fluoxytine seagull alcohol John nic... Moj 2013 / 236
Into the woods Moj 2005 / 140
Sleight of heart Moj 2008 / 173
Summer of '13 Moj 2016 / 271
Waxing gibbous Moj 2009 / 188
Minor pieces The heavy steps of dreaming Moj 2019 / 312
Minotaur shock Maritime Moj 2005 / 141
Rinse Moj 2003 / 121
Miserable rich Twelve ways to count Moj 2009 / 182
Mission of Burma The obliterati Moj 2006 / 153
Willie Mitchell The Hi masters Q ( 1998 / 146
Modern nature Island of noise Moj 2021 / 337
No fixed point in space Moj 2023 / 360
Modest mouse The moon & Antarctica Q ( 2000 / 169
Aidan John Moffat I can hear your heart Moj 2008 / 171
Mogwai Atomic Moj 2016 / 270
Zidane : a 21st century portrait (soundt... Moj 2007 / 158
Mojave 3 Spoon and rafter Moj 2003 / 120
Moldy peaches The Moldy peaches Q ( 2001 / 178
Monochrome set Fabula mendax Moj 2019 / 311
Spaces everywhere Moj 2015 / 257
Monoton Monotonprodukt 07 Moj 2012 / 227
Moondog More Moondog Moj 2009 / 187
Moondog & Julie Andrews & Martyn Green Tell it again : songs of sense and nonse... Moj 2010 / 195
Morcheeba Big calm Q ( 1998 / 139
Airto Moreira Assential : the very best of Airto Morei... Q ( 1999 / 158
Barbara Morgenstern Fjorden Q ( 2001 / 173
Ennio Morricone The singles collection : volume two Q ( 1998 / 137
Sarah Jane Morris August Q ( 2001 / 185
Mairi Morrison & Alasdair Roberts Urstan Moj 2012 / 222
Van Morrison Back on top Q ( 1999 / 151
Mott the hoople Mott the hoople Q ( 2003 / 209
Mountain goats The sunset tree Moj 2005 / 139
Mountaineers Mountaineers Moj 2003 / 112
Mountains Centralia Moj 2013 / 232
Mouse on Mars Radical connector Moj 2004 / 132
Movietone Movietone Moj 2003 / 117
The sand and the stars Q ( 2004 / 210
Mr Wright Metropolitan Q ( 2004 / 218
Muffs Whoop dee doo Moj 2014 / 252
Mark Mulcahy Smilesunset Q ( 2001 / 177
Mungolian sunset We gave it all away … Now we're taking... Moj 2009 / 192
Murry the hump Songs of ignorance Moj 2001 / 91
Musette Datum Moj 2010 / 196
Music a.m. A heart & two stars Moj 2004 / 123
Mutton birds Rain steam & speed Q ( 1999 / 151
My autumn empire The village compass Moj 2011 / 207
My drug hell This is My drug hell Q ( 1997 / 130
Mystère des voix Bulgares Le Mystère des voix Bulgares : vol. 1 Q ( 1999 / 148
Le Mystère des voix Bulgares : vol. 2 Q ( 1999 / 148
Mystic chords of memory Mystic chords of memory Moj 2004 / 126
Nadine Downtown, saturday Q ( 1999 / 158
Nina Nastasia Dogs Q ( 2004 / 216
National jazz trio of Scotland Standards : vol. II Moj 2013 / 240
Standards : vol. III Moj 2014 / 249
Vol. IV Moj 2018 / 294
Natural snow buildings Night coercion into the company of witch... Moj 2013 / 231
Bill Nelson Simplex Q ( 2001 / 180
What now, what next? : the Cocteau years... Moj 1998 / 61
Sarah Neufeld, Richard Reed Parry & Rebe... First sounds Moj 2024 / 373
Sarah Neufeld The ridge Moj 2016 / 269
Neutral milk hotel In the aeroplane over the sea Moj 2005 / 143
Bob Neuwirth Bob Neuwirth Q ( 2003 / 206
