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Mojo 1000 - The ultimate cd buyers guide to Rock

Bron Mojo
Jaar 2001
Aantal titels in dit lijstje 281

Artiest^ Album^ Jaar^ Rec^

# 1-2-3-4 punk and new wave box set : 1976-1979 1999 1
Acid drops, spacedust & flying saucers : psychedelic confectionery from the UK underground 1965-69 2001 2
As good as it gets : skiffle 2000
The Stiff records box set 1992 3
AC/DC Highway to hell 1979 11
Accept Balls to the wall 1983 1
Adverts Crossing the Red sea with the Adverts 1978 9
Aerosmith Rocks 1976 4
Afghan whigs Gentlemen 1993 5
Allman brothers band At Fillmore East 1971 10
Alternative TV The image has cracked : the Alternative tv collection 1996
Anthrax Among the living 1987 4
Arab strap The red thread 2001 5
Band Music from Big pink 1968 16
Bauhaus Crackle 1998 3
Jeff Beck Truth 1968 5
Chuck Berry Chuck Berry 1960 1
More Chuck Berry 1960 1
Big Brother and the Holding company Cheap thrills 1968 5
Birthday party The John Peel sessions 2001 2
Black box recorder England made me 1998 5
Black crowes The Southern harmony and musical companion 1992 6
Black flag The first four years 1983
Black sabbath Black sabbath : vol. 4 1972 11
Blasters American music 1980
Blood, Sweat & Tears Child is father to the man 1968 2
Blue cheer Vincebus eruptum 1968 4
Blue Nile Hats 1989 8
Blue öyster cult Secret treaties 1974 7
Blur Blur 1997 6
Boston Boston 1976 7
David Bowie The man who sold the world 1970 10
The rise and fall of Ziggy Stardust and the spiders from Mars 1972 21
Boxhead ensemble Dutch harbor : where the sea breaks its back 1997 2
Brinsley schwarz Brinsley schwarz 1970 2
Despite it all 1970 3
Jackson Browne Late for the sky 1974 6
Jeff Buckley Grace 1994 11
Tim Buckley Happy sad 1969 8
Starsailor 1970 2
Johnny Burnette Johnny Burnette and the Rock 'n' roll trio 1956 2
Butthole surfers Locust abortion technician 1987 4
Buzzcocks Singles going steady 1979 7
Byrds Younger than yesterday 1967 8
John Cale Music for a new society 1982 3
Can Future days 1973 9
Captain Beefheart and the Magic band Clear spot 1972 5
Trout mask replica 1969 6
Caravan Songs for oblivion fishermen (1970-74) 1998 1
Nick Cave and the Bad seeds No more shall we part 2001 11
Cheap trick At Budokan 1979 6
Cinderella Long cold winter 1988 1
Cocteau twins Treasure 1984 5
Alice Cooper Billion dollar babies 1973 8
Elvis Costello My aim is true 1977 12
Count five Psychotic reaction 1966 4
Country Joe and the Fish Electric music for the mind and body 1967 6
Kevin Coyne Marjory razorblade 1973 4
Crass Best before 1984 1986 1
Cream Those where the days 1997 3
Creedence Clearwater Revival Bayou country 1969 7
David Crosby If I could only remember my name 1971 10
Cult Electric 1987 4
Cure Faith 1981 7
Damned Machine gun etiquette 1979 7
Dead Kennedys Fresh fruit for rotting vegetables 1980 8
Deep purple Machine head 1972 12
Delgados The great Eastern 2000 4
Derek and the Dominos Layla and other assorted love songs 1970 14
Descendents Milo goes to college 1982 1
Dictators Go girl crazy! 1975 3
Bo Diddley Bo Diddley 1958 4
Hey! Bo Diddley 1962 1
Dinosaur jr. You're living all over me 1987 7
Directions in music Directions in music 1996 2
Doors The Doors 1967 13
Dr. Feelgood Malpractice 1975 2
Dr. John Gris-gris 1968 5
Nick Drake Fruit tree 1979 4
Bob Dylan Blood on the tracks 1975 14
Empire burlesque 1985 4
Highway 61 revisited 1965 14
John Wesley Harding 1967 9
The bootleg series : volume 1-3 (rare and unreleased) 1961-1991 1991 4
The times they are a-changin' 1964 10
