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Heaven (1999-nu) Editie 2 uit 2011

Artiest^ Album^ Recensent^ W^ Verm^

# Bossa nova and the rise of Brazilian music... Philip Nijman
Carice's choice Perry Oostrum 4
#trib Cinnamon girl : women artists cover Neil Y... Eric van Domburg ... 4
Earder as letter : Dylan in het Fries Eric van Domburg ... 3.5
# Gospel celebrities & celestial lights Ruud Heijjer 4
Henry Rollins' choice Perry Oostrum 4
Powerhouse gospel on independent labels 19... Ruud Heijjer
We bring you a king with a head of gold : ... Henk Rijkenbarg
Adele 21 Geert Henderickx
American aquarium Small town hymns Pieter Wijnsteker... 3.5
Amplifier The octopus Joop van Rossem
Asmara all stars Eritrea's got soul Jos Schuring
Charles Aznavour Anthologie : volume 2 1973-1999 (dvd) Eric van Domburg ... 3.5
Banda de turistas Magical radiophonic Eric van Domburg ... 3.5
Emily Barker & the Red clay ha... Almanac Kees van Wee
Anna Beljin When it rains Eric van Domburg ... 4
Black dub Black dub Eric van Domburg ...
Bots Er is genoeg voor iedereen Joop van Rossem
Charles Bradley No time for dreaming Eddie Aarts
Kari Bremnes Fantastisk allerede Pieter Wijnsteker...
British sea power Valhalla dancehall Koos Gijsman
Dennis Brown Crown prince of reggae : singles 1972-1985 Eddie Aarts
Jack Bruce Live at the Milky way 2001 Kees van Wee
Anna Calvi Anna Calvi Eric van Domburg ...
Vinicius Cantuária & Bill Fri... Lágrimas Mexicanas Henning Bolte
Caribbean Discontinued perfume Koos Gijsman
Cave singers No witch Koos Gijsman
Chain & the Gang Music's not for everyone Koos Gijsman 3
Hans Chew Tennessee & other stories Wiebren Rijkeboer
Tom Corbett Tonight I ride Paul van der Lecq 3.5
Cathal Coughlan Rancho tetrahedron Eric van Domburg ...
Crass Penis envy Cees Bronsveld 4
Stations of the Crass Cees Bronsveld 3.5
Corey Dargel Someone will take care of me Eric van Domburg ...
Boo Boo Davis Undercover blues Marcel Haerkens
Decemberists The king is dead Pieter Wijnsteker...
Deep rumba A calm in the fire of dances Eric van Domburg ...
Depeche mode Tour of the universe : Barcelona 20/21.11.... Eric van Domburg ... 3.5
Dolorean The unfazed Frits Barth
Edo Donkers A sense of home Ruud Heijjer
Karsu Dönmez Live aan 't IJ Jos Schuring
Freeman Dre Red floor 2nd floor Kees van Wee 3.5
Drive-by truckers Go-go boots Harmen van Aurich
Dub syndicate The royal variety show : best of Eddie Aarts
Einstürzende Neubauten Strategies against architecture IV : 2002-... Eric van Domburg ...
Ton Engels Alles in de grip Marcel Haerkens
Ensemble Excerpts Paul van der Lecq 3.5
Everything everything Man alive Hans van der Maas
Marianne Faithfull Horses and high heels Paul Stramrood
Sin Fang Summer echoes Roeland Smits
Fields Fields Eric van Domburg ...
Herman Finkers Liever dan geluk Eric van Domburg ... 2
Ella Fitzgerald Reborn and remastered Koos Gijsman 3
Fugs It crawled into my hand, honest Cees Bronsveld 3
Tenderness junction Cees Bronsveld 3
John Fullbright Live at the Blue door Jos Schuring 3
Annie Gallup Weather Pieter Wijnsteker... 3.5
Ganashake Ganashake Marcel Haerkens 3.5
Gazpacho Missa Atropos Hans van der Maas
Cee-Lo Green The lady killer Eric van Domburg ...
Tom Hall California Eric van Domburg ...
Rachel Harrington Celilo falls Pieter Wijnsteker...
Hat check girl Tenderness Pieter Wijnsteker... 4
A Hawk and a hacksaw Cervantine Koos Gijsman 3
Colin Hay Live at the Corner (dvd) Eric van Domburg ... 3
Ruben Hein Loose fit Roeland Smits 3
Dorris Henderson & John Renbou... There you go! Frits Barth
Eric Hilton Babylon central (dvd) Eric van Domburg ... 3.5
Robin Holcomb & Talking pictur... The point of it all Eric van Domburg ...
Lia Ices Grown unknown Kees van Wee 3
Ilanois Chase the sundown with me Hans van der Maas 3.5
