Alle jaarlijstjes die er toe doen, in één register
Bron | Lust for Life |
Jaar | 2021 |
Aantal titels in dit lijstje | 12 |
Link | |
Artiest^ | Album^ | Jaar^ | Rec^ |
America | Homecoming | 1973 | 3 |
Beach boys | Sunflower | 1970 | 11 |
Jackson Browne | Late for the sky | 1974 | 6 |
Lindsey Buckingham & Stevie Nicks | Buckingham Nicks | 1973 | 5 |
Crosby, Stills & Nash | CSN | 1977 | 4 |
Ned Doheny | Hard candy | 1976 | 3 |
Eagles | Hotel California | 1976 | 9 |
Joni Mitchell | Blue | 1971 | 10 |
Poco | Pickin' up the pieces | 1969 | 3 |
Linda Ronstadt | Heart like a wheel | 1974 | 6 |
Judee Sill | Judee Sill | 1971 | 6 |
James Taylor | Sweet baby James | 1970 | 3 |