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Heaven (1999-nu) Editie 4 uit 2009

Artiest^ Album^ Recensent^ W^ Verm^

#trib Keep your soul : a tribute to Doug Sahm Eric van Domburg ... 4
# Local customs : downriver revival Ruud Heijjer
#trib Respect : Aretha's influences and inspirat... Cees Bronsveld
# Soundies : comedy & song (dvd) Eric van Domburg ...
The history of rhythm and blues 1942-52 Eric van Domburg ...
Tom Allalone & the 78s Major sins : pt. 1 Roeland Smits
Arborea House of sticks Henk Rijkenbarg
Arkul Il Bastidor Jos Schuring
Dan Auerbach Keep it hid Geert Henderickx
Babylon circus La belle étoile Eddie Aarts
Jon Balke Siwan Henning Bolte
Bat for lashes Two suns Roeland Smits
Julien Bensé Album Frits Barth
Bintangs Fire and iron Roeland Smits
Genuine bull Roeland Smits
Björk Voltaïc (dvd) Eric van Domburg ...
Quincy Blake trio Uneasy listening music Eric van Domburg ...
Bombay dub orchestra 3 cities Jos Schuring 2.5
Joe Bonamassa The ballad of John Henry Joop van Rossem
Maria del mar Bonet Raixa Koos Gijsman
Bowerbirds Upper air Eric van Domburg ... 4
Cristina Branco Kronos Philip Nijman
Kari Bremnes Ly Eric van Domburg ... 4
British sea power Man of Aran Frits Barth
Jim Byrnes My walking stick Koos Gijsman
Izaline Calister Speransa Philip Nijman
Bill Callahan Sometimes I wish we were an eagle Eric van Domburg ...
Adam Carroll Old town rock 'n roll Koos Gijsman
Neko Case Middle cyclone Eric van Domburg ...
Nick Cave and the Bad seeds From her to eternity Eric van Domburg ...
Kicking against the pricks Eric van Domburg ...
The firstborn is dead Eric van Domburg ...
Your funeral trial Eric van Domburg ...
Cocktail slippers Saint Valentine's day massacre Cees Bronsveld
Leonard Cohen Live in London (dvd) Eric van Domburg ...
Paolo Conte Psiche Anneke Ruys
Ry Cooder Chicken skin music Bertram Mourits &...
Daisy Correia Este meu fado Philip Nijman 3
Cracker Sunrise in the land of milk and honey Eric van Domburg ... 3.5
Samantha Crain Songs in the night Eric van Domburg ...
Crook family From the West Pieter Wijnsteker...
Cuby and the Blizzards Cats lost Paul Stramrood
Dengue fever Sleepwalking through the Mekong (dvd) Eric van Domburg ...
Depeche mode Sounds of the universe Koos Gijsman
Dietrich Evok Kees van Wee
John Doe and the Sadies Country club Pieter Wijnsteker...
Peter Doherty Grace / Wastelands Roeland Smits
Doves Kingdom of rust Reinier Vermeer
Dukes of stratosphear 25 o'clock Paul van der Lecq
Psonic psunpot Paul van der Lecq
Antje Duvekot The near demise of the highwire dancer Pieter Wijnsteker... 4
Bob Dylan Together through life Eric van Domburg ...
Steve Earle Townes Pieter Wijnsteker...
Easy star all-stars Easy star's Lonely hearts dub band Dietmar Terpstra
Arthur Ebeling You handsome devil Ruud Heijjer
Elfin saddle Ringing for the begin again Kees van Wee 3.5
Ersatzmusika Songs unrecantable Jos Schuring
Extra golden Thank you very quickly Eric van Domburg ...
Piers Faccini Two grains of sand Hans van der Maas
Fever Ray Fever Ray Anneke Ruys
Lucky Fonz III A family like yours Marc Vos 2.5
Steve Forbert The place and the time Marc Vos 4
Frida's brow Frida's brow Kees van Wee
Burnt Friedman Con ritmo Eric van Domburg ...
Gazpacho Tick tock Koos Gijsman
Great lake swimmers Lost channels Marc Vos
Martin Green Machine First sighting Eric van Domburg ...
Grizzly bear Veckatimest Wiebren Rijkeboer
Martin Hagfors Men and flies Eric van Domburg ...
PJ Harvey & John Parish A woman a man walked by Eric van Domburg ...
Jon Hassell Last night the moon came dropping its clot... Henning Bolte
