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Rob Maat

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Artiest^ Album^ Ts^ Jaar/Nr^ Verm^

#trib As long as you're living yours : the mus... Muz 2000 / 39
# Blue note trip Muz 2002 / 50
Calle 54 Muz 2001 / 13
#trib Celebrating the music of Weather report Muz 2000 / 12
# North sea jazz festival 2000 Muz 2000 / 24
Sounds from the Verve hi-fi : compiled b... Muz 2002 / 6
Swingdansen verboden : 1943/44 Muz 2001 / 18
#trib The colors of latin jazz : shades of Job... Muz 2002 / 11
Chris van Abelen What a romance Muz 2000 / 2
Acoustic alchemy The beautiful game Muz 2000 / 26
Afro celt sound system Seed Muz 2003 / 14
Alexander Monty Monty meets Sly and Robbie Muz 2000 / 25
Harry Allen Day dream Muz 1999 / 46
Play Ellington songs Muz 2000 / 21
Marc Antoine Cruisin' Muz 2002 / 8
Louis Armstrong Satchmo : a musical autobiography Muz 2001 / 33
Philip Bailey Soul on jazz Muz 2002 / 20
Chet Baker Broken wing : jazz in Paris Muz 2001 / 7
Patricia Barber Modern cool Muz 1999 / 39
Joey Baron We'll soon find out Muz 1999 / 49
Ray Barretto Portraits in jazz and clave Muz 1999 / 48
Kenny Barron Canta Brasil Muz 2002 / 27
Kenny Barron & Regina Carter Freefall Muz 2001 / 32
Batatunda Lea Soul pools Muz 2003 / 17
Stefano di Battista Round about Roma Muz 2002 / 46
Rob van Bavel Piano grand slam Muz 2003 / 7
Beau hunks & the Metropole orchestra Kodachrome Muz 2002 / 35
Beets brothers orchestra Powerhouse Muz 2000 / 49
Madeline Bell Blessed burden Muz 2000 / 15
Vince Benedetti & Diana Krall Heartdrops Muz 2003 / 11
Tony Bennett & k.d. Lang A wonderful world Muz 2003 / 28
Tony Bennett Playin' with my friends : Bennett sings ... Muz 2001 / 46
David Benoit Fuzzy logic Muz 2002 / 8
Here's to you, Charlie Brown Muz 2000 / 36
George Benson Absolute Benson Muz 2000 / 31
Bob Berg The jazztime superband Muz 2000 / 44
Gunnar Bergsten Somewhere Muz 2001 / 2
Gregg Bissonette Submarine Muz 2001 / 5
Cindy Blackman Works on canvas Muz 2000 / 16
Art Blakey Paris jam session Muz 2001 / 7
Michiel Borstlap Gramercy park Muz 2001 / 24
Chris Botti Night sessions Muz 2001 / 48
Anouar Brahem Le pas du chat noir Muz 2002 / 41
Michael Brecker Time is of the essence Muz 1999 / 43
Randy Brecker 34th n Lex Muz 2003 / 17
Hangin' in the city Muz 2001 / 17
Dee Dee Bridgewater This is new Muz 2002 / 15
Till Brönner Blue eyed soul Muz 2002 / 12
Chattin' with Chet Muz 2000 / 14
Bob Brookmeyer Holiday Muz 2002 / 3
New works - Celebration Muz 1999 / 37
Ray Brown Some of my best friends are … the trum... Muz 2000 / 46
Dave Brubeck The 40th anniversary tour of the U.K. Muz 1999 / 28
Precious Bryant Fool me good Muz 2002 / 35
Alex Bugnon As promised Muz 2000 / 9
Gary Burton For hamp, red, begs, and cal Muz 2001 / 23
Libertango : the music of Astor Piazzoll... Muz 2000 / 27
Gary Burton & Makoto Ozone Virtuosi Muz 2002 / 20
Laverne Butler A foolish thing to do Muz 2003 / 4
Terry Callier Speak your peace Muz 2002 / 25
Ruth Cameron Roadhouse Muz 2000 / 44
Caribbean jazz project Paradiso Muz 2001 / 23
