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Aantal recensies 913
Geboorte / sterftejaar 1952 - 2020

> Genres en kenmerken
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Genre's en kenmerken - top

Kenmerken: Genres

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x Lust for Life x Roots
x Overleden x World
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Recensies - top

Artiest^ Album^ Ts^ Jaar/Nr^ Verm^

# 300% dynamite Alo 1999 / 2
400% dynamite Alo 2000 / 8
A place called Jamaica : part 2 Alo 2004 / 1
A reggae session (dvd) Alo 2002 / 30
Africa : the essential album Alo 2003 / 40
Africa calling : live 8 at Eden Rev 2006 / 6
Africa raps Alo 2002 / 23
African playground Alo 2003 / 36
African rebel music : roots, reggae & da... Rev 2006 / 4
African Renaissance : volume 01 Alo 2000 / 6
African Renaissance : volume 02 Alo 2000 / 6
African Renaissance : volume 03 Alo 2000 / 6
African Renaissance : volume 04 Alo 2000 / 6
African Renaissance : volume 05 Alo 2000 / 6
African scream contest 2 Lus 2018 / 81
African scream contest : raw and psyched... Rev 2008 / 10
African travels Alo 2001 / 21
Afrobeat Alo 2000 / 9
Alefa Madagascar! : Salegy, soukous & so... Lus 2020 / 99
Amandla! (dvd) Alo 2005 / 6
Angola soundtrack : the unique sound of ... Lus 2011 / 7
Arabesque zoudge Alo 2001 / 19
Arabic groove Alo 2001 / 18
Authenticité : the Silyphone years - Gu... Rev 2007 / 3
Awards for world music 2004 Alo 2004 / 45
Balkanbeats Rev 2006 / 1
Bambara mystic soul : the raw sound of B... Lus 2011 / 14
Barcelona raval sessions Alo 2004 / 43
Barcelona raval sessions 2 Rev 2006 / 2
Barcelona zona bastarda Alo 2003 / 33
BBC Radio 3 awards for world music 2006 Rev 2006 / 5
Beyond Addis : contemporary jazz & funk ... Lus 2014 / 42
Bossa jazz : the birth of hard bossa, sa... Lus 2012 / 18
Calle 54 Alo 2001 / 18
Caribbean beat : vol. 7 Alo 2001 / 19
Caribbean playground Alo 2004 / 51
Cartagena! : Curro Fuentes & the Big ban... Lus 2011 / 10
Champion sound Alo 2002 / 22
Champion sound : chapter 2 Alo 2002 / 28
Cool runnings : the reggae movie (dvd) Alo 2003 / 36
Crossing the bridge : the sound of Istan... Rev 2006 / 5
Cuba Havana Alo 2000 / 3
Deep roots of the Ramones Lus 2012 / 20
Desert blues Alo 2004 / 44
Desert blues 2 : rêves d'oasis Alo 2003 / 32
Desert blues 2 : rêves d'oasis Alo 2004 / 44
Desert blues 3 : entre dunes et savanes Rev 2008 / 6
Dubwise Alo 2004 / 46
Electric gypsyland Alo 2004 / 43
Essential Cuban, Brazilian hard bop & fu... Alo 2001 / 17
Éthiopiques 08 Swinging Addis Alo 2000 / 6
Éthiopiques 10 Ethiopian blues & ballad... Alo 2002 / 23
Every song has its end : sonic dispatche... Lus 2016 / 60
Festa Brazil Alo 2000 / 8
Ghana special : modern highlife, afro-so... Rev 2010 / 2
Global soul Alo 2003 / 34
Globalista import-export Alo 2003 / 36
Golden Afrique : vol. 1 Alo 2005 / 3
Golden Afrique : vol. 2 Rev 2006 / 1
Golden Beirut : new sounds from Lebanon Lus 2011 / 16
#s Gypsy caravan : when the road bends (sou... Rev 2007 / 4
# Highlife time 2 : Nigerian & Ghanian cla... Lus 2011 / 13
#trib Hommage to Bob Marley Alo 2003 / 38
# Hot women : women singers from the torri... Alo 2004 / 43
Ililta! : new Ethiopian dance music Rev 2009 / 5
#trib In the name of love : Africa celebrates ... Rev 2008 / 6
# Island blues (enter mer et ciel) Alo 2002 / 28
Jambú e os míticos sons da Amazônia Lus 2019 / 92
Kenya special : selected East African re... Lus 2013 / 34
Latin groove Alo 2002 / 25
Le festival au désert Alo 2003 / 41
Léve Léve Lus 2020 / 100
Lullabies from the axis of evil Alo 2005 / 3
Mirror to the soul : music, culture and ... Lus 2013 / 34
Mo' vida! Alo 2000 / 8
Mr. Love Alo 2004 / 46
Music from the Coffe lands 2 (Putumayo) Alo 2002 / 22
Musica Cubana Alo 2004 / 51
Musica negra in the Americas : ABC islan... Alo 2000 / 10
Nicola Conte presents Viagem 2 Rev 2009 / 8
Nigeria '70 : the definitive story of 70... Alo 2002 / 22
Nigeria afrobeat special : the new explo... Rev 2010 / 2
Nigeria freedom sounds! : popular music ... Lus 2016 / 65
Nostalgique Kongo Lus 2019 / 91
Nu : Afrobeat experience Alo 2002 / 31
Oriental blues Lus 2013 / 35
Oté maloya Lus 2017 / 74
Palenque palenque : champeta criolla & a... Lus 2010 / 3
Pour me a grog Lus 2020 / 99
Que Ryko latino! Alo 2000 / 4
Radio Verde : Cape Verdean dancefloor ma... Lus 2019 / 95
Rangarang : pre-revolutionary Iranian po... Lus 2012 / 19
Rare reggae grooves from Studio One Alo 2000 / 4
Real world 25 Lus 2014 / 45
Reggae on the river (dvd) Alo 2004 / 49
Rhythms del mundo : Cuba Rev 2007 / 2
Riba dempel : popular dance music of Cur... Alo 2003 / 41
Sahara : blues of the desert Alo 2005 / 7
Sahara lounge Alo 2004 / 43
Salsa around the world Alo 2003 / 39
Salsa dance class Alo 2005 / 8
Salsa heat Alo 2004 / 1
Senegal 70 Lus 2016 / 58
Shtetl superstars : junky jewish sounds ... Rev 2007 / 2
