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Ruud Heijjer

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Aantal recensies 663
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Genre's en kenmerken - top

Kenmerken: Genres

x Heaven x Americana
x Blues
x Roots
x Singer-songwriter
x Soul
x World

Individuele muzieklijstje(s) - top

Bron Jaar Individuele lijstje(s) Gehele muzieklijst

Heaven 2000 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2000
Heaven 2001 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2001
Heaven 2002 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2002
Heaven 2003 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2003
Heaven 2004 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2004
Heaven 2005 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2005
Heaven 2006 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2006
Heaven 2007 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2007
Heaven 2008 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2008
Heaven 2009 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2009
Heaven 2010 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2010
Heaven 2011 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2011
Heaven 2012 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2012
Heaven 2013 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2013
Heaven 2014 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2014
Heaven 2015 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2015
Heaven 2016 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2016
Heaven 2017 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2017
Heaven 2018 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2018
Heaven 2019 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2019
Heaven 2020 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2020
Heaven 2021 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2021
Heaven 2022 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2022
Heaven 2023 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2023
Heaven 2024 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2024

Recensies - top

Artiest^ Album^ Ts^ Jaar/Nr^ Verm^

# A celebration of New Orleans music Hea 2006 / 1
#trib Daddy-o-daddy! : rare family songs of Wo... Hea 2002 / 2
# Doo wop : the r&b vocal group sound 1950... Hea 2011 / 6
#trib First came Memphis Minnie Hea 2013 / 1
# Get your soul right : the gospel quartet... Hea 2013 / 3
#trib God don't never change : the songs of Bl... Hea 2016 / 3
# Gospel celebrities & celestial lights Hea 2011 / 2
#trib Het mooiste van Lennaert Nijgh Hea 2004 / 1
# I believe to my soul Hea 2006 / 2
If only you were lonely Hea 2004 / 3
Jim White presents music from Searching ... Hea 2006 / 1
Local customs : downriver revival Hea 2009 / 4
Music maker : sisters of the South Hea 2008 / 6
New Orleans brass (Putumayo) Hea 2008 / 1
New Orleans funk : the original sound of... Hea 2008 / 4
Nuggets of the golden age of gospel 1945... Hea 2010 / 3
Our New Orleans 2005 : a benefit album Hea 2006 / 2
Powerhouse gospel on independent labels ... Hea 2011 / 2
#trib Rock and roll doctor : a Lowell George t... Hea 2000 / 6
# Sorrow come pass me around : a survey of... Hea 2014 / 2
Southern funkin' : Louisiana funk & soul... Hea 2005 / 6
#trib The big beat : the Dave Bartholomew song... Hea 2011 / 4
# This may be my last time singing : raw ... Hea 2012 / 1
#trib Til we outnumber 'em : the songs of Wood... Hea 2001 / 6
Charlie A'Court Color me gone Hea 2004 / 1
Arthur Adam In a cabin with Hea 2008 / 2
Adem Love and other planets Hea 2006 / 4
Gerco Aerts Sing louder, dance faster Hea 2024 / 3
Alias & Tarsier Brookland Oaklyn Hea 2006 / 5