Havana midnight Q ( 2000 / 161
Randy Newman Meet the parents (soundtrack) Q ( 2001 / 173
Nico Femme fatale : the aura anthology Q ( 2003 / 206
BJ Nilsen The invisible city Moj 2010 / 198
Leonard Nimoy & William Shatner Spaced out Q ( 1998 / 139
90 degrees South Plans for travel Q ( 2002 / 188
Noah John Water hymns Q ( 2003 / 204
North sea radio orchestra Birds Moj 2008 / 181
Dronne Moj 2016 / 275
Heather Nova South Q ( 2001 / 182
Michael Nyman Gattaca (soundtrack) Q ( 1998 / 139
Dustin O'Halloran Lumiere Moj 2011 / 208
Piano solos Moj 2005 / 136
Jim O'Rourke Bad timing Q ( 2001 / 176
Eureka Moj 1999 / 65
Hands that bind (soundtrack) Moj 2023 / 357
Simple songs Moj 2015 / 260
Carl Oesterhelt/Johannes Enders Divertimento für Tenorsaxophon und klei... Moj 2011 / 206
Oh land Wish bone Moj 2013 / 241
Okkervil river The silver gymnasium Moj 2013 / 240
Mike Oldfield Tubular bells 2003 Q ( 2003 / 204
Olivia tremor control Black foliage Q ( 1999 / 151
Yoko Ono A story Q ( 1997 / 133
Approximately infinite universe Q ( 1997 / 133
Blueprint for a sunrise Q ( 2001 / 183
Yoko Ono Plastic Ono band Feeling the space Q ( 1997 / 133
Yoko Ono Fly Q ( 1997 / 133
Opposom Electric Hawaii Moj 2012 / 227
Beth Orton & Bull Trailer park Q ( 1996 / 122
Christine Ott Chimères (pour Ondes Martenot) Moj 2020 / 321
Our broken garden Golden sea Moj 2010 / 204
When your blackening shows Moj 2008 / 178
Palace music Lost blues and other songs Q ( 1997 / 128
Jack Palance Palance Moj 2003 / 121
Pale horse and rider Moody pike Moj 2004 / 128
Charlemagne Palestine Ggrrreeebbbaaammmnnnuuuccckkkaaallloooww... Moj 2015 / 257
Pan American A son Moj 2019 / 313
The river made no sound Moj 2002 / 105
Pan*American The patience fader Moj 2022 / 340
Panda Bear Person pitch Moj 2008 / 171
Panoptica Panoptica Q ( 2001 / 180
Papa M Hole of burning alms Q ( 2004 / 214
Live from a shark cage Q ( 2000 / 161
Live from a shark cage Moj 2007 / 168
Whatever, mortal Moj 2001 / 92
Papas fritas Helioself Q ( 1997 / 130
John Parish How animals move Moj 2002 / 107
Jeff Parker & the New breed Suite for Max Brown Moj 2020 / 317
Jeff Parker The relatives Moj 2005 / 135
Andy Partridge Fuzzy warbles : volume 1 Moj 2003 / 111
Fuzzy warbles : volume 2 Moj 2003 / 111
Pastels Illuminati Q ( 1999 / 150
The last great wilderness Moj 2003 / 117
Two sunsets Moj 2009 / 192
Pavement Slanted and enchanted Q ( 2003 / 198
Pearl jam Lost dogs Q ( 2004 / 211
Mansfield, Massachusetts, july 11th 2003 Q ( 2004 / 211
New York, New York, july 8th 2003 Q ( 2004 / 211
New York, New York, july 9th 2003 Q ( 2004 / 211
Josh T. Pearson Last of the country gentlemen Moj 2011 / 209
Krzysztof Penderecki & Jonny Greenwood Threnody for the victims of Hiroshima Moj 2012 / 222
Penguin cafe orchestra Music from the Penguin cafe Moj 2004 / 125
Piano music Q ( 2000 / 169
Pentangle Light flight : the anthology Q ( 2000 / 165
The time has come : 1967-73 Moj 2007 / 159