Songs of our native daughters Lus 2019 / 90
South Africa freedom day : concert on th... Alo 2002 / 28
Sranan gowtu Lus 2013 / 33
Studio One funk Alo 2004 / 1
Studio One rockers Alo 2001 / 14
Studio One roots Alo 2002 / 22
Studio One rude boy Rev 2007 / 2
Tea in Marrakech Alo 2001 / 21
The afrosound of Colombia : volume 1 Lus 2010 / 1
The diaspora of rembetiko Alo 2004 / 51
The essential guide to Africa Alo 2005 / 7
The essential guide to Brazil Alo 2005 / 7
The Karindula sessions : tradi-modern so... Lus 2011 / 10
The Nu Yorican funk experience Alo 2001 / 14
The original sound of cumbia : the histo... Lus 2012 / 22
The Rough guide to Bhangra Alo 2000 / 9
The Rough guide to Bollywood Alo 2002 / 24
The Rough guide to Bollywood Alo 2004 / 49
The Rough guide to Brazilian hip-hop Alo 2004 / 49
The Rough guide to Cumbia Alo 2000 / 9
The Rough guide to Ethiopia Alo 2004 / 45
The Rough guide to Ethiopian jazz Lus 2017 / 67
The Rough guide to Fado Alo 2004 / 49
The Rough guide to Global dance Alo 2000 / 9
The Rough guide to Mali blues Lus 2019 / 96
The Rough guide to Marrabenta Mozambique Alo 2001 / 17
The Rough guide to Merengue & bachata Alo 2001 / 17
The Rough guide to Psychedelic Cambodia Lus 2014 / 44
The Rough guide to Salsa de Puerto rico Alo 2003 / 41
The Rough guide to Samba Alo 2001 / 17
The Rough guide to The music of Argentin... Alo 2004 / 49
The Rough guide to The music of Hawaii Alo 2000 / 9
The Rough guide to The music of Mali & G... Alo 2000 / 9
The Rough guide to The music of Nigeria ... Alo 2002 / 25
The Rough guide to The music of the Saha... Alo 2005 / 7
The Rough guide to West African gold Rev 2006 / 6
The Rough guide to Women of the world Lus 2019 / 89
The sound of Siam 2 : Molam & Luk Thung ... Lus 2014 / 43
The sound of Siam : leftfield luk thung,... Lus 2011 / 8
The stars of the Buena vista Alo 2000 / 5
The very best of Éthiopiques Rev 2007 / 5
The very best of salsa Alo 2005 / 8
Tradi-mods vs. Rockers : alternative tak... Lus 2011 / 8
Tropicália : a Brazilian revolution in ... Rev 2006 / 2
Urban latino Alo 2004 / 1
Urgent jumping! Lus 2017 / 68
Venezuala 70 : cosmic visisons of a Lati... Lus 2016 / 63
Vintage palmwine music Alo 2003 / 37
Women of Latin America Alo 2004 / 51
World groove Alo 2004 / 50
World psychedelic classics 3 : Love's a ... Alo 2005 / 7
Zambush : vol 1 Zambian hits from the 80... Alo 2005 / 7
Zambush : vol 2 Zambian hits from the 60... Alo 2005 / 7
Abaji Oriental voyage Alo 2004 / 44
Abyssinians Arise Alo 2004 / 46
Idris Ackamoor & the Pyramids An angel fell Lus 2018 / 83
Africando Ketukuba Rev 2007 / 2
Live Alo 2002 / 22
Mandali Alo 2001 / 13
Martina Alo 2003 / 37
Viva Africando! Lus 2013 / 35
Afro celt sound system The source Lus 2016 / 61
Afro Cuban all stars Distinto, diferente Alo 1999 / 2
Step forward Alo 2005 / 6
Afrocubism Afrocubism Lus 2011 / 7
Afroman The good times Alo 2002 / 23
Beatríz Aguíar Nomade Lus 2012 / 22
Mahmoud Ahmed Tizita : the best of Mahmoud Ahmed : vol... Rev 2009 / 3
Gaye su Akyol Hologram imparatorlugu Lus 2017 / 69
Istikrarli hayal hakikattir Lus 2018 / 86
Haris Alexiou Sour cherry & bitter orange Rev 2007 / 2
Tony Allen Secret agent Rev 2009 / 7
Elida Almeida Kebrada Lus 2018 / 82
Oz Almog & Shantel Kosher nostra : Jewish gangsters greates... Lus 2011 / 12
Althea & Donna Uptown top ranking Alo 2004 / 46
Altin gün Gece Lus 2019 / 92
Diego Amador Rio de los Canasteros Rev 2008 / 10
Amadou et Mariam Dimanche à Bamako Alo 2005 / 6
Folila Lus 2012 / 19
La confusion Lus 2017 / 75
Paris Bamako (dvd) Rev 2006 / 2
Welcome to Mali Rev 2009 / 1
Amariszi Babel fish Lus 2017 / 69
Balkan chaotika Lus 2012 / 20
Nine Balkan nights Lus 2015 / 47
Les Amazones d'Afrique Amazones power Lus 2020 / 99
République Amazone Lus 2017 / 71
Ambassadeurs du Motel de Bamako Ambassadeurs du Motel de Bamako Lus 2015 / 47
Ammar 808 Maghreb united Lus 2018 / 83
Amparanoia El coro de mi gente Lus 2018 / 79
Seguire CaMinando : 1996-2006 Rev 2008 / 5
Somos viento Alo 2003 / 35
Amsterdam klezmer band Blitzmash Lus 2014 / 39
Fortuna Lus 2020 / 98
Mokum : live at Studio 150 Lus 2012 / 18
Remixed Rev 2006 / 5
Amsterdam klezmer band & Söndörgö Szikra Lus 2018 / 82
Amsterdam klezmer band Zaraza Rev 2009 / 3
Mayra Andrade Lovely difficult Lus 2014 / 40
Stória, stória Rev 2010 / 1
Horace Andy Mek it burn Alo 2003 / 33
Skylarking : the best of Horace Andy Alo 2004 / 46
Saba Anglana Ye katama hod : the belly of the city Lus 2015 / 54
Anthony B Black star Alo 2005 / 8
Antibalas Antibalas Lus 2012 / 25
Talkatif Alo 2002 / 27
Arnaldo Antunes, Edgard Scandurra & Toum... A curva da cintura : Maili - Brasil Lus 2012 / 24
Arnaldo Antunes, Carlinhos Brown & Maris... Tribalistas Alo 2003 / 36
Arat kilo Visions of Selam Lus 2018 / 84
Daymé Arocena Cubafonía Lus 2017 / 70
Arifa Anatolian alchemy Lus 2012 / 26