Altered buffalo Altered buffalo Hea 2022 / 5
Marybeth d'Amico Heaven, hell, sin & redemption Hea 2009 / 1
Reverend Shawn Amos The cause of it all Hea 2021 / 5
De Anale fase Uittocht Hea 2009 / 5
Matt Andersen The big bottle of joy Hea 2023 / 3
Joan Armatrading Consequences Hea 2021 / 6
Gwyn Ashton Beg, borrow and steel Hea 2001 / 6
Audrey Auld Mezera Lost me and angry girls Hea 2007 / 4
Average white band and Ben E. King Benny and us Hea 2005 / 5
Average white band Feel no fret Hea 2005 / 5
BJ Baartmans Voor/Achter Hea 2011 / 1
Where lovers go Hea 2005 / 1
Elles Bailey Beneath the neon glow Hea 2025 / 1
Road I call home Hea 2019 / 3
Marcia Ball Down the road : live! Hea 2005 / 5
Roadside attraction Hea 2011 / 4
Renee van Bavel Renee van Bavel Hea 2012 / 1
BB Three Appetizer Hea 2008 / 3
Beansprouts Happy go lucky Hea 2008 / 5
Tom van Beek White & blue Hea 2006 / 4
Bees Octopus Hea 2007 / 4
Tab Benoit Fever for the bayou Hea 2006 / 1
Voice of the wetlands Hea 2006 / 1
Bjørn Berge Stringmachine Hea 2003 / 6
Chris Bergson band Comforts of home Hea 2024 / 6
Bherman Attitudes Hea 2006 / 4
Bruce Bherman The Nashville sessions Hea 2019 / 2
Eric Bibb Global griot Hea 2019 / 1
In the real world Hea 2025 / 1
The happiest man in the world Hea 2016 / 4
Big Daddy 'O' That's how strong my love is Hea 2002 / 6
Birdcatcher Birdcatcher Hea 2006 / 4
Bitch & Animal Eternally hard Hea 2002 / 1
Black pumas Black pumas Hea 2019 / 5
Seb Black On Emery street Hea 2015 / 4
Blimey! Are you with me? Hea 2008 / 4
Blind boys of Alabama Down in New Orleans Hea 2008 / 3
Spirit of the century Hea 2001 / 6
Take the high road Hea 2011 / 4
Victoria Blythe Silver flyer Hea 2015 / 2
Harry Bodine Which way home Hea 2007 / 6
Beth Bombara It all goes up Hea 2023 / 6
Jaap Boots Afkuil Hea 2007 / 5
Johan Borger Sometimes Hea 2011 / 3
Wild geese calling Hea 2013 / 2
Mariecke Borger Bright sky Hea 2020 / 3
Big Chief monk Boudreaux & the Golden ea... Mr. Stranger man Hea 2003 / 4
Randall Bramblett Devil music Hea 2016 / 3
No more mr. Lucky Hea 2001 / 6
Now it's tomorrow Hea 2008 / 6
Pine needle fire Hea 2021 / 2
Rich someday Hea 2006 / 6
The meantime Hea 2020 / 3
Thin places Hea 2004 / 3
Bridge Blind man's hill Hea 2009 / 2
The Bridge Hea 2008 / 1
Brown horse Reservoir Hea 2024 / 2
Chastity Brown Silhouettes of sirens Hea 2017 / 4
Ane Brun Duets Hea 2006 / 3
Spending time with Morgan Hea 2004 / 2
Spending time with Morgan Hea 2003 / 6
Nell Bryden What does it take? Hea 2010 / 4
Clarence Bucaro Dreaming from the heart of New York Hea 2014 / 1
Sense of light Hea 2004 / 5
Cindy Bullens Neverland Hea 2003 / 6
Solomon Burke Like a fire Hea 2008 / 5
Jim Byrnes Everywhere West Hea 2011 / 1
J.J. Cale To Tulsa and back Hea 2004 / 5
Vinicius Cantuária Cymbals Hea 2007 / 6
Horse and fish Hea 2004 / 3
Jim Capaldi Living on the outside Hea 2002 / 1
Grayson Capps If you knew my mind Hea 2006 / 3
Captain Fade away Hea 2003 / 2
Stef Kamil Carlens Making sense of infinity Hea 2020 / 1
Carl Carlton & the Songdogs Cajhoots & roots, life from planet Zed Hea 2004 / 3
Love & respect Hea 2004 / 3
Kim Carnes Chasin' wild trains Hea 2005 / 6
Kendel Carson Alright dynamite Hea 2009 / 5
Rearview mirror tears Hea 2007 / 4
Lori Carson Stolen beauty Hea 2004 / 2
Deborah J. Carter Daytripper : a Beatles tribute Hea 2006 / 4
Tommy Castro Soul shaker Hea 2005 / 3
Dennis Cavalier Blue Orleans Hea 2006 / 5
Champagne Charlie Hobo signs & railroad lines Hea 2012 / 2
Manu Chao Proxima estacion: esperanza Hea 2001 / 5
Chicago blues harmonica project Diamonds in the rough Hea 2005 / 5
Cinelli brothers Almost exactly Hea 2024 / 4
Civil wars The Civil wars Hea 2013 / 6
Eric Clapton Clapton Hea 2011 / 1
Jon Cleary and the Absolute monster gent... Jon Cleary and the Absolute monster gent... Hea 2002 / 5