Mattias Hellberg Out of the frying pan into the woods Eric van Domburg ... 4
Dan Hicks Tangled tales Pieter Wijnsteker... 4
Melanie Horsnell Complicated sweetheart Ruud Heijjer 3
Sophie Hunger Monday's ghost Koos Gijsman
IQ Frequency Eric van Domburg ...
Iron maiden Flight 666 (dvd) Eric van Domburg ...
Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit Jason Isbell and the 400 unit Wiebren Rijkeboer
Kim Janssen The truth is, I am always responsible Louis Nouws
Jaune toujours Ko lektiv Cees Bronsveld
Johan 4 Perry Oostrum
Joyce with Nana Vasconcelos an... Visions of dawn Cees Bronsveld
Eleni Karaindrou Dust of time Koos Gijsman
Elegy of the uprooting (dvd) Eric van Domburg ...
King Creosote Flick the Vs Roeland Smits
Sonny Landreth Levee town Pieter Wijnsteker... 4
Lau Arc light Eric van Domburg ...
Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybea... Tell 'em what your name is! Pieter Wijnsteker...
Eric Lindell Gulf coast highway Ruud Heijjer
Emily Loizeau Pays sauvage Eric van Domburg ...
Long distance calling Avoid the light Hans van der Maas
Austin Lucas Somebody loves you Koos Gijsman
Madame Panita Madame Panita's wax works Pieter Wijnsteker...
Madness The liberty of Norton Folgate Eddie Aarts
The liberty of Norton Folgate Marcel Haerkens
Alise Marlane Room for less Kees van Wee
Mastodon Crack the skye Eric van Domburg ...
Iain Matthews & Searing quarte... Joy mining Marcel Haerkens
Mawkin: Causley The awkward recruit Eric van Domburg ...
Romi Mayes Achin in yer bones Harmen van Aurich
John McCusker Under one sky Eric van Domburg ...
Menahan street band Make the road by walking Pieter Wijnsteker...
Midnight choir Amsterdam stranded Eric van Domburg ...
Mira Stukken van mensen Hans van der Maas
Drew Nelson Dusty road to Beulah land Koos Gijsman
Cyril Neville Brand new blues Ruud Heijjer
Theo Nijland Masterclass Barbara Eggels
Niyaz Nine heavens Jos Schuring
Salim Nourallah Constellation Eric van Domburg ...
Rod Picott & Amanda Shires Sew your heart with wires Paul van der Lecq 3
Scott Pinkmountain & the Golde... The full sun Eric van Domburg ...
Pulpo Hot bread Eric van Domburg ...
Radio kings The Radio kings Frits Barth
Cliff Richard & the Shadows Reunited : 50th anniversary album Eric van Domburg ...
Carrie Rodriguez She ain't me Ruud Heijjer 3
Roberto Rodriguez The first basket Eric van Domburg ...
De Rondos A black & white statement Bram van Schaik
Anni Rossi Rockwell Koos Gijsman
Doug Sahm Juke box music Marc Vos
The last real Texas blues band Marc Vos
Nitin Sawhney London undersound Koos Gijsman
Matt Schofield Heads, tails & aces Joop van Rossem
Naomi Shelton and the Gospel q... What have you done, my brother? Pieter Wijnsteker...
Shiner twins Southern belles Ruud Heijjer
Sarah Slean The baroness Eric van Domburg ... 4
Anne Soldaat In another life Perry Oostrum
Southeast engine From the forest to the sea Eric van Domburg ... 4
Ian Tamblyn Raincoast Kees van Wee 3.5
Superior : spirit and light Kees van Wee 4
Maria Taylor Lady Luck Koos Gijsman
Tommy Tornado Sunrise Eddie Aarts
Allen Toussaint The bright Mississippi Ruud Heijjer
Vassilis Tsabropoulos The promise Hans van der Maas
Ian Tyson Yellowhead to Yellowstone and other love s... Marc Vos
John Vanderslice Romanian names Paul van der Lecq
Patrick Watson Wooden arms Geert Henderickx
Big Daddy Wilson Love is the key Ruud Heijjer
Jesse Winchester Love filling station Cees Bronsveld
Brock Zeman $100 difference Kees van Wee
Dan Zimmerman Cosmic patriot Kees van Wee 3.5


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