Arifa & Voices from the East Live at the Bimhuis Lus 2015 / 55
Arkul Il Bastidor Rev 2009 / 5
Asere Destinos Alo 2005 / 4
Junio groove Lus 2010 / 2
Cigdem Aslan A thousand cranes Lus 2016 / 66
Kel Assouf Black tenere Lus 2019 / 88
Mulatu Astatke Mulatu of Ethiopia Lus 2017 / 71
Sketches of Ethiopia Lus 2013 / 35
Atamina Sycophantic friends Lus 2018 / 79
Natacha Atlas & the Mazeeka ensemble Ana hina Rev 2008 / 7
Natacha Atlas Mounqaliba Lus 2010 / 6
Aster Aweke Checheho Lus 2012 / 18
Aynur Hevra (Together) Lus 2014 / 43
Nûpel Rev 2007 / 3
Soumaya Baalbaki Arabtango Rev 2009 / 1
Baba Commandant and the Mandingo band Juguya Lus 2015 / 52
Siri ba kele Lus 2019 / 89
Issa Bagayogo Tassoumakan Alo 2004 / 51
Timbuktu Alo 2002 / 24
Sekou Bah Soukabbe Mali Lus 2019 / 87
Bahia el Idrissi Arhil Alo 2000 / 7
Daby Balde Introducing Rev 2006 / 1
Cheb Balowski Plou plom Alo 2005 / 4
Félix Baloy Baila mi son Alo 2000 / 11
Bamba Wassoulou groove Dankélé Lus 2019 / 91
Banda Ionica Matri mia Alo 2003 / 32
Buju Banton Friends for life Alo 2003 / 34
Unchained spirit Alo 2000 / 6
Bantou mentale Bantou mentale Lus 2020 / 97
Ray Barretto Acid Rev 2006 / 5
The best of Alo 2004 / 1
Liliana Barrios Troileana Rev 2008 / 5
Abelardo Barroso Cha cha cha Lus 2015 / 47
Blick Bassy Léman Rev 2009 / 5
Waldemar Bastos Renascence Alo 2005 / 2
Joe Bataan Riot! Rev 2006 / 5
Batata y su Rumba palenquera Radio Bakongo Alo 2004 / 44
Olcay Bayir Rüya : dream for Anatolia Lus 2019 / 91
BCUC The healing Lus 2019 / 94
Stanley Beckford Plays mento Alo 2002 / 31
Beef Flexodus Alo 2000 / 11
The acoustic P.U.R.E. sessions (dvd) Alo 2003 / 38
Beenie Man From the art & life tour (dvd) Alo 2004 / 51
Tropical storm Alo 2002 / 30
Oswin Chin Behilia Bendishon disfrasá Alo 2003 / 34
Liber Rev 2009 / 10
Bembeya jazz Bembeya Alo 2003 / 32
Bembeya jazz international The Syliphone years Alo 2005 / 2
The Syliphone years Rev 2007 / 5
Jorge Ben The definitive collection Alo 2003 / 41
Ghalia Benali & Bert Cornelis Al palna Rev 2009 / 2
Tsèhaytu Bèrati Selam Alo 2005 / 2
Maria Bethânia Brasileirinho Alo 2005 / 5
The essential Alo 2005 / 7
Debashish Bhattacharya Calcutta chronicles : Indian slide-guita... Rev 2008 / 6
Debashish Bhattacharya and Bob Brozman Mahima Alo 2003 / 39
Asha Bhosle The Rough guide to Asha Bhosle Alo 2004 / 49
BIM (Benin International Musical) H1 Lus 2019 / 90
Bixiga 70 III Lus 2015 / 55
Quebra-cabeca Lus 2018 / 86
Blackbeard Structly dub wize Rev 2006 / 5
Blind Blake The Rough guide to blues legends Lus 2013 / 36
Blue Flamingo 78 r.p.m. Rev 2008 / 8
A search for CMS : a story by Blue Flami... Lus 2012 / 24
Congo jazz Rev 2010 / 3
Afel Bocoum & Alkibar Niger Rev 2006 / 5
Tabital pulaaku Rev 2009 / 8
Bombino Agadez Lus 2011 / 12
Azel Lus 2016 / 60
Nomad Lus 2013 / 30
Bonga Barrio Rev 2009 / 3
Hora kota Lus 2012 / 19
Live Alo 2005 / 2
Jimmy Bosch Salsa dura Alo 1999 / 1
Dennis Bovell and the Dub band Audio active Rev 2006 / 5
Brain damage Rev 2006 / 5
Dennis Bovell Decibel : more cuts and dubs 1976-1983 Alo 2003 / 40
Anouar Brahem Souvenance Lus 2015 / 51
Aziza Brahim Abbar el hamada Lus 2016 / 59
Sahari Lus 2020 / 97
Soutak Lus 2014 / 40
Cristina Branco Abril Rev 2008 / 2
Branco Lus 2018 / 81
Bratsch Nomades en vol Alo 2004 / 44
Dee Dee Bridgewater Red Earth : a Malian journey Rev 2007 / 3
Carlinhos Brown E Carlito Marrón Alo 2003 / 38
Bob Brozman & Takashi Hirayasu Firefly Alo 2000 / 6
Nankuru naisa Alo 2001 / 16
Boz Brozman orchestra Lumiêre Rev 2007 / 5
Segun Bucknor Poor man get no brother (1969-1975) Alo 2002 / 25
Who say I tire Lus 2010 / 6
Budos band Burnt offering Lus 2015 / 48
Buena vista social club Lost and found Lus 2015 / 49
Yuri Buenaventura Vagabundo Alo 2003 / 41
Buika Vivir sin miedo Lus 2016 / 57
Concha Buika En mi piel Lus 2011 / 16
La noche más larga Lus 2013 / 33
Mi nina Lola Rev 2007 / 5
Burning spear Best of the fittest Alo 2004 / 46
Home to my roots : live in South Africa ... Alo 2004 / 51
Live at Montreux jazz festival 2001 Alo 2002 / 27
Sounds from the Burning spear Alo 2005 / 2
Ljiljana Buttler The mother of gypsy soul Alo 2003 / 33
Izaline Calister Kanta Hélele Rev 2006 / 4
Krioyo Alo 2004 / 46
Speransa Rev 2009 / 6
Camarao The imaginary soundtrack to a Brazilian ... Lus 2018 / 80
Vinicius Cantuária & Bill Frisell Lágrimas Mexicanas Lus 2011 / 8
Capleton More fire Alo 2000 / 7
Vinicio Capossela Marinai, profeti e balene Lus 2012 / 22
Carlou D Muzikr Lus 2010 / 3
Oana Catalina Chitu Bucharest tango Rev 2008 / 10
Nana Caymmi The essential Alo 2005 / 7
Céu Caravana sereia bloom Lus 2012 / 20
Ceumar Silencia Lus 2015 / 47
Che sudaka Almas rebeldes Lus 2018 / 78
Mirando el mundo al Reves Rev 2007 / 5
Tudo é possible Rev 2010 / 3
Cheb I Sabbah La Kahena Alo 2005 / 8
Chiwoniso Rebel woman Rev 2009 / 1
Chob quib town Oro Lus 2010 / 1
Cibelle Cibelle Alo 2003 / 38