Larry Carlton Fingerprints Muz 2000 / 21
James Carter Chasin' the gypsy Muz 2000 / 24
Layin' in the cut Muz 2000 / 25
Regina Carter Motor city moments Muz 2000 / 40
Paganini : after a dream Muz 2003 / 20
Ron Carter Pick 'em/Super strings Muz 2001 / 32
Stardust Muz 2002 / 7
Philip Catherine Blue prince Muz 2001 / 10
Summer night Muz 2002 / 44
Cyrus Chestnut Soul flood Muz 2002 / 27
Jing Chi Jing Chi - live! Muz 2003 / 22
Fay Claassen Rhythms & rhymes Muz 2002 / 40
Stanley Clarke 1,2 to the bass Muz 2003 / 25
Billy Cobham Drum 'n voice Muz 2002 / 32
Freddy Cole Rio de Janeiro blues Muz 2001 / 28
John Coltrane A love supreme Muz 2002 / 48
Ravi Coltane From the round box Muz 2000 / 39
Harry Connick jr. 30 Muz 2001 / 43
Come by me Muz 1999 / 37
Ry Cooder & Manuel Galbán Mambo sinuendo Muz 2003 / 6
Carmen Cuesta-Loeb Dreams Muz 2002 / 44
Carsten Dahl Message from Bud Muz 1999 / 30
Eddie 'Lockjaw' Davis 80th birthday celebration Muz 2002 / 12
Miles Davis 75th birthday celebration Muz 2001 / 24
In person friday and saturday nights at ... Muz 2003 / 25
In person saturday night at the Blackhaw... Muz 2003 / 25
The best of Miles Davis Muz 1999 / 50
Miles Davis & John Coltrane The complete Columbia recordings 1955-19... Muz 2000 / 17
Miles Davis The complete In a silent way sessions Muz 2001 / 44
Joey DeFrancesco Incredible! Muz 2000 / 46
Singin' and swingin' Muz 2001 / 41
The champ round 2 Muz 2000 / 48
Barbara Dennerlein Outhipped Muz 1999 / 43
Karl Denson Dance lesson 2 Muz 2001 / 20
Louis van Dijk Jubilee Muz 2001 / 44
Louis van Dijk & Cor Bakker Windmills of your mind Muz 2002 / 39
Sjoerd Dijkhuizen After hours : live at De Pompoen Muz 2002 / 31
Double scale Double scale Muz 1999 / 32
Dave Douglas A thousand evenings Muz 2000 / 45
Soul on soul Muz 2000 / 39
Kenny Drew jr. Winter flower Muz 1999 / 27
George Duke Cool Muz 2000 / 41
Hans & Candy Dulfer Dulfer Dulfer Muz 2002 / 42
Hans Dulfer El saxofon : part II Muz 2000 / 49
Scissors (presented by Handieman) Muz 2003 / 8
Dutch swing college band Back to the roots Muz 2000 / 16
Christian Eckert Double you Muz 2001 / 3
Eliane Elias Everything I love Muz 2000 / 8
Sidsel Endresen & Bugge Wesseltoft Out here, in there Muz 2002 / 31
Joe van Enkhuizen Waltz hot Muz 2002 / 23
Peter Epstein The invisible Muz 2001 / 4
André Dries Eschauzier Nederlandse jazz uit … : deel 2 Muz 2002 / 11
Bill Evans Soul insider Muz 2000 / 40
Georgie Fame Poet in New York Muz 2000 / 31
Michael Feinstein Romance on film : on Broadway Muz 2001 / 24
Rachelle Ferrell Individuality (can I be me?) Muz 2000 / 38
Mike del Ferro Plays belcanto Muz 2000 / 38
First moves First moves Muz 2002 / 14
Flatlanders Now again Muz 2002 / 26
Joe Fonda, Carlo Morena & Jeff Hirshfiel... Step-in Muz 2000 / 51
Fourplay Heartfelt Muz 2002 / 33
Yes, please! Muz 2000 / 36
Nnenna Freelon Tales of wonder Muz 2002 / 27
Paolo Fresu Metamorfosi Muz 1999 / 30
Bill Frisell Good dog, happy man Muz 1999 / 39
Laura Fygi At Ronnie Scott's Muz 2003 / 21
Laszlo Gardony Behind open doors Muz 2002 / 35
Kenny Garrett Simply said Muz 1999 / 34
