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Oorjaarlijsten van Patrick Oxsener



1996 1 Tool Aenima 7
2 Tripping daisy I am an elastic firecracker 1
3 Fun lovin' criminals Come find yourself 10
4 Laberinto Priority 2
5 Caesar Clean 3
6 Pearl jam No code 1
7 Cure Wild mood swing 2
8 Johan Johan 4
9 Korn Life is peachy 4
10 Human alert Bravo boys 1
1997 1 G. Love & Special sauce Yeah, it's easy 1
2 NRA Fuel 2
3 Supergrass In it for the money 4
4 Travoltas Baja California 1
5 Life of agony Soul searching sun 2
6 Lords of Mulu A forest called Mulu 1
7 Incubus S.C.I.E.N.C.E. 1
8 Portishead Portishead 4
9 35007 35007 1
10 Ashbury faith Zed 1
1998 1 Kid Loco A grand love story 1
2 Caesar No rest for the alonely 6
3 Marilyn Manson Mechanical animals 5
4 Mark Lanegan Scraps at midnight 1
5 Oasis The masterplan 1
6 Calexico The black light 8
7 Elliott Smith XO 15
8 Cypress hill Cypress hill 4 1
9 Air Moon safari 14
10 Extince Binnenlandse funk 4
2003 1 Mars volta De-loused in the comatorium 10
2 Cardigans Long gone before daylight 2
3 Ryan Adams Rock n roll 1
4 Oceansize Effloresce 2
5 Ed Harcourt From every sphere 2
6 A Perfect circle Thirteenth step 4
7 McKay McKay 1
8 Tuesday child Vital signs 1
9 Tegan & Sara If it was you 1
10 Travis 12 memories 1
2004 1 Brian Wilson Smile 4
2 Nellie McKay Get away from me 2
3 Elliott Smith From a basement on the hill 2
4 Björk Medúlla 1
5 Solo Songs 'n sounds 2
6 Cure The Cure 1
7 Madeleine Peyroux Careless love 1
8 Republic of Loose This is the tomb of the juice 1
9 Streets A grand don't come for free 4
10 N.E.R.D. Fly or die 4

Speciale Oorlijstjes
Aller tijden 1 Beatles Abbey road 5
2 Tool Aenima 6
3 Brian Wilson Smile 1
4 Beatles Revolver 12
5 R.E.M. Life's rich pageant 2
6 Soundgarden Superunknown 1
7 Elliott Smith Either/Or 1
8 Beastie boys Paul's boutique 2
9 Jeff Buckley Grace 9
10 Red hot chili peppers The uplift mofo party plan 2
Nederpop 1 Urban dance squad Mental floss for the globe 49
2 Johan Pergola 22
3 Gotcha! Gotcha! Gotcha! Gotcha! 3
4 Caesar No rest for the alonely 9
5 Doe maar Skunk 12
6 Hallo Venray The more I laugh, the hornier due gets! 4
7 Golden earring Moontan 15
8 Urban dance squad Persona non grata 5
9 Bettie serveert Palomine 18
10 Tol Hansse Moet niet zeuren! 2
Jaren nul 1 Amy Winehouse Back to black 16
2 Johan Pergola 8
3 Dixie chicks Taking the long way 1
4 Brian Wilson Smile 4
5 Mars volta De-loused in the comatorium 7
6 Elliott Smith Figure 8 1
7 Ryan Adams Cold roses 1
8 Lily Allen Alright, still 2
9 Arctic monkeys Favourite worst nightmare 5
10 M.I.A. Arular 3


Ryan Adams Cold roses 1
Ryan Adams Rock n roll 1
Air Moon safari 14
Lily Allen Alright, still 2
Arctic monkeys Favourite worst nightmare 5
Ashbury faith Zed 1
Beastie boys Paul's boutique 2
Beatles Abbey road 5
Beatles Revolver 12
Bettie serveert Palomine 18
Björk Medúlla 1
Jeff Buckley Grace 9
Caesar Clean 3
Caesar No rest for the alonely 6
Caesar No rest for the alonely 9
Calexico The black light 8
Cardigans Long gone before daylight 2
Cure The Cure 1
Cure Wild mood swing 2
Cypress hill Cypress hill 4 1
Dixie chicks Taking the long way 1
Doe maar Skunk 12
Extince Binnenlandse funk 4
Fun lovin' criminals Come find yourself 10
Golden earring Moontan 15
Gotcha! Gotcha! Gotcha! Gotcha! 3
Hallo Venray The more I laugh, the hornier due gets! 4
Tol Hansse Moet niet zeuren! 2
Ed Harcourt From every sphere 2
Human alert Bravo boys 1
Incubus S.C.I.E.N.C.E. 1
Johan Johan 4
Johan Pergola 22
Johan Pergola 8
Kid Loco A grand love story 1
Korn Life is peachy 4
Laberinto Priority 2
Mark Lanegan Scraps at midnight 1
Life of agony Soul searching sun 2
Lords of Mulu A forest called Mulu 1
G. Love & Special sauce Yeah, it's easy 1
M.I.A. Arular 3
Nellie McKay Get away from me 2
Marilyn Manson Mechanical animals 5
Mars volta De-loused in the comatorium 10
Mars volta De-loused in the comatorium 7
McKay McKay 1
N.E.R.D. Fly or die 4
NRA Fuel 2
Oasis The masterplan 1
Oceansize Effloresce 2
Pearl jam No code 1
A Perfect circle Thirteenth step 4
Madeleine Peyroux Careless love 1
Portishead Portishead 4
R.E.M. Life's rich pageant 2
Red hot chili peppers The uplift mofo party plan 2
Republic of Loose This is the tomb of the juice 1
Elliott Smith Either/Or 1
Elliott Smith Figure 8 1
Elliott Smith From a basement on the hill 2
Elliott Smith XO 15
Solo Songs 'n sounds 2
Soundgarden Superunknown 1
Streets A grand don't come for free 4
Supergrass In it for the money 4
Tegan & Sara If it was you 1
35007 35007 1
Tool Aenima 7
Tool Aenima 6
Travis 12 memories 1
Travoltas Baja California 1
Tripping daisy I am an elastic firecracker 1
Tuesday child Vital signs 1
Urban dance squad Mental floss for the globe 49
Urban dance squad Persona non grata 5
Brian Wilson Smile 4
Brian Wilson Smile 1
Brian Wilson Smile 4
Amy Winehouse Back to black 16

(woensdag 4 mei 2022)