Pin your spin Hea 2004 / 4
Pin your spin Hea 2005 / 6
Ian Clement See me in synchronicity Hea 2019 / 4
Leonard Cohen Songs from a room Hea 2007 / 4
Songs of Leonard Cohen Hea 2007 / 4
Songs of love and hate Hea 2007 / 4
Lloyd Cole Antidepressant Hea 2006 / 6
Paolo Conte Live Arena di Verona Hea 2006 / 2
Cool genius Maybe you should do that too Hea 2008 / 2
Shemekia Copeland America's child Hea 2019 / 1
Done come too far Hea 2023 / 1
Talking to strangers Hea 2003 / 2
Elvis Costello and Allen Toussaint The river in reverse Hea 2006 / 5
Sean Costello Sean Costello Hea 2005 / 3
Robert Cray band Live from across the pond Hea 2007 / 2
David Crosby For free Hea 2021 / 5
Here if you listen Hea 2019 / 1
Lighthouse Hea 2017 / 1
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Déjà vu Hea 2021 / 4
Madison Cunningham Revealer Hea 2023 / 1
Ellen ten Damme I am here Hea 2001 / 4
Michelle David & the Gospel sessions Vol. 4 Hea 2020 / 3
Ethan Daniel Davidson Free the Ethan Daniel Davidson 5 Hea 2005 / 3
Guy Davis Skunkmello Hea 2006 / 4
Sweetheart like you Hea 2009 / 3
Steve Dawson Nightshade Hea 2011 / 4
Howie Day Stop all the world now Hea 2004 / 3
Kris De Bruyne Buiten de wet Hea 2002 / 1
Dearhunter The sun came out Hea 2008 / 6
Helena Deland Someone new Hea 2021 / 1
Ilse DeLange Clean up Hea 2003 / 4
Live Hea 2008 / 2
Kris Delmhorst Songs for a hurricane Hea 2003 / 6
Strange conversation Hea 2006 / 5
Delta roux Only a fool Hea 2002 / 5
Thomas Denver Jonsson Barely touching it Hea 2006 / 2
Krista Detor Chocolate paper suites Hea 2010 / 3
Cover their eyes Hea 2007 / 6
Willy DeVille Crow Jane alley Hea 2004 / 6
Willy DeVille Acoustic trio In Berlin Hea 2003 / 2
Dez mona Hilfe kommt Hea 2010 / 1
Alela Diane About farewell Hea 2013 / 5
Ani DiFranco Carnegie hall 4.6.02 Hea 2006 / 4
Evolve Hea 2003 / 3
Knuckle down Hea 2005 / 2
Revelling reckoning Hea 2002 / 1
Revelling reckoning Hea 2001 / 3
Revolutionary love Hea 2021 / 3
So much shouting so much laughter Hea 2002 / 6
Which side are you on? Hea 2012 / 2
De Dijk Allemansplein Hea 2015 / 2
Later is nu Hea 2006 / 1
Nu of nou Hea 2020 / 1
Dijsseldonk Bijna lente Hea 2007 / 3
Eric van Dijsseldonk In mijn eigen koninkrijk Hea 2010 / 4
Dirty dozen brass band Funeral for a friend Hea 2004 / 5
We got robbed! Live in New Orleans Hea 2004 / 3
What's going on Hea 2007 / 1
Joost Dobbe Treat you Hea 2006 / 6
Dobrojean D Capital J Hea 2002 / 2
Dobrojean & band Extended Hea 2005 / 5
Fats Domino Alive and kickin' Hea 2007 / 2
Edo Donkers A sense of home Hea 2011 / 2
Lee Dorsey Night people Hea 2005 / 3
Yes we can Hea 2005 / 3
Douglas firs Happy pt. 2 Hea 2024 / 5
Shimmer & glow Hea 2013 / 5
The long answer is no Hea 2015 / 3
Jerry Douglas Traveler Hea 2012 / 5
Down South One on one Hea 2004 / 5
Dr. John Afterglow Hea 2004 / 2
All by hisself : live at the Lone Star Hea 2004 / 2
All by hisself : live at the Lone Star Hea 2005 / 2
Anutha zone Hea 2004 / 2
Babylon Hea 2004 / 2
Bluesiana II Hea 2004 / 2
Bluesiana triangle Hea 2004 / 2
City lights Hea 2004 / 2
City that care forgot Hea 2008 / 5
Creole moon Hea 2002 / 1
Creole moon Hea 2004 / 2
Desitively bonnaro Hea 2004 / 2
Dr. John and his New Orleans congregatio... Hea 2004 / 2
Dr. John plays Mac Rebennack Hea 2004 / 2
Dr. John's gumbo Hea 2004 / 2
Duke Elegant : the Doc meets the Duke Hea 2004 / 2
Goin' back to New Orleans Hea 2004 / 2
Gris-gris Hea 2004 / 2
Hollywood by the name Hea 2004 / 2
In a sentimental mood Hea 2004 / 2
In the right place Hea 2004 / 2
Live at Montreux : 1995 Hea 2006 / 5
Medical school : the early sessions of M... Hea 2004 / 2
Mercenary Hea 2006 / 4
Mos 'scocious : anthology Hea 2004 / 2
N'awlinz dis dat od d'udda Hea 2004 / 5