Time out of mind 1997 11
Eagles Hotel California 1976 9
Electric prunes Underground 1967 3
Brian Eno Here come the warm jets 1974 12
Brian Eno & David Byrne My life in the bush of ghosts 1981 12
Faces A nod is as good as a wink … to a blind horse 1971 4
Faith no more The real thing 1989 5
Fall This nation's saving grace 1985 7
Faust Faust IV 1973 8
Bill Fay Bill Fay 1970 3
Time of the last persecution 1971 3
Fear The record 1982 1
Charlie Feathers Rock-a-billy 1990 1
Flaming lips Transmissions from the satellite heart 1993 3
Foo fighters Foo fighters 1995 4
Free Fire and water 1970 6
Fugs The Fugs first album 1965 1
Billy Fury The sound of Fury 1960 1
Diamanda Galás Malediction and prayer (live) 1998 2
Gang of four Entertainment! 1979 3
Gastr del sol Camoufleur 1998 3
Gentle giant Totally out of the woods : the BBC sessions 2000 3
Lowell George Thanks I'll eat it here 1979 4
Gary Glitter The ultimate Gary Glitter 1998
Godspeed you! Black emperor Levez vos skinny fists comme antennas to heaven! 2000 5
Goldfrapp Felt mountain 2000 9
Grandaddy The sophtware slump 2000 11
Grateful dead Live/Dead 1969 4
Guided by voices Alien lanes 1995 4
Guns n' roses Appetite for destruction 1987 7
Hanoi rocks Self destruction blues 1982
Happy mondays Bummed 1988 3
PJ Harvey To bring you my love 1995 5
Richard Hell and the Voidoids Blank generation 1977 7
Jimi Hendrix Electric ladyland 1968 17
Robyn Hitchcock Jewels for Sophia 1999 2
Hole Celebrity skin 1998 5
Buddy Holly & the Crickets The chirping Crickets 1957 3
Ian Hunter Once bitten twice shy 2000 2
Hüsker dü Zen arcade 1984 4
Iron maiden The number of the beast 1982 5
Wanda Jackson Queen of rockabilly 2000
Jam Direction, reaction, creation 1997 4
Jane's addiction Nothing's shocking 1988 2
Jefferson airplane Surrealistic pillow 1967 11
Jethro tull Stand up 1969 10
Daniel Johnston Rejected unknown 2000 2
Joy division Heart and soul 1997 3
Judas priest British steel 1980 8
Killing joke Killing joke (1980) 1980 7
King Crimson In the court of the Crimson king 1969 11
Kinks The Kinks are the Village green preservation society 1968 17
Kiss Destroyer 1976 7
Kraftwerk Autobahn 1974 12
Labradford Mi media naranja 1997 2
Lamb Lamb 1996 3
Led zeppelin Led zeppelin 2 1969 13
Led zeppelin 4 1971 13
Little feat Sailin' shoes 1972 7
Little Richard His greatest recordings 1990
Love Forever changes 1967 17
Lynyrd skynyrd Pronounced Leh-Nerd-Skin-Nerd 1973 2
MC5 Kick out the jams 1969 6
Maria McKee Maria McKee 1989 2
Meat puppets Meat puppets II 1984 5
Mellow candle Swaddling songs 1972 7
Mercury rev See you on the other side 1995 3
Metallica Master of puppets 1986 8
Minor threat Complete discography 1989 4
Moby grape Moby grape 1967 3
Modern lovers The original Modern lovers 1981 1
Momus Stars forever 1999 2
Money Mark Push the button 1998 4
Monks Black monk time 1966 7
Monochrome set Volume, contrast, brilliance ... 1983
Van Morrison Saint Dominic's preview 1972 10
Tupelo honey 1971 11
Mothers of Invention Freak out! 1966 8
Mötley crüe Shout at the devil 1983 3
Motörhead Bomber 1979 8
Mott the hoople All the young dudes 1972 12
Mud The singles ' 67-' 78 1997
My bloody Valentine Isn't anything 1988 8
Nazz Nazz 1968 2
Neu! Neu! 1972 7
New York dolls New York dolls 1973 3
Thunderclap Newman Hollywood dream 1971 6
Nirvana In utero 1993 12
Oasis Definitely maybe 1994 14
Only ones The immortal story 1977-1980 1992 1
Roy Orbison The Sun years 1956-1958 1989
Papa M Live from a shark cage 1999 4
Graham Parker The up escalator 1980 1
Pavement Slanted and enchanted 1992 8
