Register op Muzieklijstjes

Alle jaarlijstjes die er toe doen, in één register

J.J. Honders

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Aantal recensies 28
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Kenmerken: Genres

x Aloha

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Recensies - top

Artiest^ Album^ Ts^ Jaar/Nr^ Verm^

# Country music hall of fame Alo 1971 / 47
Hits of the sixties Alo 1971 / 5
Big Brother and the Holding company Be a brother Alo 1971 / 47
Black widow Black widow Alo 1971 / 50
Johnny Cash The Johnny Cash show Alo 1971 / 47
Chicago Chicago II Alo 1971 / 52
Chicago III Alo 1971 / 52
Chicago transit authority Alo 1971 / 52
Cosmic dealer Crystallization Alo 1971 / 5
Cuby and the Blizzards King of the world Alo 1971 / 47
Free Highway Alo 1971 / 5
Peter Green The end of the game Alo 1971 / 1
Carol Hall If I be your lady Alo 1971 / 5
Carole King Tapestry Alo 1971 / 5
Writer Alo 1971 / 5
Lighthouse Peacing it all together Alo 1971 / 47
John & Beverly Martyn The road to ruin Alo 1971 / 6
Johnny Mathis Close to you Alo 1971 / 5
Scott McKenzie Scott McKenzie Alo 1971 / 6
Melanie Melanie at Carnegie hall Alo 1971 / 49
Buddy Miles We got to live together Alo 1971 / 5
Jo Sago Tea and symphony Alo 1971 / 47
Carly Simon Carly Simon Alo 1971 / 5
Skin alley To Pagham and beyond Alo 1971 / 47
Steppenwolf Steppenwolf 7 Alo 1971 / 49
Uriah Heep Salisbury Alo 1971 / 6
Very 'eavy ... very 'umble Alo 1971 / 6
Gary Wright Extraction Alo 1971 / 5


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