Remedies Hea 2004 / 2
Right place, wrong time : live at Tipiti... Hea 2006 / 5
Ske-dat-de-dat : the spirit of Satch Hea 2014 / 6
Such a night : live in London Hea 2004 / 2
Tango palace Hea 2004 / 2
Television Hea 2004 / 2
The brightest smile in town Hea 2004 / 2
The sun, moon & herbs Hea 2004 / 2
Tribal Hea 2010 / 5
Trippin' live Hea 2004 / 2
Triumvirate Hea 2004 / 2
Duffhuës Jacky the stripper Hea 2003 / 2
Grainne Duffy Test of time Hea 2013 / 6
Nicolaï Dunger Here's my song, you can have it Hea 2004 / 4
Lincoln Durham And into heaven came the night Hea 2019 / 2
Lincoln Durham's exodus of the deemed ri... Hea 2014 / 4
Tim Easton Find your way Hea 2024 / 4
Arthur Ebeling You handsome devil Hea 2009 / 4
El Fish & Roland Waterbottle Hea 2001 / 5
Elizabeth & the Catapult Taller children Hea 2009 / 6
Tommy Emmanuel Accomplice one Hea 2018 / 2
Ephemerals Chasin ghosts Hea 2016 / 1
Nothin is easy Hea 2014 / 5
Eska Eska Hea 2016 / 1
Bill Evans The other side of something Hea 2008 / 2
Demi Evans My America Hea 2009 / 5
Gavin Fairhall Lever Gavin Fairhall Lever Hea 2023 / 1
Arlan Feiles What kind of world? Hea 2020 / 1
Felice brothers The Felice brothers Hea 2008 / 4
Simone Felice Simone Felice Hea 2012 / 3
Robert Finley Sharecropper's son Hea 2021 / 5
Finn brothers Everyone is here Hea 2004 / 6
Rosie Flores Working girl's guitar Hea 2013 / 1
Forest Sun Harlequin goodnight Hea 2010 / 2
Bob Fosko Omgekomen in overschot Hea 2007 / 1
Ruthie Foster The truth according to Ruthie Foster Hea 2009 / 3
Jeffrey Foucault Cold satellite Hea 2012 / 2
Harmen Fraanje Ronja Hea 2006 / 4
Freebo Before the separation Hea 2006 / 5
Nik Freitas Saturday night underwater Hea 2011 / 5
Sun go down Hea 2009 / 2
Fridolijn Catching currents Hea 2016 / 1
Christina Friis The quiet knowing : Joni Mitchell unknow... Hea 2018 / 4
Dana Fuchs Bliss avenue Hea 2013 / 5
Jeffrey Gaines Live Hea 2004 / 5
Renaud García-Fons Arcoluz : a live recording Hea 2006 / 4
Mary Gauthier Filth & fire Hea 2002 / 4
Lowell George Thanks I'll eat it here Hea 2000 / 6
Otis Gibbs Souvenirs of a misspent youth Hea 2014 / 5
Gitbox! Songs for shiftless days Hea 2006 / 1
Gomez Five men in a hut : A's, B's & rarities ... Hea 2007 / 1
Anton Goudsmit Live op het dak! Hea 2006 / 4
Graham Gouldman Love and work Hea 2013 / 3
Melissa Greener Transistor corazon Hea 2013 / 4
JJ Grey & Mofro Orange blossoms Hea 2008 / 6
Esther Groenenberg Overstroom Hea 2012 / 2
Danny Guinan Now is the time Hea 2022 / 2
Terry Lee Hale Shotgun pillowcase Hea 2007 / 6
Albert Hammond Revolution of the heart Hea 2005 / 4
John Wort Hannam Long haul Hea 2021 / 6
Lynne Hanson River of sand Hea 2014 / 5
Uneven ground Hea 2017 / 3
Harper Down to the rhythm Hea 2005 / 5
Ben Harper Bloodline maintenance Hea 2022 / 6
Both sides of the gun Hea 2006 / 4
Ben Harper & Charlie Musselwhite No mercy in this land Hea 2018 / 3
Ben Harper & the Blind boys of Alabama There will be a light Hea 2005 / 1
Angela Harris Roots Hea 2006 / 5
Betty Harris Intuition Hea 2008 / 3
The lost queen of New Orleans soul Hea 2017 / 1
Corey Harris Downhome sophisticate Hea 2002 / 3
Mississippi to Mali Hea 2004 / 2
Jesse Harris & the Ferdinandos The secret sun Hea 2003 / 5
JP Harris JP Harris is a trash fire Hea 2025 / 1
Hartog Happy days Hea 2013 / 1
Hayden Live at Convocation hall Hea 2003 / 5
Skyscraper National park Hea 2003 / 5
Maarten Heijmans Ramses Hea 2020 / 2
Ramses Hea 2019 / ?
Hellwood Chainsaw of life Hea 2007 / 1
Bruce Henderson Beyond the pale Hea 2002 / 1
Jasper van 't Hof & Le Quartet nouveau The yellow house Hea 2006 / 4
Henk Hofstede Het draagbare huis Hea 2003 / 5
Claire Holley Dandelion Hea 2003 / 5
Hollywood blue flames Soul sanctuary Hea 2005 / 5
Holmes brothers Simple truths Hea 2004 / 3
