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Heaven (1999-nu) Editie 4 uit 2008

Artiest^ Album^ Recensent^ W^ Verm^

# 10 years of European world of bluegrass 19... Theo de Jong 4
African dreamland (Putumayo presents) Willem Hurkmans 3
African party (Putumayo presents) Willem Hurkmans 2.5
Arrow power ballads Joop van Rossem 4
New Orleans funk : the original sound of f... Ruud Heijjer 4
#trib On Vine street : the early songs of Randy ... Cees Bronsveld 4.5
# Soundies : crooners & divas, vocal harmoni... Eric van Domburg ... 3
The Rough guide to African street party Willem Hurkmans 3.5
Rabih Abou-Khalil Em português Henning Bolte 5
Accidental There were wolves Kees van Wee 3
Acetre Dehesario Roeland Smits 4
Adam Takes Henk Rijkenbarg 3.5
Air Moon safari Eric van Domburg ... 4.5
Shane Alexander The sky below Frits Barth 3.5
Al Andaluz project Deus et Diabolus Henning Bolte 3.5
Ian Anneson Jewels in a box Kees van Wee 2.5
Mafalda Arnauth Flor de fado Philip Nijman
Nicole Atkins Neptune city Anneke Ruys
Bad chopper Bad chopper Bram van Schaik 4
Sam Baker Mercy Herman van der Ho...
Pretty world Herman van der Ho...
Cyro Baptista Banquet of the spirits Pieter Wijnsteker... 4.5
Beef The original Eddie Aarts 3.5
Maria Bethânia Dentro do mar tem rio : ao vivo Willem Hurkmans 3.5
Beukorkest Beukorkest Wim Boluijt 4
Blimey! Are you with me? Ruud Heijjer 3.5
Bon iver For Emma, forever ago Koos Gijsman 3
Bone orchard A romance of ghosts Eric van Domburg ... 3.5
Ane Brun Changing of the seasons Geert Henderickx
David Buchbinder Odessa/Havanna Pieter Wijnsteker... 5
Michael Burks Iron man Joop van Rossem 3.5
T-Bone Burnett Tooth of crime Eric van Domburg ... 3
Hayes Carll Trouble in mind Koos Gijsman 3.5
Carolina chocolate drops Heritage Koos Gijsman
Cinematic orchestra Live at the Royal Albert hall 02.11.2007 Perry Oostrum 4
Cloud cult The meaning of 8 Cees Bronsveld 3.5
Colour revolt Plunder, beg and curse Eric van Domburg ... 4
Elvis Costello Momofuku Eric van Domburg ... 4
This year's model Eric van Domburg ... 4.5
Karen Dalton Green rocky road : the loop tapes (Pine st... Pieter Wijnsteker... 3.5
Tim Dawe Penrod Eric van Domburg ... 4
Death cab for cutie Narrow stairs Eric van Domburg ... 4
Deep purple Around the world live (dvd) Eric van Domburg ... 3.5
Dells Sing Dionne Warwicke's greatest hits Eric van Domburg ... 4.5
Thomas Denver Jonsson The lake acts like an ocean Wiebren Rijkeboer 4
Neil Diamond Home before dark Pieter Wijnsteker... 4
Ani DiFranco Not a pretty girl Geert Henderickx
Fred Eaglesmith Tinderbox Cees Bronsveld 4
Justin Townes Earle The good life Harmen van Aurich 4
Felice brothers The Felice brothers Ruud Heijjer 3.5
Festival Come arrow, come! Henk Rijkenbarg 4
Firewater The golden hour Kees van Wee 4
Fleet foxes Sun giant Wim Boluijt 4
Foals Antidotes Eric van Domburg ... 4
Melody Gardot Worrisome heart Paul van der Lecq 4
Tim Gearan No remedy Pieter Wijnsteker... 3.5
Gem New Wim Boluijt 4
Genesis When in Rome : come rain or shine (dvd) Eric van Domburg ... 4
Thea Gilmore Liejacker Kees van Wee 4
Het Goede doel Gekkenwerk Paul Stramrood
Gonzales Soft power Eric van Domburg ... 3.5
Al Green Lay it down Pieter Wijnsteker... 4
El Guincho Alegranza! Eric van Domburg ... 4
Kip Hanrahan Beautiful scars Eric van Domburg ... 4
Roy Harper Stormcock Eric van Domburg ... 4.5
Don 'Sugarcane' Harris Sugar Cane's got the blues Henning Bolte 4.5
Hayden In field & town Eric van Domburg ... 3.5
Yaron Herman A time for everything Henning Bolte 4
John Hiatt Same old man Harmen van Aurich 4
Hollins and Starr Sidewalks talking Pieter Wijnsteker... 4
Hoots & Hellmouth Hoots & Hellmouth Koos Gijsman 4
James Hunter The hard way Eric van Domburg ... 4
Meg Hutchinson Come up full Kees van Wee 3.5
Jethro tull This was Frits Barth 4.5
Joan as Police woman To survive Anneke Ruys
Richard Julian Sunday morning in Saturday's shoes Eric van Domburg ... 4
Kaizers orchestra Maskineri Jos Schuring 3.5
King's X XV Wim Boluijt 4
Mark Kozelek Nights of passed over Wim Boluijt 4
Egon Kracht & the Troupe Troost Ruud Heijjer 4