Pere Ubu Dub housing Moj 2009 / 182
Linda Perhacs The soul of all natural things Moj 2014 / 245
Peter Perrett Live with the one Q ( 1999 / 152
Lee 'Scratch' Perry On the wire Q ( 2000 / 166
Peter Bjorn and John Living thing Moj 2009 / 186
Piano magic Ovations Moj 2010 / 194
The troubled sleep of Piano magic Moj 2004 / 122
Writers without homes Q ( 2002 / 193
L. Pierce Touchpool Q ( 2005 / 223
Plaid Trainer Q ( 2000 / 168
Sebastian Plano Verve Moj 2019 / 306
Plinth Albatross Moj 2010 / 200
Pluxus European onion Q ( 2002 / 192
Polak Swansongs Moj 2000 / 78
Polar bear Peepers Moj 2010 / 196
Pole 1 Moj 2003 / 114
1 Q ( 1998 / 144
Robert Pollard Kid marine Moj 1999 / 68
Poor rich ones Happy happy happy Q ( 2002 / 186
Pop group We are all prostitutes Q ( 1998 / 142
Porcelain raft Permanent signal Moj 2013 / 238
Portico quartet Art in the age of automation Moj 2017 / 287
Brigid Mae Power Brigid Mae Power Moj 2016 / 273
Pram The museum of imaginary animals Q ( 2000 / 168
The North pole radio station Q ( 1998 / 141
Prefuse 73 One word extinguisher Moj 2003 / 115
Sam Prekop Comma Moj 2020 / 321
Tim Presley The wink Moj 2016 / 275
Archer Prewitt White sky Q ( 2000 / 162
Primal scream Beautiful future Moj 2008 / 177
Prince New power soul Q ( 1998 / 144
Producers Made in Basing street Moj 2012 / 223
Chuck Prophet Bobby Fuller died for your sins Moj 2017 / 280
Brother Aldo Q ( 1999 / 149
Soap and water Moj 2007 / 167
Psapp Tiger, my friend Moj 2005 / 137
Pullman Turnstyles & junkpiles Moj 1998 / 58
Viewfinder Q ( 2001 / 182
Pulse programming Tulsa for one second Moj 2003 / 114
Quickspace Quickspace Q ( 1997 / 125
R.E.M. Eponymous Q ( 1998 / 141
Rachel's Selenography Q ( 1999 / 155
Systems/Layers Moj 2009 / 182
Radian Chimeric Moj 2010 / 196
Radiohead The best of (dvd) Moj 2008 / 177
Ramones Best of the Chrysalis years Q ( 2002 / 191
Hey! Ho! Let's go! : the Ramones antholo... Q ( 2001 / 180
Lee Ranaldo & the Dust Acoustic dust Moj 2015 / 254
Hania Rani Esja Moj 2019 / 308
Simon Raymonde Blame someone else Q ( 1997 / 134
Readymade FC Babilonia Moj 2006 / 149
Real Tuesday weld Blood Moj 2021 / 333
I, Lucifer Moj 2003 / 113
Red house painters Old Ramon Q ( 2001 / 176
Rick Redbeard No selfish heart Moj 2013 / 231
Lou Reed Live : in concert Q ( 1997 / 125
Fionn Regan The bunkhouse : vol. 1 Anchor black tatt... Moj 2013 / 231
The end of history Moj 2006 / 154
Regular fires Blueprint for a higher civilisation Q ( 2001 / 180
Terry Reid Superlungs : the complete studio recordi... Q ( 2004 / 216
John Renbourn Faro Annie Q ( 2002 / 195
The Transatlantic anthology Q ( 2000 / 165
Residents Animal lover Moj 2005 / 136
Martin Rev Strangeworld Q ( 2000 / 164
Anthony Reynolds British ballads Moj 2008 / 170
Marc Ribot Saints Q ( 2001 / 183
Richmond Fontaine Post to wire Q ( 2004 / 214
Max Richter Memoryhouse Moj 2014 / 243
The Blue notebooks Moj 2004 / 126
Voices Moj 2020 / 323