Dizzy Gillespie's Alumni allstars Dizzy' world Muz 1999 / 51
Jeff Golub Dangerous curves Muz 2000 / 28
Grand slam Live at the Regattabar Muz 2000 / 45
Grant Green Retrospective : 1961-66 Muz 2002 / 51
Russell Gunn Ethnomusicology : vol. 1 Muz 2000 / 6
Smokin Gunn Muz 2000 / 40
Charlie Haden & Michael Brecker American dreams Muz 2002 / 41
Charlie Haden Nocturne Muz 2001 / 29
Herbie Hancock, Michael Brecker & Roy Ha... Directions in music : celebrating the mu... Muz 2002 / 38
Herbie Hancock Future 2 future Muz 2001 / 46
Winard Harper Faith Muz 2000 / 48
Tom Harrell Time's mirror Muz 1999 / 46
Stefon Harris Black action figure Muz 1999 / 38
Roy Haynes Danilo Perez & John Patitucci Muz 2000 / 18
Eddie Henderson So what Muz 2003 / 21
Gijs Hendriks Change the backing Muz 2002 / 26
Fred Hersch Let yourself go Muz 1999 / 47
Jasper van 't Hof, C. Mariano & S. Swall... Brutto tempo Muz 2001 / 31
Dave Holland Not for nothin' Muz 2001 / 38
Shirley Horn May the music never end Muz 2003 / 29
You're my thrill Muz 2001 / 12
Houdini's Chasin' the general Muz 2003 / 7
El Indio Niuevos horizontes Muz 2001 / 15
Paul Jackson jr. Still small voice Muz 2003 / 27
D.D. Jackson Anthem Muz 2000 / 39
Sigame Muz 2002 / 4
Javon Jackson Pleasant valley Muz 1999 / 28
Milt Jackson Explosive! Muz 2000 / 6
Bob James An anthology Muz 2001 / 9
Dancing on the water Muz 2001 / 14
Joy ride Muz 1999 / 38
Etta James Blue gardenia Muz 2001 / 43
Matriarch of the blues Muz 2001 / 2
Denise Jannah The madness of our love Muz 1999 / 39
Jean-Michel Jarre Sessions 2000 Muz 2002 / 47
Al Jarreau Tomorrow today Muz 2000 / 7
Molly Johnson Another day Muz 2003 / 18
Dave Jones Affinity Muz 2001 / 2
Michael de Jong Last chance romance Muz 2002 / 46
Ronny Jordan A brighter day Muz 2000 / 12
At last Muz 2003 / 30
Gerard Kleijn Lovequotes Muz 2002 / 26
Kombo Cookin' out Muz 2001 / 16
Lee Konitz & Ted Brown Dig-it Muz 2000 / 5
Diana Krall Live in Paris Muz 2002 / 40
The look of love Muz 2001 / 39
Rob van Kreeveld Alone together Muz 2002 / 39
Together alone Muz 2002 / 39
Steve Lacy & Roswell Rudd Monk's dream Muz 1999 / 50
Nils Landgren & Esbjörn Svensson Layers of light Muz 2001 / 18
Saskia Laroo Meets T. Edwards : sunset eyes 2000 Muz 2000 / 3
Loet van der Lee Holland in jazz : ode to 12 provincies Muz 2003 / 13
Michel Legrand Big band Muz 1999 / 45
Michel Legrand by Michel Legrand Muz 2002 / 6
Lewis trio Battangó Muz 2000 / 41
Ramsey Lewis Appassionate Muz 1999 / 43
Ramsey Lewis & Nancy Wilson Meant to be Muz 2002 / 13
Lils Mackintosh Black girl Muz 2000 / 14
In the wee small hours of the morning Muz 2003 / 10
Orlando Cachaíto López Cachaíto Muz 2001 / 19
Jacques Loussier Bach's Goldberg variations Muz 2000 / 25
Joe Lovano nonet 52nd street themes Muz 2000 / 17
Joe Lovano Fights of fancy Muz 2001 / 13
Viva Caruso Muz 2002 / 19
Sylvian Luc & Biréli Lagrène Duet Muz 2000 / 7
Kevin Mahogany My romance Muz 2000 / 6
Pussy cat dues : the music of Charles Mi... Muz 2000 / 24
Marsalis family A jazz celebration Muz 2003 / 12
Branford Marsalis Contemporary jazz Muz 2000 / 38