Anansy Cissé Mali overdrive Lus 2014 / 43
Diali Cissokho & Kaira Ba Routes Lus 2019 / 91
Ba Cissoko Sabolan Alo 2004 / 43
Johnny Clarke Authorized version Alo 2004 / 46
Jimmy Cliff Black magic Alo 2004 / 49
The EMI years 1973-1975 Alo 2004 / 46
Clube do Balanço Samba swing Alo 2003 / 39
Colombiafrica, the mystic orchestra Voodoo love inna Champetaland Rev 2007 / 6
Willie Colón & Rubén Blades Siembra Rev 2006 / 5
Willie Colón The best of Alo 2004 / 1
Compay Segundo The essential Compay Segundo Rev 2006 / 3
Jose Conde y Ola fresca Evolucion Rev 2007 / 3
Ry Cooder & Manuel Galbán Mambo sinuendo Alo 2003 / 33
Criolo Espiral de illusao Lus 2018 / 78
Nó na orelha Lus 2012 / 24
Celia Cruz & Johnny Pacheco Celia & Johnny Rev 2006 / 5
Celia Cruz Siempre viviré Alo 2000 / 11
The best of Alo 2004 / 1
Cuarteto Patria Son de Santiago Alo 1999 / 2
Joe Cuba sextet Bang! Bang! And push, push, push Rev 2006 / 5
Culture Payday Alo 2000 / 5
Too long in slavery Alo 2004 / 46
Two sevens clash Rev 2007 / 4
Bako Dagnon Titati Rev 2009 / 1
Mah Damba Hakili Kélé Lus 2019 / 96
Ousman Danedjo Enelmedio Rev 2008 / 8
Mercan Dede Su Alo 2005 / 3
Issac Delgado Malecon (coast to coast) Alo 2001 / 18
Deolinda Cancao ao lado Rev 2009 / 4
Dois selos e um carimbo Lus 2010 / 6
Abdoulaye Diabaté & Koutiala orchestra Samory Alo 2003 / 35
Kassé Mady Diabaté Kassi kasse Alo 2003 / 34
Kiriké Lus 2015 / 47
Mandjen Djeli Kan Rev 2009 / 9
Madou Sidiki Diabaté, Ahmed Fofana & Al... Mali latino Lus 2011 / 8
Toumani Diabaté's Symmetric orchestra Boulevard de l'Independance Rev 2006 / 4
Toumani Diabaté Jarabi : the best of Alo 2001 / 17
The Mandé variations Rev 2008 / 2
Toumani & Sidiki Lus 2014 / 41
Fatoumata Diawara & Roberto Fonseca At home : live in Marciac Lus 2015 / 52
Fatoumata Diawara Fatou Lus 2011 / 15
Fenfo (Something to say) Lus 2018 / 82
Miguel Angá Diaz Echu mingua Alo 2005 / 5
Manu Dibango Afridelic : the very best of Alo 2004 / 42
The Rough guide to Manu Dibango Alo 2004 / 49
Diogal Liir Alo 2004 / 46
DJ Dolores 1 real Rev 2008 / 3
Aparelhagem Alo 2005 / 4
Karsu Dönmez Confession Lus 2013 / 27
Lamont Dozier Going back to my roots : the Lamont Dozi... Alo 2001 / 14
Dr Alimantado Born for a purpose Alo 2004 / 50
DRC music Kinshasa one two Lus 2012 / 17
Lucky Dube Live in concert (dvd) Alo 2001 / 16
Vivalda Dula Dula Lus 2019 / 87
Sly Dunbar Sly, wicked and slick Alo 2004 / 46
Dur-Dur band Somalia : vol. 1 & 2 Lus 2018 / 85
Easy star all-stars Dub side of the moon live (dvd) Rev 2006 / 5
Eek-a-mouse Mousketeer Alo 2004 / 50
Gloria Estefan Alma Caribena Alo 2000 / 7
Estrella Morente Copla Lus 2019 / 94
Étoile de Dakar Once upon a time in Senegal : the birth ... Lus 2010 / 3
Cesária Évora Live in Paris (dvd) Alo 2003 / 32
Nha sentimento Rev 2010 / 2
Mose Fanfan Bayekeleye Alo 2005 / 5
Fanfare Ciocarlia Gili garabdi Alo 2005 / 4
Gypsy brass legends : the story of the b... Alo 2005 / 3
Onwards to Mars! Lus 2016 / 62
Fania all-stars Live at the Red garter : vol. 2 Rev 2006 / 5
Our latin thing (nuestra cosa) (dvd) Alo 2005 / 3
The best of Alo 2004 / 1
The complete Fania all-stars movie colle... Rev 2006 / 4
Toufic Farroukh Drab zeen Alo 2002 / 28
Ibrahim Ferrer Buenos hermanos Alo 2003 / 34
Buenos hermanos Lus 2020 / 98
The essential Ibrahim Ferrer Rev 2006 / 3
Catrin Finch & Seckou Keita Clychau Dibon Lus 2014 / 39
Nils Fischer & Timbazo Gracias Joe Cuba! Rev 2007 / 5
Fofoulah Fofoulah Lus 2014 / 46
Celso Fonseca Rive gauche rio Alo 2005 / 6
Roberto Fonseca Yo Lus 2012 / 21
Kareyce Fotso Kwegne Lus 2010 / 5
4th street orchestra Ah who seh? Go deh! Rev 2006 / 5
Leggo! Ah-fe-we-dis Rev 2006 / 5
Scientific, higher ranking dubwise Rev 2006 / 5
Yuh learn! Rev 2006 / 5
Franco Francophonic : Africa's greatest - a ret... Rev 2009 / 1
Francophonic : Africa's greatest - a ret... Rev 2010 / 1
The Rough guide to Franco Alo 2001 / 19
Aline Frazao Clave bantu Lus 2013 / 28
Movimento Lus 2013 / 34
K. Frimpong & his Cubano fiestas K. Frimpong & his Cuban fiestas (the bla... Lus 2013 / 31
K. Frimpong & his Cuban fiestas (the blu... Lus 2013 / 31
Gabacho Maroc Tawassol Lus 2019 / 87
Manou Gallo Dida Alo 2004 / 46
Lowlin Rev 2010 / 3
Gang chenpa Voices from Tibet Alo 2000 / 6
Sergent Garcia Mascaras Rev 2006 / 6
Una y otra vez Lus 2011 / 10
Garifuna collective Ayó Lus 2013 / 34
Joe Gibbs productions Roots culture, DJs and the Birth of danc... Alo 2003 / 41
Gigi Gigi Alo 2001 / 21
Bebel Gilberto All in one Rev 2010 / 1
Bebel Gilberto Alo 2004 / 46
Raphael Gimenes Raphael Gimenes & As Montanhas de Som Lus 2017 / 67
Gladiators Dreadlocks the time is now Alo 2004 / 46
Dobet Gnahoré Djeka la you Rev 2010 / 4
Miziki Lus 2018 / 84
Marta Gómez La alegría y el canto Lus 2018 / 85
Gonzaguinha The essential Alo 2005 / 7
Rubén González Introducing ... Rubén González Lus 2017 / 74
Gotan project Inspiracion espiracion Alo 2004 / 50