Iron & Wine Kiss each other clean Wiebren Rijkeboer
Jam Sound affects Eric van Domburg ...
Joan as Police woman The deep field Geert Henderickx
Norah Jones Featuring Norah Jones Roeland Smits 3.5
Juke joints Going to Chicago! Marcel Haerkens
Basil Kirchin Primitive London (soundtrack) Henk Rijkenbarg
Dennis Kolen Revolution of the romantics Joop van Rossem
Leadbelly The Rough guide to blues legends Cees Bronsveld
Jackie Lee The Duck! Eddie Aarts 3
Gareth Liddiard Strange tourist Paul van der Lecq
Andrew Liles Mind mangled trip monster Henk Rijkenbarg 4
Low anthem Smart flesh Louis Nouws
Francesco Lucarelli Find the light Koos Gijsman 3.5
Madrugada The best of Madrugada Roeland Smits
Sokratis Malamas EXO Koos Gijsman
Mariza Fado tradicional Philip Nijman
Bob Marley and the Wailers Natty dread Bertram Mourits &...
Aurelio Martinez Laru beya Pieter Wijnsteker...
Meadowland Harbours Pieter Wijnsteker... 4
Megaphonic thrift Decay dacoy Eric van Domburg ...
Moondoggies Tidelands Pieter Wijnsteker...
Jeanne Moreau & Étienne Dabo La condamné à mort Hans van der Maas
Gaby Moreno Still the unknown Eric van Domburg ...
Munly & the Lupercalians Petr & the wulf Koos Gijsman
Elliott Murphy Elliott Murphy Koos Gijsman 3
Aaron Neville I know I've been changed Pieter Wijnsteker...
No blues Hela hela Jos Schuring
Nordagust In the mist of morning Hans van der Maas
Edward O'Connell Our little secret Eric van Domburg ...
Old crow medicine show Live at the Orange peel and Tennessee thea... Eric van Domburg ... 4
Orange juice Coals to Newcastle Eric van Domburg ...
Gregory Page Promise of a dream Koos Gijsman
Norman Palm Shore to shore Frits Barth
Rain Perry Internal combustion Ruud Heijjer 3.5
Wilson Pickett Funky midnight mover : the Atlantic studio... Eric van Domburg ...
Pickpocket ensemble Memory Kees van Wee 3.5
Gabriel Ríos The dangerous return Roeland Smits 3.5
Rumer Seasons of my soul Pieter Wijnsteker... 4
Kate Rusby Make the light Koos Gijsman
Laetitia Sadier The trip Eric van Domburg ...
Sand snowman Nostalgia ever after Henk Rijkenbarg
Christian Scott Yesterday you said tomorrow Jos Schuring
7 Walkers 7 Walkers Koos Gijsman
Todd Sharpville Porchlight Joop van Rossem 3
Sleepwater Sleepwater Eric van Domburg ... 3.5
Darden Smith Marathon Pieter Wijnsteker...
Esperanza Spalding Chamber music society Louis Nouws
Heidi Spencer and the Rare bir... Under streetlight glow Paul van der Lecq 3
Spokes Everyone I ever met Roeland Smits
Bruce Springsteen The promise : the Darkness on the edge of ... Harmen van Aurich
Steeldrivers Reckless Pieter Wijnsteker...
Caleb Stine I wan't built for a life like this Pieter Wijnsteker... 4
Stranded horse Humbling tides Henk Rijkenbarg
Amanda Strydom Stroomop Jos Schuring
Jim Sullivan U.F.O. Pieter Wijnsteker...
Sun kil moon Admiral Fell promises Eric van Domburg ...
Dave Tate The houses of healing Eric van Domburg ... 5
Signe Tollefsen Bagage Frits Barth
Boubacar Traoré Mali denhou Jos Schuring
Twilight hotel When the wolves go blind Koos Gijsman
Markos Vamvakaris Master of rembetka, complete recordings 19... Koos Gijsman
John Vanderslice White wilderness Koos Gijsman
Vence Press button start show Eric van Domburg ... 4
María Volonté Portrait Pieter Wijnsteker...
Kanye West My beautiful dark twisted fantasy Eric van Domburg ... 4.5
Emily Jane White Ode to sentience Pieter Wijnsteker...
Cassandra Wilson Silver pony Eric van Domburg ...
Bart de Win Little world Ruud Heijjer
Wire Red barked tree Eric van Domburg ...
Jen Wood Finds you in love Eric van Domburg ...
Steve Wynn & the Miracle 3 Northern aggression Marcel Haerkens
YaYas Paper boat Pieter Wijnsteker...
Zaz Zaz Pieter Wijnsteker...


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