White boy Rick (soundtrack) Moj 2019 / 303
White boy Rick (soundtrack) Moj 2019 / 303
Alasdair Roberts Alasdair Roberts Moj 2015 / 255
Pangs Moj 2017 / 281
Alasdair Roberts & James Green Plaint of Redwing Moj 2016 / 274
Alasdair Roberts Spoils Moj 2009 / 186
Alasdair Roberts Og Völvur The old fabled river Moj 2021 / 333
Alasdair Roberts Too long in this condition Moj 2010 / 202
Rockets The Rockets Q ( 1997 / 130
Judy Roderick Woman blue Moj 2005 / 142
Roedelius Selbstportrait : vol. 6 (The diary of th... Moj 2010 / 200
Tape archive essence 1973-1978 Moj 2020 / 318
Tom Rogerson with Brian Eno Finding shore Moj 2018 / 290
Roj The transactional dharma of Roj Moj 2010 / 194
Rome Rome Q ( 1997 / 127
Ethan Rose Oaks Moj 2009 / 189
Jack Rose Dr Ragtime & pals/Self titled Moj 2008 / 175
Tim Rose American son Q ( 2002 / 187
The London sessions : 1978-1998 Q ( 2004 / 215
Malcolm Ross Happy boy Q ( 1998 / 139
Nino Rota Godfather II (soundtrack) Q ( 1998 / 139
Rothko A continual search for origins Moj 2002 / 102
Rothko.Blk w/Bear Wish for a world without hurt Moj 2003 / 119
Ruby Short-staffed at the gene pool Moj 2001 / 90
Arthur Russell Iowa dream Moj 2020 / 314
Love is overtaking me Moj 2008 / 181
Laetitia Sadier Find me finding you Moj 2017 / 281
Something shines Moj 2014 / 252
The trip Moj 2010 / 204
Saint Etienne Finisterre Q ( 2002 / 195
London conversation : the best of Moj 2008 / 180
Saint Thomas There's only one of me Moj 2007 / 159
Buffy Sainte-Marie Running for the drum Moj 2009 / 189
The best of Buffy Sainte-Marie Q ( 1998 / 143
Saints All times through paradise Moj 2004 / 128
Howling Q ( 1997 / 124
Ryuichi Sakamoto BTTB Q ( 2002 / 196
Cinemage Q ( 2002 / 196
Discord Q ( 2002 / 196
Neo geo Q ( 2000 / 169
Salako Re-inventing punctuation Q ( 1998 / 144
Nathan Salsburg Landwerk III Moj 2023 / 350
Saltland A common truth Moj 2017 / 281
I thought it was us but it was all of us Moj 2013 / 236
Sand Still born alive Q ( 2002 / 186
Hope Sandoval & the Warm inventions Until the hunter Moj 2016 / 277
Savath & Savalas Apropa't Moj 2004 / 123
Scatter The mountain announces Moj 2006 / 150
Lalo Schifrin Towering toccata Q ( 2004 / 215
Ulrich Schnauss No further ahead than today Moj 2017 / 278
Schneider TM Binokular Q ( 2001 / 173
Reconfigures Moj 2004 / 127
Zoomer Moj 2002 / 108
Paul Schütze Abysmal evenings Q ( 1996 / 123
Paul Schutze New maps of hell Q ( 1997 / 124
Paul Schütze Site anubis Q ( 1996 / 123
Paul Schutze The rapture of metals Q ( 1997 / 124
Scritti politti Anomie & bonhomie Q ( 1999 / 155
Sea and Cake Everybody Moj 2007 / 163
Glass Moj 2003 / 115
Runner Moj 2012 / 227
The fawn Q ( 1997 / 128
The moonlight butterfly Moj 2011 / 212
Pete Seeger Greatest hits Q ( 2002 / 194
Seeland Tomorrow toda Moj 2009 / 186
Philip Selway Strange dance Moj 2023 / 353
Weatherhouse Moj 2014 / 252
September collective September collective Q ( 2004 / 219
Shida Shahabi Homes Moj 2018 / 300