Lunático Rev 2006 / 3
El Gran silencio Super riddim internacional! Alo 2004 / 49
Le Grand Kallé His life, his music Lus 2014 / 38
Grupo Fantasma Sonidos gold Rev 2008 / 10
Grupo Galé 10 años Alo 2000 / 3
Trilok Gurtu The beat of love Alo 2001 / 17
Sahra Halgan Waa dardaaran Lus 2020 / 97
Yasmine Hamdan Ya Nass Lus 2013 / 32
Hanggai He who travels far (Juan zou de ren) Lus 2010 / 5
Victoria Hanna Victoria Hanna Lus 2018 / 85
Mariem Hassan El aaiún egdat Lus 2012 / 23
Shouka Lus 2010 / 1
Maite Hontelé Déjame así Lus 2014 / 39
Te voy a querer Lus 2015 / 50
Howlin' Wolf His best : vol. 2 Alo 2000 / 6
Keith Hudson Too expensive Alo 2004 / 46
I-Roy Crisus time Alo 2004 / 46
Ibeyi Ibeyi Lus 2015 / 51
Ifriqiyya electrique Laylet el booree Lus 2019 / 91
Rûwâhîne Lus 2017 / 73
Damir Imamovic's Sevdah Takht Dvojka Lus 2016 / 61
Imarhan Ternet Lus 2018 / 80
Inner circle Essential Alo 2002 / 22
Heavyweight dub Alo 1999 / 2
Killer dub Alo 1999 / 2
Gregory Isaacs Essential Alo 2002 / 22
Once ago Alo 2004 / 46
Israel vibration Fighting soldiers Alo 2003 / 33
Etta James At last! Alo 2000 / 6
Jaune toujours Routes Lus 2014 / 38
Wyclef Jean Welcome to Haiti Creole 101 Alo 2005 / 3
Blind Lemon Jefferson The Rough guide to blues legends Lus 2013 / 36
Jiga-Vôo Instinto Rev 2009 / 10
Blind Willie Johnson The Rough guide to blues legends Lus 2013 / 36
Anthony Joseph Caribbean roots Lus 2016 / 64
Joyce The essential Joyce 1970-1996 Alo 2005 / 7
Orlando Julius & the Heliocentrics Jaiyede afro Lus 2014 / 46
Jungle by night Jungle by night Lus 2011 / 11
Livingstone Lus 2019 / 88
The hunt Lus 2014 / 42
The traveller Lus 2016 / 61
El Juntacadaveres De Platino Lus 2013 / 31
Jupiter & Okwess Kin sonic Lus 2017 / 76
Hamad Kalkaba and the Golden sounds Hamad Kalkaba and the Golden sounds 1974... Lus 2018 / 78
Mory Kanté La Guinéenne Lus 2012 / 25
Lokua Kanza Nkolo Lus 2010 / 2
Toyebi té Alo 2002 / 24
Mor Karbasi Daughter of the spring Lus 2011 / 12
The beauty and the sea Lus 2011 / 7
Karsu Colors Lus 2015 / 54
Kasai allstars Beware the fetish Lus 2014 / 43
Katia B Só deixo meu coraçao na mao de quem po... Alo 2004 / 44
Kätzenjämmer Le pop Rev 2010 / 1
Salif Keita La différence Rev 2010 / 4
M'Bemba Rev 2006 / 1
Moffou Alo 2002 / 25
Moffou : remixes Alo 2004 / 44
Talé Lus 2013 / 29
Salif Keita & Kanté Manfila The lost album Alo 2005 / 5
Salif Keita Un autre blanc Lus 2019 / 87
Kékélé Congo life Alo 2001 / 18
Kinavana Rev 2006 / 3
Mamadou Kelly Adibar Lus 2014 / 41
Djamila Lus 2016 / 58
Khaled Liberté Rev 2009 / 9
Amira Kheir Mystic dance Lus 2018 / 86
Kailash Kher & Kailasa Yatra (nomadic souls) Rev 2010 / 3
Khmer rouge survivors They will kill you, if you cry Lus 2016 / 64
Angélique Kidjo Oyö Rev 2010 / 2
King Ayisoba 1000 can die Lus 2017 / 71
Klezmatics Rise up! Alo 2003 / 38
Kobo town Jumbie in the jukebox Lus 2013 / 32
Habib Koité & Bamada Afriki Rev 2007 / 4
Baro Alo 2001 / 15
Fôly! : live around the world Alo 2003 / 41
Habib Koité Kharifa Lus 2019 / 95
Soö Lus 2014 / 39
Wendo Kolosoy On the rumba river Rev 2007 / 6
Oumar Konaté I love you inna Lus 2019 / 93
Konono no. 1 Konono no. 1 meets Batida Lus 2016 / 60
Bassekou Kouyaté & Ngoni Ba Ba power Lus 2015 / 51
I speak Fula Rev 2009 / 9
Jama Ko Lus 2013 / 29
Miri Lus 2019 / 88
Kandia Kouyaté Renascence Lus 2016 / 57
Sory Kandia Kouyaté La voix de la révolution Lus 2012 / 23
Boris Kovac & la Campanella World after history Alo 2005 / 7
Kronos Quartet & Mahsa & Marjan Vahdat Placeless Lus 2019 / 90
Fela Anikulapo Kuti Army arrangement Lus 2014 / 40
Fela Anikulapo Kuti & Egypt 80 Beasts of no nation Lus 2014 / 40
Fela Ransome Kuti and the Egypt 80 band Live in Amsterdam Lus 2014 / 40
Fela Anikulapo Kuti & Egypt 80 Original sufferhead Lus 2014 / 40
Fela Ransome Kuti Shoki shoki Alo 1999 / 1
Fela Anikulapo Kuti Teacher don't teach me nonsense Lus 2014 / 40
Fela Anikulapo Kuti & Egypt 80 Underground system Lus 2014 / 40
Femi Kuti African shrine : live in Lagos Alo 2004 / 50
Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 Black times Lus 2018 / 80
Seun Kuti & Fela's Egypt 80 Many things Rev 2008 / 7
La-33 Gozalo Rev 2008 / 4
Lady antebellum Golden Lus 2013 / 32
Ladysmith black mambazo The ultimate collection Alo 2003 / 34
Fernando Lameirinhas Alegria do triste Alo 2002 / 31
Eterno Lus 2012 / 17
Nynke Alter Lus 2013 / 32
Nynke Laverman Wachter Lus 2016 / 63
Leadbelly The Smithsonian Folkways collection Lus 2015 / 49
Rohan Lee & the Recipe For the poor Alo 2000 / 5
Pio Leiva & band Musica Cubana live in Amsterdam (dvd) Alo 2005 / 3
Ricardo Lemvo & Makina Loca La rumba soyo Lus 2014 / 45
San Salvador Alo 2000 / 8
Yasmin Levy Sentir Rev 2009 / 10
Lina_Raül Refree Lina_Raül Refree Lus 2020 / 98
Ivan Lins The essential Alo 2005 / 7
LMS Reality check Alo 2000 / 4
Cheikh N' Digël Lô Bambay gueej Alo 1999 / 1
Lamp fall Rev 2006 / 2