Footsteps of our fathers Muz 2002 / 36
Wynton Marsalis Mr. Jelly Lord : standard time vol. 6 Muz 1999 / 44
Reeltime Muz 1999 / 46
Selections from the Village Vanguard Muz 2000 / 43
The Marciac suite Muz 2000 / 43
Claire Martin Too darn hot! Muz 2003 / 28
Hugh Masekela Time Muz 2002 / 27
Lyle Mays Solo : improvisations for expanded piano Muz 2000 / 28
Christian McBride Sci-fi Muz 2001 / 6
Bobby McFerrin Beyond words Muz 2002 / 13
Dave McMurray Nu life stories Muz 2003 / 19
Brad Mehldau Places Muz 2000 / 40
The art of the trio : vol. 4 Back at the... Muz 1999 / 40
Eric Mertens White worker Muz 2001 / 4
Pat Metheny Speaking of now Muz 2002 / 7
Trio 99 -> 00 Muz 2000 / 6
Marcus Miller M2 Muz 2001 / 20
The Ozell tapes : live Muz 2002 / 47
Mulgrew Miller & Wingspan The sequel Muz 2003 / 4
Charles Mingus 80th birthday celebration Muz 2002 / 16
Jane Monheit Never never land Muz 2001 / 10
Thelonious Monk The Columbia years '62-'68 Muz 2001 / 29
Jason Moran Facing left Muz 2000 / 29
Paula Morelenbaum & Ryuichi Sakamoto A day in New York Muz 2003 / 27
Marc Moulin Top secret Muz 2001 / 47
David Murray Like a kiss that never ends Muz 2002 / 4
Octet pleys Trane Muz 2000 / 41
Ted Nash Still evolved Muz 2003 / 28
Kenny Neal One step closer Muz 2001 / 28
New cool collective Bring it on Muz 2002 / 38
Niacin Deep Muz 2000 / 13
Caecilie Norby Queen of bad excuses Muz 1999 / 48
Mark O'Connor's Hot swing In full swing Muz 2003 / 11
Octurn Round Muz 2001 / 4
Greg Osby Inner circle Muz 2002 / 32
The invisible hand Muz 2000 / 12
Tony Overwater Op Muz 2001 / 5
Oysterhead The grand pecking order Muz 2002 / 15
Makoto Ozone Pandora Muz 2001 / 16
Panchora Unn Muz 2000 / 46
Maceo Parker Dial : Maceo Muz 2000 / 23
Dolly Parton Little sparrow Muz 2001 / 9
John Patitucci Imprint Muz 2000 / 15
Songs, stories & spirituals Muz 2003 / 21
Nicholas Payton Nick-night Muz 2000 / 6
Ken Peplowski A tribute to Benny Goodman Muz 2001 / 33
Lucky Peterson Double dealin' Muz 2001 / 15
Oscar Peterson & Michel Legrand Trail of dreams Muz 2000 / 45
Enrico Pieranunzi Alone together Muz 2001 / 23
Don't forget teh poet Muz 1999 / 37
Courtney Pine Back in the day Muz 2000 / 40
Up behind the beat : the collection Muz 2002 / 33
John Pizzarelli Kisses in the rain Muz 2000 / 12
Let there be love Muz 2001 / 8
Live at Birdland Muz 2003 / 27
P.S. mr. Cole Muz 1999 / 48
Chris Potter Traveling mercies Muz 2002 / 42
Doc Powell 97th & Columbus Muz 2003 / 17
Kenny Rankin A song for you Muz 2002 / 39
Rat pack The rat pack live at the Sands Muz 2001 / 49
Joshua Redman Beyond Muz 2000 / 15
Elastic Muz 2003 / 5
Passage of time Muz 2001 / 14
Dianne Reeves In the moment : live in concert Muz 2000 / 29
The calling : celebrating Sarah Vaughan Muz 2001 / 9
Ilja Reijngoud New arrival Muz 2003 / 19
Django Reinhardt Rétrospective 1934-53 Muz 2003 / 26
Han Reiziger Han speelt Reiziger Muz 2002 / 16
Rita Reys The lady strikes again Muz 2000 / 2
Rippingtons & Russ Freeman In the tropics Muz 2001 / 16
Lee Ritenour Rit's house Muz 2002 / 37