Living circle Moj 2023 / 357
Shards Find sound Moj 2019 / 310
Shipping news One less heartless to fear Moj 2011 / 207
Shonen knife Happy hour Q ( 1998 / 145
Sigur Rós Ágaetis byrjun Moj 2007 / 168
Átta Moj 2023 / 358
Hvarf/heim Moj 2007 / 169
Silver apples Remixes Q ( 2000 / 169
Silver jews Early times : 1990-1 Moj 2012 / 224
Silver Mt. Zion memorial orchestra & Tra... Born into trouble as the Sparks fly upwa... Q ( 2001 / 184
Paul Simon Songs from the capeman Q ( 1998 / 136
Nina Simone The essential collection Q ( 2003 / 203
John Sinclair Mohawk Moj 2014 / 246
Siouxsie and the Banshees The seven year itch live Moj 2003 / 116
Six organs of admittance Hexadic Moj 2015 / 256
Shelter from the ash Moj 2007 / 169
The sun awakens Moj 2006 / 152
16 Horsepower Folklore Moj 2002 / 106
6ths Hyacinths and thistles Q ( 2000 / 171
Richard Skelton landings Moj 2010 / 196
Skyray Mind lagoons Moj 1999 / 71
Womb Moj 1999 / 71
Sleigh bells Reign of terror Moj 2012 / 220
Slint Spiderland Moj 2007 / 168
Slopshop Interpretations Q ( 2002 / 192
Smith westerns Dye it blonde Moj 2011 / 211
Chris Smither Honeysuckle dog Moj 2005 / 144
Smog Rain on lens Moj 2001 / 95
Snowbird Moon Moj 2014 / 243
Sodastream The hill for company Q ( 2001 / 182
Soft boys Next door land Q ( 2002 / 196
Soft machine BBC radio 1971-1974 Q ( 2004 / 210
Soft verge Soft verge Q ( 2000 / 162
Solex Pick up Q ( 1999 / 158
Pick up Q ( 1999 / 158
Son Volt Wide swing tremolo Q ( 1998 / 146
Songs : Ohia Mi sei apparso come un fantasma Q ( 2001 / 184
Sonic youth A thousand leaves Q ( 1998 / 141
Murray street Q ( 2002 / 191
Screaming fields of Sonic love Q ( 2000 / 168
Soundtrack of our lives Behind the music Q ( 2002 / 186
Soundwalk collective with Patti Smith The perfect vision Moj 2023 / 350
Sparklehorse It's a wonderful life Q ( 2001 / 178
Charles Spearin The happiness project Moj 2009 / 187
Regina Spektor Remember us to life Moj 2016 / 276
What we saw from the cheap seats Moj 2012 / 223
Spindrift Classic soundtracks : vol. 1 Moj 2011 / 213
Spiritualized Lazer guided melodies Q ( 2000 / 166
Pure phase Q ( 2000 / 166
Spooky Gargantuan Q ( 1996 / 123
Chris Stamey A question of temperature Moj 2005 / 136
Stuart A. Staples Leaving songs Moj 2006 / 152
Stapleton On the enjoyment of unpleasant places Q ( 2004 / 218
Stars Heart Moj 2003 / 114
Starsailor Love is here Q ( 2001 / 182
Static Freedom of noise Moj 2011 / 215
Serafina Steer Change is good change is good Moj 2010 / 200
Cheap demo bad science Moj 2007 / 165
Martin Stephenson & the Daintees Live in the 21st century Q ( 2001 / 181
Stereolab Dots and loops Q ( 1997 / 133
Eelectrically possessed (switched on : v... Moj 2021 / 329
Oscillations from the anti-sun Moj 2005 / 139
Sound-dust Q ( 2001 / 181
The first of the microbe hunters Q ( 2000 / 166
Colin Stetson New history warfare : vol 2 Judges Moj 2011 / 210
Sufjan Stevens Run rabbit run Moj 2009 / 193
The BQE (soundtrack) Moj 2009 / 193