Pere Ubu Pennsylvania 1998 5
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Through the years : anthology 2000 3
Pink floyd The piper at the gates of dawn 1967 17
Pixies Surfer Rosa 1988 4
Iggy and the Stooges Raw power 1973 13
Posies Frosting on the beater 1993 5
Elvis Presley Aloha from Hawaii via satellite 1973 2
Elvis '56 1996 3
From Elvis in Memphis 1969 6
His hand in mine 1960 1
NBC tv special 1968 1
The all time greatest hits 1986
Primal scream Screamadelica 1991 12
Procol harum Procol harum 1967 9
Public Image Ltd Metal box 1979 11
Pulp Different class 1995 4
Queens of the Stone age Queens of the Stone age 1998 8
Quicksilver messenger service Happy trails 1969 2
Radiohead OK computer 1997 14
Raincoats The Raincoats 1979 7
Ramones It's alive 1979 5
Ramones 1976 13
Ratt Out of the cellar 1984 1
Lou Reed Transformer 1972 11
Replacements Sorry ma, forgot to take out the trash 1981 7
Residents Meet the Residents 1974 2
Rocket from the crypt Scream, Dracula, scream! 1995 4
Rolling stones Beggars banquet 1968 11
Exile on Main street 1972 14
Let it bleed 1969 9
Some girls 1978 14
Sticky fingers 1971 17
The singles collection : the London years 1989 3
Mick Ronson Slaughter on 10th avenue 1974 4
Roxy music Roxy music 1972 18
Todd Rundgren Something/anything? 1972 7
Ruts Something that I said : the best of the Ruts 1995 1
Saints (I'm) stranded 1977 4
Santana Abraxas 1970 9
Sex pistols Kiss this 1992 3
Ron Sexsmith Other songs 1997 3
Sham 69 That's life 1978 2
Shellac At Action park 1994 2
Siouxsie and the Banshees The scream 1978 6
Sisters of mercy Floodland 1987 4
Skid row Skid row 1989 4
Slade Slade alive! 1972 7
Slayer Reign in blood 1986 4
Slint Spiderland 1991 6
Slits Cut 1979 9
Patti Smith Horses 1975 15
Radio Ethiopia 1976 2
Soft boys Underwater moonlight 1980 15
Sonic youth Daydream nation 1988 11
Sonics Psycho-Sonic 1993 2
Soundgarden Badmotorfinger 1991 9
Sparks Balls 2000 2
Spirit Twelve dreams of dr. Sardonicus 1970 5
Spiritualized Pure phase 1995 4
Bruce Springsteen Born to run 1975 16
SRC Milestones 1969 3
SRC 1968 4
Standells The best of the Standells 1994 1
Steely dan Can't buy a thrill 1972 7
Stiff little fingers Inflammable material 1979 3
Stone roses The Stone roses 1989 11
Stranglers Black and white 1978 6
Subway sect We oppose all rock & roll 1996 2
Suicide Suicide 1977 9
Swearing at motorists Number seven uptown 2000 1
Sweet Greatest hits (1997) 1997 1
T. Rex Electric warrior 1971 17
Tangerine dream Zeit 1972 6
Teardrop explodes Kilimanjaro 1980 9
Television Marquee moon 1977 11
Thin lizzy Fighting 1975 5
13th Floor elevators The psychedelic sounds of the 13th Floor elevators 1966 5
Throbbing gristle Heathen Earth 1980 3
Tortoise Tortoise 1994 1
Traffic John Barleycorn must die 1970 10
23 Skidoo Seven songs 1982 5
U2 Achtung baby 1991 10
Undertones The Undertones 1979 9
Van Halen 1984 1984 6
Velvet underground The Velvet underground 1969 8
Vibrators Nashville 77 2001
Gene Vincent The great rocker 2000
Rufus Wainwright Poses 2001 5
Who The Who sell out 1967 16
Wire Pink flag 1977 7
Link Wray The original Rumble : plus 22 other storming guitar instrumentals 1989
Yo la tengo I can hear the heart beating as one 1997 5
Neil Young After the goldrush 1970 12
Decade 1977 7
Everybody knows this is nowhere 1969 7
Rust never sleeps 1979 9
Tonight's the night 1975 11
Unplugged 1993 5
Youngbloods Elephant mountain 1969 1
Frank Zappa Hot rats 1969 6
Warren Zevon Excitable boy 1978 6
ZZ top Tres hombres 1973 5


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