Paquito d'Rivera & New York voices Brazilian dreams Muz 2002 / 51
Sonny Rollins This is what I do Muz 2000 / 47
Toon Roos Free at last Muz 2003 / 27
Gerardo Rosales & Edy Martinez Ritmico & pianistico Muz 2001 / 12
Renee Rosnes With a little help from my friends Muz 2001 / 17
Jesse van Ruller Catch! Muz 2001 / 10
Circles Muz 2003 / 25
Trio Muz 2002 / 23
David Sanchez Melaza Muz 2001 / 6
Travesia Muz 2001 / 46
Poncho Sanchez Soul of the conga Muz 2000 / 46
Jarmo Savolainen & Eric Vloeimans Grand style Muz 2000 / 40
Times like these Muz 2002 / 40
Paulien van Schaik & Hein van de Geyn Tenderly Muz 2001 / 28
Wolfgang Schmid Special kick Muz 2002 / 41
Maria Schneider Allégresse Muz 2000 / 43
David Schnitter & Edgar van Asselt Panpals Muz 2003 / 30
Diane Schuur & M. Ferguson Swingin' for Schuur Muz 2001 / 44
John Scofield Bump Muz 2000 / 27
Überjam Muz 2002 / 5
Up all night Muz 2003 / 26
Works for me Muz 2001 / 6
ScoLoHoFo Oh! Muz 2003 / 9
Brian Setzer Vavoom! Muz 2000 / 33
Mark Shim Turbelent flow Muz 2000 / 15
Wayne Shorter Alegría Muz 2003 / 14
Footprints : live! Muz 2002 / 24
Horace Silver Jazz has a sense of humor Muz 1999 / 37
Nina Simone Four women : the Philips recordings Muz 2003 / 29
Denzal Sinclaire I found love Muz 2001 / 16
Soulive Doin' something Muz 2001 / 12
Special EFX & Chieli Minucci Butterfly Muz 2001 / 31
Spyro gyra Original cinema Muz 2003 / 12
St Germain Tourist Muz 2000 / 25
Paul Stark Le-voi-la Muz 1999 / 28
Steely dan Everything must go Muz 2003 / 25
Mike Stern Play Muz 1999 / 41
Voices Muz 2001 / 38
Andy Summers Peggy's blue skylight Muz 2000 / 45
Take 6 Beautiful world Muz 2003 / 26
Steve Tavaglione Silent singing Muz 2000 / 48
James Taylor quartet Espionage : the very best of Muz 2001 / 50
Jacky Terrasson A Paris Muz 2001 / 10
Toots Thielemans & Kenny Werner Toots Thielemans & Kenny Werner Muz 2001 / 47
Tricky Juxtapose Muz 1999 / 34
Erik Truffaz Bending new corners Muz 1999 / 47
The walk of the giant turtle Muz 2003 / 17
Steve Turre In the spur of the moment Muz 2000 / 38
Stanley Turrentine Do you have any sugar? Muz 1999 / 27
McCoy Tyner Jazz roots Muz 2000 / 51
McCoy Tyner, Stanley Clarke & Al Foster McCoy Tyner, Stanley Clarke & Al Foster Muz 2000 / 5
Ugetsu Cape town blues Muz 2000 / 18
Dave Valentin Sunshower Muz 1999 / 48
Ineke Vandoorn Vandoorn uncovered Muz 2002 / 11
Vibes Vibes 4 Muz 2002 / 8
Eric Vloeimans Bruto gusto Muz 2002 / 20
Umai Muz 2000 / 39
Myron Walden Higher ground Muz 2002 / 34
Torben Waldorff & No bass Hello world Muz 2001 / 2
David S. Ware Surrendered Muz 2001 / 3
Grover Washington jr. Aria Muz 2000 / 17
Prime cuts : the Columbia years 87/99 Muz 2000 / 4
Sadao Watanabe Sadao 2000 Muz 2000 / 40
Jeff Tain Watts Bar talk Muz 2002 / 36
Citizen Tain Muz 1999 / 39
Weather report Live & unreleased Muz 2002 / 41
Kirk Whalum Unconditional Muz 2002 / 3
Annie Whitehead The gathering Muz 2000 / 44
Cassandra Wilson Belly of the sun Muz 2002 / 28
Yellowjackets Mint jam Muz 2002 / 19
Joe Zawinul Faces & places Muz 2002 / 39


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