Register op Muzieklijstjes

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Aantal recensies 26
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> Genres en kenmerken
> Individuele lijsten
> Recensies

Genre's en kenmerken - top

Kenmerken: Genres

Individuele muzieklijstje(s) - top

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Recensies - top

Artiest^ Album^ Ts^ Jaar/Nr^ Verm^

Adam Ant Vive le rock Oor 1985 / 22
Camper van Beethoven Telephones and landslide victory Oor 1986 / 13
Eugene Chadbourne Country protest Oor 1986 / 2
Chameleons What does anything mean? Basically Oor 1985 / 12
Roger Chapman The shadow knows Oor 1985 / 1
Danny & Dusty The lost weekend Oor 1985 / 19
Exploiting the prophets The thaw Oor 1985 / 7
Explorers The Explorers Oor 1985 / 12
Fugs Refuse to be burnt-out : live in the 198... Oor 1985 / 15
Guadacanal diary Walking in the shadow of the big man Oor 1985 / 12
Jazz butcher A scandal in Bohemia Oor 1985 / 8
Sex and travel Oor 1985 / 15
Udo Lindenberg Radio Eriwahn Oor 1985 / 20
Lollipop shoppe Just color Oor 1985 / 21
Miners of Muzo Apogee Oor 1985 / 7
Part-time Christians Rock & roll is disco Oor 1985 / 9
Pseudo echo Autumnal park Oor 1985 / 6
Red lorry yellow lorry Talk about the weather Oor 1985 / 5
Ruby chain Sharon's smile Oor 1986 / 6
Shockabilly Heaven Oor 1986 / 2
Sid bee game Poison beat Oor 1986 / 14
10.000 Maniacs The wishing chair Oor 1986 / 1
Toy dolls A far out disc Oor 1985 / 21
Varukers Live in Holland Oor 1985 / 8
Zerra I Zerra I Oor 1985 / 3
Zulus The Zulus Oor 1986 / 6


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