Mark Stewart Edit Moj 2008 / 176
Kelley Stoltz Circular sounds Moj 2008 / 171
Suede Sci-fi lullabies Q ( 1997 / 134
Suicide American supreme Moj 2002 / 109
Suicide Moj 2011 / 211
Sun kil moon Universal themes Moj 2015 / 261
Super best friends club ST Moj 2013 / 231
Super furry animals Mwng Q ( 2000 / 165
Super numeri Great aviaries Moj 2003 / 113
Damo Suzuki's Network JPN ULTD 1 : vol. 1 Q ( 2001 / 173
Swans Children of God Q ( 1997 / 132
World of skin Q ( 1997 / 132
Sybarite Nonument Q ( 2002 / 196
Placement issues Moj 2001 / 97
Jesse Sykes & the Sweet hereafter Oh, my girl Moj 2004 / 128
Reckless burning Q ( 2004 / 214
T. Rex Dandy in the underworld Q ( 2002 / 195
Nobukazu Takemura Sign Q ( 2002 / 188
Talking heads Chronology (dvd) Moj 2012 / 219
Remain in light Moj 2002 / 103
Remixed Q ( 2001 / 179
Tangerine dream The bootleg box set : vol. 1 Q ( 2003 / 208
The bootleg box set : vol. 2 Q ( 2004 / 214
Tape & Bill Wells Fugue Moj 2010 / 198
Tarwater The needle was traveling Q ( 2005 / 225
Dudu Tassa & Jonny Greenwood jarak Qaribak Moj 2023 / 356
John Tavener The whale Q ( 1998 / 140
Teho Teardo Ellipses dans l'harmonie Moj 2020 / 317
Teenage fanclub Four thousand seven hundred and sixty-si... Moj 2003 / 111
Songs from Northern Britain Q ( 2001 / 175
Teenage Jesus and the Jerks Everything Q ( 1997 / 131
Shut up and bleed Moj 2011 / 211
Teeth of the sea Wraith Moj 2019 / 304
Telescopes Third wave Q ( 2002 / 195
Ten Benson Hiss Q ( 2000 / 164
Thee more shallows A history of sport fishing Moj 2002 / 104
Thee Silver Mt. Zion memorial orchestra Kollaps tradixionales Moj 2010 / 198
This immortal coil The dark age of love Moj 2009 / 193
This mortal coil The complete recordings re-mastered Moj 2011 / 217
David Thomas Monster Q ( 1997 / 131
David Thomas and the Two pale boys Surf's up! Q ( 2001 / 175
Richard Thompson 1000 years of popular music Q ( 2003 / 207
Front parlour ballads Moj 2005 / 142
The old kit bag Q ( 2003 / 199
Holly Throsby On night Moj 2006 / 148
Johnny Thunders & Patti Palladin Copy cats Q ( 1996 / 122
Johnny Thunders & the Heartbreakers L.A.M.F. : the lost '77 mix Q ( 1996 / 122
Cortney Tidwell Don't let stars keep us tangled up Moj 2006 / 153
Tied + Tickled trio Electric avenue tapes Q ( 2001 / 179
Yann Tiersen Dust lane Moj 2010 / 205
Eusa Moj 2016 / 276
Infinity Moj 2014 / 247
Skyline Moj 2011 / 216
Kevin Tihista's Red terror Wake up captain Moj 2004 / 132
Tilly and the Wall 'O' Moj 2008 / 180
Tinariwen Elwan Moj 2017 / 280
The radio Tisdas sessions Moj 2022 / 342
Tindersticks Ypres Moj 2014 / 253
To rococo rot ABC123 Moj 2007 / 169
Hotel Morgen Moj 2004 / 126
Instrument Moj 2014 / 249
Mia Doi Todd Manzanita Moj 2005 / 137
Tokyo police club Champ Moj 2010 / 201
Tom tom club Live @ the Clubhouse Moj 2003 / 113
Tortoise Beacons of ancestorship Moj 2009 / 188
It's all around you Moj 2004 / 125
Millions now living will never die Moj 2007 / 168
