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Oor (1971-nu) Editie 2 uit 2007

Artiest^ Album^ Recensent^ W^ Verm^

# A hard nights day : 45 classic singles - a... Jan van der Plas
Battle of Hastings street : raw Detroit bl... Herman van der Ho...
#s DOA - Dead Or Alive (soundtrack) Theo Ploeg
# Even more mellow cats 'n' kittens : hot r&... Herman van der Ho...
#s Ex drummer (soundtrack) Willem Jongeneele...
# Graffiti rock (dvd) Koen Poolman
Groovedelia : 21st century Spanish groove ... Kees Smallegange
#trib Hard workin' man : the Jack Nitzsche story... Herman van der Ho...
# It came from the suburbs : rare teen rock ... Herman van der Ho...
Kamer 306 (dvd) Alex van der Huls...
Late night tales : Nouvelle vague Koen Poolman
Life goes in circles : sounds from the Tal... Pieter Franssen
Psychedelic states : Arkansas in the 60s :... Matthijs Linneman...
Sounds : volume 3 Koen Poolman
#trib The Leiber & Stoller story : volume 2 On t... Herman van der Ho...
# The Mirwood soul story : volume 2 Herman van der Ho...
The Stiff records box set Jan van der Plas
Aardvark De keizer van 't schuone Vloamse lied Willem Jongeneele...
Aborted Slaughter & apparatus : a methodical overt... Wouter Dielesen
Air Pocket symphony Koen Poolman
Alkaline trio Remains Wouter Dielesen
Andromelos Andromelos Nanne Tepper
Apers Reanimate the heart Wouter Dielesen
NQ Arbuckle The last supper in a cheap town Marcel Haerkens
Architecture in Helsinki We died, they remixed Koen Poolman
Au revoir Simone The bird of music Jasper van Vugt
Awkward I Am the king of in between Monte Veldt
Beatles The unseen Beatles (dvd) Willem Bemboom
Dan Bern Breathe Geert Henderickx
Berzerker Animosity Philippus Zandstr...
Besnard lakes The Besnard lakes are the dark horse Matthijs Linneman...
Billie king There you go, my love Willem Jongeneele...
Frank Black Christmass René Megens
Blackfield Blackfield II Frans Steensma
Bloc party A weekend in the city Erik van den Berg
Brand new The devil and God are raging inside of me Philippus Zandstr...
Brandos Over the border Marcel Haerkens
Brinsley schwarz Original golden greats : fifteen thoughts ... Jan van der Plas
Bromheads jacket Dits from the commuter belt Erik van den Berg
James Brown Dynamite X Koen Poolman
Bunalim Bunalim Matthijs Linneman...
Car bomb Centralia Rienk Wopereis
!!! Myth takes Jacob Haagsma
Chris & Carla Fly high brave dreamers Geert Henderickx
Ba Cissoko Electric griot land Pieter Franssen
Cold war kids Robbers & cowards Willem Jongeneele...
Jerry Cole Hot rod twangin' Herman van der Ho...
Comsat angels My mind's eye Willem Jongeneele...
The glamour Willem Jongeneele...
To before Willem Jongeneele...
Confuse the cat We can do it Monte Veldt
Corvus corax Venus vina musica Jean-Paul Heck
Elvis Costello My aim is true Jan van der Plas
Cure Festival 2005 (dvd) Radna Rumping
Cypher Darkday carnival Wouter Dielesen
Karen Dalton It's so hard to tell who's going to love y... Herman van der Ho...
David Karsten Daniels Sharp teeth René Megens
Deerhoof Friend opportunity Matthijs Linneman...
Deerhunter Cryptograms Willem Jongeneele...
Delorean Into the plateau Theo Ploeg
Willy DeVille The Berlin concerts 2002 (dvd) Marcel Haerkens
Suzy Dexter On the moon Rianne van der Mo...
John Digweed Transitions 2 Koen Poolman
DJ Gomez Dance robots, dance! Koen Poolman
Julie Doiron Woke myself up Matthijs Linneman...
Dopplereffekt Gesamtkunstwerk Theo Ploeg
Dr. Feelgood Stupidity Jan van der Plas
Ian Dury and the Blockheads New boots and panties Jan van der Plas
Thomas Dybdahl Science René Megens
End Elementary Wouter Dielesen
Esmaye Elements in me Rianne van der Mo...
Eternals Heavy international Jacob Haagsma
Eva Metamorphosis Jasper van Vugt
Explosions in the sky All of a sudden I miss everyone Jacob Haagsma
Fall Reformation post TLC Willem Jongeneele...
Family stand Super sol nova : volume 1 Kees Smallegange
Field music Tones of town John Denekamp
Foam A small party with no end Willem Jongeneele...
4 Hero Play with the changes Jacob Haagsma
Peter Frampton Comes alive II (dvd) Jean-Paul Heck
Tobias Fröberg Somewhere in the city Monte Veldt
Fu Manchu We must obey Willem Jongeneele...
Funkstörung Appendix Koen Poolman