Heleen van den Hombergh Rush in the woods! Hea 2005 / 2
Melanie Horsnell Complicated sweetheart Hea 2009 / 4
Hotel Alexis Goliath, I'm on your side Hea 2007 / 4
James Hunter six Hold on! Hea 2016 / 2
Hyacinth house Hyacinth house Hea 2006 / 3
Janis Ian Between the lines Hea 2010 / 3
Folk is the new black Hea 2006 / 3
Denny Ilett Callin' the children Hea 2008 / 5
Information Sounds of the backwoods Hea 2013 / 3
Doug Ingoldsby I've got a picture Hea 2014 / 4
Tessa Rose Jackson Songs from the sandbox Hea 2013 / 4
Marike Jager Here comes the night Hea 2011 / 3
Ruby James Happy now Hea 2010 / 6
Kim Janssen The truth is, I am always responsible Hea 2009 / 3
Jaydees Solitude Hea 2024 / 5
Jesus Volt Electro button funky coxxx Hea 2005 / 5
Jodymoon The life you never planned Hea 2012 / 4
Who are you now Hea 2010 / 4
John dear mowing club John dear mowing club Hea 2008 / 2
Ethan Johns If not now then when? Hea 2013 / 4
Jack Johnson Brushfire fairytales Hea 2002 / 6
Peter C. Johnson Bloodshot Hea 2002 / 3
Peter C. Johnson 1978-1981 Hea 2008 / 3
Soul sherpa Hea 2004 / 3
Jude Johnstone Mr. Sun Hea 2008 / 6
Booker T. Jones Potato hole Hea 2009 / 3
Janis Joplin & Jorma Kaukonen The legendary typewriter tape : 6/25/64 ... Hea 2023 / 2
JT and the Clouds Caledonia Hea 2010 / 6
Rob Jungklas Mapping the wreckage Hea 2011 / 1
Kaai Man Overkant Hea 2022 / 5
Ted Russell Kamp Divisadero Hea 2007 / 4
Mitch Kashmar Nickles & dimes Hea 2005 / 5
Keb' Mo' Live & Mo' Hea 2010 / 3
Suitcase Hea 2007 / 1
Denison Kolen The jive Hea 2005 / 6
Dennis Kolen Wilderness Hea 2022 / 3
Martin Korthuis Aailand Hea 2006 / 6
Muze Hea 2008 / 6
Egon Kracht & the Troupe Troost Hea 2008 / 4
Philip Kroonenberg The therapist Hea 2022 / 6
Dayna Kurtz Secret canon : volume 2 Hea 2013 / 6
Larry LaDon Living on borrowed time Hea 2003 / 2
Lady Blackbird Slang spirituals Hea 2024 / 6
Lalalover Heliotropic Hea 2006 / 2
Ray Lamontagne Monovision Hea 2020 / 5
Sonny Landreth From the reach Hea 2008 / 5
Patty Larkin Still green Hea 2014 / 2
Ron Lasalle Nobody rides for free Hea 2007 / 4
Wayne Lavallee Trail of tears Hea 2009 / 5
Lavalu Earthbound Hea 2022 / 4
Hope or liquid courage Hea 2009 / 6
Bettye Lavette Interpretations : the British rock songb... Hea 2010 / 4
The scene of the crime Hea 2007 / 6
Amos Lee My ideal : a tribute to 'Chet Baker sing... Hea 2023 / 2
Matthijs Leeuwis Wachten op de klap Hea 2010 / 5
Benjamin Francis Leftwich Some things break Hea 2024 / 3
Legendary Ingramettes Take a look in the book Hea 2020 / 6
Leine Truth be told Hea 2009 / 1
Eric Lindell Gulf coast highway Hea 2009 / 4
Low on cash, rich in love Hea 2008 / 2
Richard Lindgren Sundown on a lemon tree Hea 2015 / 2
Arto Lindsay Invoke Hea 2002 / 4
Salt Hea 2004 / 4
Little Charlie and the Nightcats Nine lives Hea 2005 / 5
Little feat Ain't had enough fun Hea 2000 / 6
Barnstormin' live : volume 1 Hea 2005 / 5
Chinese work songs Hea 2000 / 6
Dixie chicken Hea 2000 / 6
Down on the farm Hea 2000 / 6
Down upon the Suwannee river Hea 2003 / 6
Feats don't fail me now Hea 2000 / 6
Hotcakes and outtakes : thirty years of ... Hea 2000 / 6
Hoy-hoy! Hea 2000 / 6
Kickin' at the barn Hea 2004 / 1
Let it roll Hea 2000 / 6
Little feat Hea 2000 / 6
Live at the Ram's head Hea 2003 / 2
Live from Neon park Hea 2000 / 6
Representing the mambo Hea 2000 / 6
Sailin' shoes Hea 2000 / 6
Shake me up Hea 2000 / 6
The encore collection Hea 2000 / 6
The last record album Hea 2000 / 6
Time loves a hero Hea 2000 / 6
Under the radar Hea 2000 / 6
Waiting for Columbus Hea 2000 / 6
Little Louis band Footstompin' ground! Live Hea 2009 / 2
Daniël Lohues Gunder Hea 2012 / 3
Lohues & the Louisiana blues club Ja boeh Hea 2003 / 3
Daniël Lohues Vlier Hea 2018 / 3
