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Metal hammer - jaarlijst 2008

Bron Metal hammer
Jaar 2008
Aantal titels in dit lijstje 50

Pos^ Artiest^ Album^



  1 Death magnetic
2008 5
  2 Watershed
2008 5
  3 Black ice
2008 6
  4 The formation of damnation
2008 2
  5 The way of all flesh
2008 1
  6 Twilight of the thunder god
Amon Amarth
2008 1
  7 All hope is gone
2008 5
  8 Obzen
2008 1
  9 Iron will
Grand magus
2008 1
 10 Blooddrunk
Children of Bodom
2008 3
 11 Trivium Shogun 2008 3
 12 Cancer bats Hail destroyer 2008 2
 13 Cavalera conspiracy Inflikted 2008 5
 14 Ihsahn Angl 2008 1
 15 Satyricon The age of Nero 2008 3
 16 Black stone cherry Folklore and superstition 2008
 17 Airbourne Runnin' wild 2008 3
 18 Nine inch nails The slip 2008 3
 19 Sword Gods of the Earth 2008 3
 20 Motörhead Motörizer 2008 6
 21 Enslaved Vertebrae 2008 2
 22 Cynic Traced in air 2008 1
 23 Melvins Nude with boots 2008 3
 24 36 Crazyfists The tide and its takers 2008 2
 25 Judas priest Nostradamus 2008 4
 26 Bleeding through Declaration 2008 1
 27 Haunted Versus 2008 1
 28 Alice Cooper Along came a spider 2008 4
 29 Black light burns Cruel melody 2008 2
 30 Torche Meanderthal 2008 2
 31 Soulfly Conquer 2008 3
 32 Blood ceremony Blood ceremony 2008 1
 33 Valient thorr Immortalizer 2008 2
 34 Mindless self indulgence If 2008 1
 35 Underoath Lost in the sound of separation 2008
 36 Nachtmystium Assassins 2008
 37 Mötley crüe Saints of Los Angeles 2008 4
 38 In flames A sense of purpose 2008 3
 39 Death angel Killing season 2008 1
 40 Firewind The premonition 2008
 41 Sahg II 2008
 42 Disturbed Indestructible 2008 2
 43 Lair of the Minotaur War metal battle master 2008
 44 Dragonforce Ultra beatdown 2008 2
 45 Walls of Jericho The American dream 2008
 46 Iced Earth The crucible of man (something wicked part 2) 2008 3
 47 Bring me the horizon Suicide season 2008 1
 48 Hate eternal Fury & flames 2008 1
 49 Witch Paralyzed 2008 2
 50 Cult of Luna Eternal kingdom 2008 2


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