Orlando Cachaíto López Cachaíto Alo 2001 / 17
Luciano Hail the comforter Alo 2005 / 5
Live in San Francisco (dvd) Alo 2005 / 3
Lucibela Laco umbilical Lus 2018 / 79
Zé Luis Serenata Lus 2013 / 28
Lula Pena Archivo pittoresco Lus 2017 / 68
Luedji Luna Um corpo no mundo Lus 2019 / 94
Lura Eclipse Rev 2009 / 6
Heranca Lus 2015 / 56
M'Passi & Chébli Jua Rev 2007 / 6
M.A.K.U. soundsystem Mezcla Lus 2016 / 63
Baaba Maal Mi yeewnii (Missing you) Alo 2001 / 15
Television Rev 2009 / 8
The traveller Lus 2016 / 58
Ibrahim Maalouf Illusions Lus 2014 / 38
Kalthoum Lus 2015 / 56
S3ns Lus 2019 / 94
Wind Lus 2013 / 30
Macaco Ingravitto Rev 2006 / 4
Rumbo submarino Alo 2002 / 28
Taj Mahal & Toumani Diabaté Kulanjan Alo 1999 / 1
Mahala raï banda Mahala raï banda Alo 2004 / 1
Tim Maia Nobody can live forever : the existentia... Lus 2013 / 28
Miriam Makeba The Guinea years Alo 2001 / 21
Malouma Dunya Alo 2004 / 42
Cheb Mami Dellali Alo 2001 / 18
Thomas Mapfumo and the Blacks unlimited Rise up Rev 2006 / 4
Mariza Terra Rev 2008 / 8
Boban & Marko Markovic orchestra & Fanfa... Balkan brass battle Lus 2011 / 12
Marley magic Live in Central park at Summerstage (dvd... Alo 2002 / 24
Bob Marley and the Wailers Essential Alo 2002 / 22
Songs of freedom Alo 2000 / 3
Spiritual journey (dvd) Alo 2004 / 42
The legend live (dvd) Alo 2004 / 42
Ziggy Marley and the Melody makers Live! (dvd) Alo 2001 / 17
Aurelio Martinez Darandi Lus 2017 / 69
Lándini Lus 2014 / 45
Hugh Masekela Homecoming concert (dvd) Alo 2001 / 16
Souad Massi Deb Alo 2003 / 40
Mesk elil (honeysuckle) Rev 2006 / 1
Oumniya Lus 2019 / 96
Matumbi Empire road : the best of Matumbi Alo 2004 / 46
Mazzeltov & Rolinha Kross Amsterdam Rev 2008 / 2
Coco Mbassi Sisea Alo 2004 / 43
Mbongwana star From Kinshasa Lus 2015 / 52
Leyla McCalla A day for the hunter, a day for the prey Lus 2016 / 62
Capitalist blues Lus 2019 / 88
Mdungu Afro what? Rev 2009 / 8
Dina Medina Pegam na mô Lus 2016 / 59
Gétatchèw Mèkurya & the Ex Moa anbessa Rev 2007 / 2
E.T. Mensah & the Tempos King of highlife : anthology Lus 2015 / 51
Meridian brothers Salvadora robot Lus 2014 / 44
Metá metá Metal metal Lus 2014 / 44
Emeline Michel Rasin kreyol Alo 2005 / 6
Mighty diamonds Go seek your rights Alo 2004 / 46
Miniyeshu Black ink Lus 2013 / 30
Noura Mint Seymali Arbina Lus 2016 / 65
Tzenni Lus 2014 / 46
Minyeshu Daa dee Lus 2018 / 85
Dire dawa Rev 2008 / 6
Manuel 'Guajiro' Mirabal Buena vista social club presents Alo 2004 / 49
Mísia Drama box Alo 2005 / 7
Paixoes diagonais Alo 2000 / 6
Misty in roots Roots controller Alo 2002 / 30
Mokoomba Rising tide Lus 2012 / 25
Totó la Momposina Pacantó Alo 2001 / 19
Polo Montañez Memorial Alo 2004 / 1
Morgan heritage Know your past Alo 2002 / 27
Live! In Europe 2000 Alo 2000 / 7
More teachings Alo 2001 / 14
Three in one Alo 2003 / 36
Mostar sevdah reunion A secret gate Alo 2003 / 41
Muchachito Bombo infierno Vamos que nos vamos Alo 2005 / 8
Hugh Mundell Mundell Alo 2004 / 50
The blessed youth Alo 2005 / 8
Muyei power Sierra Leone in 1970s USA Lus 2014 / 44
Mbaraka Mwinshehe & Orchestra super volc... Masika Lus 2016 / 59
Youssou N'Dour 7 seconds : the best of Youssou N'Dour Alo 2004 / 45
Africa rekk Lus 2017 / 68
Ba tay Alo 2002 / 27
Coono du Réér (nothing's in vain) Alo 2002 / 31
Youssou N'Dour et le Super étoile de Da... Fatteliku (live in Athens 1987) Lus 2016 / 57
Youssou N'Dour Hey you! : the essential collection Alo 2005 / 8
Joko (from village to town) Alo 2000 / 3
Youssou N'Dour et le Super étoile de Da... The Rough guide to Youssou N'Dour & Etoi... Alo 2003 / 32
Nadara gipsy wedding band Prince of gipsy Rev 2008 / 5
Namibian tales Kalahari encounters Lus 2017 / 76
Tal National Zoy zoy Lus 2015 / 50
Nder & le Setsima group Nder & le Setsima group Alo 1999 / 1
Netsayi Monkey's wedding Rev 2010 / 2
New cool collective Electric monkey sessions 2 Lus 2017 / 76
Koo Nimo Highlife roots revival Lus 2013 / 27
Nkengas Destruction Lus 2013 / 33
No blues Oh yeah habibi Lus 2015 / 54
Novalima Afro Rev 2006 / 2
Coba coba Rev 2009 / 2
Neco Novellas New dawn : ku khata Rev 2008 / 6
Maarja Nuut Une meeles (in the hold of a dream) Lus 2016 / 63
Eliades Ochoa Estoy como nunca Alo 2002 / 28
Tributo al Cuarteto patria Alo 2000 / 11
Ojos de Brujo Aocaná Rev 2009 / 5
Barí Alo 2003 / 32
Corriente vital : 10 anos Lus 2011 / 9
Techari live Rev 2007 / 6
Koffi Olomide Effrakata Alo 2002 / 23
Les Ondas marteles Y después de todo Alo 2004 / 46
Oneness of juju African rhythms Alo 2001 / 20
Dona Onete Banzeiro Lus 2017 / 73
Rebujo Lus 2019 / 94
Orchestra Baobab Made in Dakar Rev 2007 / 5
Pirates choice (2001) Alo 2001 / 19
Tribute to Ndiouga Dieng Lus 2017 / 70
Orchestra international du Vetex Fifavela Lus 2016 / 58
Total tajine Lus 2012 / 17
Orchestra number One de Dakar No. 2 de no. 1 Alo 2001 / 17