Robert Long Jij wou mij totaal : zijn complete Neder... Hea 2016 / 3
Louis! A close watch Hea 2004 / 4
Ma rain Harbour Hea 2007 / 6
Paper wall Hea 2008 / 6
Doug Macleod Where I been Hea 2006 / 4
Taj Mahal & the Hula blues Hanapepe dream Hea 2001 / 4
Wendy Maharry Released Hea 2003 / 2
Released Hea 2003 / 4
Ashley Maher Flying over bridges Hea 2006 / 2
The blessed rain Hea 2003 / 1
Maison du Malheur Stomping ground Hea 2016 / 1
Malted milk Get some Hea 2012 / 4
Mannish boys That represent man Hea 2005 / 5
Manolito y su Trabuco Se rompieron los termómetros Hea 2002 / 5
Harry Manx Bread and Buddha Hea 2010 / 2
Harry Manx & Kevin Breit Jubilee Hea 2003 / 4
Mardi grass BB 29 moonglow Hea 2005 / 2
The excile itch Hea 2007 / 4
Maxon blewitt Maxon blewitt Hea 2005 / 1
When the moon winks Hea 2006 / 3
John Mayall Road dogs Hea 2005 / 5
Case Mayfield Another glorious battle for the kingdom Hea 2014 / 5
The many colored beast Hea 2012 / 3
Martina McBride Waking up laughing Hea 2007 / 4
Paul McCartney Memory almost full Hea 2007 / 5
Sarah McCoy Blood siren Hea 2019 / 3
Michael McDonald Blue obsession Hea 2001 / 2
Jimmy McIntosh New Orleans to London Hea 2009 / 5
Lori McKenna Pieces of me Hea 2002 / 3
Eva Meijer A long way Hea 2009 / 3
Greg Mendez Greg Mendez Hea 2023 / 5
Mercy John This ain't New York Hea 2017 / 2
Meters The very best of the Meters Hea 2005 / 5
Egbert Meyers Bluebonnet blues Hea 2007 / 4
Nona Mez Cast in concrete Hea 2004 / 2
Radio rain & hard luck stories Hea 2010 / 5
Malford Milligan Sweet cherry soul Hea 2003 / 2
Minor gold Minor gold Hea 2024 / 1
Mondo Leone Mondo Leone Hea 2005 / 1
Alastair Moock Fortune street Hea 2007 / 4
Jesse Moore More than life itself Hea 2006 / 5
Allison Moorer Crows Hea 2010 / 2
Sarah Jane Morris August Hea 2002 / 2
Migratory birds Hea 2009 / 1
Rob Mostert Hammond group Go big or go home Hea 2013 / 5
Maria Muldaur Don't you feel my leg : the naughty bawd... Hea 2019 / 1
Naughty bawdy & blue Hea 2007 / 5
Sweet lovin' ol' soul Hea 2005 / 6
Multigrade motoroil Pancakes & pearls Hea 2009 / 2
My baby My baby loves voodoo! Hea 2014 / 2
Prehistoric rhythm Hea 2017 / 3
Shamanaid Hea 2015 / 3
Kenny Neal Let life flow Hea 2008 / 5
Neville brothers Treacherous : a history of the Neville b... Hea 2005 / 5
Walkin' in the shadow of life Hea 2005 / 1
Walkin' in the shadow of life Hea 2005 / 5
Yellow moon Hea 2005 / 5
Cyril Neville Brand new blues Hea 2009 / 4
Ivan Neville Scrape Hea 2004 / 3
New Orleans Social club Sing me back home Hea 2006 / 4
Buffalo Nichols Buffalo Nichols Hea 2022 / 2
Nits Knot Hea 2020 / 2
Tree house fire Hea 2024 / 2
No blues Lumen Hea 2009 / 2
Rosy Nolan band Phantom hymns Hea 2007 / 4
Heather Nova 300 days at sea Hea 2011 / 4
Oak Building steam Hea 2004 / 6
Sleep dream walk enter Hea 2007 / 6
Bart Oostindie Welcome to the costume ball Hea 2008 / 6
Anders Osborne American patchwork Hea 2010 / 4
Ash wednesday blues Hea 2001 / 4
Ash wednesday blues Hea 2001 / 6
Break the chain Hea 2002 / 4
Anders Osborne & Big chief Monk Boudreau... Bury the hatchet Hea 2003 / 1
Anders Osborne Coming down Hea 2008 / 1
Marten de Paepe Alles naar de stort Hea 2020 / 2
Marten de Paepe Hea 2008 / 2
Wait another year Hea 2013 / 6
Robert Palmer Drive Hea 2004 / 1
Graham Parker Cloud symbols Hea 2019 / 1
Ian Parker Whilst the wind : live Hea 2005 / 5
Paschall brothers On the right road now Hea 2008 / 1
Paul Pena & Kongar-ol Ondar Genghis blues Hea 2001 / 4
Iris Penning Dan maar genieten Hea 2023 / 3
Edwin Pennock Passion Hea 2006 / 6
Rain Perry Internal combustion Hea 2011 / 2
Gretchen Peters Dancing with the beast Hea 2018 / 4
Phantom blues band Out of the shadows Hea 2007 / 2
Phantom puercos III Hea 2010 / 5
Kelly Joe Phelps Sky like a broken clock Hea 2002 / 3
