Register op Muzieklijstjes

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Theo de Jong

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Aantal recensies 35
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> Genres en kenmerken
> Individuele lijsten
> Recensies

Genre's en kenmerken - top

Kenmerken: Genres

x Heaven

Individuele muzieklijstje(s) - top

Bron Jaar Individuele lijstje(s) Gehele muzieklijst

Heaven 2004 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2004
Heaven 2005 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2005
Heaven 2006 link Heaven - Jaarlijst 2006

Recensies - top

Artiest^ Album^ Ts^ Jaar/Nr^ Verm^

# 10 years of European world of bluegrass ... Hea 2008 / 4
European world of bluegrass Hea 2003 / 2
Full time groovers Hotlanta soul : vol. ... Hea 2000 / 5
I'm a good woman 2 Hea 2001 / 5
Butcher holler A tribute to Loretta Lynn Hea 2010 / 5
Paul Craft Raised by the railroad line Hea 2003 / 2
Eddie Hinton Hard luck guy Hea 1999 / 1
Elliott Murphy & Iain Matthews La terre commune Hea 2001 / 5
Liz Meyer with Nugget Live at the European world of bluegrass Hea 2004 / 2
Liz Meyer The storm Hea 2005 / 3
Geoff Muldaur Private astronomy Hea 2007 / 6
The secret handshake Hea 2007 / 6
David Olney Border crossing Hea 2004 / 6
Contender Hea 2004 / 6
Deeper well Hea 2005 / 6
Deeper well Hea 2004 / 6
Eye of the storm Hea 2004 / 6
Ghosts in the wind Hea 2004 / 6
High, wide and lonesome Hea 2004 / 6
Illegal cargo Hea 2004 / 4
Illegal cargo Hea 2004 / 6
Lenora Hea 2007 / 1
Live in Holland Hea 2004 / 6
Omar's blues Hea 2004 / 6
Real lies Hea 2004 / 6
Roses Hea 2004 / 6
The wheel Hea 2004 / 6
Through a glass darkly Hea 2004 / 6
Top to bottom Hea 2004 / 6
Women across the river : live Hea 2002 / 2
Women across the river : live Hea 2004 / 6
Bob Paisley & the Southern grass Live color of the blues Hea 2004 / 2
Skyland Moon over the water Hea 2003 / 4
Stroatklinkers Stroatje om Hea 2000 / 4
Cary Swinney Big shots Hea 2005 / 6


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