The catastrophist Moj 2016 / 266
Toshack highway Toshack highway Q ( 2000 / 164
Town & country C'mon Moj 2002 / 100
Up above Moj 2006 / 148
Town and Country 5 Q ( 2004 / 210
Toyah Velvet lined shell Q ( 2003 / 205
Trans am Liberation Moj 2004 / 125
Red line Q ( 2000 / 171
Surrender to the night Q ( 1997 / 126
Rokia Traoré Né so Moj 2016 / 269
Trashcan Sinatras In the music Moj 2009 / 191
Trembing bells & Bonnie 'Prince' Billy The marble downs Moj 2012 / 222
Trembling bells The sovereign self Moj 2015 / 260
Trembling blue stars Fast trains and telegraph wires/Cicely t... Moj 2011 / 211
Emma Tricca Relic Moj 2014 / 249
Troggs Greatest hits Moj 2010 / 201
Alexander Tucker Dorwytch Moj 2011 / 210
Max Tundra Mastered by Guy at the exchange Moj 2002 / 106
Some best friends you turned out to be Moj 2000 / 78
Tunng Good arrows Moj 2007 / 166
… and then we saw land Moj 2010 / 197
23 Skidoo 23 Skidoo Q ( 2000 / 168
Twinkranes Spektrum - theatersnakes Moj 2010 / 194
Two dollar guitar Weak beats and lame-ass rhymes Q ( 2000 / 162
William Tyler Modern country Moj 2016 / 273
U2 The best of 1980-1990 Q ( 1998 / 147
The unforgettable fire Moj 2009 / 193
Uncle tupelo March 16-20, 1992 Q ( 2003 / 207
No depression Q ( 2003 / 207
Still feel gone Q ( 2003 / 207
Undertones Dig yourself deep Moj 2007 / 169
Get what you need Moj 2003 / 119
Adrian Utley & Mount Vernon arts lab Warminster Q ( 1999 / 156
Gary Valentine Tomorrow belongs to you Q ( 2003 / 201
Van der Graaf generator The box Q ( 2000 / 171
Dave Van Ronk Live at sir George William University Q ( 1998 / 140
Townes Van Zandt Delta momma blues Q ( 2003 / 208
For the sake of the song Q ( 2003 / 208
Live at the Old Quarter, Houston Texas Q ( 2003 / 204
Our mother the mountain Q ( 1998 / 143
The late great Townes Van Zandt Q ( 2003 / 205
Alan Vega Station Moj 2007 / 164
Laura Veirs Carbon glacier Moj 2004 / 124
Saltbreakers Moj 2007 / 162
Troubled by the fire Q ( 2003 / 202
Warp and weft Moj 2013 / 238
Year of meteors Moj 2005 / 142
Caetano Veloso & David Byrne Live at Carnegie hall Moj 2012 / 222
Ventures Best of pops sounds Q ( 1996 / 121
Flights of fantasy Q ( 1996 / 121
Go with the Ventures Q ( 1996 / 121
Joy : the ventures play the classics Q ( 1996 / 121
Latin album Q ( 1996 / 121
The ventures in space Q ( 1996 / 121
Tom Verlaine Around Moj 2006 / 150
Songs and other things Moj 2006 / 150
Very best Warm heart of Africa Moj 2009 / 191
Vessels Dilate Moj 2015 / 257
White fields and open devices Moj 2008 / 179
Vetiver To find me gone Moj 2006 / 152
Ricardo Villalobos & Max Loderbauer Re: ECM Moj 2011 / 213
Wagon Christ Sorry I make you lush Moj 2004 / 129
Walkabouts Ended up a stranger Q ( 2001 / 185
Ryley Walker Golden sings that have been sung Moj 2016 / 274
Scott Walker And who shall go to the ball? And what s... Moj 2007 / 168
Wallflowers Bringing down the horse Q ( 1996 / 122
M. Ward Post-war Moj 2006 / 155