Piepschuim Ergernis Hea 2005 / 3
Tom Pintens Tom Pintens Hea 2008 / 1
Plan Kruutntoone Een mooi pak/From all my secret pockets Hea 2007 / 2
Planet Orange Lollypop barbershop Hea 2004 / 6
Wouter Planteijdt Bullhorn Hea 2019 / 6
Bullhorn II Hea 2022 / 3
AJ Plug Killer king Hea 2022 / 2
David Poe Love is red Hea 2004 / 5
Beatrice van der Poel Hard en hoofd Hea 2010 / 1
Hard en hoofd Hea 2010 / 3
Ana Popovic Ana! : live in Amsterdam Hea 2005 / 5
Jennifer Porter Yes, I do! Hea 2024 / 2
Posies Solid states Hea 2016 / 4
Brigid Mae Power Dream from the Deep well Hea 2023 / 5
Dede Priest Candy moon Hea 2008 / 4
Kinky at the root Hea 2011 / 5
Professor Longhair Live on the Queen Mary Hea 2019 / 4
Katie Pruitt Expectations Hea 2020 / 5
Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt and friends Hea 2007 / 1
Silver lining Hea 2002 / 4
Souls alike Hea 2005 / 6
The best of Bonnie Raitt on Capitol 1989... Hea 2003 / 5
Chris Rea Blue guitars Hea 2006 / 1
The blue jukebox Hea 2004 / 5
Redbird Live at the café Carpe Hea 2011 / 3
Megan Reilly Let your ghost go Hea 2006 / 5
Hugo Remmelt & Thijs Muus The long way around Hea 2005 / 3
Nicolas Repac Black box Hea 2013 / 2
Reynosa Directions Hea 2007 / 4
Rhythm junks Virus B-23 Hea 2005 / 2
Kim Richey Every new beginning Hea 2025 / 1
Wreck your wheels Hea 2010 / 4
Rigor mortis In koelen bloede verwoord Hea 2012 / 4
Rilo kiley More adventurous Hea 2005 / 2
Gabriel Ríos Angelhead Hea 2007 / 4
Ghostboy Hea 2004 / 5
Carrie Rodriguez She ain't me Hea 2009 / 4
Alex Roeka Beet van liefde Hea 2009 / 1
Gegroefd Hea 2013 / 1
Hadeskade Hea 2006 / 5
Rolling stones Hackney diamonds Hea 2024 / 1
Tim Rose American son Hea 2002 / 4
Rosemary's sons Home sweet home Hea 2009 / 5
St. Eleanor's park Hea 2005 / 4
Rounders Wish I had you Hea 2007 / 4
Xavier Rudd Food in the belly Hea 2006 / 5
Alice Russell I am Hea 2024 / 5
Shawn Sahm Shawn Sahm Hea 2002 / 5
Saint Thomas I'm coming home Hea 2002 / 3
Sam & Julia Something somewhere Hea 2021 / 4
Say ZuZu Every mile Hea 2002 / 2
Boz Scaggs Out of the blues Hea 2018 / 6
Saskia Schalekamp Eiland in de stad Hea 2014 / 6
Danny Schmidt Owls Hea 2015 / 4
Sari Schorr A force of nature Hea 2016 / 6
Emily Scott Robinson American siren Hea 2022 / 2
Beverly Jo Scott Cut & run live Hea 2005 / 5
Divine rebel Hea 2003 / 3
Seasick Steve You can't teach an old dog new tricks Hea 2011 / 4
Michael J. Sheehy Ghost on the motorway Hea 2007 / 5
Will Sheff Nothing special Hea 2023 / 1
Shiner twins All in store Hea 2007 / 1
Southern belles Hea 2009 / 1
Southern belles Hea 2009 / 4
Hank Shizzoe Hank Shizzoe Hea 2001 / 3
Hank Shizzoe & Loose gravel with Sonny L... In concert Hea 2003 / 5
Jason Shogren Bird bones & muscle Hea 2010 / 5
Krista Shows Prone to wander Hea 2020 / 6
Sioen Calling up Soweto Hea 2009 / 5
Sjako! Lucky spots Hea 2009 / 2
Smutfish Through a slightly open door Hea 2006 / 3
Pontus Snibb Admiral street recordings Hea 2007 / 4
Son of the Velvet rat Ghost ranch Hea 2024 / 3
Songdog Haiku Hea 2003 / 3
Soul snatchers Sniffin' and snatchin' Hea 2008 / 2
Soul vaccination Do you wanne dance? Hea 2006 / 4
Souther still Dizziness and darkness Hea 2007 / 2
Spencer the Rover Spencer is your friend Hea 2005 / 2
Frédérique Spigt Één kus Hea 2007 / 2
Spinvis Be-bop-a-lula Hea 2023 / 3
Jason Spooner The flame you follow Hea 2008 / 3
Spottiswoode & his Enemies Lost in the city Hea 2019 / 2
Mavis Staples Live : hope at the Hideout Hea 2009 / 1
One true vine Hea 2013 / 4
Candi Staton Unstoppable Hea 2018 / 6
Eric Steckel High action Hea 2005 / 5
Stevie Ann Closer to the heart Hea 2008 / 1
C.W. Stoneking Jungle blues Hea 2010 / 6
Storybox You can be replaced Hea 2009 / 3
Subdudes Behind the levee Hea 2006 / 3
Lickskillet Hea 2020 / 2