Garden Round & round Jasper van Vugt
Nick Garrie The lost songs of Nick Garrie-Hamilton Matthijs Linneman...
Ghostface Killah More fish Radna Rumping
Giants of the air I am the co-pilot Willem Jongeneele...
Good Charlotte Fast future generation (dvd) Philippus Zandstr...
Good, the Bad & the Queen The Good, the Bad & the Queen Erik van den Berg
Alex Gopher Alex Gopher Alex van der Huls...
Hacride Amoeba Philippus Zandstr...
Handful of fate Gruesome splendour Nanne Tepper
Barry Hay Victory of bad taste Martinus Euwe
Herman Düne Giant René Megens
Heron Upon reflection : the Dawn anthology Matthijs Linneman...
Kristin Hersh Learn to sing like a star Oene Kummer
High llamas Can cladders Koen Poolman
Him Uneasy listening : vol. 1 Philippus Zandstr...
Hipshakes Shake their hips Nanne Tepper
Catherine Howe What a beautiful place Matthijs Linneman...
Ignatz II Willem Jongeneele...
Joe Jackson Look sharp! Jan van der Plas
Michael James Runaway world Matthijs Linneman...
Jamie T Panic prevention Yorick Buwalda
Jazzanova Belle et fou Koen Poolman
Norah Jones Not too late Kees Smallegange
Rickie Lee Jones The sermon on exposition boulevard René Megens
Kaiser chiefs Yours truly, angry mob Tom Engelshoven
Kamijo Martha Matthijs Linneman...
King biscuit time Black gold Willem Jongeneele...
Klaxons Myths of the near future Jasper van Vugt
Bassekou Kouyaté & Ngoni Ba Segu blue Pieter Franssen
Lady Sovereign Public warning Alex van der Huls...
Larsson This is Larsson Willem Jongeneele...
Loney, dear Sologne John Denekamp
Nick Lowe Jesus of cool Jan van der Plas
Nick Luca Sick of love René Megens
Madonna The confessions tour (dvd) Willem Bemboom
Maestro Mikel Alle kanten op Alex van der Huls...
Magic lady Hot ' n' sassy Kees Smallegange
Make good your escape Never look back here again Monte Veldt
Marah Sooner or later in Spain (dvd) Willem Jongeneele...
Marynka 2 much is not enough Pieter Franssen
Masterplan Mark II Hans van den Heuv...
Malcolm Middleton A brighter beat Koen Poolman
Neal Morse Sola scriptura Jean-Paul Heck
Mos def True magic Radna Rumping
Moss The long way back Willem Jongeneele...
Mstrkrft The looks Monte Veldt
Pete Murray See the sun Jean-Paul Heck
My architects Grand designs John Denekamp
Nahemah The second philosophy Wouter Dielesen
Nina De lastigste Radna Rumping
Nox Ixaxaar Wouter Dielesen
Only crime Virulence Wouter Dielesen
Opgezwolle Eigen wereld : de albumfilm (dvd) Radna Rumping
Opposites Rauwdauw Radna Rumping
Mustafa Özkent Genclik ile elele Matthijs Linneman...
Tito Paris Acústico Dick Hovenga
Graham Parker Heat treatment Jan van der Plas
Phased Medications Theo Ploeg
Pete Philly & Perquisite Remindstate Radna Rumping
Ponoka Hindsight Willem Jongeneele...
Pure reason revolution The dark third Frans Steensma
Radical face Ghost John Denekamp
Red harvest A greater darkness Philippus Zandstr...
Red zone Cuba Graveyard pussy Theo Ploeg
Richmond Fontaine Thirteen cities René Megens
Jesse Rose Body language : vol. 3 Koen Poolman
Rotting Christ Theogonia Wouter Dielesen
Ruben Exceptional Kees Smallegange
Sammath Dodengang Wouter Dielesen
Roger Sanchez Choice : a collection of classics Koen Poolman
Savalas Savalas Willem Jongeneele...
Shiner twins All in store Geert Henderickx
Sister Vanilla Little pop rock Willem Jongeneele...
16 Down F.L.O. Hans van den Heuv...
Spores Imagine the future Willem Jongeneele...
Meindert Talma & the Negroes Nu geloof ik wat er in de Bijbel staat Willem Jongeneele...
JP den Tex Bad French Marcel Haerkens
Thee fine lines Set you straight Nanne Tepper
Thee midniters In Thee midnite hour!! Herman van der Ho...
30 Seconds to Mars A beautiful lie Rienk Wopereis
Tokyo police club A lesson in crime Erik van den Berg
Trees The Christ tree Matthijs Linneman...
La Troba Kung-Fú Clavell morenet Dick Hovenga
Tuk Shallow water blackout Willem Jongeneele...
Van dik hout Alles waar ik nooit aan begon Oene Kummer
Vive la fête Vive les remixes Koen Poolman
Wazoo Wazoo Matthijs Linneman...
Lucinda Williams West Geert Henderickx
Within temptation The heart of everything Jean-Paul Heck
Woody & Paul Home Monte Veldt
Young Jeezy The inspiration Radna Rumping


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