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Q - dé albums van 1996

Bron Q
Jaar 1996
Aantal titels in dit lijstje 50

Artiest^ Album^ Jaar^ Rec^

# Metalheadz presents platinum breakz 1996 2
Ash 1977 1996 6
Auteurs After murder park 1996 5
Baby Bird Ugly beautiful 1996 2
Babylon zoo The boy with the X-ray eyes 1996 2
Beautiful South Blue is the colour 1996 2
Beck Odelay 1996 9
Blue Nile Peace at last 1996 5
Billy Bragg William Bloke 1996 3
Cardigans First band on the moon 1996 4
Def leppard Slang 1996 4
Divine comedy Casanova 1996 4
DJ Shadow Endtroducing 1996 8
Dodgy Free peace sweet 1996 3
Earl Brutus Your majesty ... we are here 1996 4
Everything but the girl Walking wounded 1996 6
Ben Folds five Ben Folds five 1995 2
Fugees The score 1996 5
Genius/GZA Liquid swords 1995 6
Joe Henry Trampoline 1996 4
Iona Journey into the morn 1996 1
Kris Kristofferson A moment of forever 1995 2
Kula Shaker K 1996 5
Lightning seeds Dizzy heights 1996 4
Cheikh Lô Né la Thiass 1996 4
Longpins The sun is often out 1996 2
Manic street preachers Everything must go 1996 15
George Michael Older 1996 7
Nas It was written 1996 3
New edition Home again 1996 2
Nirvana From the muddy banks of the Whiskah 1996 4
Ocean colour scene Moseley shoals 1996 3
Orbital In sides 1996 3
Pearl jam No code 1996 5
Pet shop boys Bilingual 1996 5
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers She's the one (soundtrack) 1996 3
Courtney Pine Modern day jazz stories 1995 1
R.E.M. New adventures in hi-fi 1996 12
Lou Reed Set the twilight reeling 1996 4
Tony Rich project Words 1996 3
Patti Rothberg Between the 1 and the 9 1996 3
Screaming trees Dust 1996 6
Patti Smith Gone again 1996 3
Sparklehorse Vivadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot 1995 4
Sting Mercury falling 1996 4
Suede Coming up 1996 11
Super furry animals Fuzzy logic 1996 7
Terrorvision Regular urban survivors 1996 1
Underworld Second toughest in the infants 1996 6
Norma Waterson Norma Waterson 1996 2


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