Sharron Kraus Songs for the twins Henk Rijkenbarg 3.5
The fox's wedding Henk Rijkenbarg 4.5
Daniel Lanois Here is what is (dvd) Eric van Domburg ... 3.5
Last shadow puppets The age of the understatement Wiebren Rijkeboer 4
Nynke Laverman De nacht van de Maisfrou (dvd) Eric van Domburg ... 3.5
Jamie Lidell Jim Perry Oostrum 3.5
Lights Lights Henk Rijkenbarg 4
Aline de Lima Açai Willem Hurkmans 3
Daniël Lohues Allennig II Roeland Smits 3.5
Low You may need a murderer (dvd) Eric van Domburg ... 4
Luciano Jah is my navigator Eddie Aarts 4
Madrugada Madrugada Mariëtte Baks
Madrugada Roeland Smits 4
Man Man Rabbit habits Eric van Domburg ... 4
Boris McCutcheon & the Saltlic... Bad road, good people Kees van Wee 4
Colin Meloy Sings live! Eric van Domburg ... 4
Sergio Mendes Encanto Shlomo de Lara 3.5
Steve Miller band Live from Chicago (dvd) Eric van Domburg ... 3
Minyeshu Dire dawa Jos Schuring 3.5
Joni Mitchell Blue Geert Henderickx
Mondo Leone Mondo Leone Peter Bartlema
Nieuwe liedjes Peter Bartlema
Open deuren naar geluk Peter Bartlema
Morgan heritage Mission in progress Eddie Aarts 3
Motorpsycho Little lucid moments Jos Schuring 4.5
Shawn Mullins Honeydew Pieter Wijnsteker... 3.5
My morning jacket Evil urges Wim Boluijt 4
National A skin, a night (dvd) Eric van Domburg ... 2
Willie Nelson One hell of a ride Pieter Wijnsteker... 5
New bloods The secret life Eric van Domburg ... 3.5
Neco Novellas New dawn : ku khata Mildred Theunisz
Tim O'Brien Chameleon Paul van der Lecq 4
Okieson Tomorrow's gone Wim Boluijt 4
Opeth Watershed Wim Boluijt 3.5
Owl service A garland of song Kees van Wee 3.5
Palodine Garden of deceit Koos Gijsman 3.5
Beata Palya Adieu les complexes Willem Hurkmans 4.5
Dug Pinnick Strum sum up Wim Boluijt 4
Karine Polwart This earthly spell Koos Gijsman 4
Porcupine tree Lightbulb sun Eric van Domburg ... 4
Portishead Third Eric van Domburg ... 4.5
Dede Priest Candy moon Ruud Heijjer 4
Promise and the Monster Transparent knives Eric van Domburg ... 4
Raconteurs Consolers of the lonely Eric van Domburg ... 4
Rapalje Rapalje (dvd) Eric van Domburg ... 2
Eli 'Paperboy' Reed Roll with you Pieter Wijnsteker... 4
Rachel Ries Without a bird Pieter Wijnsteker... 4
Denise Rivera Un nuevo ser Willem Hurkmans 2.5
JW Roy JW Roy Paul Stramrood
Rustlanders The Rustlanders Wiebren Rijkeboer 4
Justin Rutledge Man descending Pieter Wijnsteker... 4
Anabel Santiago Desnuda Willem Hurkmans 3
Mariee Sioux Faces in the rocks Henk Rijkenbarg 4.5
Sleeping years We're becoming islands one by one Frits Barth 4
Kathy Smith Some songs I've saved Eric van Domburg ... 4
Southern tenant folk union Revivals, rituals & union songs Pieter Wijnsteker... 4
Specials The best of the Specials Eddie Aarts 4
Dusty Springfield 40 original hits Pieter Wijnsteker... 4.5
Andy Steele True believers and the guises of the wease... Pieter Wijnsteker... 3.5
Sun kil moon April Wim Boluijt 4
Tally hall Marvin's marvelous mechanical museum Eric van Domburg ... 4
Otis Taylor Recapturing the banjo Pieter Wijnsteker... 4
Thee oh sees The master's bedroom is worth spending a n... Eric van Domburg ... 4
Hans Theessink Visions Marcel Haerkens
Mikis Theodorakis & Yorgos Dal... Axion esti/Romiosini Recensent onbeken...
13 ghosts The strangest colored lights Koos Gijsman 4
Tindersticks The hungry saw Jos Schuring 4
Jill Tracy The bittersweet constrain Kees van Wee 3.5
Trampled by turtles Trouble Harmen van Aurich 4
Martha Wainwright I know you're married but I've got feeling... Paul van der Lecq 4
I know you're married but I've got feeling... Roeland Smits
Watcha clan Diaspora hi-fi : a Mediterranean caravan Willem Hurkmans 3.5
Gillian Welch Time (the revelator) Geert Henderickx
Whiskeytown Strangers almanac Pieter Wijnsteker... 4.5
Kathryn Williams & Nell MacCol... Two Pieter Wijnsteker... 3.5
Lizz Wright The orchard Louis Nouws
Ygdrassil Live at the Folkwoods festival (dvd) Eric van Domburg ... 3
Hans York Young Amelia Kees van Wee 3
Jordan Zevon Insides out Joop van Rossem 3.5


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