Waterboys A pagan place Q ( 2002 / 188
The Waterboys Q ( 2002 / 188
Weather prophets Blue skies & freerides : the best of 198... Moj 2004 / 131
Weezer Weezer (the red album) Moj 2008 / 176
Tal Weiss Motion drawing Moj 2011 / 208
Bill Wells & Isobel Campbell Ghost of Yesterday Q ( 2002 / 194
Bill Wells & Maher Shalal Hash Baz GOK Moj 2009 / 187
Bill Wells Incorrect practice Q ( 2001 / 174
Bill Wells & Stefan Schneider Pianotapes Moj 2010 / 204
Bill Wells Pick up sticks Q ( 2004 / 216
Paul Westerberg & Grandpa boy Stereo/mono Q ( 2002 / 191
White rainbow New clouds Moj 2009 / 192
James White and the Blacks James White's flaming demonics Q ( 1997 / 125
Off white Moj 2011 / 211
Matthew E. White & Lonnie Holley Broken mirror : a selfie reflection Moj 2021 / 329
Simone White Silver silver Moj 2012 / 224
Chris Whitley Dirt floor Q ( 1998 / 147
William Elliott Whitmore Ashes to dust Moj 2005 / 139
Doug Wieselman From water Moj 2019 / 313
Wild beasts Present tense Moj 2014 / 244
Willard Grant conspiracy & Telefunk In the fishtank Q ( 2002 / 188
Andy Williams Under Paris skies Q ( 1998 / 138
Kathryn Williams Leave to remain Moj 2007 / 159
Over fly over Moj 2005 / 139
Adam Wiltzie Eleven fugues for sodium pentohal Moj 2024 / 367
A Winged victory for the sullen A Winged victory for the sullen Moj 2011 / 215
Wire Nocturnal Koreans Moj 2016 / 272
On returning (1977-1979) Q ( 2000 / 163
On the box : 1979 (dvd) Moj 2004 / 133
Send Q ( 2003 / 205
Silver/Lead Moj 2017 / 282
Wire Moj 2015 / 258
Witness Under a sun Q ( 2001 / 180
Jah Wobble Fly Q ( 2003 / 201
Jah Wobble and the Nippon dub ensemble Japanese dub Moj 2010 / 200
Jah Wobble Requiem Q ( 1997 / 132
Patrick Wolf Wind in the wires Moj 2005 / 138
Bobby Womack The collection Q ( 2003 / 207
Wrangler LA Spark Moj 2014 / 247
Shannon Wright Over the sun Moj 2004 / 126
Robert Wyatt Box set Moj 2009 / 190
Different every time Moj 2014 / 253
Steve Wynn Melting in the dark Q ( 1996 / 121
Steve Wynn & the Miracle 3 Static transmission Q ( 2003 / 201
X generation Kerouac's legacy Q ( 1998 / 139
Yo la tengo And then nothing turned itself inside-ou... Q ( 2000 / 163
Popular songs Moj 2009 / 191
Susumu Yokota Grinning cat Q ( 2001 / 178
Kaliedoscope Moj 2010 / 204
Laputa Moj 2003 / 119
Mother Moj 2009 / 183
Sakura Q ( 2000 / 171
Zero Q ( 2001 / 181
Michael Yonkers Borders of my mind Moj 2014 / 246
Michael Lee Yonkers Moj 2014 / 246
Yorkston, Thorne & Khan Neuk Wight Dehli all-stars Moj 2017 / 282
James Yorkston When the Haar rolls in Moj 2008 / 179
Yorkston/Thorne/Khan Navarasa : nine emotions Moj 2020 / 315
Young gods Second nature Q ( 2001 / 174
Young scamels Tempest Moj 2010 / 204
Richard Youngs Autumn response Moj 2007 / 169
Frank Zappa Classic albums : Apostrophe and Overnite... Moj 2007 / 164
Rachel Zeffira The deserters Moj 2013 / 230
Zephyrs When the sky comes down it comes down on... Moj 2001 / 95


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