Miracle mule Hea 2004 / 6
Summit of the big low Thin air Hea 2023 / 2
Sussex The ocean wide Hea 2020 / 2
Loes Swinkels Nothing as I know Hea 2015 / 3
Ocean heart Hea 2021 / 3
Jeff Talmadge Blissville Hea 2004 / 6
Renske Taminiau Move me Hea 2011 / 6
Tandy The bloodroot transciptions Hea 2002 / 2
Tank and the Bangas Red balloon Hea 2022 / 5
Louise Taylor Tangerine Hea 2012 / 5
10cc Alive in Japan Hea 2002 / 3
Tenuzu no chiizu Girls like us Hea 2006 / 4
JP den Tex La jeune fille au chewing gum Hea 2005 / 2
Bow Thayer Sundowser Hea 2015 / 6
Thee sacred souls Got a story to tell Hea 2024 / 6
Hans Theessink Banjo man : a tribute to Derroll Adams Hea 2003 / 2
Bridges Hea 2004 / 3
Hans Theessink & Terry Evans featuring R... Delta time Hea 2012 / 6
Hans Theessink Songs from the Southland Hea 2003 / 4
Kirsten Thien Delicious Hea 2011 / 1
Irma Thomas Simply grand Hea 2009 / 2
Allen Toussaint The bright Mississippi Hea 2009 / 4
Trace mountains Lost in the country Hea 2020 / 4
Rick Treffers Het heeft niets met jou te maken Hea 2008 / 1
Trembling highburys Past & present Hea 2005 / 4
Trombone Shorty Backatown Hea 2010 / 5
Turnip greens Carry me down the aisle Hea 2006 / 6
Roy Tyler & New directions Three way calling Hea 2004 / 6
Soozie Tyrell White lines Hea 2004 / 1
Understate men Propaganda Hea 2004 / 1
Vain travail After a silent diaster Hea 2022 / 2
Van den Heuvel Meanwhile at the moon parlor Hea 2007 / 5
VanderLinde Entering the circus Hea 2019 / 4
Ad Vanderveen Days of the greats Hea 2011 / 4
VanWyck God is in the detour Hea 2021 / 1
Molten rock Hea 2020 / 1
Herman van Veen Kersvers Hea 2015 / 1
Clemens Vandeven Live in Austria Hea 2005 / 5
Off the road Hea 2003 / 3
Bram Vermeulen De verzameling Hea 2003 / 5
Oorlog aan den oorlog Hea 2001 / 1
Voltooid verleden tijd : de beste van Hea 2002 / 2
Voltooid verleden tijd : de beste van Hea 2002 / 6
Johan Verminnen Hartklop Hea 2006 / 1
Leif Vollebekk Twin solitude Hea 2017 / 2
Tom Waits Alice Hea 2002 / 4
Blood money Hea 2002 / 4
Real gone Hea 2005 / 1
Nick Waterhouse Time's all gone Hea 2012 / 5
Weepies Hideaway Hea 2008 / 5
Say I am you Hea 2006 / 4
Gillian Welch & David Rawlings Woodland Hea 2024 / 6
Amelia White Beautiful and wild Hea 2012 / 2
Jim White Drill a hole in that substrate and tell ... Hea 2004 / 4
No such place Hea 2001 / 2
No such place Hea 2001 / 3
Transnormal skiperoo Hea 2007 / 6
Where it hits you Hea 2012 / 3
Wrong-eyed Jesus Hea 2001 / 3
Kenny White Long list of priors Hea 2017 / 4
Symphony in 16 bars Hea 2004 / 6
Tony Joe White Snakey Hea 2003 / 3
The beginning Hea 2022 / 6
Chris Whitley Hotel vast horizon Hea 2003 / 3
Pigs will fly (soundtrack) Hea 2003 / 3
Rocket house Hea 2001 / 5
War crime blues Hea 2005 / 1
Weed Hea 2005 / 1
Vic Willems Doemdenker/Wonderkind Hea 2020 / 4
André Williams Can you deal with it? Hea 2008 / 6
Nicole Willis & the Soul investigators Keep reachin' up Hea 2007 / 2
Big Daddy Wilson Love is the key Hea 2009 / 4
Thumb a ride Hea 2011 / 5
Time on our side : MMXIV Hea 2015 / 4
Bart de Win Little world Hea 2011 / 2
The simple life Hea 2010 / 1
Rob van de Wouw Reboot your soul Hea 2007 / 2
Lizz Wright Grace Hea 2017 / 6
Jaime Wyatt Feel good Hea 2024 / 1
Xilke Await Hea 2006 / 4
Yentl en De Boer Morph Hea 2019 / 2
Neil Young Archives : vol. II 1972-1976 Hea 2021 / 3
Way down in the rust bucket Hea 2021 / 3
Les Zazous Singles party! : the best of Les Zazous ... Hea 2009 / 6
Het Zesde metaal Akattemets Hea 2009 / 5
Skepsels Hea 2020 / 1
Sophie Zeyl Two ways of running Hea 2006 / 5
Zijlstra Stel je voor Hea 2007 / 4
Zita swoon A song about a girls Hea 2005 / 1
Big city Hea 2007 / 4
David Zoffer Differential Release Hea 2007 / 4


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