Orchestre Kanaga de Mopti L'Orchestre Kanaga de Mopti Lus 2011 / 11
Orchestre Poly-rhythmo de Cotonou Cotonou club Lus 2011 / 10
Echos hypnotiques (vol. two) Rev 2010 / 2
Le Tout-puissant Orchestre Poly-rhythmo ... Madjafalao Lus 2017 / 67
Orchestre Poly-rhythmo de Cotonou The skeletal essences of afro funk 1969-... Lus 2013 / 31
The Vodoun effect 1972-1975 : funk & sat... Rev 2009 / 2
Orchestre Super Borgou de Parakou The Bariba sound Lus 2012 / 19
Orishas A lo Cubano Alo 2000 / 5
El kilo Alo 2005 / 5
Orkesta Mendoza Vamos a guararchar! Lus 2016 / 65
Other Europeans Splendor Lus 2012 / 20
Oum Daba Lus 2019 / 93
Zarabi Lus 2017 / 67
Owiny Sigoma band Owiny Sigoma band Lus 2011 / 16
Augustus Pablo Dub, reggae & roots from the melodica ki... Alo 2001 / 13
Johnny Pacheco The best of Alo 2004 / 1
Eddie Palmieri The best of Alo 2004 / 1
Vamonos pa'l monte Rev 2006 / 5
La Panika Darmadan Lus 2018 / 80
Miroca Paris D'alma Lus 2018 / 78
Parissa & ensemble Dastan Shoorideh Alo 2004 / 44
Parne gadje Kefi kefi Lus 2011 / 9
Mangupi Rev 2008 / 4
Po drom Lus 2014 / 37
La Pegatina Ahora o nunca Lus 2018 / 81
Xapomelön Lus 2011 / 11
Lee 'Scratch' Perry Essential Alo 2002 / 22
Jamaican E.T. Alo 2002 / 24
Sound system scratch Lus 2010 / 5
Carla Pires Ilha do meu fado Alo 2005 / 7
Plena libre Estamos gozando! Alo 2005 / 7
Poet and the Roots Dread beat an' blood Alo 2004 / 46
Dulce Pontes O primeiro canto Alo 1999 / 2
Guillermo Portabales El carretero Lus 2019 / 95
Fernanda Porto Fernanda Porto Alo 2003 / 39
Omara Portuondo Buena vista social club presents Alo 2000 / 5
Buena vista social club presents Lus 2019 / 95
Flor de amor Alo 2004 / 45
Gracias Rev 2008 / 10
Maxi Priest Best of me Alo 2004 / 46
Prince Far I Black man land Alo 2004 / 46
Romica Puceanu & the Gore brothers Sounds from a bygone age : vol. 2 Rev 2006 / 4
Tito Puente The best of Alo 2004 / 1
Quantic Magnetica Lus 2014 / 42
Ester Rada Ester Rada Lus 2015 / 54
Radio Tarifa Rumba Argelina Lus 2019 / 95
Mohd. Rafi The Rough guide to Bollywood legends Alo 2004 / 49
Super Rail band de Bamako Kongo sigui Alo 2003 / 38
Louie Ramirez Ali Baba Rev 2006 / 5
Ranking Joe Weakheart fade away Alo 2004 / 50
Rasites Urban regeneration Alo 2001 / 20
Adrian Raso & Fanfare Ciocarlia Devil's tale Lus 2014 / 39
Elis Regina The essential Alo 2005 / 7
El Rego El Rego Lus 2011 / 16
Maria Rita Segundo Rev 2006 / 5
Titi Robin Rebel diwana Lus 2019 / 92
Pete Rodriguez I like it like that (A mi me gusta asi) Rev 2006 / 5
Ronald Snijders The Nelson & Djosa sessions Lus 2016 / 61
Ntjam Rosie At the back of beyond Lus 2013 / 29
Breaking cycles Lus 2018 / 77
The one Lus 2015 / 48
Javier Ruibal Sahara Alo 2004 / 42
Ryukyu underground Ryukyu underground Alo 2002 / 28
Aziz Sahmaoui Aziz Sahmaoui & Uiversity of Ghana Lus 2012 / 22
Aziz Sahmaoui & University of Gnawa Mazal Lus 2015 / 48
Salsa Celtica El agua de la vida Alo 2003 / 36
Sevval Sam Has arabesk Lus 2011 / 9
Tango Lus 2014 / 42
Toprak kokusu Lus 2016 / 57
Harouna Samake Kamale blues Lus 2018 / 84
Amparo Sánchez Alma de cantaora Lus 2013 / 28
Tuscon-Habana Lus 2010 / 2
Ivete Sangalo Ivete Sangalo Rev 2006 / 5
Oumou Sangaré Mogoya Lus 2017 / 71
Oumou Alo 2003 / 40
Seya Rev 2009 / 4
Hama Sankare Ballébé : calling all Africans Lus 2018 / 79
Niafunke Lus 2019 / 89
Monguito Santamaria Black out Rev 2006 / 5
Lucas Santtana O Deus que devasta mas também cura Lus 2012 / 26
Sem nostalgia Lus 2011 / 15
Sarazino Everyday salama Lus 2012 / 21
Michi Sarmiento Aqui los Bravos! : the best of 1967-77 Lus 2011 / 11
Saz'izo At least wave your handkerchief at me : ... Lus 2017 / 76
Thione Seck Orientissime Touba - Madras - Paris Alo 2005 / 8
Septeto nacional Soneros de Cuba Alo 1999 / 2
Sertab Ertab Alo 2000 / 6
Sexteto mayor La passion du tango Alo 2004 / 44
Shaggy Hot shot Alo 2000 / 8
Shantel Anarchy + romance Lus 2013 / 36
Bucovina club Alo 2004 / 42
Disko Partizani! Rev 2007 / 4
Planet Paprika Rev 2009 / 9
She'Koyokh Wild goats & unmarried women Lus 2014 / 41
Eligayeh 'Gigi' Shibabaw Abyssinia infinite : zion roots Alo 2003 / 41
Abyssinia infinite : zion roots Alo 2004 / 44
Shishani & the Namibian tales Itaala Lus 2017 / 69
Shukar collective Urban gypsy Alo 2005 / 7
Sierra Leone's Refugee all stars Rise & shine Lus 2010 / 1
Sierra maestra Rumbero soy Alo 2002 / 27
Nina Simone The essential Alo 2005 / 7
Širom A universe that roasts blossoms for a ho... Lus 2019 / 96
Ballaké Sissoko & Vincent Segal Musique de nuit Lus 2015 / 56
Ballaké Sissoko Tomora Alo 2005 / 8
Sizzla Jah knows best Alo 2004 / 50
Ska Cubano Ay caramba! Alo 2005 / 8
Mambo ska Lus 2010 / 3
Slackers Close my eyes Alo 2003 / 39
Wayne Smith Under me sleng teng Alo 2004 / 50
Elza Soares The woman at the end of the world (a mul... Lus 2016 / 62
Songhoy blues Music in exile Lus 2015 / 52
Résistance Lus 2017 / 75
Sorry bamba Volume one 1970-1979 Lus 2011 / 14
