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Wire - records of the year 2000 - Various Artists compilations

Bron Wire
Jaar 2000
Aantal titels in dit lijstje 40

Artiest^ Album^ Jaar^ Rec^

#s Bollywood funk 2000 2
# Caipirissima : Batucada electronica 2000
Cleveland confidential 2000
Clicks + cuts 2000 2
Deep ska : 80 original ska classics 1999 2
Definition of ill 2000
Disco not disco 2000 1
Doughboys, playboys and cowboys 1999 3
Droppin' science : the best of cold chillin' mixed by Marley Marl 1999 1
Early modulations : vintage Volts 2000
Fagjazz 2000
Flashback 6 American war songs : Hitler & hell 2000 1
Frikyiwa collection : vol. 1 2000
Hmm 2000 1
Jazz non : a collection of Norwegian noise 2000
Jazzactuel 2013 2
New Orleans funk (the original sound of funk 1960-'75) 2000 1
Ohm : the early gurus of electronic music 1948-1980 2000 3
Plus 8 classics 1990-1997 2000 1
Schoolhouse funk 2000
Slidin' on the streets : Hawaiian steel guitar phenomenon 2000
Solesides : greatest bumps 2000 1
Studio One rockers 2001 5
T-zero-0 2000
Teenage shutdown : volume 01 1998 2
Teenage shutdown : volume 02 1998 2
Teenage shutdown : volume 03 1998 2
Teenage shutdown : volume 04 1998 1
Teenage shutdown : volume 05 1998 1
Teenage shutdown : volume 06 1998 1
Teenage shutdown : volume 07 1998 1
Teenage shutdown : volume 08 1998 1
Teenage shutdown : volume 09 1998 1
Teenage shutdown : volume 10 1998 1
Teknoville : volume six 1998 1
Unclassical 01 2000
Voices in my lunchbox 2000
Women of rembetika 2000
Xen cuts (Ninja turtles/Zomba) 2000 3
Kid 606 Kid 606 & friends : vol. 1 2000


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