Souljazz orchestra Solidarity Lus 2012 / 26
Under burning skies Lus 2017 / 75
Idrissa Soumaoro Djitoumou Lus 2010 / 5
Sound dimension Jamaica soul shake : vol. 1 Rev 2006 / 3
Sounds of Blackness Reconciliation Alo 2000 / 10
Soweto soul Soweto soul Lus 2017 / 72
Spanish Harlem orchestra Un gran dia en el barrio Alo 2002 / 30
United we swing Rev 2007 / 3
Chango Spasiuk Tarefero de mis pagos (sounds from the R... Alo 2005 / 4
Staff benda bilili Benda bilili! Ze film! (dvd) Lus 2011 / 10
Bouger le monde! Lus 2012 / 25
Très très fort Rev 2009 / 6
Star band number one No. III de number 1 Alo 2005 / 3
Sabrina Starke Sabrina Starke Lus 2015 / 56
Super Eagles Senegambian sensation Alo 2002 / 23
Tabanka Spertador Lus 2018 / 81
Rachid Taha Diwân 2 Rev 2007 / 2
Zoom Lus 2013 / 33
Tamikrest Chatma Lus 2013 / 35
Kidal Lus 2017 / 70
Tamotaït Lus 2020 / 99
Tarika Soul Makassar Alo 2001 / 14
Sara Tavares Balancê Rev 2006 / 3
Ebo Taylor Appia Kwa bridge Lus 2012 / 21
Yen ara Lus 2018 / 83
Tcheka Dor de mar Lus 2011 / 15
Terakaft Alone Lus 2015 / 50
Think of one Tráfico Rev 2006 / 4
Pat Thomas Coming home Lus 2016 / 66
Pat Thomas & Kwashibu Area band Obiaa! Lus 2020 / 97
Pat Thomas Pat Thomas & Kwashibu area band Lus 2015 / 55
3MA Anarouz Lus 2018 / 77
Tiharea Ry ampela Alo 2003 / 36
Tinariwen Amadjar Lus 2019 / 95
Elwan Lus 2017 / 68
Imidiwan : companions Rev 2009 / 7
Live in London (dvd) Rev 2009 / 1
Tassili Lus 2011 / 14
The radio Tisdas sessions Alo 2002 / 27
Togo all stars Togo all stars Lus 2017 / 74
Toko telo Diavola Lus 2018 / 83
Sia Tolno My life Lus 2011 / 14
Tootard Laissez passer Lus 2018 / 77
Toots and the Maytals Live at Santa Monica pier (dvd) Alo 2002 / 26
Peter Tosh Essential Alo 2002 / 22
The best of 1978-1987 Alo 2004 / 46
Djelimady Tounkara Djely blues Lus 2016 / 60
Ali Farka Touré & Toumani Diabaté Ali and Toumani Rev 2010 / 2
In the heart of the moon Alo 2005 / 6
Ali Farka Touré Red & green Alo 2004 / 1
Savane Rev 2006 / 5
Savane Lus 2019 / 95
Samba Touré Albala Lus 2013 / 31
Crocodile blues Lus 2011 / 15
Gandadiko Lus 2015 / 49
Wande Lus 2018 / 82
Sidi Touré Alafia Lus 2013 / 36
Sahel folk Lus 2011 / 9
Vieux Farka Touré Fondo Rev 2009 / 6
Samba Lus 2017 / 73
The secret Lus 2011 / 13
Vieux Farka Touré Rev 2007 / 2
Touré-Raichel collective The Tel Aviv session Lus 2012 / 25
Boubacar Traoré Dounia tabolo Lus 2018 / 77
Je chanterai pour toi (dvd) Alo 2005 / 2
Kongo magni Alo 2005 / 5
Rokia Traoré Beautiful Africa Lus 2013 / 31
Bowmboï Alo 2003 / 41
Live (dvd) Alo 2004 / 1
Né so Lus 2016 / 59
Tchamantché Rev 2008 / 7
Trio Da Kali & Kronos quartet Ladilikan Lus 2017 / 74
Trio Mocotó Beleza! Beleza!! Beleza!!! Alo 2004 / 45
La Troba Kung-Fú A la panxa del bou Lus 2011 / 9
Twinkle brothers Free Africa Alo 2004 / 46
Typhoon Lobi da basi Lus 2014 / 45
U-Roy Dread in a Babylon Alo 2004 / 46
Natty rebel Alo 2004 / 46
Original DJ Alo 2004 / 46
Rasta ambassador Alo 2004 / 46
Version of wisdom Alo 2004 / 46
Umalali The Garifuna women's project Rev 2008 / 4
Va fan fahre Al wa'debt Lus 2011 / 7
Eric Vaarzon Morel Cádiz, canciones de ida y vuelta Lus 2019 / 89
Mahsa Vahdat & Mighty Sam McClain A deeper tone of longing Lus 2012 / 26
Vakoka Malagasy all stars Introducing Alo 2004 / 50
Chucho Valdés & the Afro-Cuban messenge... Chucho's steps Lus 2011 / 7
Marcos Valle The essential Marcos Valle Alo 2005 / 7
Los Van Van Live at Miami arena (dvd) Alo 2005 / 3
Vassvik Gákti Lus 2019 / 93
Vaudou game Kidayó Lus 2016 / 66
Otodi Lus 2018 / 86
Velvet underground Collected Lus 2012 / 22
Lilian Vieira Lilian Vieira Lus 2014 / 38
Tanta coisa Lus 2016 / 58
Vieja trova Santiaguera Dominó Alo 2000 / 6
Alune Wade & Harold López-Nussa Havana-Paris-Dakar Lus 2015 / 50
Wailers Cool runnings : the reggae movie (dvd) Alo 2003 / 36
Live (dvd) Alo 2003 / 36
Muddy Waters Folk singer Alo 2000 / 6
Dina El Weddi Turning back Lus 2015 / 49
Who Quadrophenia (soundtrack) Alo 2001 / 14
X Plastaz Maasai hip hop Alo 2005 / 3
Oumar Ndiaye Xosluman Talibé Rev 2010 / 4
Yabby You Deeper roots : dub plates and rarities 1... Lus 2013 / 29
Ema Yazurlo & Quilombo Sonoro Ema Yazurlo & Quilombo Sonoro Lus 2016 / 63
La Yegros Suelta Lus 2019 / 92
Yellowman Nobody move, nobody get hurt Alo 2004 / 50
Yerba buena President alien Alo 2004 / 1
Dhafer Youssef Birds requiem Lus 2014 / 41
Diwan of beauty and odd Lus 2016 / 65
Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu Gurrumul Rev 2009 / 7
Yusa Yusa Alo 2003 / 38
Zap mama Push it to the max (ep) Alo 2002 / 24
Atongo Zimba Savannah breeze Rev 2006 / 2
Zion train Original sound of the Zion Alo 2002 / 27
Zuco 103 After the carnival Rev 2008 / 6
One down, one up Alo 2003 / 40
Tapper Zukie Best of the front line years Alo 2004 / 46
Zulu 9.30 Conecta o revienta Rev 2006 / 4
Huellas Rev 2008 / 7


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